#include <inttypes.h> #include "profiler.h" #include "darray.h" #include "dstr.h" #include "platform.h" #include "threading.h" #include <math.h> #include <zlib.h> //#define TRACK_OVERHEAD struct profiler_snapshot { DARRAY(profiler_snapshot_entry_t) roots; }; struct profiler_snapshot_entry { const char *name; profiler_time_entries_t times; uint64_t min_time; uint64_t max_time; uint64_t overall_count; profiler_time_entries_t times_between_calls; uint64_t expected_time_between_calls; uint64_t min_time_between_calls; uint64_t max_time_between_calls; uint64_t overall_between_calls_count; DARRAY(profiler_snapshot_entry_t) children; }; typedef struct profiler_time_entry profiler_time_entry; typedef struct profile_call profile_call; struct profile_call { const char *name; #ifdef TRACK_OVERHEAD uint64_t overhead_start; #endif uint64_t start_time; uint64_t end_time; #ifdef TRACK_OVERHEAD uint64_t overhead_end; #endif uint64_t expected_time_between_calls; DARRAY(profile_call) children; profile_call *parent; }; typedef struct profile_times_table_entry profile_times_table_entry; struct profile_times_table_entry { size_t probes; profiler_time_entry entry; }; typedef struct profile_times_table profile_times_table; struct profile_times_table { size_t size; size_t occupied; size_t max_probe_count; profile_times_table_entry *entries; size_t old_start_index; size_t old_occupied; profile_times_table_entry *old_entries; }; typedef struct profile_entry profile_entry; struct profile_entry { const char *name; profile_times_table times; #ifdef TRACK_OVERHEAD profile_times_table overhead; #endif uint64_t expected_time_between_calls; profile_times_table times_between_calls; DARRAY(profile_entry) children; }; typedef struct profile_root_entry profile_root_entry; struct profile_root_entry { pthread_mutex_t *mutex; const char *name; profile_entry *entry; profile_call *prev_call; }; static inline uint64_t diff_ns_to_usec(uint64_t prev, uint64_t next) { return (next - prev + 500) / 1000; } static inline void update_max_probes(profile_times_table *map, size_t val) { map->max_probe_count = map->max_probe_count < val ? val : map->max_probe_count; } static void migrate_old_entries(profile_times_table *map, bool limit_items); static void grow_hashmap(profile_times_table *map, uint64_t usec, uint64_t count); static void add_hashmap_entry(profile_times_table *map, uint64_t usec, uint64_t count) { size_t probes = 1; size_t start = usec % map->size; for (;; probes += 1) { size_t idx = (start + probes) % map->size; profile_times_table_entry *entry = &map->entries[idx]; if (!entry->probes) { entry->probes = probes; entry->entry.time_delta = usec; entry->entry.count = count; map->occupied += 1; update_max_probes(map, probes); return; } if (entry->entry.time_delta == usec) { entry->entry.count += count; return; } if (entry->probes >= probes) continue; if (map->occupied / (double)map->size > 0.7) { grow_hashmap(map, usec, count); return; } size_t old_probes = entry->probes; uint64_t old_count = entry->entry.count; uint64_t old_usec = entry->entry.time_delta; entry->probes = probes; entry->entry.count = count; entry->entry.time_delta = usec; update_max_probes(map, probes); probes = old_probes; count = old_count; usec = old_usec; start = usec % map->size; } } static void init_hashmap(profile_times_table *map, size_t size) { map->size = size; map->occupied = 0; map->max_probe_count = 0; map->entries = bzalloc(sizeof(profile_times_table_entry) * size); map->old_start_index = 0; map->old_occupied = 0; map->old_entries = NULL; } static void migrate_old_entries(profile_times_table *map, bool limit_items) { if (!map->old_entries) return; if (!map->old_occupied) { bfree(map->old_entries); map->old_entries = NULL; return; } for (size_t i = 0; !limit_items || i < 8; i++, map->old_start_index++) { if (!map->old_occupied) return; profile_times_table_entry *entry = &map->old_entries[map->old_start_index]; if (!entry->probes) continue; add_hashmap_entry(map, entry->entry.time_delta, entry->entry.count); map->old_occupied -= 1; } } static void grow_hashmap(profile_times_table *map, uint64_t usec, uint64_t count) { migrate_old_entries(map, false); size_t old_size = map->size; size_t old_occupied = map->occupied; profile_times_table_entry *entries = map->entries; init_hashmap(map, (old_size * 2 < 16) ? 16 : (old_size * 2)); map->old_occupied = old_occupied; map->old_entries = entries; add_hashmap_entry(map, usec, count); } static profile_entry *init_entry(profile_entry *entry, const char *name) { entry->name = name; init_hashmap(&entry->times, 1); #ifdef TRACK_OVERHEAD init_hashmap(&entry->overhead, 1); #endif entry->expected_time_between_calls = 0; init_hashmap(&entry->times_between_calls, 1); return entry; } static profile_entry *get_child(profile_entry *parent, const char *name) { const size_t num = parent->children.num; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { profile_entry *child = &parent->children.array[i]; if (child->name == name) return child; } return init_entry(da_push_back_new(parent->children), name); } static void merge_call(profile_entry *entry, profile_call *call, profile_call *prev_call) { const size_t num = call->children.num; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { profile_call *child = &call->children.array[i]; merge_call(get_child(entry, child->name), child, NULL); } if (entry->expected_time_between_calls != 0 && prev_call) { migrate_old_entries(&entry->times_between_calls, true); uint64_t usec = diff_ns_to_usec(prev_call->start_time, call->start_time); add_hashmap_entry(&entry->times_between_calls, usec, 1); } migrate_old_entries(&entry->times, true); uint64_t usec = diff_ns_to_usec(call->start_time, call->end_time); add_hashmap_entry(&entry->times, usec, 1); #ifdef TRACK_OVERHEAD migrate_old_entries(&entry->overhead, true); usec = diff_ns_to_usec(call->overhead_start, call->start_time); usec += diff_ns_to_usec(call->end_time, call->overhead_end); add_hashmap_entry(&entry->overhead, usec, 1); #endif } static bool enabled = false; static pthread_mutex_t root_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static DARRAY(profile_root_entry) root_entries; static THREAD_LOCAL profile_call *thread_context = NULL; static THREAD_LOCAL bool thread_enabled = true; void profiler_start(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&root_mutex); enabled = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&root_mutex); } void profiler_stop(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&root_mutex); enabled = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&root_mutex); } void profile_reenable_thread(void) { if (thread_enabled) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&root_mutex); thread_enabled = enabled; pthread_mutex_unlock(&root_mutex); } static bool lock_root(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&root_mutex); if (!enabled) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&root_mutex); thread_enabled = false; return false; } return true; } static profile_root_entry *get_root_entry(const char *name) { profile_root_entry *r_entry = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < root_entries.num; i++) { if (root_entries.array[i].name == name) { r_entry = &root_entries.array[i]; break; } } if (!r_entry) { r_entry = da_push_back_new(root_entries); r_entry->mutex = bmalloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); pthread_mutex_init(r_entry->mutex, NULL); r_entry->name = name; r_entry->entry = bzalloc(sizeof(profile_entry)); init_entry(r_entry->entry, name); } return r_entry; } void profile_register_root(const char *name, uint64_t expected_time_between_calls) { if (!lock_root()) return; get_root_entry(name)->entry->expected_time_between_calls = (expected_time_between_calls + 500) / 1000; pthread_mutex_unlock(&root_mutex); } static void free_call_context(profile_call *context); static void merge_context(profile_call *context) { pthread_mutex_t *mutex = NULL; profile_entry *entry = NULL; profile_call *prev_call = NULL; if (!lock_root()) { free_call_context(context); return; } profile_root_entry *r_entry = get_root_entry(context->name); mutex = r_entry->mutex; entry = r_entry->entry; prev_call = r_entry->prev_call; r_entry->prev_call = context; pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&root_mutex); merge_call(entry, context, prev_call); pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); free_call_context(prev_call); } void profile_start(const char *name) { if (!thread_enabled) return; profile_call new_call = { .name = name, #ifdef TRACK_OVERHEAD .overhead_start = os_gettime_ns(), #endif .parent = thread_context, }; profile_call *call = NULL; if (new_call.parent) { size_t idx = da_push_back(new_call.parent->children, &new_call); call = &new_call.parent->children.array[idx]; } else { call = bmalloc(sizeof(profile_call)); memcpy(call, &new_call, sizeof(profile_call)); } thread_context = call; call->start_time = os_gettime_ns(); } void profile_end(const char *name) { uint64_t end = os_gettime_ns(); if (!thread_enabled) return; profile_call *call = thread_context; if (!call) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Called profile end with no active profile"); return; } if (!call->name) call->name = name; if (call->name != name) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Called profile end with mismatching name: " "start(\"%s\"[%p]) <-> end(\"%s\"[%p])", call->name, call->name, name, name); profile_call *parent = call->parent; while (parent && parent->parent && parent->name != name) parent = parent->parent; if (!parent || parent->name != name) return; while (call->name != name) { profile_end(call->name); call = call->parent; } } thread_context = call->parent; call->end_time = end; #ifdef TRACK_OVERHEAD call->overhead_end = os_gettime_ns(); #endif if (call->parent) return; merge_context(call); } static int profiler_time_entry_compare(const void *first, const void *second) { int64_t diff = ((profiler_time_entry *)second)->time_delta - ((profiler_time_entry *)first)->time_delta; return diff < 0 ? -1 : (diff > 0 ? 1 : 0); } static uint64_t copy_map_to_array(profile_times_table *map, profiler_time_entries_t *entry_buffer, uint64_t *min_, uint64_t *max_) { migrate_old_entries(map, false); da_reserve((*entry_buffer), map->occupied); da_resize((*entry_buffer), 0); uint64_t min__ = ~(uint64_t)0; uint64_t max__ = 0; uint64_t calls = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < map->size; i++) { if (!map->entries[i].probes) continue; profiler_time_entry *entry = &map->entries[i].entry; da_push_back((*entry_buffer), entry); calls += entry->count; min__ = (min__ < entry->time_delta) ? min__ : entry->time_delta; max__ = (max__ > entry->time_delta) ? max__ : entry->time_delta; } if (min_) *min_ = min__; if (max_) *max_ = max__; return calls; } typedef void (*profile_entry_print_func)(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry, struct dstr *indent_buffer, struct dstr *output_buffer, unsigned indent, uint64_t active, uint64_t parent_calls); /* UTF-8 characters */ #define VPIPE_RIGHT " \xe2\x94\xa3" #define VPIPE " \xe2\x94\x83" #define DOWN_RIGHT " \xe2\x94\x97" static void make_indent_string(struct dstr *indent_buffer, unsigned indent, uint64_t active) { indent_buffer->len = 0; if (!indent) { dstr_cat_ch(indent_buffer, 0); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; i++) { const char *fragment = ""; bool last = i + 1 == indent; if (active & ((uint64_t)1 << i)) fragment = last ? VPIPE_RIGHT : VPIPE; else fragment = last ? DOWN_RIGHT : " "; dstr_cat(indent_buffer, fragment); } } static void gather_stats(uint64_t expected_time_between_calls, profiler_time_entries_t *entries, uint64_t calls, uint64_t *percentile99, uint64_t *median, double *percent_within_bounds) { if (!entries->num) { *percentile99 = 0; *median = 0; *percent_within_bounds = 0.; return; } /*if (entry_buffer->num > 2) blog(LOG_INFO, "buffer-size %lu, overall count %llu\n" "map-size %lu, occupied %lu, probes %lu", entry_buffer->num, calls, map->size, map->occupied, map->max_probe_count);*/ uint64_t accu = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->num; i++) { uint64_t old_accu = accu; accu += entries->array[i].count; if (old_accu < calls * 0.01 && accu >= calls * 0.01) *percentile99 = entries->array[i].time_delta; else if (old_accu < calls * 0.5 && accu >= calls * 0.5) { *median = entries->array[i].time_delta; break; } } *percent_within_bounds = 0.; if (!expected_time_between_calls) return; accu = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->num; i++) { profiler_time_entry *entry = &entries->array[i]; if (entry->time_delta < expected_time_between_calls) break; accu += entry->count; } *percent_within_bounds = (1. - (double)accu / calls) * 100; } #define G_MS "g\xC2\xA0ms" static void profile_print_entry(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry, struct dstr *indent_buffer, struct dstr *output_buffer, unsigned indent, uint64_t active, uint64_t parent_calls) { uint64_t calls = entry->overall_count; uint64_t min_ = entry->min_time; uint64_t max_ = entry->max_time; uint64_t percentile99 = 0; uint64_t median = 0; double percent_within_bounds = 0.; gather_stats(entry->expected_time_between_calls, &entry->times, calls, &percentile99, &median, &percent_within_bounds); make_indent_string(indent_buffer, indent, active); if (min_ == max_) { dstr_printf(output_buffer, "%s%s: %" G_MS, indent_buffer->array, entry->name, min_ / 1000.); } else { dstr_printf(output_buffer, "%s%s: min=%" G_MS ", median=%" G_MS ", " "max=%" G_MS ", 99th percentile=%" G_MS, indent_buffer->array, entry->name, min_ / 1000., median / 1000., max_ / 1000., percentile99 / 1000.); if (entry->expected_time_between_calls) { double expected_ms = entry->expected_time_between_calls / 1000.; dstr_catf(output_buffer, ", %g%% below %" G_MS, percent_within_bounds, expected_ms); } } if (parent_calls && calls != parent_calls) { double calls_per_parent = (double)calls / parent_calls; if (lround(calls_per_parent * 10) != 10) dstr_catf(output_buffer, ", %g calls per parent call", calls_per_parent); } blog(LOG_INFO, "%s", output_buffer->array); active |= (uint64_t)1 << indent; for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->children.num; i++) { if ((i + 1) == entry->children.num) active &= (1 << indent) - 1; profile_print_entry(&entry->children.array[i], indent_buffer, output_buffer, indent + 1, active, calls); } } static void gather_stats_between(profiler_time_entries_t *entries, uint64_t calls, uint64_t lower_bound, uint64_t upper_bound, uint64_t min_, uint64_t max_, uint64_t *median, double *percent, double *lower, double *higher) { *median = 0; *percent = 0.; *lower = 0.; *higher = 0.; if (!entries->num) return; uint64_t accu = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->num; i++) { accu += entries->array[i].count; if (accu < calls * 0.5) continue; *median = entries->array[i].time_delta; break; } bool found_upper_bound = max_ <= upper_bound; bool found_lower_bound = false; if (min_ >= upper_bound) { *higher = 100.; return; } if (found_upper_bound && min_ >= lower_bound) { *percent = 100.; return; } accu = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->num; i++) { uint64_t delta = entries->array[i].time_delta; if (!found_upper_bound && delta <= upper_bound) { *higher = (double)accu / calls * 100; accu = 0; found_upper_bound = true; } if (!found_lower_bound && delta < lower_bound) { *percent = (double)accu / calls * 100; accu = 0; found_lower_bound = true; } accu += entries->array[i].count; } if (!found_upper_bound) { *higher = 100.; } else if (!found_lower_bound) { *percent = (double)accu / calls * 100; } else { *lower = (double)accu / calls * 100; } } static void profile_print_entry_expected(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry, struct dstr *indent_buffer, struct dstr *output_buffer, unsigned indent, uint64_t active, uint64_t parent_calls) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(parent_calls); if (!entry->expected_time_between_calls) return; uint64_t expected_time = entry->expected_time_between_calls; uint64_t min_ = entry->min_time_between_calls; uint64_t max_ = entry->max_time_between_calls; uint64_t median = 0; double percent = 0.; double lower = 0.; double higher = 0.; gather_stats_between(&entry->times_between_calls, entry->overall_between_calls_count, (uint64_t)(expected_time * 0.98), (uint64_t)(expected_time * 1.02 + 0.5), min_, max_, &median, &percent, &lower, &higher); make_indent_string(indent_buffer, indent, active); blog(LOG_INFO, "%s%s: min=%" G_MS ", median=%" G_MS ", max=%" G_MS ", %g%% " "within ±2%% of %" G_MS " (%g%% lower, %g%% higher)", indent_buffer->array, entry->name, min_ / 1000., median / 1000., max_ / 1000., percent, expected_time / 1000., lower, higher); active |= (uint64_t)1 << indent; for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->children.num; i++) { if ((i + 1) == entry->children.num) active &= (1 << indent) - 1; profile_print_entry_expected(&entry->children.array[i], indent_buffer, output_buffer, indent + 1, active, 0); } } void profile_print_func(const char *intro, profile_entry_print_func print, profiler_snapshot_t *snap) { struct dstr indent_buffer = {0}; struct dstr output_buffer = {0}; bool free_snapshot = !snap; if (!snap) snap = profile_snapshot_create(); blog(LOG_INFO, "%s", intro); for (size_t i = 0; i < snap->roots.num; i++) { print(&snap->roots.array[i], &indent_buffer, &output_buffer, 0, 0, 0); } blog(LOG_INFO, "================================================="); if (free_snapshot) profile_snapshot_free(snap); dstr_free(&output_buffer); dstr_free(&indent_buffer); } void profiler_print(profiler_snapshot_t *snap) { profile_print_func("== Profiler Results =============================", profile_print_entry, snap); } void profiler_print_time_between_calls(profiler_snapshot_t *snap) { profile_print_func("== Profiler Time Between Calls ==================", profile_print_entry_expected, snap); } static void free_call_children(profile_call *call) { if (!call) return; const size_t num = call->children.num; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) free_call_children(&call->children.array[i]); da_free(call->children); } static void free_call_context(profile_call *context) { free_call_children(context); bfree(context); } static void free_hashmap(profile_times_table *map) { map->size = 0; bfree(map->entries); map->entries = NULL; bfree(map->old_entries); map->old_entries = NULL; } static void free_profile_entry(profile_entry *entry) { for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->children.num; i++) free_profile_entry(&entry->children.array[i]); free_hashmap(&entry->times); #ifdef TRACK_OVERHEAD free_hashmap(&entry->overhead); #endif free_hashmap(&entry->times_between_calls); da_free(entry->children); } void profiler_free(void) { DARRAY(profile_root_entry) old_root_entries = {0}; pthread_mutex_lock(&root_mutex); enabled = false; da_move(old_root_entries, root_entries); pthread_mutex_unlock(&root_mutex); for (size_t i = 0; i < old_root_entries.num; i++) { profile_root_entry *entry = &old_root_entries.array[i]; pthread_mutex_lock(entry->mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(entry->mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(entry->mutex); bfree(entry->mutex); entry->mutex = NULL; free_call_context(entry->prev_call); free_profile_entry(entry->entry); bfree(entry->entry); } da_free(old_root_entries); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Profiler name storage */ struct profiler_name_store { pthread_mutex_t mutex; DARRAY(char *) names; }; profiler_name_store_t *profiler_name_store_create(void) { profiler_name_store_t *store = bzalloc(sizeof(profiler_name_store_t)); if (pthread_mutex_init(&store->mutex, NULL)) goto error; return store; error: bfree(store); return NULL; } void profiler_name_store_free(profiler_name_store_t *store) { if (!store) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < store->names.num; i++) bfree(store->names.array[i]); da_free(store->names); bfree(store); } const char *profile_store_name(profiler_name_store_t *store, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); struct dstr str = {0}; dstr_vprintf(&str, format, args); va_end(args); const char *result = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&store->mutex); size_t idx = da_push_back(store->names, &str.array); result = store->names.array[idx]; pthread_mutex_unlock(&store->mutex); return result; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Profiler data access */ static void add_entry_to_snapshot(profile_entry *entry, profiler_snapshot_entry_t *s_entry) { s_entry->name = entry->name; s_entry->overall_count = copy_map_to_array(&entry->times, &s_entry->times, &s_entry->min_time, &s_entry->max_time); if ((s_entry->expected_time_between_calls = entry->expected_time_between_calls)) s_entry->overall_between_calls_count = copy_map_to_array(&entry->times_between_calls, &s_entry->times_between_calls, &s_entry->min_time_between_calls, &s_entry->max_time_between_calls); da_reserve(s_entry->children, entry->children.num); for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->children.num; i++) add_entry_to_snapshot(&entry->children.array[i], da_push_back_new(s_entry->children)); } static void sort_snapshot_entry(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { qsort(entry->times.array, entry->times.num, sizeof(profiler_time_entry), profiler_time_entry_compare); if (entry->expected_time_between_calls) qsort(entry->times_between_calls.array, entry->times_between_calls.num, sizeof(profiler_time_entry), profiler_time_entry_compare); for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->children.num; i++) sort_snapshot_entry(&entry->children.array[i]); } profiler_snapshot_t *profile_snapshot_create(void) { profiler_snapshot_t *snap = bzalloc(sizeof(profiler_snapshot_t)); pthread_mutex_lock(&root_mutex); da_reserve(snap->roots, root_entries.num); for (size_t i = 0; i < root_entries.num; i++) { pthread_mutex_lock(root_entries.array[i].mutex); add_entry_to_snapshot(root_entries.array[i].entry, da_push_back_new(snap->roots)); pthread_mutex_unlock(root_entries.array[i].mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&root_mutex); for (size_t i = 0; i < snap->roots.num; i++) sort_snapshot_entry(&snap->roots.array[i]); return snap; } static void free_snapshot_entry(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->children.num; i++) free_snapshot_entry(&entry->children.array[i]); da_free(entry->children); da_free(entry->times_between_calls); da_free(entry->times); } void profile_snapshot_free(profiler_snapshot_t *snap) { if (!snap) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < snap->roots.num; i++) free_snapshot_entry(&snap->roots.array[i]); da_free(snap->roots); bfree(snap); } typedef void (*dump_csv_func)(void *data, struct dstr *buffer); static void entry_dump_csv(struct dstr *buffer, const profiler_snapshot_entry_t *parent, const profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry, dump_csv_func func, void *data) { const char *parent_name = parent ? parent->name : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->times.num; i++) { dstr_printf(buffer, "%p,%p,%p,%p,%s,0," "%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 "\n", entry, parent, entry->name, parent_name, entry->name, entry->times.array[i].time_delta, entry->times.array[i].count); func(data, buffer); } for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->times_between_calls.num; i++) { dstr_printf(buffer, "%p,%p,%p,%p,%s," "%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 "\n", entry, parent, entry->name, parent_name, entry->name, entry->expected_time_between_calls, entry->times_between_calls.array[i].time_delta, entry->times_between_calls.array[i].count); func(data, buffer); } for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->children.num; i++) entry_dump_csv(buffer, entry, &entry->children.array[i], func, data); } static void profiler_snapshot_dump(const profiler_snapshot_t *snap, dump_csv_func func, void *data) { struct dstr buffer = {0}; dstr_init_copy(&buffer, "id,parent_id,name_id,parent_name_id,name," "time_between_calls,time_delta_µs,count\n"); func(data, &buffer); for (size_t i = 0; i < snap->roots.num; i++) entry_dump_csv(&buffer, NULL, &snap->roots.array[i], func, data); dstr_free(&buffer); } static void dump_csv_fwrite(void *data, struct dstr *buffer) { fwrite(buffer->array, 1, buffer->len, data); } bool profiler_snapshot_dump_csv(const profiler_snapshot_t *snap, const char *filename) { FILE *f = os_fopen(filename, "wb+"); if (!f) return false; profiler_snapshot_dump(snap, dump_csv_fwrite, f); fclose(f); return true; } static void dump_csv_gzwrite(void *data, struct dstr *buffer) { gzwrite(data, buffer->array, (unsigned)buffer->len); } bool profiler_snapshot_dump_csv_gz(const profiler_snapshot_t *snap, const char *filename) { gzFile gz; #ifdef _WIN32 wchar_t *filename_w = NULL; os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(filename, 0, &filename_w); if (!filename_w) return false; gz = gzopen_w(filename_w, "wb"); bfree(filename_w); #else gz = gzopen(filename, "wb"); #endif if (!gz) return false; profiler_snapshot_dump(snap, dump_csv_gzwrite, gz); gzclose_w(gz); return true; } size_t profiler_snapshot_num_roots(profiler_snapshot_t *snap) { return snap ? snap->roots.num : 0; } void profiler_snapshot_enumerate_roots(profiler_snapshot_t *snap, profiler_entry_enum_func func, void *context) { if (!snap) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < snap->roots.num; i++) if (!func(context, &snap->roots.array[i])) break; } void profiler_snapshot_filter_roots(profiler_snapshot_t *snap, profiler_name_filter_func func, void *data) { for (size_t i = 0; i < snap->roots.num;) { bool remove = false; bool res = func(data, snap->roots.array[i].name, &remove); if (remove) { free_snapshot_entry(&snap->roots.array[i]); da_erase(snap->roots, i); } if (!res) break; if (!remove) i += 1; } } size_t profiler_snapshot_num_children(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->children.num : 0; } void profiler_snapshot_enumerate_children(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry, profiler_entry_enum_func func, void *context) { if (!entry) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->children.num; i++) if (!func(context, &entry->children.array[i])) break; } const char *profiler_snapshot_entry_name(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->name : NULL; } profiler_time_entries_t * profiler_snapshot_entry_times(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? &entry->times : NULL; } uint64_t profiler_snapshot_entry_overall_count(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->overall_count : 0; } uint64_t profiler_snapshot_entry_min_time(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->min_time : 0; } uint64_t profiler_snapshot_entry_max_time(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->max_time : 0; } profiler_time_entries_t * profiler_snapshot_entry_times_between_calls(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? &entry->times_between_calls : NULL; } uint64_t profiler_snapshot_entry_expected_time_between_calls( profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->expected_time_between_calls : 0; } uint64_t profiler_snapshot_entry_min_time_between_calls(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->min_time_between_calls : 0; } uint64_t profiler_snapshot_entry_max_time_between_calls(profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->max_time_between_calls : 0; } uint64_t profiler_snapshot_entry_overall_between_calls_count( profiler_snapshot_entry_t *entry) { return entry ? entry->overall_between_calls_count : 0; }