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JSON for Modern C++
These pages contain the API documentation of JSON for Modern C++, a C++11 header-only JSON class.
- @link nlohmann::basic_json
class @endlink - Types
- @link nlohmann::basic_json::array_t arrays @endlink
- @link nlohmann::basic_json::object_t objects @endlink
- @link nlohmann::basic_json::string_t strings @endlink
- @link nlohmann::basic_json::boolean_t booleans @endlink
- numbers
- @link nlohmann::basic_json::number_integer_t signed integers @endlink
- @link nlohmann::basic_json::number_unsigned_t unsigned integers @endlink
- @link nlohmann::basic_json::number_float_t floating-point @endlink
@copyright Copyright © 2013-2016 Niels Lohmann. The code is licensed under the MIT License.
@author Niels Lohmann @see https://github.com/nlohmann/json to download the source code
@version 2.0.0