/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2014-2015 by Ruwen Hahn <palana@stunned.de> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ******************************************************************************/ #include <inttypes.h> #include "obs-internal.h" static inline bool lock(void) { if (!obs) return false; pthread_mutex_lock(&obs->hotkeys.mutex); return true; } static inline void unlock(void) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&obs->hotkeys.mutex); } obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_get_id(const obs_hotkey_t *key) { return key->id; } const char *obs_hotkey_get_name(const obs_hotkey_t *key) { return key->name; } const char *obs_hotkey_get_description(const obs_hotkey_t *key) { return key->description; } obs_hotkey_registerer_t obs_hotkey_get_registerer_type(const obs_hotkey_t *key) { return key->registerer_type; } void *obs_hotkey_get_registerer(const obs_hotkey_t *key) { return key->registerer; } obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_get_pair_partner_id(const obs_hotkey_t *key) { return key->pair_partner_id; } obs_key_combination_t obs_hotkey_binding_get_key_combination( obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { return binding->key; } obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_binding_get_hotkey_id(obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { return binding->hotkey_id; } obs_hotkey_t *obs_hotkey_binding_get_hotkey(obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { return binding->hotkey; } static inline bool find_id(obs_hotkey_id id, size_t *idx); void obs_hotkey_set_name(obs_hotkey_id id, const char *name) { size_t idx; if (!find_id(id, &idx)) return; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey = &obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx]; bfree(hotkey->name); hotkey->name = bstrdup(name); } void obs_hotkey_set_description(obs_hotkey_id id, const char *desc) { size_t idx; if (!find_id(id, &idx)) return; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey = &obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx]; bfree(hotkey->description); hotkey->description = bstrdup(desc); } static inline bool find_pair_id(obs_hotkey_pair_id id, size_t *idx); void obs_hotkey_pair_set_names(obs_hotkey_pair_id id, const char *name0, const char *name1) { size_t idx; obs_hotkey_pair_t pair; if (!find_pair_id(id, &idx)) return; pair = obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.array[idx]; obs_hotkey_set_name(pair.id[0], name0); obs_hotkey_set_name(pair.id[1], name1); } void obs_hotkey_pair_set_descriptions(obs_hotkey_pair_id id, const char *desc0, const char *desc1) { size_t idx; obs_hotkey_pair_t pair; if (!find_pair_id(id, &idx)) return; pair = obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.array[idx]; obs_hotkey_set_description(pair.id[0], desc0); obs_hotkey_set_description(pair.id[1], desc1); } static void hotkey_signal(const char *signal, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey) { calldata_t data; calldata_init(&data); calldata_set_ptr(&data, "key", hotkey); signal_handler_signal(obs->hotkeys.signals, signal, &data); calldata_free(&data); } static inline void fixup_pointers(void); static inline void load_bindings(obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, obs_data_array_t *data); static inline void context_add_hotkey(struct obs_context_data *context, obs_hotkey_id id) { da_push_back(context->hotkeys, &id); } static inline obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_register_internal( obs_hotkey_registerer_t type, void *registerer, struct obs_context_data *context, const char *name, const char *description, obs_hotkey_func func, void *data) { if ((obs->hotkeys.next_id + 1) == OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID) blog(LOG_WARNING, "obs-hotkey: Available hotkey ids exhausted"); obs_hotkey_t *base_addr = obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array; obs_hotkey_id result = obs->hotkeys.next_id++; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey = da_push_back_new(obs->hotkeys.hotkeys); hotkey->id = result; hotkey->name = bstrdup(name); hotkey->description = bstrdup(description); hotkey->func = func; hotkey->data = data; hotkey->registerer_type = type; hotkey->registerer = registerer; hotkey->pair_partner_id = OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_PAIR_ID; if (context) { obs_data_array_t *data = obs_data_get_array(context->hotkey_data, name); load_bindings(hotkey, data); obs_data_array_release(data); context_add_hotkey(context, result); } if (base_addr != obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array) fixup_pointers(); hotkey_signal("hotkey_register", hotkey); return result; } obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_register_frontend(const char *name, const char *description, obs_hotkey_func func, void *data) { if (!lock()) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID; obs_hotkey_id id = obs_hotkey_register_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_FRONTEND, NULL, NULL, name, description, func, data); unlock(); return id; } obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_register_encoder(obs_encoder_t *encoder, const char *name, const char *description, obs_hotkey_func func, void *data) { if (!encoder || !lock()) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID; obs_hotkey_id id = obs_hotkey_register_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_ENCODER, obs_encoder_get_weak_encoder(encoder), &encoder->context, name, description, func, data); unlock(); return id; } obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_register_output(obs_output_t *output, const char *name, const char *description, obs_hotkey_func func, void *data) { if (!output || !lock()) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID; obs_hotkey_id id = obs_hotkey_register_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_OUTPUT, obs_output_get_weak_output(output), &output->context, name, description, func, data); unlock(); return id; } obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_register_service(obs_service_t *service, const char *name, const char *description, obs_hotkey_func func, void *data) { if (!service || !lock()) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID; obs_hotkey_id id = obs_hotkey_register_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_SERVICE, obs_service_get_weak_service(service), &service->context, name, description, func, data); unlock(); return id; } obs_hotkey_id obs_hotkey_register_source(obs_source_t *source, const char *name, const char *description, obs_hotkey_func func, void *data) { if (!source || source->context.private || !lock()) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID; obs_hotkey_id id = obs_hotkey_register_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_SOURCE, obs_source_get_weak_source(source), &source->context, name, description, func, data); unlock(); return id; } static inline void fixup_pair_pointers(void); static obs_hotkey_pair_t *create_hotkey_pair(struct obs_context_data *context, obs_hotkey_active_func func0, obs_hotkey_active_func func1, void *data0, void *data1) { if ((obs->hotkeys.next_pair_id + 1) == OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_PAIR_ID) blog(LOG_WARNING, "obs-hotkey: Available hotkey pair ids " "exhausted"); obs_hotkey_pair_t *base_addr = obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.array; obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair = da_push_back_new(obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs); pair->pair_id = obs->hotkeys.next_pair_id++; pair->func[0] = func0; pair->func[1] = func1; pair->id[0] = OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID; pair->id[1] = OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID; pair->data[0] = data0; pair->data[1] = data1; if (context) da_push_back(context->hotkey_pairs, &pair->pair_id); if (base_addr != obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.array) fixup_pair_pointers(); return pair; } static void obs_hotkey_pair_first_func(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair = data; if (pair->pressed1) return; if (pair->pressed0 && !pressed) pair->pressed0 = false; else if (pair->func[0](pair->data[0], pair->pair_id, hotkey, pressed)) pair->pressed0 = pressed; } static void obs_hotkey_pair_second_func(void *data, obs_hotkey_id id, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, bool pressed) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(id); obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair = data; if (pair->pressed0) return; if (pair->pressed1 && !pressed) pair->pressed1 = false; else if (pair->func[1](pair->data[0], pair->pair_id, hotkey, pressed)) pair->pressed1 = pressed; } static inline bool find_id(obs_hotkey_id id, size_t *idx); static obs_hotkey_pair_id register_hotkey_pair_internal( obs_hotkey_registerer_t type, void *registerer, void *(*weak_ref)(void*), struct obs_context_data *context, const char *name0, const char *description0, const char *name1, const char *description1, obs_hotkey_active_func func0, obs_hotkey_active_func func1, void *data0, void *data1) { if (!lock()) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_PAIR_ID; obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair = create_hotkey_pair(context, func0, func1, data0, data1); pair->id[0] = obs_hotkey_register_internal( type, weak_ref(registerer), context, name0, description0, obs_hotkey_pair_first_func, pair); pair->id[1] = obs_hotkey_register_internal( type, weak_ref(registerer), context, name1, description1, obs_hotkey_pair_second_func, pair); size_t idx; if (find_id(pair->id[0], &idx)) obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx].pair_partner_id = pair->id[1]; if (find_id(pair->id[1], &idx)) obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx].pair_partner_id = pair->id[0]; obs_hotkey_pair_id id = pair->pair_id; unlock(); return id; } static inline void *obs_id_(void *id_) { return id_; } obs_hotkey_pair_id obs_hotkey_pair_register_frontend( const char *name0, const char *description0, const char *name1, const char *description1, obs_hotkey_active_func func0, obs_hotkey_active_func func1, void *data0, void *data1) { return register_hotkey_pair_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_FRONTEND, NULL, obs_id_, NULL, name0, description0, name1, description1, func0, func1, data0, data1); } static inline void *weak_encoder_ref(void *ref) { return obs_encoder_get_weak_encoder(ref); } obs_hotkey_pair_id obs_hotkey_pair_register_encoder(obs_encoder_t *encoder, const char *name0, const char *description0, const char *name1, const char *description1, obs_hotkey_active_func func0, obs_hotkey_active_func func1, void *data0, void *data1) { if (!encoder) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_PAIR_ID; return register_hotkey_pair_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_ENCODER, encoder, weak_encoder_ref, &encoder->context, name0, description0, name1, description1, func0, func1, data0, data1); } static inline void *weak_output_ref(void *ref) { return obs_output_get_weak_output(ref); } obs_hotkey_pair_id obs_hotkey_pair_register_output(obs_output_t *output, const char *name0, const char *description0, const char *name1, const char *description1, obs_hotkey_active_func func0, obs_hotkey_active_func func1, void *data0, void *data1) { if (!output) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_PAIR_ID; return register_hotkey_pair_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_OUTPUT, output, weak_output_ref, &output->context, name0, description0, name1, description1, func0, func1, data0, data1); } static inline void *weak_service_ref(void *ref) { return obs_service_get_weak_service(ref); } obs_hotkey_pair_id obs_hotkey_pair_register_service(obs_service_t *service, const char *name0, const char *description0, const char *name1, const char *description1, obs_hotkey_active_func func0, obs_hotkey_active_func func1, void *data0, void *data1) { if (!service) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_PAIR_ID; return register_hotkey_pair_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_SERVICE, service, weak_service_ref, &service->context, name0, description0, name1, description1, func0, func1, data0, data1); } static inline void *weak_source_ref(void *ref) { return obs_source_get_weak_source(ref); } obs_hotkey_pair_id obs_hotkey_pair_register_source(obs_source_t *source, const char *name0, const char *description0, const char *name1, const char *description1, obs_hotkey_active_func func0, obs_hotkey_active_func func1, void *data0, void *data1) { if (!source) return OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_PAIR_ID; return register_hotkey_pair_internal( OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_SOURCE, source, weak_source_ref, &source->context, name0, description0, name1, description1, func0, func1, data0, data1); } typedef bool (*obs_hotkey_internal_enum_func)(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey); static inline void enum_hotkeys(obs_hotkey_internal_enum_func func, void *data) { const size_t num = obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.num; obs_hotkey_t *array = obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (!func(data, i, &array[i])) break; } } typedef bool (*obs_hotkey_pair_internal_enum_func)(size_t idx, obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair, void *data); static inline void enum_hotkey_pairs(obs_hotkey_pair_internal_enum_func func, void *data) { const size_t num = obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.num; obs_hotkey_pair_t *array = obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.array; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (!func(i, &array[i], data)) break; } } typedef bool (*obs_hotkey_binding_internal_enum_func)(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding); static inline void enum_bindings(obs_hotkey_binding_internal_enum_func func, void *data) { const size_t num = obs->hotkeys.bindings.num; obs_hotkey_binding_t *array = obs->hotkeys.bindings.array; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (!func(data, i, &array[i])) break; } } struct obs_hotkey_internal_find_forward { obs_hotkey_id id; bool found; size_t idx; }; static inline bool find_id_helper(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey) { struct obs_hotkey_internal_find_forward *find = data; if (hotkey->id != find->id) return true; find->idx = idx; find->found = true; return false; } static inline bool find_id(obs_hotkey_id id, size_t *idx) { struct obs_hotkey_internal_find_forward find = {id, false, 0}; enum_hotkeys(find_id_helper, &find); *idx = find.idx; return find.found; } static inline bool pointer_fixup_func(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(idx); UNUSED_PARAMETER(data); size_t idx_; if (!find_id(binding->hotkey_id, &idx_)) { bcrash("obs-hotkey: Could not find hotkey id '%" PRIuMAX "' " "for binding '%s' (modifiers 0x%x)", (uintmax_t)binding->hotkey_id, obs_key_to_name(binding->key.key), binding->key.modifiers); binding->hotkey = NULL; return true; } binding->hotkey = &obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx_]; return true; } static inline void fixup_pointers(void) { enum_bindings(pointer_fixup_func, NULL); } struct obs_hotkey_internal_find_pair_forward { obs_hotkey_pair_id id; bool found; size_t idx; }; static inline bool find_pair_id_helper(size_t idx, obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair, void *data) { struct obs_hotkey_internal_find_pair_forward *find = data; if (pair->pair_id != find->id) return true; find->idx = idx; find->found = true; return false; } static inline bool find_pair_id(obs_hotkey_pair_id id, size_t *idx) { struct obs_hotkey_internal_find_pair_forward find = {id, false, 0}; enum_hotkey_pairs(find_pair_id_helper, &find); *idx = find.idx; return find.found; } static inline bool pair_pointer_fixup_func(size_t idx, obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair, void *data) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(idx); UNUSED_PARAMETER(data); if (find_id(pair->id[0], &idx)) obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx].data = pair; if (find_id(pair->id[1], &idx)) obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx].data = pair; return true; } static inline void fixup_pair_pointers(void) { enum_hotkey_pairs(pair_pointer_fixup_func, NULL); } static inline void enum_context_hotkeys(struct obs_context_data *context, obs_hotkey_internal_enum_func func, void *data) { const size_t num = context->hotkeys.num; const obs_hotkey_id *array = context->hotkeys.array; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey_array = obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { size_t idx; if (!find_id(array[i], &idx)) continue; if (!func(data, idx, &hotkey_array[idx])) break; } } static inline void load_modifier(uint32_t *modifiers, obs_data_t *data, const char *name, uint32_t flag) { if (obs_data_get_bool(data, name)) *modifiers |= flag; } static inline void create_binding(obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, obs_key_combination_t combo) { obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding = da_push_back_new(obs->hotkeys.bindings); if (!binding) return; binding->key = combo; binding->hotkey_id = hotkey->id; binding->hotkey = hotkey; } static inline void load_binding(obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, obs_data_t *data) { if (!hotkey || !data) return; obs_key_combination_t combo = {0}; uint32_t *modifiers = &combo.modifiers; load_modifier(modifiers, data, "shift", INTERACT_SHIFT_KEY); load_modifier(modifiers, data, "control", INTERACT_CONTROL_KEY); load_modifier(modifiers, data, "alt", INTERACT_ALT_KEY); load_modifier(modifiers, data, "command", INTERACT_COMMAND_KEY); combo.key = obs_key_from_name(obs_data_get_string(data, "key")); if (!modifiers && (combo.key == OBS_KEY_NONE || combo.key >= OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE)) return; create_binding(hotkey, combo); } static inline void load_bindings(obs_hotkey_t *hotkey, obs_data_array_t *data) { const size_t count = obs_data_array_count(data); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { obs_data_t *item = obs_data_array_item(data, i); load_binding(hotkey, item); obs_data_release(item); } hotkey_signal("hotkey_bindings_changed", hotkey); } static inline void remove_bindings(obs_hotkey_id id); void obs_hotkey_load_bindings(obs_hotkey_id id, obs_key_combination_t *combinations, size_t num) { size_t idx; if (!lock()) return; if (find_id(id, &idx)) { obs_hotkey_t *hotkey = &obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx]; remove_bindings(id); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) create_binding(hotkey, combinations[i]); hotkey_signal("hotkey_bindings_changed", hotkey); } unlock(); } void obs_hotkey_load(obs_hotkey_id id, obs_data_array_t *data) { size_t idx; if (!lock()) return; if (find_id(id, &idx)) { remove_bindings(id); load_bindings(&obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx], data); } unlock(); } static inline bool enum_load_bindings(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(idx); obs_data_array_t *hotkey_data = obs_data_get_array(data, hotkey->name); if (!hotkey_data) return true; load_bindings(hotkey, hotkey_data); obs_data_array_release(hotkey_data); return true; } void obs_hotkeys_load_encoder(obs_encoder_t *encoder, obs_data_t *hotkeys) { if (!encoder || !hotkeys) return; if (!lock()) return; enum_context_hotkeys(&encoder->context, enum_load_bindings, hotkeys); unlock(); } void obs_hotkeys_load_output(obs_output_t *output, obs_data_t *hotkeys) { if (!output || !hotkeys) return; if (!lock()) return; enum_context_hotkeys(&output->context, enum_load_bindings, hotkeys); unlock(); } void obs_hotkeys_load_service(obs_service_t *service, obs_data_t *hotkeys) { if (!service || !hotkeys) return; if (!lock()) return; enum_context_hotkeys(&service->context, enum_load_bindings, hotkeys); unlock(); } void obs_hotkeys_load_source(obs_source_t *source, obs_data_t *hotkeys) { if (!source || !hotkeys) return; if (!lock()) return; enum_context_hotkeys(&source->context, enum_load_bindings, hotkeys); unlock(); } void obs_hotkey_pair_load(obs_hotkey_pair_id id, obs_data_array_t *data0, obs_data_array_t *data1) { if ((!data0 && !data1) || !lock()) return; size_t idx; if (!find_pair_id(id, &idx)) goto unlock; obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair = &obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.array[idx]; if (find_id(pair->id[0], &idx)) { remove_bindings(pair->id[0]); load_bindings(&obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx], data0); } if (find_id(pair->id[1], &idx)) { remove_bindings(pair->id[1]); load_bindings(&obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx], data1); } unlock: unlock(); } static inline void save_modifier(uint32_t modifiers, obs_data_t *data, const char *name, uint32_t flag) { if ((modifiers & flag) == flag) obs_data_set_bool(data, name, true); } struct save_bindings_helper_t { obs_data_array_t *array; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey; }; static inline bool save_bindings_helper(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(idx); struct save_bindings_helper_t *h = data; if (h->hotkey->id != binding->hotkey_id) return true; obs_data_t *hotkey = obs_data_create(); uint32_t modifiers = binding->key.modifiers; save_modifier(modifiers, hotkey, "shift", INTERACT_SHIFT_KEY); save_modifier(modifiers, hotkey, "control", INTERACT_CONTROL_KEY); save_modifier(modifiers, hotkey, "alt", INTERACT_ALT_KEY); save_modifier(modifiers, hotkey, "command", INTERACT_COMMAND_KEY); obs_data_set_string(hotkey, "key", obs_key_to_name(binding->key.key)); obs_data_array_push_back(h->array, hotkey); obs_data_release(hotkey); return true; } static inline obs_data_array_t *save_hotkey(obs_hotkey_t *hotkey) { obs_data_array_t *data = obs_data_array_create(); struct save_bindings_helper_t arg = {data, hotkey}; enum_bindings(save_bindings_helper, &arg); return data; } obs_data_array_t *obs_hotkey_save(obs_hotkey_id id) { size_t idx; obs_data_array_t *result = NULL; if (!lock()) return result; if (find_id(id, &idx)) result = save_hotkey(&obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx]); unlock(); return result; } void obs_hotkey_pair_save(obs_hotkey_pair_id id, obs_data_array_t **p_data0, obs_data_array_t **p_data1) { if ((!p_data0 && !p_data1) || !lock()) return; size_t idx; if (!find_pair_id(id, &idx)) goto unlock; obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair = &obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.array[idx]; if (p_data0 && find_id(pair->id[0], &idx)) { *p_data0 = save_hotkey(&obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx]); } if (p_data1 && find_id(pair->id[1], &idx)) { *p_data1 = save_hotkey(&obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx]); } unlock: unlock(); } static inline bool enum_save_hotkey(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(idx); obs_data_array_t *hotkey_data = save_hotkey(hotkey); obs_data_set_array(data, hotkey->name, hotkey_data); obs_data_array_release(hotkey_data); return true; } static inline obs_data_t *save_context_hotkeys(struct obs_context_data *context) { if (!context->hotkeys.num) return NULL; obs_data_t *result = obs_data_create(); enum_context_hotkeys(context, enum_save_hotkey, result); return result; } obs_data_t *obs_hotkeys_save_encoder(obs_encoder_t *encoder) { obs_data_t *result = NULL; if (!lock()) return result; result = save_context_hotkeys(&encoder->context); unlock(); return result; } obs_data_t *obs_hotkeys_save_output(obs_output_t *output) { obs_data_t *result = NULL; if (!lock()) return result; result = save_context_hotkeys(&output->context); unlock(); return result; } obs_data_t *obs_hotkeys_save_service(obs_service_t *service) { obs_data_t *result = NULL; if (!lock()) return result; result = save_context_hotkeys(&service->context); unlock(); return result; } obs_data_t *obs_hotkeys_save_source(obs_source_t *source) { obs_data_t *result = NULL; if (!lock()) return result; result = save_context_hotkeys(&source->context); unlock(); return result; } struct binding_find_data { obs_hotkey_id id; size_t *idx; bool found; }; static inline bool binding_finder(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { struct binding_find_data *find = data; if (binding->hotkey_id != find->id) return true; *find->idx = idx; find->found = true; return false; } static inline bool find_binding(obs_hotkey_id id, size_t *idx) { struct binding_find_data data = {id, idx, false}; enum_bindings(binding_finder, &data); return data.found; } static inline void release_pressed_binding(obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding); static inline void remove_bindings(obs_hotkey_id id) { size_t idx; while (find_binding(id, &idx)) { obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding = &obs->hotkeys.bindings.array[idx]; if (binding->pressed) release_pressed_binding(binding); da_erase(obs->hotkeys.bindings, idx); } } static void release_registerer(obs_hotkey_t *hotkey) { switch (hotkey->registerer_type) { case OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_FRONTEND: break; case OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_ENCODER: obs_weak_encoder_release(hotkey->registerer); break; case OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_OUTPUT: obs_weak_output_release(hotkey->registerer); break; case OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_SERVICE: obs_weak_service_release(hotkey->registerer); break; case OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_SOURCE: obs_weak_source_release(hotkey->registerer); break; } hotkey->registerer = NULL; } static inline bool unregister_hotkey(obs_hotkey_id id) { if (id >= obs->hotkeys.next_id) return false; size_t idx; if (!find_id(id, &idx)) return false; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey = &obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx]; hotkey_signal("hotkey_unregister", hotkey); release_registerer(hotkey); bfree(hotkey->name); bfree(hotkey->description); if (hotkey->registerer_type == OBS_HOTKEY_REGISTERER_SOURCE) obs_weak_source_release(hotkey->registerer); da_erase(obs->hotkeys.hotkeys, idx); remove_bindings(id); return obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.num >= idx; } static inline bool unregister_hotkey_pair(obs_hotkey_pair_id id) { if (id >= obs->hotkeys.next_pair_id) return false; size_t idx; if (!find_pair_id(id, &idx)) return false; obs_hotkey_pair_t *pair = &obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.array[idx]; bool need_fixup = unregister_hotkey(pair->id[0]); need_fixup = unregister_hotkey(pair->id[1]) || need_fixup; if (need_fixup) fixup_pointers(); da_erase(obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs, idx); return obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs.num >= idx; } void obs_hotkey_unregister(obs_hotkey_id id) { if (!lock()) return; if (unregister_hotkey(id)) fixup_pointers(); unlock(); } void obs_hotkey_pair_unregister(obs_hotkey_pair_id id) { if (!lock()) return; if (unregister_hotkey_pair(id)) fixup_pair_pointers(); unlock(); } static void context_release_hotkeys(struct obs_context_data *context) { if (!context->hotkeys.num) goto cleanup; bool need_fixup = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < context->hotkeys.num; i++) need_fixup = unregister_hotkey(context->hotkeys.array[i]) || need_fixup; if (need_fixup) fixup_pointers(); cleanup: da_free(context->hotkeys); } static void context_release_hotkey_pairs(struct obs_context_data *context) { if (!context->hotkey_pairs.num) goto cleanup; bool need_fixup = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < context->hotkey_pairs.num; i++) need_fixup = unregister_hotkey_pair(context->hotkey_pairs.array[i]) || need_fixup; if (need_fixup) fixup_pair_pointers(); cleanup: da_free(context->hotkey_pairs); } void obs_hotkeys_context_release(struct obs_context_data *context) { if (!lock()) return; context_release_hotkeys(context); context_release_hotkey_pairs(context); obs_data_release(context->hotkey_data); unlock(); } void obs_hotkeys_free(void) { const size_t num = obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.num; obs_hotkey_t *hotkeys = obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { bfree(hotkeys[i].name); bfree(hotkeys[i].description); release_registerer(&hotkeys[i]); } da_free(obs->hotkeys.bindings); da_free(obs->hotkeys.hotkeys); da_free(obs->hotkeys.hotkey_pairs); for (size_t i = 0; i < OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE; i++) { if (obs->hotkeys.translations[i]) { bfree(obs->hotkeys.translations[i]); obs->hotkeys.translations[i] = NULL; } } } struct obs_hotkey_internal_enum_forward { obs_hotkey_enum_func func; void *data; }; static inline bool enum_hotkey(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_t *hotkey) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(idx); struct obs_hotkey_internal_enum_forward *forward = data; return forward->func(forward->data, hotkey->id, hotkey); } void obs_enum_hotkeys(obs_hotkey_enum_func func, void *data) { struct obs_hotkey_internal_enum_forward forwarder = {func, data}; if (!lock()) return; enum_hotkeys(enum_hotkey, &forwarder); unlock(); } void obs_enum_hotkey_bindings(obs_hotkey_binding_enum_func func, void *data) { if (!lock()) return; enum_bindings(func, data); unlock(); } static inline bool modifiers_match(obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding, uint32_t modifiers_, bool strict_modifiers) { uint32_t modifiers = binding->key.modifiers; return !modifiers || (!strict_modifiers && (modifiers & modifiers_) == modifiers) || (strict_modifiers && modifiers == modifiers_); } static inline bool is_pressed(obs_key_t key) { return obs_hotkeys_platform_is_pressed(obs->hotkeys.platform_context, key); } static inline void press_released_binding(obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { binding->pressed = true; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey = binding->hotkey; if (hotkey->pressed++) return; if (!obs->hotkeys.reroute_hotkeys) hotkey->func(hotkey->data, hotkey->id, hotkey, true); else if (obs->hotkeys.router_func) obs->hotkeys.router_func(obs->hotkeys.router_func_data, hotkey->id, true); } static inline void release_pressed_binding(obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { binding->pressed = false; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey = binding->hotkey; if (--hotkey->pressed) return; if (!obs->hotkeys.reroute_hotkeys) hotkey->func(hotkey->data, hotkey->id, hotkey, false); else if (obs->hotkeys.router_func) obs->hotkeys.router_func(obs->hotkeys.router_func_data, hotkey->id, false); } static inline void handle_binding(obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding, uint32_t modifiers, bool no_press, bool strict_modifiers, bool *pressed) { bool modifiers_match_ = modifiers_match(binding, modifiers, strict_modifiers); bool modifiers_only = binding->key.key == OBS_KEY_NONE; if (!binding->key.modifiers) binding->modifiers_match = true; if (modifiers_only) pressed = &modifiers_only; if (!binding->key.modifiers && modifiers_only) goto reset; if ((!binding->modifiers_match && !modifiers_only) || !modifiers_match_) goto reset; if ((pressed && !*pressed) || (!pressed && !is_pressed(binding->key.key))) goto reset; if (binding->pressed || no_press) return; press_released_binding(binding); return; reset: binding->modifiers_match = modifiers_match_; if (!binding->pressed) return; release_pressed_binding(binding); } struct obs_hotkey_internal_inject { obs_key_combination_t hotkey; bool pressed; bool strict_modifiers; }; static inline bool inject_hotkey(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(idx); struct obs_hotkey_internal_inject *event = data; if (modifiers_match(binding, event->hotkey.modifiers, event->strict_modifiers)) { bool pressed = binding->key.key == event->hotkey.key && event->pressed; handle_binding(binding, event->hotkey.modifiers, false, event->strict_modifiers, &pressed); } return true; } void obs_hotkey_inject_event(obs_key_combination_t hotkey, bool pressed) { if (!lock()) return; struct obs_hotkey_internal_inject event = { {hotkey.modifiers, hotkey.key}, pressed, obs->hotkeys.strict_modifiers, }; enum_bindings(inject_hotkey, &event); unlock(); } void obs_hotkey_enable_background_press(bool enable) { if (!lock()) return; obs->hotkeys.thread_disable_press = !enable; unlock(); } void obs_hotkey_enable_strict_modifiers(bool enable) { if (!lock()) return; obs->hotkeys.strict_modifiers = enable; unlock(); } struct obs_query_hotkeys_helper { uint32_t modifiers; bool no_press; bool strict_modifiers; }; static inline bool query_hotkey(void *data, size_t idx, obs_hotkey_binding_t *binding) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(idx); struct obs_query_hotkeys_helper *param = (struct obs_query_hotkeys_helper*)data; handle_binding(binding, param->modifiers, param->no_press, param->strict_modifiers, NULL); return true; } static inline void query_hotkeys() { uint32_t modifiers = 0; if (is_pressed(OBS_KEY_SHIFT)) modifiers |= INTERACT_SHIFT_KEY; if (is_pressed(OBS_KEY_CONTROL)) modifiers |= INTERACT_CONTROL_KEY; if (is_pressed(OBS_KEY_ALT)) modifiers |= INTERACT_ALT_KEY; if (is_pressed(OBS_KEY_META)) modifiers |= INTERACT_COMMAND_KEY; struct obs_query_hotkeys_helper param = { modifiers, obs->hotkeys.thread_disable_press, obs->hotkeys.strict_modifiers, }; enum_bindings(query_hotkey, ¶m); } #define NBSP "\xC2\xA0" void *obs_hotkey_thread(void *arg) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(arg); const char *hotkey_thread_name = profile_store_name(obs_get_profiler_name_store(), "obs_hotkey_thread(%g"NBSP"ms)", 25.); profile_register_root(hotkey_thread_name, (uint64_t)25000000); while (os_event_timedwait(obs->hotkeys.stop_event, 25) == ETIMEDOUT) { if (!lock()) continue; profile_start(hotkey_thread_name); query_hotkeys(); profile_end(hotkey_thread_name); unlock(); profile_reenable_thread(); } return NULL; } void obs_hotkey_trigger_routed_callback(obs_hotkey_id id, bool pressed) { if (!lock()) return; if (!obs->hotkeys.reroute_hotkeys) goto unlock; size_t idx; if (!find_id(id, &idx)) goto unlock; obs_hotkey_t *hotkey = &obs->hotkeys.hotkeys.array[idx]; hotkey->func(hotkey->data, id, hotkey, pressed); unlock: unlock(); } void obs_hotkey_set_callback_routing_func(obs_hotkey_callback_router_func func, void *data) { if (!lock()) return; obs->hotkeys.router_func = func; obs->hotkeys.router_func_data = data; unlock(); } void obs_hotkey_enable_callback_rerouting(bool enable) { if (!lock()) return; obs->hotkeys.reroute_hotkeys = enable; unlock(); } static void obs_set_key_translation(obs_key_t key, const char *translation) { bfree(obs->hotkeys.translations[key]); obs->hotkeys.translations[key] = NULL; if (translation) obs->hotkeys.translations[key] = bstrdup(translation); } void obs_hotkeys_set_translations_s( struct obs_hotkeys_translations *translations, size_t size) { #define ADD_TRANSLATION(key_name, var_name) \ if (t.var_name) \ obs_set_key_translation(key_name, t.var_name); struct obs_hotkeys_translations t = {0}; struct dstr numpad = {0}; struct dstr mouse = {0}; struct dstr button = {0}; if (!translations) { return; } memcpy(&t, translations, (size < sizeof(t)) ? size : sizeof(t)); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_INSERT, insert); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_DELETE, del); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_HOME, home); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_END, end); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_PAGEUP, page_up); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_PAGEDOWN, page_down); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMLOCK, num_lock); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_SCROLLLOCK, scroll_lock); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_CAPSLOCK, caps_lock); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_BACKSPACE, backspace); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_TAB, tab); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_PRINT, print); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_PAUSE, pause); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_SHIFT, shift); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_ALT, alt); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_CONTROL, control); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_META, meta); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_MENU, menu); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_SPACE, space); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_ESCAPE, escape); #ifdef __APPLE__ const char *numpad_str = t.apple_keypad_num; ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMSLASH, apple_keypad_divide); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMASTERISK, apple_keypad_multiply); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMMINUS, apple_keypad_minus); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMPLUS, apple_keypad_plus); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMPERIOD, apple_keypad_decimal); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMEQUAL, apple_keypad_equal); #else const char *numpad_str = t.numpad_num; ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMSLASH, numpad_divide); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMASTERISK, numpad_multiply); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMMINUS, numpad_minus); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMPLUS, numpad_plus); ADD_TRANSLATION(OBS_KEY_NUMPERIOD, numpad_decimal); #endif if (numpad_str) { dstr_copy(&numpad, numpad_str); dstr_depad(&numpad); if (dstr_find(&numpad, "%1") == NULL) { dstr_cat(&numpad, " %1"); } #define ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(idx) \ dstr_copy_dstr(&button, &numpad); \ dstr_replace(&button, "%1", #idx); \ obs_set_key_translation(OBS_KEY_NUM ## idx, button.array) ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(0); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(1); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(2); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(3); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(4); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(5); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(6); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(7); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(8); ADD_NUMPAD_NUM(9); } if (t.mouse_num) { dstr_copy(&mouse, t.mouse_num); dstr_depad(&mouse); if (dstr_find(&mouse, "%1") == NULL) { dstr_cat(&mouse, " %1"); } #define ADD_MOUSE_NUM(idx) \ dstr_copy_dstr(&button, &mouse); \ dstr_replace(&button, "%1", #idx); \ obs_set_key_translation(OBS_KEY_MOUSE ## idx, button.array) ADD_MOUSE_NUM(1); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(2); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(3); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(4); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(5); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(6); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(7); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(8); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(9); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(10); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(11); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(12); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(13); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(14); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(15); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(16); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(17); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(18); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(19); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(20); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(21); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(22); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(23); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(24); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(25); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(26); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(27); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(28); ADD_MOUSE_NUM(29); } dstr_free(&numpad); dstr_free(&mouse); dstr_free(&button); } const char *obs_get_hotkey_translation(obs_key_t key, const char *def) { if (key == OBS_KEY_NONE) { return NULL; } return obs->hotkeys.translations[key] ? obs->hotkeys.translations[key] : def; } void obs_hotkey_update_atomic(obs_hotkey_atomic_update_func func, void *data) { if (!lock()) return; func(data); unlock(); } void obs_hotkeys_set_audio_hotkeys_translations( const char *mute, const char *unmute, const char *push_to_mute, const char *push_to_talk) { #define SET_T(n) bfree(obs->hotkeys.n); obs->hotkeys.n = bstrdup(n) SET_T(mute); SET_T(unmute); SET_T(push_to_mute); SET_T(push_to_talk); #undef SET_T } void obs_hotkeys_set_sceneitem_hotkeys_translations( const char *show, const char *hide) { #define SET_T(n) bfree(obs->hotkeys.sceneitem_##n); \ obs->hotkeys.sceneitem_##n = bstrdup(n) SET_T(show); SET_T(hide); #undef SET_T }