/* * Copyright (c) 2015 John R. Bradley <jrb@turrettech.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <obs-module.h> #include <util/platform.h> #include <util/dstr.h> #include "obs-ffmpeg-compat.h" #include "obs-ffmpeg-formats.h" #include <media-playback/media.h> #define FF_LOG(level, format, ...) \ blog(level, "[Media Source]: " format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FF_LOG_S(source, level, format, ...) \ blog(level, "[Media Source '%s']: " format, \ obs_source_get_name(source), ##__VA_ARGS__) #define FF_BLOG(level, format, ...) \ FF_LOG_S(s->source, level, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) struct ffmpeg_source { mp_media_t media; bool media_valid; bool destroy_media; struct SwsContext *sws_ctx; int sws_width; int sws_height; enum AVPixelFormat sws_format; uint8_t *sws_data; int sws_linesize; enum video_range_type range; obs_source_t *source; obs_hotkey_id hotkey; char *input; char *input_format; int buffering_mb; int speed_percent; bool is_looping; bool is_local_file; bool is_hw_decoding; bool is_clear_on_media_end; bool restart_on_activate; bool close_when_inactive; bool seekable; pthread_t reconnect_thread; bool stop_reconnect; bool reconnect_thread_valid; volatile bool reconnecting; int reconnect_delay_sec; enum obs_media_state state; obs_hotkey_pair_id play_pause_hotkey; obs_hotkey_id stop_hotkey; }; static void set_media_state(void *data, enum obs_media_state state) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; s->state = state; } static bool is_local_file_modified(obs_properties_t *props, obs_property_t *prop, obs_data_t *settings) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(prop); bool enabled = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "is_local_file"); obs_property_t *input = obs_properties_get(props, "input"); obs_property_t *input_format = obs_properties_get(props, "input_format"); obs_property_t *local_file = obs_properties_get(props, "local_file"); obs_property_t *looping = obs_properties_get(props, "looping"); obs_property_t *buffering = obs_properties_get(props, "buffering_mb"); obs_property_t *seekable = obs_properties_get(props, "seekable"); obs_property_t *speed = obs_properties_get(props, "speed_percent"); obs_property_t *reconnect_delay_sec = obs_properties_get(props, "reconnect_delay_sec"); obs_property_set_visible(input, !enabled); obs_property_set_visible(input_format, !enabled); obs_property_set_visible(buffering, !enabled); obs_property_set_visible(local_file, enabled); obs_property_set_visible(looping, enabled); obs_property_set_visible(speed, enabled); obs_property_set_visible(seekable, !enabled); obs_property_set_visible(reconnect_delay_sec, !enabled); return true; } static void ffmpeg_source_defaults(obs_data_t *settings) { obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "is_local_file", true); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "looping", false); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "clear_on_media_end", true); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "restart_on_activate", true); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "reconnect_delay_sec", 10); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "buffering_mb", 2); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, "speed_percent", 100); } static const char *media_filter = " (*.mp4 *.ts *.mov *.flv *.mkv *.avi *.mp3 *.ogg *.aac *.wav *.gif *.webm);;"; static const char *video_filter = " (*.mp4 *.ts *.mov *.flv *.mkv *.avi *.gif *.webm);;"; static const char *audio_filter = " (*.mp3 *.aac *.ogg *.wav);;"; static obs_properties_t *ffmpeg_source_getproperties(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; struct dstr filter = {0}; struct dstr path = {0}; UNUSED_PARAMETER(data); obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); obs_properties_set_flags(props, OBS_PROPERTIES_DEFER_UPDATE); obs_property_t *prop; // use this when obs allows non-readonly paths prop = obs_properties_add_bool(props, "is_local_file", obs_module_text("LocalFile")); obs_property_set_modified_callback(prop, is_local_file_modified); dstr_copy(&filter, obs_module_text("MediaFileFilter.AllMediaFiles")); dstr_cat(&filter, media_filter); dstr_cat(&filter, obs_module_text("MediaFileFilter.VideoFiles")); dstr_cat(&filter, video_filter); dstr_cat(&filter, obs_module_text("MediaFileFilter.AudioFiles")); dstr_cat(&filter, audio_filter); dstr_cat(&filter, obs_module_text("MediaFileFilter.AllFiles")); dstr_cat(&filter, " (*.*)"); if (s && s->input && *s->input) { const char *slash; dstr_copy(&path, s->input); dstr_replace(&path, "\\", "/"); slash = strrchr(path.array, '/'); if (slash) dstr_resize(&path, slash - path.array + 1); } obs_properties_add_path(props, "local_file", obs_module_text("LocalFile"), OBS_PATH_FILE, filter.array, path.array); dstr_free(&filter); dstr_free(&path); prop = obs_properties_add_bool(props, "looping", obs_module_text("Looping")); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "restart_on_activate", obs_module_text("RestartWhenActivated")); prop = obs_properties_add_int_slider(props, "buffering_mb", obs_module_text("BufferingMB"), 0, 16, 1); obs_property_int_set_suffix(prop, " MB"); obs_properties_add_text(props, "input", obs_module_text("Input"), OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT); obs_properties_add_text(props, "input_format", obs_module_text("InputFormat"), OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT); prop = obs_properties_add_int_slider( props, "reconnect_delay_sec", obs_module_text("ReconnectDelayTime"), 1, 60, 1); obs_property_int_set_suffix(prop, " S"); #ifndef __APPLE__ obs_properties_add_bool(props, "hw_decode", obs_module_text("HardwareDecode")); #endif obs_properties_add_bool(props, "clear_on_media_end", obs_module_text("ClearOnMediaEnd")); prop = obs_properties_add_bool( props, "close_when_inactive", obs_module_text("CloseFileWhenInactive")); obs_property_set_long_description( prop, obs_module_text("CloseFileWhenInactive.ToolTip")); prop = obs_properties_add_int_slider(props, "speed_percent", obs_module_text("SpeedPercentage"), 1, 200, 1); obs_property_int_set_suffix(prop, "%"); prop = obs_properties_add_list(props, "color_range", obs_module_text("ColorRange"), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_list_add_int(prop, obs_module_text("ColorRange.Auto"), VIDEO_RANGE_DEFAULT); obs_property_list_add_int(prop, obs_module_text("ColorRange.Partial"), VIDEO_RANGE_PARTIAL); obs_property_list_add_int(prop, obs_module_text("ColorRange.Full"), VIDEO_RANGE_FULL); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "seekable", obs_module_text("Seekable")); return props; } static void dump_source_info(struct ffmpeg_source *s, const char *input, const char *input_format) { FF_BLOG(LOG_INFO, "settings:\n" "\tinput: %s\n" "\tinput_format: %s\n" "\tspeed: %d\n" "\tis_looping: %s\n" "\tis_hw_decoding: %s\n" "\tis_clear_on_media_end: %s\n" "\trestart_on_activate: %s\n" "\tclose_when_inactive: %s", input ? input : "(null)", input_format ? input_format : "(null)", s->speed_percent, s->is_looping ? "yes" : "no", s->is_hw_decoding ? "yes" : "no", s->is_clear_on_media_end ? "yes" : "no", s->restart_on_activate ? "yes" : "no", s->close_when_inactive ? "yes" : "no"); } static void get_frame(void *opaque, struct obs_source_frame *f) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = opaque; obs_source_output_video(s->source, f); } static void preload_frame(void *opaque, struct obs_source_frame *f) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = opaque; if (s->close_when_inactive) return; if (s->is_clear_on_media_end || s->is_looping) obs_source_preload_video(s->source, f); if (!s->is_local_file && os_atomic_set_bool(&s->reconnecting, false)) FF_BLOG(LOG_INFO, "Reconnected."); } static void seek_frame(void *opaque, struct obs_source_frame *f) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = opaque; obs_source_set_video_frame(s->source, f); } static void get_audio(void *opaque, struct obs_source_audio *a) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = opaque; obs_source_output_audio(s->source, a); if (!s->is_local_file && os_atomic_set_bool(&s->reconnecting, false)) FF_BLOG(LOG_INFO, "Reconnected."); } static void media_stopped(void *opaque) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = opaque; if (s->is_clear_on_media_end) { obs_source_output_video(s->source, NULL); } if (s->close_when_inactive && s->media_valid) s->destroy_media = true; set_media_state(s, OBS_MEDIA_STATE_ENDED); obs_source_media_ended(s->source); } static void ffmpeg_source_open(struct ffmpeg_source *s) { if (s->input && *s->input) { struct mp_media_info info = { .opaque = s, .v_cb = get_frame, .v_preload_cb = preload_frame, .v_seek_cb = seek_frame, .a_cb = get_audio, .stop_cb = media_stopped, .path = s->input, .format = s->input_format, .buffering = s->buffering_mb * 1024 * 1024, .speed = s->speed_percent, .force_range = s->range, .hardware_decoding = s->is_hw_decoding, .is_local_file = s->is_local_file || s->seekable, .reconnecting = s->reconnecting, }; s->media_valid = mp_media_init(&s->media, &info); } } static void ffmpeg_source_start(struct ffmpeg_source *s) { if (!s->media_valid) ffmpeg_source_open(s); if (!s->media_valid) return; mp_media_play(&s->media, s->is_looping, s->reconnecting); if (s->is_local_file && (s->is_clear_on_media_end || s->is_looping)) obs_source_show_preloaded_video(s->source); else obs_source_output_video(s->source, NULL); set_media_state(s, OBS_MEDIA_STATE_PLAYING); obs_source_media_started(s->source); } static void *ffmpeg_source_reconnect(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; os_sleep_ms(s->reconnect_delay_sec * 1000); if (s->stop_reconnect || s->media_valid) goto finish; bool active = obs_source_active(s->source); if (!s->close_when_inactive || active) ffmpeg_source_open(s); if (!s->restart_on_activate || active) ffmpeg_source_start(s); finish: s->reconnect_thread_valid = false; return NULL; } static void ffmpeg_source_tick(void *data, float seconds) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(seconds); struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (s->destroy_media) { if (s->media_valid) { mp_media_free(&s->media); s->media_valid = false; } s->destroy_media = false; if (!s->is_local_file) { if (!os_atomic_set_bool(&s->reconnecting, true)) { FF_BLOG(LOG_WARNING, "Disconnected. " "Reconnecting..."); } if (pthread_create(&s->reconnect_thread, NULL, ffmpeg_source_reconnect, s) != 0) { FF_BLOG(LOG_WARNING, "Could not create " "reconnect thread"); return; } s->reconnect_thread_valid = true; } } } static void ffmpeg_source_update(void *data, obs_data_t *settings) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; bool is_local_file = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "is_local_file"); char *input; char *input_format; bfree(s->input); bfree(s->input_format); if (is_local_file) { input = (char *)obs_data_get_string(settings, "local_file"); input_format = NULL; s->is_looping = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "looping"); } else { input = (char *)obs_data_get_string(settings, "input"); input_format = (char *)obs_data_get_string(settings, "input_format"); s->reconnect_delay_sec = (int)obs_data_get_int(settings, "reconnect_delay_sec"); s->reconnect_delay_sec = s->reconnect_delay_sec == 0 ? 10 : s->reconnect_delay_sec; s->is_looping = false; if (s->reconnect_thread_valid) { s->stop_reconnect = true; pthread_join(s->reconnect_thread, NULL); s->stop_reconnect = false; } } s->close_when_inactive = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "close_when_inactive"); s->input = input ? bstrdup(input) : NULL; s->input_format = input_format ? bstrdup(input_format) : NULL; #ifndef __APPLE__ s->is_hw_decoding = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "hw_decode"); #endif s->is_clear_on_media_end = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "clear_on_media_end"); s->restart_on_activate = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "restart_on_activate"); s->range = (enum video_range_type)obs_data_get_int(settings, "color_range"); s->buffering_mb = (int)obs_data_get_int(settings, "buffering_mb"); s->speed_percent = (int)obs_data_get_int(settings, "speed_percent"); s->is_local_file = is_local_file; s->seekable = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "seekable"); if (s->speed_percent < 1 || s->speed_percent > 200) s->speed_percent = 100; if (s->media_valid) { mp_media_free(&s->media); s->media_valid = false; } bool active = obs_source_active(s->source); if (!s->close_when_inactive || active) ffmpeg_source_open(s); dump_source_info(s, input, input_format); if (!s->restart_on_activate || active) ffmpeg_source_start(s); } static const char *ffmpeg_source_getname(void *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); return obs_module_text("FFMpegSource"); } static void restart_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); if (!pressed) return; struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (obs_source_showing(s->source)) obs_source_media_restart(s->source); } static void restart_proc(void *data, calldata_t *cd) { restart_hotkey(data, 0, NULL, true); UNUSED_PARAMETER(cd); } static void get_duration(void *data, calldata_t *cd) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; int64_t dur = 0; if (s->media.fmt) dur = s->media.fmt->duration; calldata_set_int(cd, "duration", dur * 1000); } static void get_nb_frames(void *data, calldata_t *cd) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; int64_t frames = 0; if (!s->media.fmt) { calldata_set_int(cd, "num_frames", frames); return; } int video_stream_index = av_find_best_stream( s->media.fmt, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, NULL, 0); if (video_stream_index < 0) { FF_BLOG(LOG_WARNING, "Getting number of frames failed: No " "video stream in media file!"); calldata_set_int(cd, "num_frames", frames); return; } AVStream *stream = s->media.fmt->streams[video_stream_index]; if (stream->nb_frames > 0) { frames = stream->nb_frames; } else { FF_BLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "nb_frames not set, estimating using frame " "rate and duration"); AVRational avg_frame_rate = stream->avg_frame_rate; frames = (int64_t)ceil((double)s->media.fmt->duration / (double)AV_TIME_BASE * (double)avg_frame_rate.num / (double)avg_frame_rate.den); } calldata_set_int(cd, "num_frames", frames); } static bool ffmpeg_source_play_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_pair_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); if (!pressed) return false; struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (s->state == OBS_MEDIA_STATE_PLAYING || !obs_source_showing(s->source)) return false; obs_source_media_play_pause(s->source, false); return true; } static bool ffmpeg_source_pause_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_pair_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); if (!pressed) return false; struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (s->state != OBS_MEDIA_STATE_PLAYING || !obs_source_showing(s->source)) return false; obs_source_media_play_pause(s->source, true); return true; } static void ffmpeg_source_stop_hotkey(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); UNUSED_PARAMETER(hotkey); if (!pressed) return; struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (obs_source_showing(s->source)) obs_source_media_stop(s->source); } static void *ffmpeg_source_create(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(settings); struct ffmpeg_source *s = bzalloc(sizeof(struct ffmpeg_source)); s->source = source; s->hotkey = obs_hotkey_register_source(source, "MediaSource.Restart", obs_module_text("RestartMedia"), restart_hotkey, s); s->play_pause_hotkey = obs_hotkey_pair_register_source( s->source, "MediaSource.Play", obs_module_text("Play"), "MediaSource.Pause", obs_module_text("Pause"), ffmpeg_source_play_hotkey, ffmpeg_source_pause_hotkey, s, s); s->stop_hotkey = obs_hotkey_register_source(source, "MediaSource.Stop", obs_module_text("Stop"), ffmpeg_source_stop_hotkey, s); proc_handler_t *ph = obs_source_get_proc_handler(source); proc_handler_add(ph, "void restart()", restart_proc, s); proc_handler_add(ph, "void get_duration(out int duration)", get_duration, s); proc_handler_add(ph, "void get_nb_frames(out int num_frames)", get_nb_frames, s); ffmpeg_source_update(s, settings); return s; } static void ffmpeg_source_destroy(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (s->hotkey) obs_hotkey_unregister(s->hotkey); if (!s->is_local_file) { s->stop_reconnect = true; if (s->reconnect_thread_valid) pthread_join(s->reconnect_thread, NULL); } if (s->media_valid) mp_media_free(&s->media); if (s->sws_ctx != NULL) sws_freeContext(s->sws_ctx); bfree(s->sws_data); bfree(s->input); bfree(s->input_format); bfree(s); } static void ffmpeg_source_activate(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (s->restart_on_activate) obs_source_media_restart(s->source); } static void ffmpeg_source_deactivate(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (s->restart_on_activate) { if (s->media_valid) { mp_media_stop(&s->media); if (s->is_clear_on_media_end) obs_source_output_video(s->source, NULL); } } } static void ffmpeg_source_play_pause(void *data, bool pause) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (!s->media_valid) ffmpeg_source_open(s); if (!s->media_valid) return; mp_media_play_pause(&s->media, pause); if (pause) set_media_state(s, OBS_MEDIA_STATE_PAUSED); else set_media_state(s, OBS_MEDIA_STATE_PLAYING); } static void ffmpeg_source_stop(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (s->media_valid) { mp_media_stop(&s->media); obs_source_output_video(s->source, NULL); set_media_state(s, OBS_MEDIA_STATE_STOPPED); } } static void ffmpeg_source_restart(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (obs_source_showing(s->source)) ffmpeg_source_start(s); set_media_state(s, OBS_MEDIA_STATE_PLAYING); } static int64_t ffmpeg_source_get_duration(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; int64_t dur = 0; if (s->media.fmt) dur = s->media.fmt->duration / INT64_C(1000); return dur; } static int64_t ffmpeg_source_get_time(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; return mp_get_current_time(&s->media); } static void ffmpeg_source_set_time(void *data, int64_t ms) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; if (!s->media_valid) return; mp_media_seek_to(&s->media, ms); } static enum obs_media_state ffmpeg_source_get_state(void *data) { struct ffmpeg_source *s = data; return s->state; } struct obs_source_info ffmpeg_source = { .id = "ffmpeg_source", .type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, .output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_ASYNC_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_AUDIO | OBS_SOURCE_DO_NOT_DUPLICATE | OBS_SOURCE_CONTROLLABLE_MEDIA, .get_name = ffmpeg_source_getname, .create = ffmpeg_source_create, .destroy = ffmpeg_source_destroy, .get_defaults = ffmpeg_source_defaults, .get_properties = ffmpeg_source_getproperties, .activate = ffmpeg_source_activate, .deactivate = ffmpeg_source_deactivate, .video_tick = ffmpeg_source_tick, .update = ffmpeg_source_update, .icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_MEDIA, .media_play_pause = ffmpeg_source_play_pause, .media_restart = ffmpeg_source_restart, .media_stop = ffmpeg_source_stop, .media_get_duration = ffmpeg_source_get_duration, .media_get_time = ffmpeg_source_get_time, .media_set_time = ffmpeg_source_set_time, .media_get_state = ffmpeg_source_get_state, };