/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Hugh Bailey <obs.jim@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define PSAPI_VERSION 1 #include <windows.h> #include <mmsystem.h> #include <shellapi.h> #include <shlobj.h> #include <intrin.h> #include <psapi.h> #include "base.h" #include "platform.h" #include "darray.h" #include "dstr.h" #include "windows/win-registry.h" #include "windows/win-version.h" #include "../../deps/w32-pthreads/pthread.h" static bool have_clockfreq = false; static LARGE_INTEGER clock_freq; static uint32_t winver = 0; static inline uint64_t get_clockfreq(void) { if (!have_clockfreq) { QueryPerformanceFrequency(&clock_freq); have_clockfreq = true; } return clock_freq.QuadPart; } static inline uint32_t get_winver(void) { if (!winver) { struct win_version_info ver; get_win_ver(&ver); winver = (ver.major << 8) | ver.minor; } return winver; } void *os_dlopen(const char *path) { struct dstr dll_name; wchar_t *wpath; wchar_t *wpath_slash; HMODULE h_library = NULL; if (!path) return NULL; dstr_init_copy(&dll_name, path); dstr_replace(&dll_name, "\\", "/"); if (!dstr_find(&dll_name, ".dll")) dstr_cat(&dll_name, ".dll"); os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(dll_name.array, 0, &wpath); /* to make module dependency issues easier to deal with, allow * dynamically loaded libraries on windows to search for dependent * libraries that are within the library's own directory */ wpath_slash = wcsrchr(wpath, L'/'); if (wpath_slash) { *wpath_slash = 0; SetDllDirectoryW(wpath); *wpath_slash = L'/'; } h_library = LoadLibraryW(wpath); bfree(wpath); dstr_free(&dll_name); if (wpath_slash) SetDllDirectoryW(NULL); if (!h_library) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); /* don't print error for libraries that aren't meant to be * dynamically linked */ if (error == ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) return NULL; char *message = NULL; FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL, error, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), (LPSTR)&message, 0, NULL); blog(LOG_INFO, "LoadLibrary failed for '%s': %s (%lu)", path, message, error); if (message) LocalFree(message); } return h_library; } void *os_dlsym(void *module, const char *func) { void *handle; handle = (void *)GetProcAddress(module, func); return handle; } void os_dlclose(void *module) { FreeLibrary(module); } union time_data { FILETIME ft; unsigned long long val; }; struct os_cpu_usage_info { union time_data last_time, last_sys_time, last_user_time; DWORD core_count; }; os_cpu_usage_info_t *os_cpu_usage_info_start(void) { struct os_cpu_usage_info *info = bzalloc(sizeof(*info)); SYSTEM_INFO si; FILETIME dummy; GetSystemInfo(&si); GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&info->last_time.ft); GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &dummy, &dummy, &info->last_sys_time.ft, &info->last_user_time.ft); info->core_count = si.dwNumberOfProcessors; return info; } double os_cpu_usage_info_query(os_cpu_usage_info_t *info) { union time_data cur_time, cur_sys_time, cur_user_time; FILETIME dummy; double percent; if (!info) return 0.0; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&cur_time.ft); GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &dummy, &dummy, &cur_sys_time.ft, &cur_user_time.ft); percent = (double)(cur_sys_time.val - info->last_sys_time.val + (cur_user_time.val - info->last_user_time.val)); percent /= (double)(cur_time.val - info->last_time.val); percent /= (double)info->core_count; info->last_time.val = cur_time.val; info->last_sys_time.val = cur_sys_time.val; info->last_user_time.val = cur_user_time.val; return percent * 100.0; } void os_cpu_usage_info_destroy(os_cpu_usage_info_t *info) { if (info) bfree(info); } bool os_sleepto_ns(uint64_t time_target) { uint64_t t = os_gettime_ns(); uint32_t milliseconds; if (t >= time_target) return false; milliseconds = (uint32_t)((time_target - t) / 1000000); if (milliseconds > 1) Sleep(milliseconds - 1); for (;;) { t = os_gettime_ns(); if (t >= time_target) return true; #if 0 Sleep(1); #else Sleep(0); #endif } } void os_sleep_ms(uint32_t duration) { /* windows 8+ appears to have decreased sleep precision */ if (get_winver() >= 0x0602 && duration > 0) duration--; Sleep(duration); } uint64_t os_gettime_ns(void) { LARGE_INTEGER current_time; double time_val; QueryPerformanceCounter(¤t_time); time_val = (double)current_time.QuadPart; time_val *= 1000000000.0; time_val /= (double)get_clockfreq(); return (uint64_t)time_val; } /* returns [folder]\[name] on windows */ static int os_get_path_internal(char *dst, size_t size, const char *name, int folder) { wchar_t path_utf16[MAX_PATH]; SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, folder, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, path_utf16); if (os_wcs_to_utf8(path_utf16, 0, dst, size) != 0) { if (!name || !*name) { return (int)strlen(dst); } if (strcat_s(dst, size, "\\") == 0) { if (strcat_s(dst, size, name) == 0) { return (int)strlen(dst); } } } return -1; } static char *os_get_path_ptr_internal(const char *name, int folder) { char *ptr; wchar_t path_utf16[MAX_PATH]; struct dstr path; SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, folder, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, path_utf16); os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(path_utf16, 0, &ptr); dstr_init_move_array(&path, ptr); dstr_cat(&path, "\\"); dstr_cat(&path, name); return path.array; } int os_get_config_path(char *dst, size_t size, const char *name) { return os_get_path_internal(dst, size, name, CSIDL_APPDATA); } char *os_get_config_path_ptr(const char *name) { return os_get_path_ptr_internal(name, CSIDL_APPDATA); } int os_get_program_data_path(char *dst, size_t size, const char *name) { return os_get_path_internal(dst, size, name, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA); } char *os_get_program_data_path_ptr(const char *name) { return os_get_path_ptr_internal(name, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA); } char *os_get_executable_path_ptr(const char *name) { char *ptr; char *slash; wchar_t path_utf16[MAX_PATH]; struct dstr path; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path_utf16, MAX_PATH); os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(path_utf16, 0, &ptr); dstr_init_move_array(&path, ptr); dstr_replace(&path, "\\", "/"); slash = strrchr(path.array, '/'); if (slash) { size_t len = slash - path.array + 1; dstr_resize(&path, len); } if (name && *name) { dstr_cat(&path, name); } return path.array; } bool os_file_exists(const char *path) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW wfd; HANDLE hFind; wchar_t *path_utf16; if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(path, 0, &path_utf16)) return false; hFind = FindFirstFileW(path_utf16, &wfd); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hFind); bfree(path_utf16); return hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } size_t os_get_abs_path(const char *path, char *abspath, size_t size) { wchar_t wpath[512]; wchar_t wabspath[512]; size_t out_len = 0; size_t len; if (!abspath) return 0; len = os_utf8_to_wcs(path, 0, wpath, 512); if (!len) return 0; if (_wfullpath(wabspath, wpath, 512) != NULL) out_len = os_wcs_to_utf8(wabspath, 0, abspath, size); return out_len; } char *os_get_abs_path_ptr(const char *path) { char *ptr = bmalloc(512); if (!os_get_abs_path(path, ptr, 512)) { bfree(ptr); ptr = NULL; } return ptr; } struct os_dir { HANDLE handle; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; bool first; struct os_dirent out; }; os_dir_t *os_opendir(const char *path) { struct dstr path_str = {0}; struct os_dir *dir = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE handle; wchar_t *w_path; dstr_copy(&path_str, path); dstr_cat(&path_str, "/*.*"); if (os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(path_str.array, path_str.len, &w_path) > 0) { handle = FindFirstFileW(w_path, &wfd); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dir = bzalloc(sizeof(struct os_dir)); dir->handle = handle; dir->first = true; dir->wfd = wfd; } bfree(w_path); } dstr_free(&path_str); return dir; } static inline bool is_dir(WIN32_FIND_DATA *wfd) { return !!(wfd->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); } struct os_dirent *os_readdir(os_dir_t *dir) { if (!dir) return NULL; if (dir->first) { dir->first = false; } else { if (!FindNextFileW(dir->handle, &dir->wfd)) return NULL; } os_wcs_to_utf8(dir->wfd.cFileName, 0, dir->out.d_name, sizeof(dir->out.d_name)); dir->out.directory = is_dir(&dir->wfd); return &dir->out; } void os_closedir(os_dir_t *dir) { if (dir) { FindClose(dir->handle); bfree(dir); } } int64_t os_get_free_space(const char *path) { ULARGE_INTEGER remainingSpace; char abs_path[512]; wchar_t w_abs_path[512]; if (os_get_abs_path(path, abs_path, 512) > 0) { if (os_utf8_to_wcs(abs_path, 0, w_abs_path, 512) > 0) { BOOL success = GetDiskFreeSpaceExW( w_abs_path, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&remainingSpace, NULL, NULL); if (success) return (int64_t)remainingSpace.QuadPart; } } return -1; } static void make_globent(struct os_globent *ent, WIN32_FIND_DATA *wfd, const char *pattern) { struct dstr name = {0}; struct dstr path = {0}; char *slash; dstr_from_wcs(&name, wfd->cFileName); dstr_copy(&path, pattern); slash = strrchr(path.array, '/'); if (slash) dstr_resize(&path, slash + 1 - path.array); else dstr_free(&path); dstr_cat_dstr(&path, &name); ent->path = path.array; ent->directory = is_dir(wfd); dstr_free(&name); } int os_glob(const char *pattern, int flags, os_glob_t **pglob) { DARRAY(struct os_globent) files; HANDLE handle; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; int ret = -1; wchar_t *w_path; da_init(files); if (os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(pattern, 0, &w_path) > 0) { handle = FindFirstFileW(w_path, &wfd); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { struct os_globent ent = {0}; make_globent(&ent, &wfd, pattern); if (ent.path) da_push_back(files, &ent); } while (FindNextFile(handle, &wfd)); FindClose(handle); *pglob = bmalloc(sizeof(**pglob)); (*pglob)->gl_pathc = files.num; (*pglob)->gl_pathv = files.array; ret = 0; } bfree(w_path); } if (ret != 0) *pglob = NULL; UNUSED_PARAMETER(flags); return ret; } void os_globfree(os_glob_t *pglob) { if (pglob) { for (size_t i = 0; i < pglob->gl_pathc; i++) bfree(pglob->gl_pathv[i].path); bfree(pglob->gl_pathv); bfree(pglob); } } int os_unlink(const char *path) { wchar_t *w_path; bool success; os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(path, 0, &w_path); if (!w_path) return -1; success = !!DeleteFileW(w_path); bfree(w_path); return success ? 0 : -1; } int os_rmdir(const char *path) { wchar_t *w_path; bool success; os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(path, 0, &w_path); if (!w_path) return -1; success = !!RemoveDirectoryW(w_path); bfree(w_path); return success ? 0 : -1; } int os_mkdir(const char *path) { wchar_t *path_utf16; BOOL success; if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(path, 0, &path_utf16)) return MKDIR_ERROR; success = CreateDirectory(path_utf16, NULL); bfree(path_utf16); if (!success) return (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) ? MKDIR_EXISTS : MKDIR_ERROR; return MKDIR_SUCCESS; } int os_rename(const char *old_path, const char *new_path) { wchar_t *old_path_utf16 = NULL; wchar_t *new_path_utf16 = NULL; int code = -1; if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(old_path, 0, &old_path_utf16)) { return -1; } if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(new_path, 0, &new_path_utf16)) { goto error; } code = MoveFileExW(old_path_utf16, new_path_utf16, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) ? 0 : -1; error: bfree(old_path_utf16); bfree(new_path_utf16); return code; } int os_safe_replace(const char *target, const char *from, const char *backup) { wchar_t *wtarget = NULL; wchar_t *wfrom = NULL; wchar_t *wbackup = NULL; int code = -1; if (!target || !from) return -1; if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(target, 0, &wtarget)) return -1; if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(from, 0, &wfrom)) goto fail; if (backup && !os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(backup, 0, &wbackup)) goto fail; if (ReplaceFileW(wtarget, wfrom, wbackup, 0, NULL, NULL)) { code = 0; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { code = MoveFileExW(wfrom, wtarget, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) ? 0 : -1; } fail: bfree(wtarget); bfree(wfrom); bfree(wbackup); return code; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst_dll, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) { switch (reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: timeBeginPeriod(1); #ifdef PTW32_STATIC_LIB pthread_win32_process_attach_np(); #endif break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: timeEndPeriod(1); #ifdef PTW32_STATIC_LIB pthread_win32_process_detach_np(); #endif break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: #ifdef PTW32_STATIC_LIB pthread_win32_thread_attach_np(); #endif break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: #ifdef PTW32_STATIC_LIB pthread_win32_thread_detach_np(); #endif break; } UNUSED_PARAMETER(hinst_dll); UNUSED_PARAMETER(reserved); return true; } os_performance_token_t *os_request_high_performance(const char *reason) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(reason); return NULL; } void os_end_high_performance(os_performance_token_t *token) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(token); } int os_copyfile(const char *file_in, const char *file_out) { wchar_t *file_in_utf16 = NULL; wchar_t *file_out_utf16 = NULL; int code = -1; if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(file_in, 0, &file_in_utf16)) { return -1; } if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(file_out, 0, &file_out_utf16)) { goto error; } code = CopyFileW(file_in_utf16, file_out_utf16, true) ? 0 : -1; error: bfree(file_in_utf16); bfree(file_out_utf16); return code; } char *os_getcwd(char *path, size_t size) { wchar_t *path_w; DWORD len; len = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, NULL); if (!len) return NULL; path_w = bmalloc((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); GetCurrentDirectoryW(len + 1, path_w); os_wcs_to_utf8(path_w, (size_t)len, path, size); bfree(path_w); return path; } int os_chdir(const char *path) { wchar_t *path_w = NULL; size_t size; int ret; size = os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(path, 0, &path_w); if (!path_w) return -1; ret = SetCurrentDirectoryW(path_w) ? 0 : -1; bfree(path_w); return ret; } typedef DWORD(WINAPI *get_file_version_info_size_w_t)(LPCWSTR module, LPDWORD unused); typedef BOOL(WINAPI *get_file_version_info_w_t)(LPCWSTR module, DWORD unused, DWORD len, LPVOID data); typedef BOOL(WINAPI *ver_query_value_w_t)(LPVOID data, LPCWSTR subblock, LPVOID *buf, PUINT sizeout); static get_file_version_info_size_w_t get_file_version_info_size = NULL; static get_file_version_info_w_t get_file_version_info = NULL; static ver_query_value_w_t ver_query_value = NULL; static bool ver_initialized = false; static bool ver_initialize_success = false; static bool initialize_version_functions(void) { HMODULE ver = GetModuleHandleW(L"version"); ver_initialized = true; if (!ver) { ver = LoadLibraryW(L"version"); if (!ver) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to load windows " "version library"); return false; } } get_file_version_info_size = (get_file_version_info_size_w_t)GetProcAddress( ver, "GetFileVersionInfoSizeW"); get_file_version_info = (get_file_version_info_w_t)GetProcAddress( ver, "GetFileVersionInfoW"); ver_query_value = (ver_query_value_w_t)GetProcAddress(ver, "VerQueryValueW"); if (!get_file_version_info_size || !get_file_version_info || !ver_query_value) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to load windows version " "functions"); return false; } ver_initialize_success = true; return true; } bool get_dll_ver(const wchar_t *lib, struct win_version_info *ver_info) { VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *info = NULL; UINT len = 0; BOOL success; LPVOID data; DWORD size; char utf8_lib[512]; if (!ver_initialized && !initialize_version_functions()) return false; if (!ver_initialize_success) return false; os_wcs_to_utf8(lib, 0, utf8_lib, sizeof(utf8_lib)); size = get_file_version_info_size(lib, NULL); if (!size) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get %s version info size", utf8_lib); return false; } data = bmalloc(size); if (!get_file_version_info(lib, 0, size, data)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get %s version info", utf8_lib); bfree(data); return false; } success = ver_query_value(data, L"\\", (LPVOID *)&info, &len); if (!success || !info || !len) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get %s version info value", utf8_lib); bfree(data); return false; } ver_info->major = (int)HIWORD(info->dwFileVersionMS); ver_info->minor = (int)LOWORD(info->dwFileVersionMS); ver_info->build = (int)HIWORD(info->dwFileVersionLS); ver_info->revis = (int)LOWORD(info->dwFileVersionLS); bfree(data); return true; } bool is_64_bit_windows(void) { #if defined(_WIN64) return true; #elif defined(_WIN32) BOOL b64 = false; return IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &b64) && b64; #endif } void get_reg_dword(HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR sub_key, LPCWSTR value_name, struct reg_dword *info) { struct reg_dword reg = {0}; HKEY key; LSTATUS status; status = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, sub_key, 0, KEY_READ, &key); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { info->status = status; info->size = 0; info->return_value = 0; return; } reg.size = sizeof(reg.return_value); reg.status = RegQueryValueExW(key, value_name, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)®.return_value, ®.size); RegCloseKey(key); *info = reg; } #define WINVER_REG_KEY L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion" void get_win_ver(struct win_version_info *info) { static struct win_version_info ver = {0}; static bool got_version = false; if (!info) return; if (!got_version) { get_dll_ver(L"kernel32", &ver); got_version = true; if (ver.major == 10) { HKEY key; DWORD size, win10_revision; LSTATUS status; status = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINVER_REG_KEY, &key); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; size = sizeof(win10_revision); status = RegQueryValueExW(key, L"UBR", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&win10_revision, &size); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) ver.revis = (int)win10_revision > ver.revis ? (int)win10_revision : ver.revis; RegCloseKey(key); } } *info = ver; } uint32_t get_win_ver_int(void) { return get_winver(); } struct os_inhibit_info { bool active; }; os_inhibit_t *os_inhibit_sleep_create(const char *reason) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(reason); return bzalloc(sizeof(struct os_inhibit_info)); } bool os_inhibit_sleep_set_active(os_inhibit_t *info, bool active) { if (!info) return false; if (info->active == active) return false; if (active) { SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS | ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED | ES_AWAYMODE_REQUIRED | ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED); } else { SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS); } info->active = active; return true; } void os_inhibit_sleep_destroy(os_inhibit_t *info) { if (info) { os_inhibit_sleep_set_active(info, false); bfree(info); } } void os_breakpoint(void) { __debugbreak(); } DWORD num_logical_cores(ULONG_PTR mask) { DWORD left_shift = sizeof(ULONG_PTR) * 8 - 1; DWORD bit_set_count = 0; ULONG_PTR bit_test = (ULONG_PTR)1 << left_shift; for (DWORD i = 0; i <= left_shift; ++i) { bit_set_count += ((mask & bit_test) ? 1 : 0); bit_test /= 2; } return bit_set_count; } static int physical_cores = 0; static int logical_cores = 0; static bool core_count_initialized = false; static void os_get_cores_internal(void) { PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION info = NULL, temp = NULL; DWORD len = 0; if (core_count_initialized) return; core_count_initialized = true; GetLogicalProcessorInformation(info, &len); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) return; info = malloc(len); if (GetLogicalProcessorInformation(info, &len)) { DWORD num = len / sizeof(*info); temp = info; for (DWORD i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (temp->Relationship == RelationProcessorCore) { ULONG_PTR mask = temp->ProcessorMask; physical_cores++; logical_cores += num_logical_cores(mask); } temp++; } } free(info); } int os_get_physical_cores(void) { if (!core_count_initialized) os_get_cores_internal(); return physical_cores; } int os_get_logical_cores(void) { if (!core_count_initialized) os_get_cores_internal(); return logical_cores; } static inline bool os_get_sys_memory_usage_internal(MEMORYSTATUSEX *msex) { if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx(msex)) return false; return true; } uint64_t os_get_sys_free_size(void) { MEMORYSTATUSEX msex = {sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX)}; if (!os_get_sys_memory_usage_internal(&msex)) return 0; return msex.ullAvailPhys; } static inline bool os_get_proc_memory_usage_internal(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS *pmc) { if (!GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), pmc, sizeof(*pmc))) return false; return true; } bool os_get_proc_memory_usage(os_proc_memory_usage_t *usage) { PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pmc = {sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS)}; if (!os_get_proc_memory_usage_internal(&pmc)) return false; usage->resident_size = pmc.WorkingSetSize; usage->virtual_size = pmc.PagefileUsage; return true; } uint64_t os_get_proc_resident_size(void) { PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pmc = {sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS)}; if (!os_get_proc_memory_usage_internal(&pmc)) return 0; return pmc.WorkingSetSize; } uint64_t os_get_proc_virtual_size(void) { PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pmc = {sizeof(PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS)}; if (!os_get_proc_memory_usage_internal(&pmc)) return 0; return pmc.PagefileUsage; } uint64_t os_get_free_disk_space(const char *dir) { wchar_t *wdir = NULL; if (!os_utf8_to_wcs_ptr(dir, 0, &wdir)) return 0; ULARGE_INTEGER free; bool success = !!GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(wdir, &free, NULL, NULL); bfree(wdir); return success ? free.QuadPart : 0; }