Cleanup and some changes to make implementation a bit more conforming to the standard.

This commit is contained in:
doragasu 2016-03-13 18:29:30 +01:00
parent f14025b1c7
commit 9651692ca2
3 changed files with 93 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include <ssid_config.h>
// Add extras/sntp component to makefile for this include to work
/* Add extras/sntp component to makefile for this include to work */
#include <sntp.h>
#define SNTP_SERVERS "", "", \
@ -29,71 +29,36 @@
#define vTaskDelayMs(ms) vTaskDelay((ms)/portTICK_RATE_MS)
#define UNUSED_ARG(x) (void)x
// Use GPIO pin 2
const int gpio_frc2 = 2;
// 1 Hz blink frequency
const int freq_frc2 = 1;
void SntpTsk(void *pvParameters)
void sntp_tsk(void *pvParameters)
char *servers[] = {SNTP_SERVERS};
// Wait until we have joined AP and are assigned an IP
/* Wait until we have joined AP and are assigned an IP */
while (sdk_wifi_station_get_connect_status() != STATION_GOT_IP) {
// Start SNTP
/* Start SNTP */
printf("Starting SNTP... ");
sntp_initialize(1, 0);
/* SNTP will request an update each 5 minutes */
/* Set GMT+1 zone, daylight savings off */
const struct timezone tz = {1*60, 0};
/* SNTP initialization */
/* Servers must be configured right after initialization */
sntp_set_servers(servers, sizeof(servers) / sizeof(char*));
// struct timespec ts;
// clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
// printf("Time resolution: %d secs, %d nanosecs\n", t.tv_sec, t.tv_nsec);
// clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t);
// printf("Time: %d secs, %d nanosecs\n", t.tv_sec, t.tv_nsec);
/* Print date and time each 5 seconds */
while(1) {
time_t ts = sntp_get_rtc_time(NULL);
time_t ts = time(NULL);
printf("TIME: %s", ctime(&ts));
void frc2_interrupt_handler(void)
/* FRC2 needs the match register updated on each timer interrupt */
timer_set_frequency(FRC2, freq_frc2);
// Configure FRC2 to blink the LED. I'm messing with FRC2 just to test if
// it does affect FreeRTOS.
void Frc2Config(void) {
/* configure GPIO */
gpio_enable(gpio_frc2, GPIO_OUTPUT);
gpio_write(gpio_frc2, 1);
/* stop timer and mask its interrupt as a precaution */
timer_set_interrupts(FRC2, false);
timer_set_run(FRC2, false);
/* set up ISR */
_xt_isr_attach(INUM_TIMER_FRC2, frc2_interrupt_handler);
/* configure timer frequency */
timer_set_frequency(FRC2, freq_frc2);
/* unmask interrupt and start timer */
timer_set_interrupts(FRC2, true);
timer_set_run(FRC2, true);
void user_init(void)
uart_set_baud(0, 115200);
@ -108,9 +73,6 @@ void user_init(void)
// Mess with FRC2 to test if it interferes with FreeRTOS
xTaskCreate(SntpTsk, (signed char *)"SNTP", 1024, NULL, 1, NULL);
xTaskCreate(sntp_tsk, (signed char *)"SNTP", 1024, NULL, 1, NULL);

View file

@ -9,48 +9,74 @@
#define _SNTP_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
/// Update SNTP RTC timer
void sntp_update_rtc(time_t t, uint32_t us);
/// Function used to update the date/time, with microseconds resolution.
* Function used by lwIP sntp module to update the date/time,
* with microseconds resolution.
#define SNTP_SET_SYSTEM_TIME_US(sec, us) sntp_update_rtc(sec, us)
/// For the lwIP implementation of SNTP to allow using names for NTP servers.
* For the lwIP implementation of SNTP to allow using names for NTP servers.
/// Number of supported NTP servers
* Number of supported NTP servers
/// Initialize the module, and start requesting SNTP updates. This function
/// must be called only once.
void sntp_initialize(int time_zone, int day_light);
* Initialize the module, and start requesting SNTP updates. This function
* must be called only once.
* WARNING: tz->tz_dsttime doesn't have the same meaning as the standard
* implementation. If it is set to 1, a dst hour will be applied. If set
* to zero, time will not be modified.
void sntp_initialize(const struct timezone *tz);
/// Sets time zone. Allowed values are in the range [-11, 13].
/// NOTE: Settings do not take effect until SNTP time is updated. It is
void sntp_set_timezone(int time_zone);
* Sets time zone. Allowed values are in the range [-11, 13].
* NOTE: Settings do not take effect until SNTP time is updated. It is
* recommended to set these parameters only during initialization.
* WARNING: tz->tz_dsttime doesn't have the same meaning as the standard
* implementation. If it is set to 1, a dst hour will be applied. If set
* to zero, time will not be modified.
void sntp_set_timezone(const struct timezone *tz);
/// Sets daylight.
/// NOTE: Settings do not take effect until SNTP time is updated.
void sntp_set_daylight(int day_light);
/// Returns the time read from RTC counter, in seconds from Epoch. If
/// us is not null, it will be filled with the microseconds.
time_t sntp_get_rtc_time(int32_t *us);
/// Returns the time in seconds since Epoch. If tloc is not NULL, return
/// value is also stored in the memory pointed by tloc.
* Returns the time in seconds since Epoch. If tloc is not NULL, return
* value is also stored in the memory pointed by tloc.
time_t time(time_t *tloc);
/// Set SNTP servers. Up to SNTP_NUM_SERVERS_SUPPORTED can be set.
/// Returns 0 if OK, less than 0 if error.
/// NOTE: This function must NOT be called before sntp_initialize().
* Set SNTP servers. Up to SNTP_NUM_SERVERS_SUPPORTED can be set.
* Returns 0 if OK, less than 0 if error.
* NOTE: This function must NOT be called before sntp_initialize().
int sntp_set_servers(char *server_url[], int num_servers);
/// Sets the update delay in ms. If requested value is less than 15s,
/// a 15s update interval will be set.
* Sets the update delay in ms. If requested value is less than 15s,
* a 15s update interval will be set.
void sntp_set_update_delay(uint32_t ms);
* Returns the time read from RTC counter, in seconds from Epoch. If
* us is not null, it will be filled with the microseconds.
time_t sntp_get_rtc_time(int32_t *us);
* Update RTC timer. This function is called by the SNTP module each time
* an SNTP update is received.
void sntp_update_rtc(time_t t, uint32_t us);
#endif /* _SNTP_H_ */

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include <sys/reent.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <espressif/esp_common.h>
#include <esp/timer.h>
@ -15,7 +14,6 @@
#include "sntp.h"
#define __UNUSED(var) (void)var
// daylight settings
// Base calculated with value obtained from NTP server (64 bits)
@ -24,47 +22,35 @@
#define tim_ref (RTC.SCRATCH[2])
// Calibration value
#define cal (RTC.SCRATCH[3])
// Timezone (-11 to +13)
static int8_t tz;
// Daylight savings
static bool dst;
//// Setters and getters for CAL, TZ and DST.
//#define RTC_CAL_SET(val) (RTC.SCRATCH[3] |= (val) & 0x0000FFFF)
//#define RTC_DST_SET(val) (RTC.SCRATCH[3] |= ((val)<<16) & 0x00010000)
//#define RTC_TZ_SET(val) (RTC.SCRATCH[3] |= ((val)<<24) & 0xFF000000)
//#define RTC_CAL_GET() (RTC.SCRATCH[3] & 0x0000FFFF)
//#define RTC_DST_GET() ((RTC.SCRATCH[3] & 0x00010000)>>16)
//#define RTC_TZ_GET() ((((int)RTC.SCRATCH[3]) & ((int)0xFF000000))>>24)
// Timezone related data.
static struct timezone stz;
// Implemented in sntp.c
void sntp_init(void);
// Sets time zone. Allowed values are in the range [-11, 13].
// Sets time zone.
// NOTE: Settings do not take effect until SNTP time is updated.
void sntp_set_timezone(int time_zone) {
tz = time_zone;
void sntp_set_timezone(const struct timezone *tz) {
if (tz) {
stz = *tz;
} else {
stz.tz_minuteswest = 0;
stz.tz_dsttime = 0;
// Sets daylight.
// NOTE: Settings do not take effect until SNTP time is updated.
void sntp_set_daylight(int day_light) {
dst = day_light;
void sntp_initialize(int time_zone, int day_light) {
// Initialization
void sntp_initialize(const struct timezone *tz) {
if (tz) {
stz = *tz;
} else {
stz.tz_minuteswest = 0;
stz.tz_dsttime = 0;
sntp_base = 0;
tz = time_zone;
dst = day_light;
// To avoid div by 0 exceptions if requesting time before SNTP config
cal = 1;
tim_ref = TIMER_COUNT;
@ -91,25 +77,25 @@ inline time_t sntp_get_rtc_time(int32_t *us) {
// Check for timer wrap
base = sntp_base + tim - tim_ref;
// secs = base * RTC_CAL_GET() / (1000000U<<12);
secs = base * cal / (1000000U<<12);
if (us) {
// *us = base * RTC_CAL_GET() % (1000000U<<12);
*us = base * cal % (1000000U<<12);
return secs;
// Syscall implementation
// Syscall implementation. doesn't seem to use tzp.
int _gettimeofday_r(struct _reent *r, struct timeval *tp, void *tzp) {
// Syscall defined by xtensa newlib defines tzp as void*
// So it looks like it is not used. Also check tp is not NULL
if (tzp || !tp) return EINVAL;
printf("DEB; gettimeofday called");
tp->tv_sec = sntp_get_rtc_time((int32_t*)&tp->tv_usec);
return 0;
// Added te get nearer the standard way of using time functions.
time_t time(time_t *tloc) {
time_t datetime;
@ -118,23 +104,18 @@ time_t time(time_t *tloc) {
return datetime;
/// Update RTC timer. Called by SNTP module each time it receives an update.
// Update RTC timer. Called by SNTP module each time it receives an update.
void sntp_update_rtc(time_t t, uint32_t us) {
// Apply daylight and timezone correction
// t += (RTC_TZ_GET() + RTC_DST_GET()) * 3600;
t += (tz + dst) * 3600;
t += (stz.tz_minuteswest + stz.tz_dsttime * 60) * 60;
// DEBUG: Compute and print drift
int64_t sntp_current = sntp_base + TIMER_COUNT - tim_ref;
// int64_t sntp_correct = (((uint64_t)us + (uint64_t)t * 1000000U)<<12) / RTC_CAL_GET();
int64_t sntp_correct = (((uint64_t)us + (uint64_t)t * 1000000U)<<12) / cal;
// printf("\nRTC Adjust: drift = %ld ticks, cal = %d\n", (time_t)(sntp_correct - sntp_current), RTC_CAL_GET());
printf("\nRTC Adjust: drift = %ld ticks, cal = %d\n", (time_t)(sntp_correct - sntp_current), cal);
tim_ref = TIMER_COUNT;
cal = sdk_system_rtc_clock_cali_proc();
// RTC_CAL_SET(sdk_system_rtc_clock_cali_proc());
// sntp_base = (((uint64_t)us + (uint64_t)t * 1000000U)<<12) / RTC_CAL_GET();
sntp_base = (((uint64_t)us + (uint64_t)t * 1000000U)<<12) / cal;