/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2018 by Hugh Bailey <obs.jim@gmail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ******************************************************************************/ #include "obs-internal.h" static void *gpu_encode_thread(void *unused) { struct obs_core_video *video = &obs->video; uint64_t interval = video_output_get_frame_time(obs->video.video); DARRAY(obs_encoder_t *) encoders; int wait_frames = NUM_ENCODE_TEXTURE_FRAMES_TO_WAIT; UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); da_init(encoders); os_set_thread_name("obs gpu encode thread"); while (os_sem_wait(video->gpu_encode_semaphore) == 0) { struct obs_tex_frame tf; uint64_t timestamp; uint64_t lock_key; uint64_t next_key; size_t lock_count = 0; if (os_atomic_load_bool(&video->gpu_encode_stop)) break; if (wait_frames) { wait_frames--; continue; } os_event_reset(video->gpu_encode_inactive); /* -------------- */ pthread_mutex_lock(&video->gpu_encoder_mutex); circlebuf_pop_front(&video->gpu_encoder_queue, &tf, sizeof(tf)); timestamp = tf.timestamp; lock_key = tf.lock_key; next_key = tf.lock_key; video_output_inc_texture_frames(video->video); for (size_t i = 0; i < video->gpu_encoders.num; i++) { obs_encoder_t *encoder = obs_encoder_get_ref( video->gpu_encoders.array[i]); if (encoder) da_push_back(encoders, &encoder); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&video->gpu_encoder_mutex); /* -------------- */ for (size_t i = 0; i < encoders.num; i++) { struct encoder_packet pkt = {0}; bool received = false; bool success; obs_encoder_t *encoder = encoders.array[i]; struct obs_encoder *pair = encoder->paired_encoder; pkt.timebase_num = encoder->timebase_num; pkt.timebase_den = encoder->timebase_den; pkt.encoder = encoder; if (!encoder->first_received && pair) { if (!pair->first_received || pair->first_raw_ts > timestamp) { continue; } } if (video_pause_check(&encoder->pause, timestamp)) continue; if (!encoder->start_ts) encoder->start_ts = timestamp; if (++lock_count == encoders.num) next_key = 0; else next_key++; success = encoder->info.encode_texture( encoder->context.data, tf.handle, encoder->cur_pts, lock_key, &next_key, &pkt, &received); send_off_encoder_packet(encoder, success, received, &pkt); lock_key = next_key; encoder->cur_pts += encoder->timebase_num; } /* -------------- */ pthread_mutex_lock(&video->gpu_encoder_mutex); tf.lock_key = next_key; if (--tf.count) { tf.timestamp += interval; circlebuf_push_front(&video->gpu_encoder_queue, &tf, sizeof(tf)); video_output_inc_texture_skipped_frames(video->video); } else { circlebuf_push_back(&video->gpu_encoder_avail_queue, &tf, sizeof(tf)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&video->gpu_encoder_mutex); /* -------------- */ os_event_signal(video->gpu_encode_inactive); for (size_t i = 0; i < encoders.num; i++) obs_encoder_release(encoders.array[i]); da_resize(encoders, 0); } da_free(encoders); return NULL; } bool init_gpu_encoding(struct obs_core_video *video) { #ifdef _WIN32 struct obs_video_info *ovi = &video->ovi; video->gpu_encode_stop = false; circlebuf_reserve(&video->gpu_encoder_avail_queue, NUM_ENCODE_TEXTURES); for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ENCODE_TEXTURES; i++) { gs_texture_t *tex; gs_texture_t *tex_uv; gs_texture_create_nv12(&tex, &tex_uv, ovi->output_width, ovi->output_height, GS_RENDER_TARGET | GS_SHARED_KM_TEX); if (!tex) { return false; } uint32_t handle = gs_texture_get_shared_handle(tex); struct obs_tex_frame frame = { .tex = tex, .tex_uv = tex_uv, .handle = handle}; circlebuf_push_back(&video->gpu_encoder_avail_queue, &frame, sizeof(frame)); } if (os_sem_init(&video->gpu_encode_semaphore, 0) != 0) return false; if (os_event_init(&video->gpu_encode_inactive, OS_EVENT_TYPE_MANUAL) != 0) return false; if (pthread_create(&video->gpu_encode_thread, NULL, gpu_encode_thread, NULL) != 0) return false; os_event_signal(video->gpu_encode_inactive); video->gpu_encode_thread_initialized = true; return true; #else UNUSED_PARAMETER(video); return false; #endif } void stop_gpu_encoding_thread(struct obs_core_video *video) { if (video->gpu_encode_thread_initialized) { os_atomic_set_bool(&video->gpu_encode_stop, true); os_sem_post(video->gpu_encode_semaphore); pthread_join(video->gpu_encode_thread, NULL); video->gpu_encode_thread_initialized = false; } } void free_gpu_encoding(struct obs_core_video *video) { if (video->gpu_encode_semaphore) { os_sem_destroy(video->gpu_encode_semaphore); video->gpu_encode_semaphore = NULL; } if (video->gpu_encode_inactive) { os_event_destroy(video->gpu_encode_inactive); video->gpu_encode_inactive = NULL; } #define free_circlebuf(x) \ do { \ while (x.size) { \ struct obs_tex_frame frame; \ circlebuf_pop_front(&x, &frame, sizeof(frame)); \ gs_texture_destroy(frame.tex); \ gs_texture_destroy(frame.tex_uv); \ } \ circlebuf_free(&x); \ } while (false) free_circlebuf(video->gpu_encoder_queue); free_circlebuf(video->gpu_encoder_avail_queue); #undef free_circlebuf }