/* Copyright (C) 2014 by Leonhard Oelke <leonhard@in-verted.de> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <xcb/shm.h> #include <xcb/xfixes.h> #include <xcb/xinerama.h> #include <obs-module.h> #include <util/dstr.h> #include "xcursor-xcb.h" #include "xhelpers.h" #define XSHM_DATA(voidptr) struct xshm_data *data = voidptr; #define blog(level, msg, ...) blog(level, "xshm-input: " msg, ##__VA_ARGS__) struct xshm_data { obs_source_t *source; xcb_connection_t *xcb; xcb_screen_t *xcb_screen; xcb_shm_t *xshm; xcb_xcursor_t *cursor; char *server; uint_fast32_t screen_id; int_fast32_t x_org; int_fast32_t y_org; int_fast32_t width; int_fast32_t height; gs_texture_t *texture; bool show_cursor; bool use_xinerama; bool advanced; }; /** * Resize the texture * * This will automatically create the texture if it does not exist * * @note requires to be called within the obs graphics context */ static inline void xshm_resize_texture(struct xshm_data *data) { if (data->texture) gs_texture_destroy(data->texture); data->texture = gs_texture_create(data->width, data->height, GS_BGRA, 1, NULL, GS_DYNAMIC); } /** * Check if the xserver supports all the extensions we need */ static bool xshm_check_extensions(xcb_connection_t *xcb) { bool ok = true; if (!xcb_get_extension_data(xcb, &xcb_shm_id)->present) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Missing SHM extension !"); ok = false; } if (!xcb_get_extension_data(xcb, &xcb_xinerama_id)->present) blog(LOG_INFO, "Missing Xinerama extension !"); return ok; } /** * Update the capture * * @return < 0 on error, 0 when size is unchanged, > 1 on size change */ static int_fast32_t xshm_update_geometry(struct xshm_data *data) { int_fast32_t old_width = data->width; int_fast32_t old_height = data->height; if (data->use_xinerama) { if (xinerama_screen_geo(data->xcb, data->screen_id, &data->x_org, &data->y_org, &data->width, &data->height) < 0) { return -1; } data->xcb_screen = xcb_get_screen(data->xcb, 0); } else { data->x_org = 0; data->y_org = 0; if (x11_screen_geo(data->xcb, data->screen_id, &data->width, &data->height) < 0) { return -1; } data->xcb_screen = xcb_get_screen(data->xcb, data->screen_id); } if (!data->width || !data->height) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get geometry"); return -1; } blog(LOG_INFO, "Geometry %"PRIdFAST32"x%"PRIdFAST32 " @ %"PRIdFAST32",%"PRIdFAST32, data->width, data->height, data->x_org, data->y_org); if (old_width == data->width && old_height == data->height) return 0; return 1; } /** * Returns the name of the plugin */ static const char* xshm_getname(void *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); return obs_module_text("X11SharedMemoryScreenInput"); } /** * Stop the capture */ static void xshm_capture_stop(struct xshm_data *data) { obs_enter_graphics(); if (data->texture) { gs_texture_destroy(data->texture); data->texture = NULL; } if (data->cursor) { xcb_xcursor_destroy(data->cursor); data->cursor = NULL; } obs_leave_graphics(); if (data->xshm) { xshm_xcb_detach(data->xshm); data->xshm = NULL; } if (data->xcb) { xcb_disconnect(data->xcb); data->xcb = NULL; } if (data->server) { bfree(data->server); data->server = NULL; } } /** * Start the capture */ static void xshm_capture_start(struct xshm_data *data) { const char *server = (data->advanced && *data->server) ? data->server : NULL; data->xcb = xcb_connect(server, NULL); if (!data->xcb || xcb_connection_has_error(data->xcb)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open X display !"); goto fail; } if (!xshm_check_extensions(data->xcb)) goto fail; data->use_xinerama = xinerama_is_active(data->xcb) ? true : false; if (xshm_update_geometry(data) < 0) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "failed to update geometry !"); goto fail; } data->xshm = xshm_xcb_attach(data->xcb, data->width, data->height); if (!data->xshm) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "failed to attach shm !"); goto fail; } data->cursor = xcb_xcursor_init(data->xcb); xcb_xcursor_offset(data->cursor, data->x_org, data->y_org); obs_enter_graphics(); xshm_resize_texture(data); obs_leave_graphics(); return; fail: xshm_capture_stop(data); } /** * Update the capture with changed settings */ static void xshm_update(void *vptr, obs_data_t *settings) { XSHM_DATA(vptr); xshm_capture_stop(data); data->screen_id = obs_data_get_int(settings, "screen"); data->show_cursor = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "show_cursor"); data->advanced = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "advanced"); data->server = bstrdup(obs_data_get_string(settings, "server")); xshm_capture_start(data); } /** * Get the default settings for the capture */ static void xshm_defaults(obs_data_t *defaults) { obs_data_set_default_int(defaults, "screen", 0); obs_data_set_default_bool(defaults, "show_cursor", true); obs_data_set_default_bool(defaults, "advanced", false); } /** * Toggle visibility of advanced settings */ static bool xshm_toggle_advanced(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); const bool visible = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "advanced"); obs_property_t *server = obs_properties_get(props, "server"); obs_property_set_visible(server, visible); /* trigger server changed callback so the screen list is refreshed */ obs_property_modified(server, settings); return true; } /** * The x server was changed */ static bool xshm_server_changed(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); bool advanced = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "advanced"); int_fast32_t old_screen = obs_data_get_int(settings, "screen"); const char *server = obs_data_get_string(settings, "server"); obs_property_t *screens = obs_properties_get(props, "screen"); /* we want a real NULL here in case there is no string here */ server = (advanced && *server) ? server : NULL; obs_property_list_clear(screens); xcb_connection_t *xcb = xcb_connect(server, NULL); if (!xcb || xcb_connection_has_error(xcb)) { obs_property_set_enabled(screens, false); return true; } struct dstr screen_info; dstr_init(&screen_info); bool xinerama = xinerama_is_active(xcb); int_fast32_t count = (xinerama) ? xinerama_screen_count(xcb) : xcb_setup_roots_length(xcb_get_setup(xcb)); for (int_fast32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int_fast32_t x, y, w, h; x = y = w = h = 0; if (xinerama) xinerama_screen_geo(xcb, i, &x, &y, &w, &h); else x11_screen_geo(xcb, i, &w, &h); dstr_printf(&screen_info, "Screen %"PRIuFAST32" (%"PRIuFAST32 "x%"PRIuFAST32" @ %"PRIuFAST32 ",%"PRIuFAST32")", i, w, h, x, y); obs_property_list_add_int(screens, screen_info.array, i); } /* handle missing screen */ if (old_screen + 1 > count) { dstr_printf(&screen_info, "Screen %"PRIuFAST32" (not found)", old_screen); size_t index = obs_property_list_add_int(screens, screen_info.array, old_screen); obs_property_list_item_disable(screens, index, true); } dstr_free(&screen_info); xcb_disconnect(xcb); obs_property_set_enabled(screens, true); return true; } /** * Get the properties for the capture */ static obs_properties_t *xshm_properties(void *vptr) { XSHM_DATA(vptr); obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); obs_properties_add_list(props, "screen", obs_module_text("Screen"), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "show_cursor", obs_module_text("CaptureCursor")); obs_property_t *advanced = obs_properties_add_bool(props, "advanced", obs_module_text("AdvancedSettings")); obs_property_t *server = obs_properties_add_text(props, "server", obs_module_text("XServer"), OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT); obs_property_set_modified_callback(advanced, xshm_toggle_advanced); obs_property_set_modified_callback(server, xshm_server_changed); /* trigger server callback to get screen count ... */ obs_data_t *settings = obs_source_get_settings(data->source); obs_property_modified(server, settings); obs_data_release(settings); return props; } /** * Destroy the capture */ static void xshm_destroy(void *vptr) { XSHM_DATA(vptr); if (!data) return; xshm_capture_stop(data); bfree(data); } /** * Create the capture */ static void *xshm_create(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { struct xshm_data *data = bzalloc(sizeof(struct xshm_data)); data->source = source; xshm_update(data, settings); return data; } /** * Prepare the capture data */ static void xshm_video_tick(void *vptr, float seconds) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(seconds); XSHM_DATA(vptr); if (!data->texture) return; if (!obs_source_showing(data->source)) return; xcb_shm_get_image_cookie_t img_c; xcb_shm_get_image_reply_t *img_r; xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_cookie_t cur_c; xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_reply_t *cur_r; img_c = xcb_shm_get_image_unchecked(data->xcb, data->xcb_screen->root, data->x_org, data->y_org, data->width, data->height, ~0, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, data->xshm->seg, 0); cur_c = xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_unchecked(data->xcb); img_r = xcb_shm_get_image_reply(data->xcb, img_c, NULL); cur_r = xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_reply(data->xcb, cur_c, NULL); if (!img_r) goto exit; obs_enter_graphics(); gs_texture_set_image(data->texture, (void *) data->xshm->data, data->width * 4, false); xcb_xcursor_update(data->cursor, cur_r); obs_leave_graphics(); exit: free(img_r); free(cur_r); } /** * Render the capture data */ static void xshm_video_render(void *vptr, gs_effect_t *effect) { XSHM_DATA(vptr); effect = obs_get_base_effect(OBS_EFFECT_OPAQUE); if (!data->texture) return; gs_eparam_t *image = gs_effect_get_param_by_name(effect, "image"); gs_effect_set_texture(image, data->texture); while (gs_effect_loop(effect, "Draw")) { gs_draw_sprite(data->texture, 0, 0, 0); } if (data->show_cursor) { effect = obs_get_base_effect(OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT); while (gs_effect_loop(effect, "Draw")) { xcb_xcursor_render(data->cursor); } } } /** * Width of the captured data */ static uint32_t xshm_getwidth(void *vptr) { XSHM_DATA(vptr); return data->width; } /** * Height of the captured data */ static uint32_t xshm_getheight(void *vptr) { XSHM_DATA(vptr); return data->height; } struct obs_source_info xshm_input = { .id = "xshm_input", .type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, .output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_DRAW | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_DUPLICATE, .get_name = xshm_getname, .create = xshm_create, .destroy = xshm_destroy, .update = xshm_update, .get_defaults = xshm_defaults, .get_properties = xshm_properties, .video_tick = xshm_video_tick, .video_render = xshm_video_render, .get_width = xshm_getwidth, .get_height = xshm_getheight };