/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey <obs.jim@gmail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ******************************************************************************/ #include "video-frame.h" #define ALIGN_SIZE(size, align) \ size = (((size)+(align-1)) & (~(align-1))) /* messy code alarm */ void video_frame_init(struct video_frame *frame, enum video_format format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { size_t size; size_t offsets[MAX_AV_PLANES]; int alignment = base_get_alignment(); if (!frame) return; memset(frame, 0, sizeof(struct video_frame)); memset(offsets, 0, sizeof(offsets)); switch (format) { case VIDEO_FORMAT_NONE: return; case VIDEO_FORMAT_I420: size = width * height; ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); offsets[0] = size; size += (width/2) * (height/2); ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); offsets[1] = size; size += (width/2) * (height/2); ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); frame->data[0] = bmalloc(size); frame->data[1] = (uint8_t*)frame->data[0] + offsets[0]; frame->data[2] = (uint8_t*)frame->data[0] + offsets[1]; frame->linesize[0] = width; frame->linesize[1] = width/2; frame->linesize[2] = width/2; break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_NV12: size = width * height; ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); offsets[0] = size; size += (width/2) * (height/2) * 2; ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); frame->data[0] = bmalloc(size); frame->data[1] = (uint8_t*)frame->data[0] + offsets[0]; frame->linesize[0] = width; frame->linesize[1] = width; break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_Y800: size = width * height; ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); frame->data[0] = bmalloc(size); frame->linesize[0] = width; break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_YVYU: case VIDEO_FORMAT_YUY2: case VIDEO_FORMAT_UYVY: size = width * height * 2; ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); frame->data[0] = bmalloc(size); frame->linesize[0] = width*2; break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_RGBA: case VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRA: case VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRX: size = width * height * 4; ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); frame->data[0] = bmalloc(size); frame->linesize[0] = width*4; break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_I444: size = width * height; ALIGN_SIZE(size, alignment); frame->data[0] = bmalloc(size * 3); frame->data[1] = (uint8_t*)frame->data[0] + size; frame->data[2] = (uint8_t*)frame->data[1] + size; frame->linesize[0] = width; frame->linesize[1] = width; frame->linesize[2] = width; break; } } void video_frame_copy(struct video_frame *dst, const struct video_frame *src, enum video_format format, uint32_t cy) { switch (format) { case VIDEO_FORMAT_NONE: return; case VIDEO_FORMAT_I420: memcpy(dst->data[0], src->data[0], src->linesize[0] * cy); memcpy(dst->data[1], src->data[1], src->linesize[1] * cy / 2); memcpy(dst->data[2], src->data[2], src->linesize[2] * cy / 2); break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_NV12: memcpy(dst->data[0], src->data[0], src->linesize[0] * cy); memcpy(dst->data[1], src->data[1], src->linesize[1] * cy / 2); break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_Y800: case VIDEO_FORMAT_YVYU: case VIDEO_FORMAT_YUY2: case VIDEO_FORMAT_UYVY: case VIDEO_FORMAT_RGBA: case VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRA: case VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRX: memcpy(dst->data[0], src->data[0], src->linesize[0] * cy); break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_I444: memcpy(dst->data[0], src->data[0], src->linesize[0] * cy); memcpy(dst->data[1], src->data[1], src->linesize[1] * cy); memcpy(dst->data[2], src->data[2], src->linesize[2] * cy); break; } }