#include "obs-proxy-style.hpp" #include <QStyleOptionButton> static inline uint qt_intensity(uint r, uint g, uint b) { /* 30% red, 59% green, 11% blue */ return (77 * r + 150 * g + 28 * b) / 255; } /* The constants in the default QT styles don't dim the icons enough in * disabled mode * * https://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtbase/src/widgets/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp.html#6429 */ QPixmap OBSProxyStyle::generatedIconPixmap(QIcon::Mode iconMode, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QStyleOption *option) const { if (iconMode == QIcon::Disabled) { QImage im = pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); /* Create a colortable based on the background * (black -> bg -> white) */ QColor bg = option->palette.color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Window); int red = bg.red(); int green = bg.green(); int blue = bg.blue(); uchar reds[256], greens[256], blues[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { reds[i] = uchar((red * (i << 1)) >> 8); greens[i] = uchar((green * (i << 1)) >> 8); blues[i] = uchar((blue * (i << 1)) >> 8); } for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { reds[i + 128] = uchar(qMin(red + (i << 1), 255)); greens[i + 128] = uchar(qMin(green + (i << 1), 255)); blues[i + 128] = uchar(qMin(blue + (i << 1), 255)); } /* High intensity colors needs dark shifting in the color * table, while low intensity colors needs light shifting. This * is to increase the perceived contrast. */ int intensity = qt_intensity(red, green, blue); const int factor = 191; if ((red - factor > green && red - factor > blue) || (green - factor > red && green - factor > blue) || (blue - factor > red && blue - factor > green)) qMin(255, intensity + 20); else if (intensity <= 128) intensity += 100; for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); ++y) { QRgb *scanLine = (QRgb *)im.scanLine(y); for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); ++x) { QRgb pixel = *scanLine; /* Calculate color table index, taking * intensity adjustment and a magic offset into * account. */ uint ci = uint(qGray(pixel) / 3 + (130 - intensity / 3)); *scanLine = qRgba(reds[ci], greens[ci], blues[ci], qAlpha(pixel)); ++scanLine; } } return QPixmap::fromImage(im); } return QProxyStyle::generatedIconPixmap(iconMode, pixmap, option); }