/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2015 by Andrew Skinner <obs@theandyroid.com> Copyright (C) 2017 by Hugh Bailey <jim@obsproject.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ******************************************************************************/ #include "obs-scripting-python.h" #include "obs-scripting-config.h" #include <util/base.h> #include <util/platform.h> #include <util/darray.h> #include <util/dstr.h> #include <obs.h> /* ========================================================================= */ // #define DEBUG_PYTHON_STARTUP static const char *startup_script = "\n\ import sys\n\ import os\n\ import obspython\n\ class stdout_logger(object):\n\ def write(self, message):\n\ obspython.script_log_no_endl(obspython.LOG_INFO, message)\n\ def flush(self):\n\ pass\n\ class stderr_logger(object):\n\ def write(self, message):\n\ obspython.script_log_no_endl(obspython.LOG_ERROR, message)\n\ def flush(self):\n\ pass\n\ os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1'\n\ sys.stdout = stdout_logger()\n\ sys.stderr = stderr_logger()\n"; #if RUNTIME_LINK static wchar_t home_path[1024] = {0}; #endif DARRAY(char*) python_paths; static bool python_loaded = false; static pthread_mutex_t tick_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static struct obs_python_script *first_tick_script = NULL; static PyObject *py_obspython = NULL; struct obs_python_script *cur_python_script = NULL; struct python_obs_callback *cur_python_cb = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------- */ bool py_to_libobs_(const char *type, PyObject * py_in, void * libobs_out, const char *id, const char *func, int line) { swig_type_info *info = SWIG_TypeQuery(type); if (info == NULL) { warn("%s:%d: SWIG could not find type: %s%s%s", func, line, id ? id : "", id ? "::" : "", type); return false; } int ret = SWIG_ConvertPtr(py_in, libobs_out, info, 0); if (!SWIG_IsOK(ret)) { warn("%s:%d: SWIG failed to convert python object to obs " "object: %s%s%s", func, line, id ? id : "", id ? "::" : "", type); return false; } return true; } bool libobs_to_py_(const char *type, void * libobs_in, bool ownership, PyObject ** py_out, const char *id, const char *func, int line) { swig_type_info *info = SWIG_TypeQuery(type); if (info == NULL) { warn("%s:%d: SWIG could not find type: %s%s%s", func, line, id ? id : "", id ? "::" : "", type); return false; } *py_out = SWIG_NewPointerObj(libobs_in, info, (int)ownership); if (*py_out == Py_None) { warn("%s:%d: SWIG failed to convert obs object to python " "object: %s%s%s", func, line, id ? id : "", id ? "::" : "", type); return false; } return true; } #define libobs_to_py(type, obs_obj, ownership, py_obj) \ libobs_to_py_(#type " *", obs_obj, ownership, py_obj, \ NULL, __func__, __LINE__) #define py_to_libobs(type, py_obj, libobs_out) \ py_to_libobs_(#type " *", py_obj, libobs_out, \ NULL, __func__, __LINE__) #define lock_callback(cb) \ lock_python(); \ struct obs_python_script *__last_script = cur_python_script; \ struct python_obs_callback *__last_cb = cur_python_cb; \ cur_python_script = (struct obs_python_script *)cb->base.script; \ cur_python_cb = cb #define unlock_callback() \ cur_python_cb = __last_cb; \ cur_python_script = __last_script; \ unlock_python() /* ========================================================================= */ void add_functions_to_py_module(PyObject *module, PyMethodDef *method_list) { PyObject *dict = PyModule_GetDict(module); PyObject *name = PyModule_GetNameObject(module); if (!dict || !name) { return; } for (PyMethodDef *ml = method_list; ml->ml_name != NULL; ml++) { PyObject *func = PyCFunction_NewEx(ml, module, name); if (!func) { continue; } PyDict_SetItemString(dict, ml->ml_name, func); Py_DECREF(func); } Py_DECREF(name); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static PyObject *py_get_current_script_path(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(args); return PyDict_GetItemString(PyModule_GetDict(self), "__script_dir__"); } static void get_defaults(struct obs_python_script *data, PyObject *get_defs) { PyObject *py_settings; if (!libobs_to_py(obs_data_t, data->base.settings, false, &py_settings)) return; PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(O)", py_settings); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(get_defs, args); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(args); Py_XDECREF(py_settings); } static bool load_python_script(struct obs_python_script *data) { PyObject *py_file = NULL; PyObject *py_module = NULL; PyObject *py_success = NULL; PyObject *py_tick = NULL; PyObject *py_load = NULL; PyObject *py_defaults = NULL; bool success = false; int ret; cur_python_script = data; if (!data->module) { py_file = PyUnicode_FromString(data->name.array); py_module = PyImport_Import(py_file); } else { py_module = PyImport_ReloadModule(data->module); } if (!py_module) { py_error(); goto fail; } Py_XINCREF(py_obspython); ret = PyModule_AddObject(py_module, "obspython", py_obspython); if (py_error() || ret != 0) goto fail; ret = PyModule_AddStringConstant(py_module, "__script_dir__", data->dir.array); if (py_error() || ret != 0) goto fail; PyObject *py_data = PyCapsule_New(data, NULL, NULL); ret = PyModule_AddObject(py_module, "__script_data__", py_data); if (py_error() || ret != 0) goto fail; static PyMethodDef global_funcs[] = { {"script_path", py_get_current_script_path, METH_NOARGS, "Gets the script path"}, {0} }; add_functions_to_py_module(py_module, global_funcs); data->update = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, "script_update"); if (!data->update) PyErr_Clear(); data->save = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, "script_save"); if (!data->save) PyErr_Clear(); data->get_properties = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, "script_properties"); if (!data->get_properties) PyErr_Clear(); PyObject *func = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, "script_defaults"); if (func) { get_defaults(data, func); Py_DECREF(func); } else { PyErr_Clear(); } func = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, "script_description"); if (func) { PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(func, NULL); py_error(); PyObject *py_desc = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(py_ret); if (py_desc) { const char *desc = PyBytes_AS_STRING(py_desc); if (desc) dstr_copy(&data->base.desc, desc); Py_DECREF(py_desc); } Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_DECREF(func); } else { PyErr_Clear(); } py_tick = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, "script_tick"); if (py_tick) { pthread_mutex_lock(&tick_mutex); struct obs_python_script *next = first_tick_script; data->next_tick = next; data->p_prev_next_tick = &first_tick_script; if (next) next->p_prev_next_tick = &data->next_tick; first_tick_script = data; data->tick = py_tick; py_tick = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tick_mutex); } else { PyErr_Clear(); } py_load = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, "script_load"); if (py_load) { PyObject *py_s; libobs_to_py(obs_data_t, data->base.settings, false, &py_s); PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(O)", py_s); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(py_load, args); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(args); Py_XDECREF(py_s); } else { PyErr_Clear(); } if (data->module) Py_XDECREF(data->module); data->module = py_module; py_module = NULL; success = true; fail: Py_XDECREF(py_load); Py_XDECREF(py_tick); Py_XDECREF(py_defaults); Py_XDECREF(py_success); Py_XDECREF(py_file); if (!success) Py_XDECREF(py_module); cur_python_script = NULL; return success; } static void unload_python_script(struct obs_python_script *data) { PyObject *py_module = data->module; PyObject *py_func = NULL; PyObject *py_ret = NULL; cur_python_script = data; py_func = PyObject_GetAttrString(py_module, "script_unload"); if (PyErr_Occurred() || !py_func) { PyErr_Clear(); goto fail; } py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(py_func, NULL); if (py_error()) goto fail; fail: Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(py_func); cur_python_script = NULL; } static void add_to_python_path(const char *path) { PyObject *py_path_str = NULL; PyObject *py_path = NULL; int ret; if (!path || !*path) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < python_paths.num; i++) { const char *python_path = python_paths.array[i]; if (strcmp(path, python_path) == 0) return; } ret = PyRun_SimpleString("import sys"); if (py_error() || ret != 0) goto fail; /* borrowed reference here */ py_path = PySys_GetObject("path"); if (py_error() || !py_path) goto fail; py_path_str = PyUnicode_FromString(path); ret = PyList_Append(py_path, py_path_str); if (py_error() || ret != 0) goto fail; char *new_path = bstrdup(path); da_push_back(python_paths, &new_path); fail: Py_XDECREF(py_path_str); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ struct python_obs_timer { struct python_obs_timer *next; struct python_obs_timer **p_prev_next; uint64_t last_ts; uint64_t interval; }; static pthread_mutex_t timer_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static struct python_obs_timer *first_timer = NULL; static inline void python_obs_timer_init(struct python_obs_timer *timer) { pthread_mutex_lock(&timer_mutex); struct python_obs_timer *next = first_timer; timer->next = next; timer->p_prev_next = &first_timer; if (next) next->p_prev_next = &timer->next; first_timer = timer; pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_mutex); } static inline void python_obs_timer_remove(struct python_obs_timer *timer) { struct python_obs_timer *next = timer->next; if (next) next->p_prev_next = timer->p_prev_next; *timer->p_prev_next = timer->next; } static inline struct python_obs_callback *python_obs_timer_cb( struct python_obs_timer *timer) { return &((struct python_obs_callback *)timer)[-1]; } static PyObject *timer_remove(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_cb; UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); if (!parse_args(args, "O", &py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = find_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); if (cb) remove_python_obs_callback(cb); return python_none(); } static void timer_call(struct script_callback *p_cb) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = (struct python_obs_callback *)p_cb; if (p_cb->removed) return; lock_callback(cb); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(cb->func, NULL); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(py_ret); unlock_callback(); } static void defer_timer_init(void *p_cb) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; struct python_obs_timer *timer = python_obs_callback_extra_data(cb); python_obs_timer_init(timer); } static PyObject *timer_add(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_cb; int ms; UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); if (!parse_args(args, "Oi", &py_cb, &ms)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = add_python_obs_callback_extra( script, py_cb, sizeof(struct python_obs_timer)); struct python_obs_timer *timer = python_obs_callback_extra_data(cb); timer->interval = (uint64_t)ms * 1000000ULL; timer->last_ts = obs_get_video_frame_time(); defer_call_post(defer_timer_init, cb); return python_none(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void obs_python_tick_callback(void *priv, float seconds) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = priv; if (cb->base.removed) { obs_remove_tick_callback(obs_python_tick_callback, cb); return; } lock_callback(cb); PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(f)", seconds); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(cb->func, args); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(args); unlock_callback(); } static PyObject *obs_python_remove_tick_callback(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_cb = NULL; if (!script) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "No active script, report this to Jim"); return NULL; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); if (!parse_args(args, "O", &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = find_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); if (cb) remove_python_obs_callback(cb); return python_none(); } static PyObject *obs_python_add_tick_callback(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_cb = NULL; if (!script) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "No active script, report this to Jim"); return NULL; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); if (!parse_args(args, "O", &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = add_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); obs_add_tick_callback(obs_python_tick_callback, cb); return python_none(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void calldata_signal_callback(void *priv, calldata_t *cd) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = priv; if (cb->base.removed) { signal_handler_remove_current(); return; } lock_callback(cb); PyObject *py_cd; if (libobs_to_py(calldata_t, cd, false, &py_cd)) { PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(O)", py_cd); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(cb->func, args); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(args); Py_XDECREF(py_cd); } unlock_callback(); } static PyObject *obs_python_signal_handler_disconnect( PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_sh = NULL; PyObject *py_cb = NULL; const char *signal; if (!script) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "No active script, report this to Jim"); return NULL; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); signal_handler_t *handler; if (!parse_args(args, "OsO", &py_sh, &signal, &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_to_libobs(signal_handler_t, py_sh, &handler)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = find_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); while (cb) { signal_handler_t *cb_handler = calldata_ptr(&cb->base.extra, "handler"); const char *cb_signal = calldata_string(&cb->base.extra, "signal"); if (cb_signal && strcmp(signal, cb_signal) != 0 && handler == cb_handler) break; cb = find_next_python_obs_callback(script, cb, py_cb); } if (cb) remove_python_obs_callback(cb); return python_none(); } static PyObject *obs_python_signal_handler_connect( PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_sh = NULL; PyObject *py_cb = NULL; const char *signal; if (!script) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "No active script, report this to Jim"); return NULL; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); signal_handler_t *handler; if (!parse_args(args, "OsO", &py_sh, &signal, &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_to_libobs(signal_handler_t, py_sh, &handler)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = add_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); calldata_set_ptr(&cb->base.extra, "handler", handler); calldata_set_string(&cb->base.extra, "signal", signal); signal_handler_connect(handler, signal, calldata_signal_callback, cb); return python_none(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void calldata_signal_callback_global(void *priv, const char *signal, calldata_t *cd) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = priv; if (cb->base.removed) { signal_handler_remove_current(); return; } lock_callback(cb); PyObject *py_cd; if (libobs_to_py(calldata_t, cd, false, &py_cd)) { PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(sO)", signal, py_cd); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(cb->func, args); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(args); Py_XDECREF(py_cd); } unlock_callback(); } static PyObject *obs_python_signal_handler_disconnect_global( PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_sh = NULL; PyObject *py_cb = NULL; if (!script) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "No active script, report this to Jim"); return NULL; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); signal_handler_t *handler; if (!parse_args(args, "OO", &py_sh, &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_to_libobs(signal_handler_t, py_sh, &handler)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = find_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); while (cb) { signal_handler_t *cb_handler = calldata_ptr(&cb->base.extra, "handler"); if (handler == cb_handler) break; cb = find_next_python_obs_callback(script, cb, py_cb); } if (cb) remove_python_obs_callback(cb); return python_none(); } static PyObject *obs_python_signal_handler_connect_global( PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_sh = NULL; PyObject *py_cb = NULL; if (!script) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "No active script, report this to Jim"); return NULL; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); signal_handler_t *handler; if (!parse_args(args, "OO", &py_sh, &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_to_libobs(signal_handler_t, py_sh, &handler)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = add_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); calldata_set_ptr(&cb->base.extra, "handler", handler); signal_handler_connect_global(handler, calldata_signal_callback_global, cb); return python_none(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void defer_hotkey_unregister(void *p_cb) { obs_hotkey_unregister((obs_hotkey_id)(uintptr_t)p_cb); } static void on_remove_hotkey(void *p_cb) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; obs_hotkey_id id = (obs_hotkey_id)calldata_int(&cb->base.extra, "id"); if (id != OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID) defer_call_post(defer_hotkey_unregister, (void*)(uintptr_t)id); } static void hotkey_pressed(void *p_cb, bool pressed) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; if (cb->base.removed) return; lock_callback(cb); PyObject *py_pressed = PyBool_FromLong(pressed); PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(O)", py_pressed); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(cb->func, args); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(args); Py_XDECREF(py_pressed); unlock_callback(); } static void defer_hotkey_pressed(void *p_cb) { hotkey_pressed(p_cb, true); } static void defer_hotkey_unpressed(void *p_cb) { hotkey_pressed(p_cb, false); } static inline PyObject *py_invalid_hotkey_id() { return PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID); } static void hotkey_callback(void *p_cb, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; if (cb->base.removed) return; if (pressed) defer_call_post(defer_hotkey_pressed, cb); else defer_call_post(defer_hotkey_unpressed, cb); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); } static PyObject *hotkey_unregister(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_cb = NULL; if (!script) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "No active script, report this to Jim"); return NULL; } if (!parse_args(args, "O", &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = find_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); if (cb) remove_python_obs_callback(cb); UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); return python_none(); } static PyObject *hotkey_register_frontend(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; const char *name; const char *desc; obs_hotkey_id id; PyObject *py_cb; if (!parse_args(args, "ssO", &name, &desc, &py_cb)) return py_invalid_hotkey_id(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return py_invalid_hotkey_id(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = add_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); cb->base.on_remove = on_remove_hotkey; id = obs_hotkey_register_frontend(name, desc, hotkey_callback, cb); calldata_set_int(&cb->base.extra, "id", id); if (id == OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID) remove_python_obs_callback(cb); UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); return PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(id); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static bool button_prop_clicked(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, void *p_cb) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; bool ret = false; if (cb->base.removed) return false; lock_callback(cb); PyObject *py_props = NULL; PyObject *py_p = NULL; if (libobs_to_py(obs_properties_t, props, false, &py_props) && libobs_to_py(obs_property_t, p, false, &py_p)) { PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(OO)", py_props, py_p); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(cb->func, args); if (!py_error()) ret = py_ret == Py_True; Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(args); } Py_XDECREF(py_p); Py_XDECREF(py_props); unlock_callback(); return ret; } static PyObject *properties_add_button(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; obs_properties_t *props; obs_property_t *p; PyObject *py_props; PyObject *py_ret; const char *name; const char *text; PyObject *py_cb; if (!parse_args(args, "OssO", &py_props, &name, &text, &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_to_libobs(obs_properties_t, py_props, &props)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = add_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); p = obs_properties_add_button2(props, name, text, button_prop_clicked, cb); if (!p || !libobs_to_py(obs_property_t, p, false, &py_ret)) return python_none(); UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); return py_ret; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static bool modified_callback(void *p_cb, obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *settings) { struct python_obs_callback *cb = p_cb; bool ret = false; if (cb->base.removed) return false; lock_callback(cb); PyObject *py_props = NULL; PyObject *py_p = NULL; PyObject *py_settings = NULL; if (libobs_to_py(obs_properties_t, props, false, &py_props) && libobs_to_py(obs_property_t, p, false, &py_p) && libobs_to_py(obs_data_t, settings, false, &py_settings)) { PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(OOO)", py_props, py_p, py_settings); PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(cb->func, args); if (!py_error()) ret = py_ret == Py_True; Py_XDECREF(py_ret); Py_XDECREF(args); } Py_XDECREF(py_settings); Py_XDECREF(py_p); Py_XDECREF(py_props); unlock_callback(); return ret; } static PyObject *property_set_modified_callback(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct obs_python_script *script = cur_python_script; PyObject *py_p; PyObject *py_cb; obs_property_t *p; if (!parse_args(args, "OO", &py_p, &py_cb)) return python_none(); if (!py_to_libobs(obs_property_t, py_p, &p)) return python_none(); if (!py_cb || !PyFunction_Check(py_cb)) return python_none(); struct python_obs_callback *cb = add_python_obs_callback(script, py_cb); obs_property_set_modified_callback2(p, modified_callback, cb); UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); return python_none(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static PyObject *remove_current_callback(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); UNUSED_PARAMETER(args); if (cur_python_cb) remove_python_obs_callback(cur_python_cb); return python_none(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static PyObject *calldata_source(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *py_ret = NULL; PyObject *py_cd = NULL; calldata_t *cd; const char *name; UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); if (!parse_args(args, "Os", &py_cd, &name)) goto fail; if (!py_to_libobs(calldata_t, py_cd, &cd)) goto fail; obs_source_t *source = calldata_ptr(cd, name); libobs_to_py(obs_source_t, source, false, &py_ret); fail: return py_ret; } static PyObject *calldata_sceneitem(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *py_ret = NULL; PyObject *py_cd = NULL; calldata_t *cd; const char *name; UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); if (!parse_args(args, "Os", &py_cd, &name)) goto fail; if (!py_to_libobs(calldata_t, py_cd, &cd)) goto fail; obs_sceneitem_t *item = calldata_ptr(cd, name); libobs_to_py(obs_sceneitem_t, item, false, &py_ret); fail: return py_ret; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static bool enum_sources_proc(void *param, obs_source_t *source) { PyObject *list = param; PyObject *py_source; if (libobs_to_py(obs_source_t, source, false, &py_source)) { obs_source_get_ref(source); PyList_Append(list, py_source); Py_DECREF(py_source); } return true; } static PyObject *enum_sources(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); UNUSED_PARAMETER(args); PyObject *list = PyList_New(0); obs_enum_sources(enum_sources_proc, list); return list; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static bool enum_items_proc(obs_scene_t *scene, obs_sceneitem_t *item, void *param) { PyObject *list = param; PyObject *py_item; UNUSED_PARAMETER(scene); if (libobs_to_py(obs_sceneitem_t, item, false, &py_item)) { obs_sceneitem_addref(item); PyList_Append(list, py_item); Py_DECREF(py_item); } return true; } static PyObject *scene_enum_items(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *py_scene; obs_scene_t *scene; UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); if (!parse_args(args, "O", &py_scene)) return python_none(); if (!py_to_libobs(obs_scene_t, py_scene, &scene)) return python_none(); PyObject *list = PyList_New(0); obs_scene_enum_items(scene, enum_items_proc, list); return list; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static PyObject *source_list_release(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *list; if (!parse_args(args, "O", &list)) return python_none(); Py_ssize_t count = PyList_Size(list); for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { PyObject *py_source = PyList_GetItem(list, i); obs_source_t *source; if (py_to_libobs(obs_source_t, py_source, &source)) { obs_source_release(source); } } UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); return python_none(); } static PyObject *sceneitem_list_release(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *list; if (!parse_args(args, "O", &list)) return python_none(); Py_ssize_t count = PyList_Size(list); for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { PyObject *py_item = PyList_GetItem(list, i); obs_sceneitem_t *item; if (py_to_libobs(obs_sceneitem_t, py_item, &item)) { obs_sceneitem_release(item); } } UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); return python_none(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ struct dstr cur_py_log_chunk = {0}; static PyObject *py_script_log_internal(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, bool add_endl) { static bool calling_self = false; int log_level; const char *msg; UNUSED_PARAMETER(self); if (calling_self) return python_none(); calling_self = true; /* ------------------- */ if (!parse_args(args, "is", &log_level, &msg)) goto fail; if (!msg || !*msg) goto fail; dstr_cat(&cur_py_log_chunk, msg); if (add_endl) dstr_cat(&cur_py_log_chunk, "\n"); const char *start = cur_py_log_chunk.array; char *endl = strchr(start, '\n'); while (endl) { *endl = 0; if (cur_python_script) script_log(&cur_python_script->base, log_level, "%s", start); else script_log(NULL, log_level, "%s", start); *endl = '\n'; start = endl + 1; endl = strchr(start, '\n'); } if (start) { size_t len = strlen(start); if (len) memmove(cur_py_log_chunk.array, start, len); dstr_resize(&cur_py_log_chunk, len); } /* ------------------- */ fail: calling_self = false; return python_none(); } static PyObject *py_script_log_no_endl(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { return py_script_log_internal(self, args, false); } static PyObject *py_script_log(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { return py_script_log_internal(self, args, true); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void add_hook_functions(PyObject *module) { static PyMethodDef funcs[] = { #define DEF_FUNC(n, c) {n, c, METH_VARARGS, NULL} DEF_FUNC("script_log_no_endl", py_script_log_no_endl), DEF_FUNC("script_log", py_script_log), DEF_FUNC("timer_remove", timer_remove), DEF_FUNC("timer_add", timer_add), DEF_FUNC("calldata_source", calldata_source), DEF_FUNC("calldata_sceneitem", calldata_sceneitem), DEF_FUNC("source_list_release", source_list_release), DEF_FUNC("sceneitem_list_release", sceneitem_list_release), DEF_FUNC("obs_enum_sources", enum_sources), DEF_FUNC("obs_scene_enum_items", scene_enum_items), DEF_FUNC("obs_remove_tick_callback", obs_python_remove_tick_callback), DEF_FUNC("obs_add_tick_callback", obs_python_add_tick_callback), DEF_FUNC("signal_handler_disconnect", obs_python_signal_handler_disconnect), DEF_FUNC("signal_handler_connect", obs_python_signal_handler_connect), DEF_FUNC("signal_handler_disconnect_global", obs_python_signal_handler_disconnect_global), DEF_FUNC("signal_handler_connect_global", obs_python_signal_handler_connect_global), DEF_FUNC("obs_hotkey_unregister", hotkey_unregister), DEF_FUNC("obs_hotkey_register_frontend", hotkey_register_frontend), DEF_FUNC("obs_properties_add_button", properties_add_button), DEF_FUNC("obs_property_set_modified_callback", property_set_modified_callback), DEF_FUNC("remove_current_callback", remove_current_callback), #undef DEF_FUNC {0} }; add_functions_to_py_module(module, funcs); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ void obs_python_script_update(obs_script_t *script, obs_data_t *settings); bool obs_python_script_load(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_python_script *data = (struct obs_python_script *)s; if (python_loaded && !data->base.loaded) { lock_python(); if (!data->module) add_to_python_path(data->dir.array); data->base.loaded = load_python_script(data); unlock_python(); if (data->base.loaded) obs_python_script_update(s, NULL); } return data->base.loaded; } obs_script_t *obs_python_script_create(const char *path, obs_data_t *settings) { struct obs_python_script *data = bzalloc(sizeof(*data)); data->base.type = OBS_SCRIPT_LANG_PYTHON; dstr_copy(&data->base.path, path); dstr_replace(&data->base.path, "\\", "/"); path = data->base.path.array; const char *slash = path && *path ? strrchr(path, '/') : NULL; if (slash) { slash++; dstr_copy(&data->base.file, slash); dstr_left(&data->dir, &data->base.path, slash - path); } else { dstr_copy(&data->base.file, path); } path = data->base.file.array; dstr_copy_dstr(&data->name, &data->base.file); const char *ext = strstr(path, ".py"); if (ext) dstr_resize(&data->name, ext - path); data->base.settings = obs_data_create(); if (settings) obs_data_apply(data->base.settings, settings); if (!python_loaded) return (obs_script_t *)data; lock_python(); add_to_python_path(data->dir.array); data->base.loaded = load_python_script(data); if (data->base.loaded) { cur_python_script = data; obs_python_script_update(&data->base, NULL); cur_python_script = NULL; } unlock_python(); return (obs_script_t *)data; } void obs_python_script_unload(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_python_script *data = (struct obs_python_script *)s; if (!s->loaded || !python_loaded) return; /* ---------------------------- */ /* unhook tick function */ if (data->p_prev_next_tick) { pthread_mutex_lock(&tick_mutex); struct obs_python_script *next = data->next_tick; if (next) next->p_prev_next_tick = data->p_prev_next_tick; *data->p_prev_next_tick = next; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tick_mutex); data->p_prev_next_tick = NULL; data->next_tick = NULL; } lock_python(); Py_XDECREF(data->tick); Py_XDECREF(data->save); Py_XDECREF(data->update); Py_XDECREF(data->get_properties); data->tick = NULL; data->save = NULL; data->update = NULL; data->get_properties = NULL; /* ---------------------------- */ /* remove all callbacks */ struct script_callback *cb = data->first_callback; while (cb) { struct script_callback *next = cb->next; remove_script_callback(cb); cb = next; } /* ---------------------------- */ /* unload */ unload_python_script(data); unlock_python(); s->loaded = false; } void obs_python_script_destroy(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_python_script *data = (struct obs_python_script *)s; if (data) { if (python_loaded) { lock_python(); Py_XDECREF(data->module); unlock_python(); } dstr_free(&data->base.path); dstr_free(&data->base.file); dstr_free(&data->base.desc); obs_data_release(data->base.settings); dstr_free(&data->dir); dstr_free(&data->name); bfree(data); } } void obs_python_script_update(obs_script_t *s, obs_data_t *settings) { struct obs_python_script *data = (struct obs_python_script *)s; if (!s->loaded || !python_loaded) return; if (!data->update) return; if (settings) obs_data_apply(s->settings, settings); lock_python(); cur_python_script = data; PyObject *py_settings; if (libobs_to_py(obs_data_t, s->settings, false, &py_settings)) { PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(O)", py_settings); PyObject *ret = PyObject_CallObject(data->update, args); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(ret); Py_XDECREF(args); Py_XDECREF(py_settings); } cur_python_script = NULL; unlock_python(); } obs_properties_t *obs_python_script_get_properties(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_python_script *data = (struct obs_python_script *)s; obs_properties_t *props = NULL; if (!s->loaded || !python_loaded) return NULL; if (!data->get_properties) return NULL; lock_python(); cur_python_script = data; PyObject *ret = PyObject_CallObject(data->get_properties, NULL); if (!py_error()) py_to_libobs(obs_properties_t, ret, &props); Py_XDECREF(ret); cur_python_script = NULL; unlock_python(); return props; } void obs_python_script_save(obs_script_t *s) { struct obs_python_script *data = (struct obs_python_script *)s; if (!s->loaded || !python_loaded) return; if (!data->save) return; lock_python(); cur_python_script = data; PyObject *py_settings; if (libobs_to_py(obs_data_t, s->settings, false, &py_settings)) { PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(O)", py_settings); PyObject *ret = PyObject_CallObject(data->save, args); py_error(); Py_XDECREF(ret); Py_XDECREF(args); Py_XDECREF(py_settings); } cur_python_script = NULL; unlock_python(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static void python_tick(void *param, float seconds) { struct obs_python_script *data; bool valid; uint64_t ts = obs_get_video_frame_time(); pthread_mutex_lock(&tick_mutex); valid = !!first_tick_script; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tick_mutex); /* --------------------------------- */ /* process script_tick calls */ if (valid) { lock_python(); PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(f)", seconds); pthread_mutex_lock(&tick_mutex); data = first_tick_script; while (data) { cur_python_script = data; PyObject *py_ret = PyObject_CallObject(data->tick, args); Py_XDECREF(py_ret); py_error(); data = data->next_tick; } cur_python_script = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&tick_mutex); Py_XDECREF(args); unlock_python(); } /* --------------------------------- */ /* process timers */ pthread_mutex_lock(&timer_mutex); struct python_obs_timer *timer = first_timer; while (timer) { struct python_obs_timer *next = timer->next; struct python_obs_callback *cb = python_obs_timer_cb(timer); if (cb->base.removed) { python_obs_timer_remove(timer); } else { uint64_t elapsed = ts - timer->last_ts; if (elapsed >= timer->interval) { lock_python(); timer_call(&cb->base); unlock_python(); timer->last_ts += timer->interval; } } timer = next; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_mutex); UNUSED_PARAMETER(param); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ void obs_python_unload(void); bool obs_scripting_python_runtime_linked(void) { return (bool)RUNTIME_LINK; } bool obs_scripting_python_loaded(void) { return python_loaded; } void obs_python_load(void) { da_init(python_paths); pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); pthread_mutex_init(&tick_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&timer_mutex, &attr); } extern void add_python_frontend_funcs(PyObject *module); static bool python_loaded_at_all = false; bool obs_scripting_load_python(const char *python_path) { if (python_loaded) return true; /* Use external python on windows and mac */ #if RUNTIME_LINK # if 0 struct dstr old_path = {0}; struct dstr new_path = {0}; # endif if (!import_python(python_path)) return false; if (python_path && *python_path) { os_utf8_to_wcs(python_path, 0, home_path, 1024); Py_SetPythonHome(home_path); # if 0 dstr_copy(&old_path, getenv("PATH")); _putenv("PYTHONPATH="); _putenv("PATH="); # endif } #else UNUSED_PARAMETER(python_path); #endif Py_Initialize(); if (!Py_IsInitialized()) return false; #if 0 # ifdef _DEBUG if (pythondir && *pythondir) { dstr_printf(&new_path, "PATH=%s", old_path.array); _putenv(new_path.array); } # endif bfree(pythondir); dstr_free(&new_path); dstr_free(&old_path); #endif PyEval_InitThreads(); if (!PyEval_ThreadsInitialized()) return false; /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* Must set arguments for guis to work */ wchar_t *argv[] = {L"", NULL}; int argc = sizeof(argv) / sizeof(wchar_t*) - 1; PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv); #ifdef DEBUG_PYTHON_STARTUP /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* Debug logging to file if startup is failing */ PyRun_SimpleString("import os"); PyRun_SimpleString("import sys"); PyRun_SimpleString("os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1'"); PyRun_SimpleString("sys.stdout = open('./stdOut.txt','w',1)"); PyRun_SimpleString("sys.stderr = open('./stdErr.txt','w',1)"); PyRun_SimpleString("print(sys.version)"); #endif /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* Load main interface module */ add_to_python_path(SCRIPT_DIR); py_obspython = PyImport_ImportModule("obspython"); bool success = !py_error(); if (!success) { warn("Error importing obspython.py', unloading obs-python"); goto out; } python_loaded = PyRun_SimpleString(startup_script) == 0; py_error(); add_hook_functions(py_obspython); py_error(); add_python_frontend_funcs(py_obspython); py_error(); out: /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* Free data */ PyEval_ReleaseThread(PyGILState_GetThisThreadState()); if (!success) { warn("Failed to load python plugin"); obs_python_unload(); } python_loaded_at_all = success; if (python_loaded) obs_add_tick_callback(python_tick, NULL); return python_loaded; } void obs_python_unload(void) { if (!python_loaded_at_all) return; if (python_loaded && Py_IsInitialized()) { PyGILState_Ensure(); Py_XDECREF(py_obspython); Py_Finalize(); } /* ---------------------- */ obs_remove_tick_callback(python_tick, NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < python_paths.num; i++) bfree(python_paths.array[i]); da_free(python_paths); pthread_mutex_destroy(&tick_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&timer_mutex); dstr_free(&cur_py_log_chunk); python_loaded_at_all = false; }