#include "auth-mixer.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "window-basic-main.hpp" #include "remote-text.hpp" #include "window-dock.hpp" #include #include #include "ui-config.h" #include "obf.h" using namespace json11; #include extern QCef *cef; extern QCefCookieManager *panel_cookies; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MIXER_AUTH_URL \ "https://obsproject.com/app-auth/mixer?action=redirect" #define MIXER_TOKEN_URL \ "https://obsproject.com/app-auth/mixer-token" #define MIXER_SCOPE_VERSION 1 static Auth::Def mixerDef = { "Mixer", Auth::Type::OAuth_StreamKey }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ MixerAuth::MixerAuth(const Def &d) : OAuthStreamKey(d) { } bool MixerAuth::GetChannelInfo(bool allow_retry) try { std::string client_id = MIXER_CLIENTID; deobfuscate_str(&client_id[0], MIXER_HASH); if (!GetToken(MIXER_TOKEN_URL, client_id, MIXER_SCOPE_VERSION)) return false; if (token.empty()) return false; if (!key_.empty()) return true; std::string auth; auth += "Authorization: Bearer "; auth += token; std::vector headers; headers.push_back(std::string("Client-ID: ") + client_id); headers.push_back(std::move(auth)); std::string output; std::string error; Json json; bool success; if (id.empty()) { auto func = [&] () { success = GetRemoteFile( "https://mixer.com/api/v1/users/current", output, error, nullptr, "application/json", nullptr, headers, nullptr, 5); }; ExecThreadedWithoutBlocking( func, QTStr("Auth.LoadingChannel.Title"), QTStr("Auth.LoadingChannel.Text").arg(service())); if (!success || output.empty()) throw ErrorInfo("Failed to get user info from remote", error); Json json = Json::parse(output, error); if (!error.empty()) throw ErrorInfo("Failed to parse json", error); error = json["error"].string_value(); if (!error.empty()) throw ErrorInfo(error, json["error_description"].string_value()); id = std::to_string(json["channel"]["id"].int_value()); name = json["channel"]["token"].string_value(); } /* ------------------ */ std::string url; url += "https://mixer.com/api/v1/channels/"; url += id; url += "/details"; output.clear(); auto func = [&] () { success = GetRemoteFile( url.c_str(), output, error, nullptr, "application/json", nullptr, headers, nullptr, 5); }; ExecThreadedWithoutBlocking( func, QTStr("Auth.LoadingChannel.Title"), QTStr("Auth.LoadingChannel.Text").arg(service())); if (!success || output.empty()) throw ErrorInfo("Failed to get stream key from remote", error); json = Json::parse(output, error); if (!error.empty()) throw ErrorInfo("Failed to parse json", error); error = json["error"].string_value(); if (!error.empty()) throw ErrorInfo(error, json["error_description"].string_value()); std::string key_suffix = json["streamKey"].string_value(); /* Mixer does not throw an error; instead it gives you the channel data * json without the data you normally have privileges for, which means * it'll be an empty stream key usually. So treat empty stream key as * an error. */ if (key_suffix.empty()) { if (allow_retry && RetryLogin()) { return GetChannelInfo(false); } throw ErrorInfo("Auth Failure", "Could not get channel data"); } key_ = id + "-" + key_suffix; return true; } catch (ErrorInfo info) { QString title = QTStr("Auth.ChannelFailure.Title"); QString text = QTStr("Auth.ChannelFailure.Text") .arg(service(), info.message.c_str(), info.error.c_str()); QMessageBox::warning(OBSBasic::Get(), title, text); blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, info.message.c_str(), info.error.c_str()); return false; } void MixerAuth::SaveInternal() { OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); config_set_string(main->Config(), service(), "Name", name.c_str()); config_set_string(main->Config(), service(), "Id", id.c_str()); if (uiLoaded) { config_set_string(main->Config(), service(), "DockState", main->saveState().toBase64().constData()); } OAuthStreamKey::SaveInternal(); } static inline std::string get_config_str( OBSBasic *main, const char *section, const char *name) { const char *val = config_get_string(main->Config(), section, name); return val ? val : ""; } bool MixerAuth::LoadInternal() { if (!cef) return false; OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); name = get_config_str(main, service(), "Name"); id = get_config_str(main, service(), "Id"); firstLoad = false; return OAuthStreamKey::LoadInternal(); } class MixerChat : public OBSDock { public: inline MixerChat() : OBSDock() {} QScopedPointer widget; }; void MixerAuth::LoadUI() { if (!cef) return; if (uiLoaded) return; if (!GetChannelInfo()) return; OBSBasic::InitBrowserPanelSafeBlock(); OBSBasic *main = OBSBasic::Get(); std::string url; url += "https://mixer.com/embed/chat/"; url += id; QSize size = main->frameSize(); QPoint pos = main->pos(); chat.reset(new MixerChat()); chat->setObjectName("mixerChat"); chat->resize(300, 600); chat->setMinimumSize(200, 300); chat->setWindowTitle(QTStr("Auth.Chat")); chat->setAllowedAreas(Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas); QCefWidget *browser = cef->create_widget(nullptr, url, panel_cookies); chat->setWidget(browser); main->addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, chat.data()); chatMenu.reset(main->AddDockWidget(chat.data())); /* ----------------------------------- */ chat->setFloating(true); chat->move(pos.x() + size.width() - chat->width() - 50, pos.y() + 50); if (firstLoad) { chat->setVisible(true); } else { const char *dockStateStr = config_get_string(main->Config(), service(), "DockState"); QByteArray dockState = QByteArray::fromBase64(QByteArray(dockStateStr)); main->restoreState(dockState); } uiLoaded = true; } bool MixerAuth::RetryLogin() { if (!cef) return false; OAuthLogin login(OBSBasic::Get(), MIXER_AUTH_URL, false); cef->add_popup_whitelist_url("about:blank", &login); if (login.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) { return false; } std::shared_ptr auth = std::make_shared(mixerDef); std::string client_id = MIXER_CLIENTID; deobfuscate_str(&client_id[0], MIXER_HASH); return GetToken(MIXER_TOKEN_URL, client_id, MIXER_SCOPE_VERSION, QT_TO_UTF8(login.GetCode()), true); } std::shared_ptr MixerAuth::Login(QWidget *parent) { if (!cef) { return nullptr; } OAuthLogin login(parent, MIXER_AUTH_URL, false); cef->add_popup_whitelist_url("about:blank", &login); if (login.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) { return nullptr; } std::shared_ptr auth = std::make_shared(mixerDef); std::string client_id = MIXER_CLIENTID; deobfuscate_str(&client_id[0], MIXER_HASH); if (!auth->GetToken(MIXER_TOKEN_URL, client_id, MIXER_SCOPE_VERSION, QT_TO_UTF8(login.GetCode()))) { return nullptr; } std::string error; if (auth->GetChannelInfo(false)) { return auth; } return nullptr; } static std::shared_ptr CreateMixerAuth() { return std::make_shared(mixerDef); } static void DeleteCookies() { if (panel_cookies) { panel_cookies->DeleteCookies("mixer.com", std::string()); panel_cookies->DeleteCookies("microsoft.com", std::string()); } } void RegisterMixerAuth() { OAuth::RegisterOAuth( mixerDef, CreateMixerAuth, MixerAuth::Login, DeleteCookies); }