#include <obs-module.h> #include <util/threading.h> #include <util/platform.h> #include <util/darray.h> #include <util/dstr.h> #define do_log(level, format, ...) \ blog(level, "[slideshow: '%s'] " format, \ obs_source_get_name(ss->source), ##__VA_ARGS__) #define warn(format, ...) do_log(LOG_WARNING, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define S_TR_SPEED "transition_speed" #define S_CUSTOM_SIZE "use_custom_size" #define S_SLIDE_TIME "slide_time" #define S_TRANSITION "transition" #define S_RANDOMIZE "randomize" #define S_LOOP "loop" #define S_HIDE "hide" #define S_FILES "files" #define S_BEHAVIOR "playback_behavior" #define S_BEHAVIOR_STOP_RESTART "stop_restart" #define S_BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE "pause_unpause" #define S_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_PLAY "always_play" #define S_MODE "slide_mode" #define S_MODE_AUTO "mode_auto" #define S_MODE_MANUAL "mode_manual" #define TR_CUT "cut" #define TR_FADE "fade" #define TR_SWIPE "swipe" #define TR_SLIDE "slide" #define T_(text) obs_module_text("SlideShow." text) #define T_TR_SPEED T_("TransitionSpeed") #define T_CUSTOM_SIZE T_("CustomSize") #define T_CUSTOM_SIZE_AUTO T_("CustomSize.Auto") #define T_SLIDE_TIME T_("SlideTime") #define T_TRANSITION T_("Transition") #define T_RANDOMIZE T_("Randomize") #define T_LOOP T_("Loop") #define T_HIDE T_("HideWhenDone") #define T_FILES T_("Files") #define T_BEHAVIOR T_("PlaybackBehavior") #define T_BEHAVIOR_STOP_RESTART T_("PlaybackBehavior.StopRestart") #define T_BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE T_("PlaybackBehavior.PauseUnpause") #define T_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_PLAY T_("PlaybackBehavior.AlwaysPlay") #define T_MODE T_("SlideMode") #define T_MODE_AUTO T_("SlideMode.Auto") #define T_MODE_MANUAL T_("SlideMode.Manual") #define T_TR_(text) obs_module_text("SlideShow.Transition." text) #define T_TR_CUT T_TR_("Cut") #define T_TR_FADE T_TR_("Fade") #define T_TR_SWIPE T_TR_("Swipe") #define T_TR_SLIDE T_TR_("Slide") /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern uint64_t image_source_get_memory_usage(void *data); #define BYTES_TO_MBYTES (1024 * 1024) #define MAX_MEM_USAGE (250 * BYTES_TO_MBYTES) struct image_file_data { char *path; obs_source_t *source; }; enum behavior { BEHAVIOR_STOP_RESTART, BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE, BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_PLAY, }; struct slideshow { obs_source_t *source; bool randomize; bool loop; bool restart_on_activate; bool pause_on_deactivate; bool restart; bool manual; bool hide; bool use_cut; bool paused; bool stop; float slide_time; uint32_t tr_speed; const char *tr_name; obs_source_t *transition; float elapsed; size_t cur_item; uint32_t cx; uint32_t cy; uint64_t mem_usage; pthread_mutex_t mutex; DARRAY(struct image_file_data) files; enum behavior behavior; obs_hotkey_id play_pause_hotkey; obs_hotkey_id restart_hotkey; obs_hotkey_id stop_hotkey; obs_hotkey_id next_hotkey; obs_hotkey_id prev_hotkey; }; static obs_source_t *get_transition(struct slideshow *ss) { obs_source_t *tr; pthread_mutex_lock(&ss->mutex); tr = ss->transition; obs_source_addref(tr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ss->mutex); return tr; } static obs_source_t *get_source(struct darray *array, const char *path) { DARRAY(struct image_file_data) files; obs_source_t *source = NULL; files.da = *array; for (size_t i = 0; i < files.num; i++) { const char *cur_path = files.array[i].path; if (strcmp(path, cur_path) == 0) { source = files.array[i].source; obs_source_addref(source); break; } } return source; } static obs_source_t *create_source_from_file(const char *file) { obs_data_t *settings = obs_data_create(); obs_source_t *source; obs_data_set_string(settings, "file", file); obs_data_set_bool(settings, "unload", false); source = obs_source_create_private("image_source", NULL, settings); obs_data_release(settings); return source; } static void free_files(struct darray *array) { DARRAY(struct image_file_data) files; files.da = *array; for (size_t i = 0; i < files.num; i++) { bfree(files.array[i].path); obs_source_release(files.array[i].source); } da_free(files); } static inline size_t random_file(struct slideshow *ss) { return (size_t)rand() % ss->files.num; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static const char *ss_getname(void *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); return obs_module_text("SlideShow"); } static void add_file(struct slideshow *ss, struct darray *array, const char *path, uint32_t *cx, uint32_t *cy) { DARRAY(struct image_file_data) new_files; struct image_file_data data; obs_source_t *new_source; new_files.da = *array; pthread_mutex_lock(&ss->mutex); new_source = get_source(&ss->files.da, path); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ss->mutex); if (!new_source) new_source = get_source(&new_files.da, path); if (!new_source) new_source = create_source_from_file(path); if (new_source) { uint32_t new_cx = obs_source_get_width(new_source); uint32_t new_cy = obs_source_get_height(new_source); data.path = bstrdup(path); data.source = new_source; da_push_back(new_files, &data); if (new_cx > *cx) *cx = new_cx; if (new_cy > *cy) *cy = new_cy; void *source_data = obs_obj_get_data(new_source); ss->mem_usage += image_source_get_memory_usage(source_data); } *array = new_files.da; } static bool valid_extension(const char *ext) { if (!ext) return false; return astrcmpi(ext, ".bmp") == 0 || astrcmpi(ext, ".tga") == 0 || astrcmpi(ext, ".png") == 0 || astrcmpi(ext, ".jpeg") == 0 || astrcmpi(ext, ".jpg") == 0 || astrcmpi(ext, ".gif") == 0; } static inline bool item_valid(struct slideshow *ss) { return ss->files.num && ss->cur_item < ss->files.num; } static void do_transition(void *data, bool to_null) { struct slideshow *ss = data; bool valid = item_valid(ss); if (valid && ss->use_cut) obs_transition_set(ss->transition, ss->files.array[ss->cur_item].source); else if (valid && !to_null) obs_transition_start(ss->transition, OBS_TRANSITION_MODE_AUTO, ss->tr_speed, ss->files.array[ss->cur_item].source); else obs_transition_start(ss->transition, OBS_TRANSITION_MODE_AUTO, ss->tr_speed, NULL); } static void ss_update(void *data, obs_data_t *settings) { DARRAY(struct image_file_data) new_files; DARRAY(struct image_file_data) old_files; obs_source_t *new_tr = NULL; obs_source_t *old_tr = NULL; struct slideshow *ss = data; obs_data_array_t *array; const char *tr_name; uint32_t new_duration; uint32_t new_speed; uint32_t cx = 0; uint32_t cy = 0; size_t count; const char *behavior; const char *mode; /* ------------------------------------- */ /* get settings data */ da_init(new_files); behavior = obs_data_get_string(settings, S_BEHAVIOR); if (astrcmpi(behavior, S_BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE) == 0) ss->behavior = BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE; else if (astrcmpi(behavior, S_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_PLAY) == 0) ss->behavior = BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_PLAY; else /* S_BEHAVIOR_STOP_RESTART */ ss->behavior = BEHAVIOR_STOP_RESTART; mode = obs_data_get_string(settings, S_MODE); ss->manual = (astrcmpi(mode, S_MODE_MANUAL) == 0); tr_name = obs_data_get_string(settings, S_TRANSITION); if (astrcmpi(tr_name, TR_CUT) == 0) tr_name = "cut_transition"; else if (astrcmpi(tr_name, TR_SWIPE) == 0) tr_name = "swipe_transition"; else if (astrcmpi(tr_name, TR_SLIDE) == 0) tr_name = "slide_transition"; else tr_name = "fade_transition"; ss->randomize = obs_data_get_bool(settings, S_RANDOMIZE); ss->loop = obs_data_get_bool(settings, S_LOOP); ss->hide = obs_data_get_bool(settings, S_HIDE); if (!ss->tr_name || strcmp(tr_name, ss->tr_name) != 0) new_tr = obs_source_create_private(tr_name, NULL, NULL); new_duration = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(settings, S_SLIDE_TIME); new_speed = (uint32_t)obs_data_get_int(settings, S_TR_SPEED); array = obs_data_get_array(settings, S_FILES); count = obs_data_array_count(array); /* ------------------------------------- */ /* create new list of sources */ ss->mem_usage = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { obs_data_t *item = obs_data_array_item(array, i); const char *path = obs_data_get_string(item, "value"); os_dir_t *dir = os_opendir(path); if (dir) { struct dstr dir_path = {0}; struct os_dirent *ent; for (;;) { const char *ext; ent = os_readdir(dir); if (!ent) break; if (ent->directory) continue; ext = os_get_path_extension(ent->d_name); if (!valid_extension(ext)) continue; dstr_copy(&dir_path, path); dstr_cat_ch(&dir_path, '/'); dstr_cat(&dir_path, ent->d_name); add_file(ss, &new_files.da, dir_path.array, &cx, &cy); if (ss->mem_usage >= MAX_MEM_USAGE) break; } dstr_free(&dir_path); os_closedir(dir); } else { add_file(ss, &new_files.da, path, &cx, &cy); } obs_data_release(item); if (ss->mem_usage >= MAX_MEM_USAGE) break; } /* ------------------------------------- */ /* update settings data */ pthread_mutex_lock(&ss->mutex); old_files.da = ss->files.da; ss->files.da = new_files.da; if (new_tr) { old_tr = ss->transition; ss->transition = new_tr; } if (strcmp(tr_name, "cut_transition") != 0) { if (new_duration < 100) new_duration = 100; new_duration += new_speed; } else { if (new_duration < 50) new_duration = 50; } ss->tr_speed = new_speed; ss->tr_name = tr_name; ss->slide_time = (float)new_duration / 1000.0f; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ss->mutex); /* ------------------------------------- */ /* clean up and restart transition */ if (old_tr) obs_source_release(old_tr); free_files(&old_files.da); /* ------------------------- */ const char *res_str = obs_data_get_string(settings, S_CUSTOM_SIZE); bool aspect_only = false, use_auto = true; int cx_in = 0, cy_in = 0; if (strcmp(res_str, T_CUSTOM_SIZE_AUTO) != 0) { int ret = sscanf(res_str, "%dx%d", &cx_in, &cy_in); if (ret == 2) { aspect_only = false; use_auto = false; } else { ret = sscanf(res_str, "%d:%d", &cx_in, &cy_in); if (ret == 2) { aspect_only = true; use_auto = false; } } } if (!use_auto) { double cx_f = (double)cx; double cy_f = (double)cy; double old_aspect = cx_f / cy_f; double new_aspect = (double)cx_in / (double)cy_in; if (aspect_only) { if (fabs(old_aspect - new_aspect) > EPSILON) { if (new_aspect > old_aspect) cx = (uint32_t)(cy_f * new_aspect); else cy = (uint32_t)(cx_f / new_aspect); } } else { cx = (uint32_t)cx_in; cy = (uint32_t)cy_in; } } /* ------------------------- */ ss->cx = cx; ss->cy = cy; ss->cur_item = 0; ss->elapsed = 0.0f; obs_transition_set_size(ss->transition, cx, cy); obs_transition_set_alignment(ss->transition, OBS_ALIGN_CENTER); obs_transition_set_scale_type(ss->transition, OBS_TRANSITION_SCALE_ASPECT); if (ss->randomize && ss->files.num) ss->cur_item = random_file(ss); if (new_tr) obs_source_add_active_child(ss->source, new_tr); if (ss->files.num) do_transition(ss, false); obs_data_array_release(array); } static void ss_play_pause(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; ss->paused = !ss->paused; ss->manual = ss->paused; } static void ss_restart(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; ss->elapsed = 0.0f; ss->cur_item = 0; obs_transition_set(ss->transition, ss->files.array[ss->cur_item].source); ss->stop = false; ss->paused = false; } static void ss_stop(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; ss->elapsed = 0.0f; ss->cur_item = 0; do_transition(ss, true); ss->stop = true; ss->paused = false; } static void ss_next_slide(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; if (!ss->files.num || obs_transition_get_time(ss->transition) < 1.0f) return; if (++ss->cur_item >= ss->files.num) ss->cur_item = 0; do_transition(ss, false); } static void ss_previous_slide(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; if (!ss->files.num || obs_transition_get_time(ss->transition) < 1.0f) return; if (ss->cur_item == 0) ss->cur_item = ss->files.num - 1; else --ss->cur_item; do_transition(ss, false); } static void play_pause_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); struct slideshow *ss = data; if (pressed && obs_source_active(ss->source)) ss_play_pause(ss); } static void restart_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); struct slideshow *ss = data; if (pressed && obs_source_active(ss->source)) ss_restart(ss); } static void stop_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); struct slideshow *ss = data; if (pressed && obs_source_active(ss->source)) ss_stop(ss); } static void next_slide_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); struct slideshow *ss = data; if (!ss->manual) return; if (pressed && obs_source_active(ss->source)) ss_next_slide(ss); } static void previous_slide_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); struct slideshow *ss = data; if (!ss->manual) return; if (pressed && obs_source_active(ss->source)) ss_previous_slide(ss); } static void ss_destroy(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; obs_source_release(ss->transition); free_files(&ss->files.da); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ss->mutex); bfree(ss); } static void *ss_create(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { struct slideshow *ss = bzalloc(sizeof(*ss)); ss->source = source; ss->manual = false; ss->paused = false; ss->stop = false; ss->play_pause_hotkey = obs_hotkey_register_source(source, "SlideShow.PlayPause", obs_module_text("SlideShow.PlayPause"), play_pause_hotkey, ss); ss->restart_hotkey = obs_hotkey_register_source(source, "SlideShow.Restart", obs_module_text("SlideShow.Restart"), restart_hotkey, ss); ss->stop_hotkey = obs_hotkey_register_source(source, "SlideShow.Stop", obs_module_text("SlideShow.Stop"), stop_hotkey, ss); ss->prev_hotkey = obs_hotkey_register_source(source, "SlideShow.NextSlide", obs_module_text("SlideShow.NextSlide"), next_slide_hotkey, ss); ss->prev_hotkey = obs_hotkey_register_source(source, "SlideShow.PreviousSlide", obs_module_text("SlideShow.PreviousSlide"), previous_slide_hotkey, ss); pthread_mutex_init_value(&ss->mutex); if (pthread_mutex_init(&ss->mutex, NULL) != 0) goto error; obs_source_update(source, NULL); UNUSED_PARAMETER(settings); return ss; error: ss_destroy(ss); return NULL; } static void ss_video_render(void *data, gs_effect_t *effect) { struct slideshow *ss = data; obs_source_t *transition = get_transition(ss); if (transition) { obs_source_video_render(transition); obs_source_release(transition); } UNUSED_PARAMETER(effect); } static void ss_video_tick(void *data, float seconds) { struct slideshow *ss = data; if (!ss->transition || !ss->slide_time) return; if (ss->restart_on_activate && !ss->randomize && ss->use_cut) { ss->elapsed = 0.0f; ss->cur_item = 0; do_transition(ss, false); ss->restart_on_activate = false; ss->use_cut = false; ss->stop = false; return; } if (ss->pause_on_deactivate || ss->manual || ss->stop || ss->paused) return; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* fade to transparency when the file list becomes empty */ if (!ss->files.num) { obs_source_t* active_transition_source = obs_transition_get_active_source(ss->transition); if (active_transition_source) { obs_source_release(active_transition_source); do_transition(ss, true); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* do transition when slide time reached */ ss->elapsed += seconds; if (ss->elapsed > ss->slide_time) { ss->elapsed -= ss->slide_time; if (!ss->loop && ss->cur_item == ss->files.num - 1) { if (ss->hide) do_transition(ss, true); else do_transition(ss, false); return; } if (ss->randomize) { size_t next = ss->cur_item; if (ss->files.num > 1) { while (next == ss->cur_item) next = random_file(ss); } ss->cur_item = next; } else if (++ss->cur_item >= ss->files.num) { ss->cur_item = 0; } if (ss->files.num) do_transition(ss, false); } } static inline bool ss_audio_render_(obs_source_t *transition, uint64_t *ts_out, struct obs_source_audio_mix *audio_output, uint32_t mixers, size_t channels, size_t sample_rate) { struct obs_source_audio_mix child_audio; uint64_t source_ts; if (obs_source_audio_pending(transition)) return false; source_ts = obs_source_get_audio_timestamp(transition); if (!source_ts) return false; obs_source_get_audio_mix(transition, &child_audio); for (size_t mix = 0; mix < MAX_AUDIO_MIXES; mix++) { if ((mixers & (1 << mix)) == 0) continue; for (size_t ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) { float *out = audio_output->output[mix].data[ch]; float *in = child_audio.output[mix].data[ch]; memcpy(out, in, AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES * MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS * sizeof(float)); } } *ts_out = source_ts; UNUSED_PARAMETER(sample_rate); return true; } static bool ss_audio_render(void *data, uint64_t *ts_out, struct obs_source_audio_mix *audio_output, uint32_t mixers, size_t channels, size_t sample_rate) { struct slideshow *ss = data; obs_source_t *transition = get_transition(ss); bool success; if (!transition) return false; success = ss_audio_render_(transition, ts_out, audio_output, mixers, channels, sample_rate); obs_source_release(transition); return success; } static void ss_enum_sources(void *data, obs_source_enum_proc_t cb, void *param) { struct slideshow *ss = data; pthread_mutex_lock(&ss->mutex); if (ss->transition) cb(ss->source, ss->transition, param); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ss->mutex); } static uint32_t ss_width(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; return ss->transition ? ss->cx : 0; } static uint32_t ss_height(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; return ss->transition ? ss->cy : 0; } static void ss_defaults(obs_data_t *settings) { obs_data_set_default_string(settings, S_TRANSITION, "fade"); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, S_SLIDE_TIME, 8000); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, S_TR_SPEED, 700); obs_data_set_default_string(settings, S_CUSTOM_SIZE, T_CUSTOM_SIZE_AUTO); obs_data_set_default_string(settings, S_BEHAVIOR, S_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_PLAY); obs_data_set_default_string(settings, S_MODE, S_MODE_AUTO); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, S_LOOP, true); } static const char *file_filter = "Image files (*.bmp *.tga *.png *.jpeg *.jpg *.gif)"; static const char *aspects[] = { "16:9", "16:10", "4:3", "1:1" }; #define NUM_ASPECTS (sizeof(aspects) / sizeof(const char *)) static obs_properties_t *ss_properties(void *data) { obs_properties_t *ppts = obs_properties_create(); struct slideshow *ss = data; struct obs_video_info ovi; struct dstr path = {0}; obs_property_t *p; int cx; int cy; /* ----------------- */ obs_get_video_info(&ovi); cx = (int)ovi.base_width; cy = (int)ovi.base_height; /* ----------------- */ p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, S_BEHAVIOR, T_BEHAVIOR, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_PLAY, S_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_PLAY); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_BEHAVIOR_STOP_RESTART, S_BEHAVIOR_STOP_RESTART); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE, S_BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, S_MODE, T_MODE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_MODE_AUTO, S_MODE_AUTO); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_MODE_MANUAL, S_MODE_MANUAL); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, S_TRANSITION, T_TRANSITION, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_TR_CUT, TR_CUT); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_TR_FADE, TR_FADE); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_TR_SWIPE, TR_SWIPE); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_TR_SLIDE, TR_SLIDE); obs_properties_add_int(ppts, S_SLIDE_TIME, T_SLIDE_TIME, 50, 3600000, 50); obs_properties_add_int(ppts, S_TR_SPEED, T_TR_SPEED, 0, 3600000, 50); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, S_LOOP, T_LOOP); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, S_HIDE, T_HIDE); obs_properties_add_bool(ppts, S_RANDOMIZE, T_RANDOMIZE); p = obs_properties_add_list(ppts, S_CUSTOM_SIZE, T_CUSTOM_SIZE, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_EDITABLE, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_list_add_string(p, T_CUSTOM_SIZE_AUTO, T_CUSTOM_SIZE_AUTO); for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ASPECTS; i++) obs_property_list_add_string(p, aspects[i], aspects[i]); char str[32]; snprintf(str, 32, "%dx%d", cx, cy); obs_property_list_add_string(p, str, str); if (ss) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ss->mutex); if (ss->files.num) { struct image_file_data *last = da_end(ss->files); const char *slash; dstr_copy(&path, last->path); dstr_replace(&path, "\\", "/"); slash = strrchr(path.array, '/'); if (slash) dstr_resize(&path, slash - path.array + 1); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ss->mutex); } obs_properties_add_editable_list(ppts, S_FILES, T_FILES, OBS_EDITABLE_LIST_TYPE_FILES, file_filter, path.array); dstr_free(&path); return ppts; } static void ss_activate(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; if (ss->behavior == BEHAVIOR_STOP_RESTART) { ss->restart_on_activate = true; ss->use_cut = true; } else if (ss->behavior == BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE) { ss->pause_on_deactivate = false; } } static void ss_deactivate(void *data) { struct slideshow *ss = data; if (ss->behavior == BEHAVIOR_PAUSE_UNPAUSE) ss->pause_on_deactivate = true; } struct obs_source_info slideshow_info = { .id = "slideshow", .type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, .output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_DRAW | OBS_SOURCE_COMPOSITE, .get_name = ss_getname, .create = ss_create, .destroy = ss_destroy, .update = ss_update, .activate = ss_activate, .deactivate = ss_deactivate, .video_render = ss_video_render, .video_tick = ss_video_tick, .audio_render = ss_audio_render, .enum_active_sources = ss_enum_sources, .get_width = ss_width, .get_height = ss_height, .get_defaults = ss_defaults, .get_properties = ss_properties };