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/* mbed Microcontroller Library
* Copyright (c) 2014, Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
* All rights reserved.
* This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
* possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
#include "objects.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "us_ticker_api.h"
#include "PeripheralNames.h"
#define TICK_READ_FROM_CPU 0 // 1: read tick from CPU, 0: read tick from G-Timer
#define SYS_TIM_ID 1 // the G-Timer ID for System
#define APP_TIM_ID 6 // the G-Timer ID for Application
static int us_ticker_inited = 0;
static TIMER_ADAPTER TimerAdapter;
extern HAL_TIMER_OP HalTimerOp;
VOID _us_ticker_irq_handler(IN VOID *Data)
void us_ticker_init(void)
if (us_ticker_inited) return;
us_ticker_inited = 1;
// Initial a G-Timer
TimerAdapter.IrqDis = 1; // Disable Irq
TimerAdapter.IrqHandle.IrqFun = (IRQ_FUN) _us_ticker_irq_handler;
TimerAdapter.IrqHandle.IrqNum = TIMER2_7_IRQ;
TimerAdapter.IrqHandle.Priority = 10;
TimerAdapter.IrqHandle.Data = (u32)NULL;
TimerAdapter.TimerId = APP_TIM_ID;
TimerAdapter.TimerIrqPriority = 0;
TimerAdapter.TimerLoadValueUs = 1;
TimerAdapter.TimerMode = FREE_RUN_MODE; // Countdown Free Run
HalTimerOp.HalTimerInit((VOID*) &TimerAdapter);
DBG_TIMER_INFO("%s: Timer_Id=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, APP_TIM_ID);
uint32_t us_ticker_read()
uint32_t tick_cnt;
uint32_t ticks_125ms;
uint32_t ticks_remain;
uint64_t us_tick;
//1 Our G-timer resolution is ~31 us (1/32K), and is a countdown timer
// if (!us_ticker_inited) {
// us_ticker_init();
// }
tick_cnt = HalTimerOp.HalTimerReadCount(SYS_TIM_ID);
tick_cnt = 0xffffffff - tick_cnt; // it's a down counter
ticks_125ms = tick_cnt/(GTIMER_CLK_HZ/8);
ticks_remain = tick_cnt - (ticks_125ms*(GTIMER_CLK_HZ/8));
us_tick = ticks_125ms * 125000;
us_tick += (ticks_remain * 1000000)/GTIMER_CLK_HZ;
return ((uint32_t)us_tick);
// if the system tick didn't be initialed, call delay function may got system hang
#define OS_CLOCK (200000000UL/6*5) // CPU clock = 166.66 MHz
#define OS_TICK 1000 // OS ticks 1000/sec
#define OS_TRV ((uint32_t)(((double)OS_CLOCK*(double)OS_TICK)/1E6)-1)
#define NVIC_ST_CTRL (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E010))
#define NVIC_ST_RELOAD (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E014))
#define NVIC_ST_CURRENT (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E018))
extern uint32_t xTaskGetTickCount( void );
uint32_t us_ticker_read()
uint32_t tick_cnt;
uint32_t us_tick, ms;
static uint32_t last_us_tick=0;
ms = xTaskGetTickCount();
us_tick = (uint32_t)(ms*1000);
tick_cnt = OS_TRV - NVIC_ST_CURRENT;
us_tick += (uint32_t)((tick_cnt*1000)/(OS_TRV+1) );
if ( (last_us_tick > us_tick) && (last_us_tick < 0xFFFFFC00) ) {
us_tick += 1000;
last_us_tick = us_tick;
return us_tick;
void us_ticker_set_interrupt(timestamp_t timestamp)
uint32_t cur_time_us;
uint32_t time_def;
cur_time_us = us_ticker_read();
if ((uint32_t)timestamp >= cur_time_us) {
time_def = (uint32_t)timestamp - cur_time_us;
else {
time_def = 0xffffffff - cur_time_us + (uint32_t)timestamp;
if (time_def < TIMER_TICK_US) {
time_def = TIMER_TICK_US; // at least 1 tick
TimerAdapter.IrqDis = 0; // Enable Irq
TimerAdapter.TimerLoadValueUs = time_def;
TimerAdapter.TimerMode = USER_DEFINED; // Countdown Free Run
HalTimerOp.HalTimerInit((VOID*) &TimerAdapter);
void us_ticker_disable_interrupt(void)
void us_ticker_clear_interrupt(void)