/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Hugh Bailey <obs.jim@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "../util/cf-parser.h" #include "decl.h" static inline void err_specifier_exists(struct cf_parser *cfp, const char *storage) { cf_adderror(cfp, "'$1' specifier already exists", LEX_ERROR, storage, NULL, NULL); } static inline void err_reserved_name(struct cf_parser *cfp, const char *name) { cf_adderror(cfp, "'$1' is a reserved name", LEX_ERROR, name, NULL, NULL); } static inline void err_existing_name(struct cf_parser *cfp, const char *name) { cf_adderror(cfp, "'$1' already exists", LEX_ERROR, name, NULL, NULL); } static bool is_in_out_specifier(struct cf_parser *cfp, struct strref *name, uint32_t *type) { if (strref_cmp(name, "in") == 0) { if (*type & CALL_PARAM_IN) err_specifier_exists(cfp, "in"); *type |= CALL_PARAM_IN; } else if (strref_cmp(name, "out") == 0) { if (*type & CALL_PARAM_OUT) err_specifier_exists(cfp, "out"); *type |= CALL_PARAM_OUT; } else { return false; } return true; } #define TYPE_OR_STORAGE "type or storage specifier" static bool get_type(struct strref *ref, enum call_param_type *type, bool is_return) { if (strref_cmp(ref, "int") == 0) *type = CALL_PARAM_TYPE_INT; else if (strref_cmp(ref, "float") == 0) *type = CALL_PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT; else if (strref_cmp(ref, "bool") == 0) *type = CALL_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL; else if (strref_cmp(ref, "ptr") == 0) *type = CALL_PARAM_TYPE_PTR; else if (strref_cmp(ref, "string") == 0) *type = CALL_PARAM_TYPE_STRING; else if (is_return && strref_cmp(ref, "void") == 0) *type = CALL_PARAM_TYPE_VOID; else return false; return true; } static bool is_reserved_name(const char *str) { return (strcmp(str, "int") == 0) || (strcmp(str, "float") == 0) || (strcmp(str, "bool") == 0) || (strcmp(str, "ptr") == 0) || (strcmp(str, "string") == 0) || (strcmp(str, "void") == 0) || (strcmp(str, "return") == 0); } static bool name_exists(struct decl_info *decl, const char *name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->params.num; i++) { const char *param_name = decl->params.array[i].name; if (strcmp(name, param_name) == 0) return true; } return false; } static int parse_param(struct cf_parser *cfp, struct decl_info *decl) { struct strref ref; int code; struct decl_param param = {0}; /* get stprage specifiers */ code = cf_next_name_ref(cfp, &ref, TYPE_OR_STORAGE, ","); if (code != PARSE_SUCCESS) return code; while (is_in_out_specifier(cfp, &ref, ¶m.flags)) { code = cf_next_name_ref(cfp, &ref, TYPE_OR_STORAGE, ","); if (code != PARSE_SUCCESS) return code; } /* parameters not marked with specifers are input parameters */ if (param.flags == 0) param.flags = CALL_PARAM_IN; if (!get_type(&ref, ¶m.type, false)) { cf_adderror_expecting(cfp, "type"); cf_go_to_token(cfp, ",", ")"); return PARSE_CONTINUE; } /* name */ code = cf_next_name(cfp, ¶m.name, "parameter name", ","); if (code != PARSE_SUCCESS) return code; if (name_exists(decl, param.name)) err_existing_name(cfp, param.name); if (is_reserved_name(param.name)) err_reserved_name(cfp, param.name); da_push_back(decl->params, ¶m); return PARSE_SUCCESS; } static void parse_params(struct cf_parser *cfp, struct decl_info *decl) { struct cf_token peek; int code; if (!cf_peek_valid_token(cfp, &peek)) return; while (peek.type == CFTOKEN_NAME) { code = parse_param(cfp, decl); if (code == PARSE_EOF) return; if (code != PARSE_CONTINUE && !cf_next_valid_token(cfp)) return; if (cf_token_is(cfp, ")")) break; else if (cf_token_should_be(cfp, ",", ",", NULL) == PARSE_EOF) return; if (!cf_peek_valid_token(cfp, &peek)) return; } if (!cf_token_is(cfp, ")")) cf_next_token_should_be(cfp, ")", NULL, NULL); } static void print_errors(struct cf_parser *cfp, const char *decl_string) { char *errors = error_data_buildstring(&cfp->error_list); if (errors) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Errors/warnings for '%s':\n\n%s", decl_string, errors); bfree(errors); } } bool parse_decl_string(struct decl_info *decl, const char *decl_string) { struct cf_parser cfp; struct strref ret_type; struct decl_param ret_param = {0}; int code; bool success; decl->decl_string = decl_string; ret_param.flags = CALL_PARAM_OUT; cf_parser_init(&cfp); if (!cf_parser_parse(&cfp, decl_string, "declaraion")) goto fail; code = cf_get_name_ref(&cfp, &ret_type, "return type", NULL); if (code == PARSE_EOF) goto fail; if (!get_type(&ret_type, &ret_param.type, true)) cf_adderror_expecting(&cfp, "return type"); code = cf_next_name(&cfp, &decl->name, "function name", "("); if (code == PARSE_EOF) goto fail; if (is_reserved_name(decl->name)) err_reserved_name(&cfp, decl->name); code = cf_next_token_should_be(&cfp, "(", "(", NULL); if (code == PARSE_EOF) goto fail; parse_params(&cfp, decl); fail: success = !error_data_has_errors(&cfp.error_list); if (success && ret_param.type != CALL_PARAM_TYPE_VOID) { ret_param.name = bstrdup("return"); da_push_back(decl->params, &ret_param); } if (!success) decl_info_free(decl); print_errors(&cfp, decl_string); cf_parser_free(&cfp); return success; }