#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################## # macOS full build script ############################################################################## # # This script contains all steps necessary to: # # * Build OBS with all default plugins and dependencies # * Create a macOS application bundle # * Code-sign the macOS application-bundle # * Package a macOS installation image # * Notarize macOS application-bundle and/or installation image # # Parameters: # -b: Create macOS bundle # -d: Skip dependency checks # -p: Create macOS distribution image # -n: Notarize macOS app and disk image (implies bundling) # -s: Skip the build process (useful for bundling/packaging only) # -h: Print usage help # # Environment Variables (optional): # MACOS_DEPS_VERSION : Pre-compiled macOS dependencies version # CEF_BUILD_VERSION : Chromium Embedded Framework version # VLC_VERISON : VLC version # SPARKLE_VERSION : Sparke Framework version # BUILD_DIR : Alternative directory to build OBS in # ############################################################################## # Halt on errors set -eE ## SET UP ENVIRONMENT ## PRODUCT_NAME="OBS-Studio" CHECKOUT_DIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" DEPS_BUILD_DIR="${CHECKOUT_DIR}/../obs-build-dependencies" BUILD_DIR="${BUILD_DIR:-build}" CI_SCRIPTS="${CHECKOUT_DIR}/CI/scripts/macos" CI_WORKFLOW="${CHECKOUT_DIR}/.github/workflows/main.yml" CI_CEF_VERSION=$(cat ${CI_WORKFLOW} | sed -En "s/[ ]+CEF_BUILD_VERSION: '([0-9]+)'/\1/p") CI_DEPS_VERSION=$(cat ${CI_WORKFLOW} | sed -En "s/[ ]+MACOS_DEPS_VERSION: '([0-9\-]+)'/\1/p") CI_VLC_VERSION=$(cat ${CI_WORKFLOW} | sed -En "s/[ ]+VLC_VERSION: '([0-9\.]+)'/\1/p") CI_SPARKLE_VERSION=$(cat ${CI_WORKFLOW} | sed -En "s/[ ]+SPARKLE_VERSION: '([0-9\.]+)'/\1/p") CI_QT_VERSION=$(cat ${CI_WORKFLOW} | sed -En "s/[ ]+QT_VERSION: '([0-9\.]+)'/\1/p" | head -1) BUILD_DEPS=( "obs-deps ${MACOS_DEPS_VERSION:-${CI_DEPS_VERSION}}" "qt-deps ${QT_VERSION:-${CI_QT_VERSION}} ${MACOS_DEPS_VERSION:-${CI_DEPS_VERSION}}" "cef ${CEF_BUILD_VERSION:-${CI_CEF_VERSION}}" "vlc ${VLC_VERSION:-${CI_VLC_VERSION}}" "sparkle ${SPARKLE_VERSION:-${CI_SPARKLE_VERSION}}" ) if [ -n "${TERM-}" ]; then COLOR_RED=$(tput setaf 1) COLOR_GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) COLOR_BLUE=$(tput setaf 4) COLOR_ORANGE=$(tput setaf 3) COLOR_RESET=$(tput sgr0) else COLOR_RED="" COLOR_GREEN="" COLOR_BLUE="" COLOR_ORANGE="" COLOR_RESET="" fi MACOS_VERSION="$(sw_vers -productVersion)" MACOS_MAJOR="$(echo ${MACOS_VERSION} | cut -d '.' -f 1)" MACOS_MINOR="$(echo ${MACOS_VERSION} | cut -d '.' -f 2)" ## DEFINE UTILITIES ## hr() { echo -e "${COLOR_BLUE}[${PRODUCT_NAME}] ${1}${COLOR_RESET}" } step() { echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN} + ${1}${COLOR_RESET}" } info() { echo -e "${COLOR_ORANGE} + ${1}${COLOR_RESET}" } error() { echo -e "${COLOR_RED} + ${1}${COLOR_RESET}" } exists() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } ensure_dir() { [[ -n ${1} ]] && mkdir -p ${1} && builtin cd ${1} } cleanup() { rm -rf "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}/settings.json" unset CODESIGN_IDENT unset CODESIGN_IDENT_USER unset CODESIGN_IDENT_PASS } caught_error() { error "ERROR during build step: ${1}" cleanup exit 1 } ## CHECK AND INSTALL DEPENDENCIES ## install_homebrew_deps() { if ! exists brew; then error "Homebrew not found - please install homebrew (https://brew.sh)" exit 1 fi brew update brew bundle --file ${CI_SCRIPTS}/Brewfile check_curl } check_curl() { if [ "${MACOS_MAJOR}" -lt "11" ] && [ "${MACOS_MINOR}" -lt "15" ]; then if [ ! -d /usr/local/opt/curl ]; then step "Installing Homebrew curl.." brew install curl fi export CURLCMD="/usr/local/opt/curl/bin/curl" else export CURLCMD="curl" fi } check_ccache() { export PATH=/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:${PATH} CCACHE_STATUS=$(ccache -s >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "CCache available." || echo "CCache is not available.") info "${CCACHE_STATUS}" } install_obs-deps() { hr "Setting up pre-built macOS OBS dependencies v${1}" ensure_dir ${DEPS_BUILD_DIR} step "Download..." ${CURLCMD} --progress-bar -L -C - -O https://github.com/obsproject/obs-deps/releases/download/${1}/macos-deps-${1}.tar.gz step "Unpack..." tar -xf ./macos-deps-${1}.tar.gz -C /tmp } install_qt-deps() { hr "Setting up pre-built dependency QT v${1}" ensure_dir ${DEPS_BUILD_DIR} step "Download..." ${CURLCMD} --progress-bar -L -C - -O https://github.com/obsproject/obs-deps/releases/download/${2}/macos-qt-${1}-${2}.tar.gz step "Unpack..." tar -xf ./macos-qt-${1}-${2}.tar.gz -C /tmp xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /tmp/obsdeps } install_vlc() { hr "Setting up dependency VLC v${1}" ensure_dir ${DEPS_BUILD_DIR} step "Download..." ${CURLCMD} --progress-bar -L -C - -O https://downloads.videolan.org/vlc/${1}/vlc-${1}.tar.xz step "Unpack ..." tar -xf vlc-${1}.tar.xz } install_sparkle() { hr "Setting up dependency Sparkle v${1} (might prompt for password)" ensure_dir ${DEPS_BUILD_DIR}/sparkle step "Download..." ${CURLCMD} --progress-bar -L -C - -o sparkle.tar.bz2 https://github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle/releases/download/${1}/Sparkle-${1}.tar.bz2 step "Unpack..." tar -xf ./sparkle.tar.bz2 step "Copy to destination..." if [ -d /Library/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/ ]; then info "Warning - Sparkle framework already found in /Library/Frameworks" else sudo cp -R ./Sparkle.framework/ /Library/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/ fi } install_cef() { hr "Building dependency CEF v${1}" ensure_dir ${DEPS_BUILD_DIR} step "Download..." ${CURLCMD} --progress-bar -L -C - -O https://obs-nightly.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cef_binary_${1}_macosx64.tar.bz2 step "Unpack..." tar -xf ./cef_binary_${1}_macosx64.tar.bz2 cd ./cef_binary_${1}_macosx64 step "Fix tests..." # remove a broken test sed -i '.orig' '/add_subdirectory(tests\/ceftests)/d' ./CMakeLists.txt # target 10.11 sed -i '.orig' s/\"10.9\"/\"10.11\"/ ./cmake/cef_variables.cmake ensure_dir ./build step "Run CMAKE..." cmake \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++"\ -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++"\ -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11 \ .. step "Build..." make -j4 if [ ! -d libcef_dll ]; then mkdir libcef_dll; fi } ## CHECK AND INSTALL PACKAGING DEPENDENCIES ## install_dmgbuild() { if ! exists dmgbuild; then if exists "pip3"; then PIPCMD="pip3" elif exists "pip"; then PIPCMD="pip" else error "Pip not found - please install pip via 'python -m ensurepip'" exit 1 fi ${PIPCMD} install dmgbuild fi } ## OBS BUILD FROM SOURCE ## configure_obs_build() { ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" CUR_DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d@%H%M%S") NIGHTLY_DIR="${CHECKOUT_DIR}/nightly-${CUR_DATE}" PACKAGE_NAME=$(find . -name "*.dmg") if [ -d ./OBS.app ]; then ensure_dir "${NIGHTLY_DIR}" mv ../${BUILD_DIR}/OBS.app . info "You can find OBS.app in ${NIGHTLY_DIR}" fi ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" if ([ -n "${PACKAGE_NAME}" ] && [ -f ${PACKAGE_NAME} ]); then ensure_dir "${NIGHTLY_DIR}" mv ../${BUILD_DIR}/$(basename "${PACKAGE_NAME}") . info "You can find ${PACKAGE_NAME} in ${NIGHTLY_DIR}" fi ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" hr "Run CMAKE for OBS..." cmake -DENABLE_SPARKLE_UPDATER=ON \ -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.13 \ -DDISABLE_PYTHON=ON \ -DQTDIR="/tmp/obsdeps" \ -DSWIGDIR="/tmp/obsdeps" \ -DDepsPath="/tmp/obsdeps" \ -DVLCPath="${DEPS_BUILD_DIR}/vlc-${VLC_VERSION:-${CI_VLC_VERSION}}" \ -DBUILD_BROWSER=ON \ -DBROWSER_DEPLOY=ON \ -DBUILD_CAPTIONS=ON \ -DWITH_RTMPS=ON \ -DCEF_ROOT_DIR="${DEPS_BUILD_DIR}/cef_binary_${CEF_BUILD_VERSION:-${CI_CEF_VERSION}}_macosx64" \ .. } run_obs_build() { ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" hr "Build OBS..." make -j4 } ## OBS BUNDLE AS MACOS APPLICATION ## bundle_dylibs() { ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" if [ ! -d ./OBS.app ]; then error "No OBS.app bundle found" exit 1 fi hr "Bundle dylibs for macOS application" step "Run dylibBundler.." ${CI_SCRIPTS}/app/dylibbundler -cd -of -a ./OBS.app -q -f \ -s ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS \ -s "${DEPS_BUILD_DIR}/sparkle/Sparkle.framework" \ -s ./rundir/RelWithDebInfo/bin/ \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/coreaudio-encoder.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/decklink-ouput-ui.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/frontend-tools.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/image-source.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/linux-jack.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/mac-avcapture.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/mac-capture.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/mac-decklink.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/mac-syphon.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/mac-vth264.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-browser.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-browser-page \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-ffmpeg.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-filters.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-transitions.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-vst.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/rtmp-services.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/obs-ffmpeg-mux \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/obslua.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-x264.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/text-freetype2.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-libfdk.so \ -x ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns/obs-outputs.so step "Move libobs-opengl to final destination" cp ./libobs-opengl/libobs-opengl.so ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks step "Copy QtNetwork for plugin support" cp -R /tmp/obsdeps/lib/QtNetwork.framework ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks chmod -R +w ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework rm -r ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Headers rm -r ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/5/Headers/ chmod 644 ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/5/Resources/Info.plist install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/5/QtNetwork ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/5/QtNetwork install_name_tool -change /tmp/obsdeps/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/5/QtNetwork } install_frameworks() { ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" if [ ! -d ./OBS.app ]; then error "No OBS.app bundle found" exit 1 fi hr "Adding Chromium Embedded Framework" step "Copy Framework..." sudo cp -R "${DEPS_BUILD_DIR}/cef_binary_${CEF_BUILD_VERSION:-${CI_CEF_VERSION}}_macosx64/Release/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework" ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/ sudo chown -R $(whoami) ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/ } prepare_macos_bundle() { ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" if [ ! -d ./rundir/RelWithDebInfo/bin ]; then error "No OBS build found" return fi if [ -d ./OBS.app ]; then rm -rf ./OBS.app; fi hr "Preparing OBS.app bundle" step "Copy binary and plugins..." mkdir -p OBS.app/Contents/MacOS mkdir OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns mkdir OBS.app/Contents/Resources cp rundir/RelWithDebInfo/bin/obs ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS cp rundir/RelWithDebInfo/bin/obs-ffmpeg-mux ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS cp rundir/RelWithDebInfo/bin/libobsglad.0.dylib ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS cp -R rundir/RelWithDebInfo/data ./OBS.app/Contents/Resources cp ${CI_SCRIPTS}/app/obs.icns ./OBS.app/Contents/Resources cp -R rundir/RelWithDebInfo/obs-plugins/ ./OBS.app/Contents/PlugIns cp ${CI_SCRIPTS}/app/Info.plist ./OBS.app/Contents # Scripting plugins are required to be placed in same directory as binary if [ -d ./OBS.app/Contents/Resources/data/obs-scripting ]; then mv ./OBS.app/Contents/Resources/data/obs-scripting/obslua.so ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/ # mv ./OBS.app/Contents/Resources/data/obs-scripting/_obspython.so ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/ # mv ./OBS.app/Contents/Resources/data/obs-scripting/obspython.py ./OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/ rm -rf ./OBS.app/Contents/Resources/data/obs-scripting/ fi bundle_dylibs install_frameworks cp ${CI_SCRIPTS}/app/OBSPublicDSAKey.pem ./OBS.app/Contents/Resources step "Set bundle meta information..." plutil -insert CFBundleVersion -string ${GIT_TAG}-${GIT_HASH} ./OBS.app/Contents/Info.plist plutil -insert CFBundleShortVersionString -string ${GIT_TAG}-${GIT_HASH} ./OBS.app/Contents/Info.plist plutil -insert OBSFeedsURL -string https://obsproject.com/osx_update/feeds.xml ./OBS.app/Contents/Info.plist plutil -insert SUFeedURL -string https://obsproject.com/osx_update/stable/updates.xml ./OBS.app/Contents/Info.plist plutil -insert SUPublicDSAKeyFile -string OBSPublicDSAKey.pem ./OBS.app/Contents/Info.plist } ## CREATE MACOS DISTRIBUTION AND INSTALLER IMAGE ## prepare_macos_image() { ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" if [ ! -d ./OBS.app ]; then error "No OBS.app bundle found" return fi hr "Preparing macOS installation image" if [ -f "${FILE_NAME}" ]; then rm "${FILE_NAME}" fi step "Run dmgbuild..." cp "${CI_SCRIPTS}/package/settings.json.template" ./settings.json sed -i '' 's#\$\$VERSION\$\$#'"${GIT_TAG}"'#g' ./settings.json sed -i '' 's#\$\$CI_PATH\$\$#'"${CI_SCRIPTS}"'#g' ./settings.json sed -i '' 's#\$\$BUNDLE_PATH\$\$#'"${CHECKOUT_DIR}"'/build#g' ./settings.json echo -n "${COLOR_ORANGE}" dmgbuild "OBS-Studio ${GIT_TAG}" "${FILE_NAME}" -s ./settings.json echo -n "${COLOR_RESET}" if [ -n "${CODESIGN_OBS}" ]; then codesign_image fi } ## SET UP CODE SIGNING AND NOTARIZATION CREDENTIALS ## ############################################################################## # Apple Developer Identity needed: # # + Signing the code requires a developer identity in the system's keychain # + codesign will look up and find the identity automatically # ############################################################################## read_codesign_ident() { if [ ! -n "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" ]; then step "Code-signing Setup" read -p "${COLOR_ORANGE} + Apple developer identity: ${COLOR_RESET}" CODESIGN_IDENT fi } ############################################################################## # Apple Developer credentials necessary: # # + Signing for distribution and notarization require an active Apple # Developer membership # + An Apple Development identity is needed for code signing # (i.e. 'Apple Development: YOUR APPLE ID (PROVIDER)') # + Your Apple developer ID is needed for notarization # + An app-specific password is necessary for notarization from CLI # + This password will be stored in your macOS keychain under the identifier # 'OBS-Codesign-Password'with access Apple's 'altool' only. ############################################################################## read_codesign_pass() { if [ ! -n "${CODESIGN_IDENT_PASS}" ]; then step "Notarization Setup" read -p "${COLOR_ORANGE} + Apple account id: ${COLOR_RESET}" CODESIGN_IDENT_USER CODESIGN_IDENT_PASS=$(stty -echo; read -p "${COLOR_ORANGE} + Apple developer password: ${COLOR_RESET}" pwd; stty echo; echo $pwd) echo -n "${COLOR_ORANGE}" xcrun altool --store-password-in-keychain-item "OBS-Codesign-Password" -u "${CODESIGN_IDENT_USER}" -p "${CODESIGN_IDENT_PASS}" echo -n "${COLOR_RESET}" CODESIGN_IDENT_SHORT=$(echo "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" | sed -En "s/.+\((.+)\)/\1/p") fi } codesign_bundle() { if [ ! -n "${CODESIGN_OBS}" ]; then step "Skipping application bundle code signing"; return; fi ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" trap "caught_error 'code-signing app'" ERR if [ ! -d ./OBS.app ]; then error "No OBS.app bundle found" return fi hr "Code-signing application bundle" xattr -crs ./OBS.app read_codesign_ident step "Code-sign Sparkle framework..." echo -n "${COLOR_ORANGE}" codesign --force --options runtime --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" "./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Autoupdate.app/Contents/MacOS/fileop" codesign --force --options runtime --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" "./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Autoupdate.app/Contents/MacOS/Autoupdate" codesign --force --options runtime --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" --deep ./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework echo -n "${COLOR_RESET}" step "Code-sign CEF framework..." echo -n "${COLOR_ORANGE}" codesign --force --options runtime --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" "./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Libraries/libEGL.dylib" codesign --force --options runtime --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" "./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Libraries/libswiftshader_libEGL.dylib" codesign --force --options runtime --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" "./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Libraries/libGLESv2.dylib" codesign --force --options runtime --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" "./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Libraries/libswiftshader_libGLESv2.dylib" codesign --force --options runtime --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" --deep "./OBS.app/Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework" echo -n "${COLOR_RESET}" step "Code-sign OBS code..." echo -n "${COLOR_ORANGE}" codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements "${CI_SCRIPTS}/app/entitlements.plist" --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" --deep ./OBS.app echo -n "${COLOR_RESET}" step "Check code-sign result..." codesign -dvv ./OBS.app } codesign_image() { if [ ! -n "${CODESIGN_OBS}" ]; then step "Skipping installer image code signing"; return; fi ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" trap "caught_error 'code-signing image'" ERR if [ ! -f "${FILE_NAME}" ]; then error "No OBS disk image found" return fi hr "Code-signing installation image" read_codesign_ident step "Code-sign OBS installer image..." echo -n "${COLOR_ORANGE}"; codesign --force --sign "${CODESIGN_IDENT}" "${FILE_NAME}" echo -n "${COLOR_RESET}" step "Check code-sign result..." codesign -dvv "${FILE_NAME}" } ## BUILD FROM SOURCE META FUNCTION ## full-build-macos() { if [ -n "${SKIP_BUILD}" ]; then step "Skipping full build"; return; fi if [ ! -n "${SKIP_DEPS}" ]; then hr "Installing Homebrew dependencies" install_homebrew_deps for DEPENDENCY in "${BUILD_DEPS[@]}"; do set -- ${DEPENDENCY} trap "caught_error ${DEPENDENCY}" ERR FUNC_NAME="install_${1}" ${FUNC_NAME} ${2} ${3} done check_ccache trap "caught_error 'cmake'" ERR fi configure_obs_build run_obs_build } ## BUNDLE MACOS APPLICATION META FUNCTION ## bundle_macos() { if [ ! -n "${BUNDLE_OBS}" ]; then step "Skipping application bundle creation"; return; fi hr "Creating macOS app bundle" trap "caught_error 'bundle app'" ERR ensure_dir ${CHECKOUT_DIR} prepare_macos_bundle } ## PACKAGE MACOS DISTRIBUTION IMAGE META FUNCTION ## package_macos() { if [ ! -n "${PACKAGE_OBS}" ]; then step "Skipping installer image creation"; return; fi hr "Creating macOS .dmg image" trap "caught_error 'package app'" ERR install_dmgbuild prepare_macos_image } ## NOTARIZATION META FUNCTION ## notarize_macos() { if [ ! -n "${NOTARIZE_OBS}" ]; then step "Skipping macOS notarization"; return; fi; hr "Notarizing OBS for macOS" trap "caught_error 'notarizing app'" ERR ensure_dir "${CHECKOUT_DIR}/${BUILD_DIR}" if [ -f "${FILE_NAME}" ]; then NOTARIZE_TARGET="${FILE_NAME}" xcnotary precheck "./OBS.app" elif [ -d "OBS.app" ]; then NOTARIZE_TARGET="./OBS.app" else error "No notarization app bundle ('OBS.app') or disk image ('${FILE_NAME}') found" return fi if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then read_codesign_ident read_codesign_pass step "Run xcnotary with ${NOTARIZE_TARGET}..." xcnotary notarize "${NOTARIZE_TARGET}" --developer-account "${CODESIGN_IDENT_USER}" --developer-password-keychain-item "OBS-Codesign-Password" --provider "${CODESIGN_IDENT_SHORT}" fi } ## MAIN SCRIPT FUNCTIONS ## print_usage() { echo -e "full-build-macos.sh - Build helper script for OBS-Studio\n" echo -e "Usage: ${0}\n" \ "-d: Skip dependency checks\n" \ "-b: Create macOS app bundle\n" \ "-c: Codesign macOS app bundle\n" \ "-p: Package macOS app into disk image\n" \ "-n: Notarize macOS app and disk image (implies -b)\n" \ "-s: Skip build process (useful for bundling/packaging only)\n" \ "-h: Print this help" exit 0 } obs-build-main() { ensure_dir ${CHECKOUT_DIR} step "Fetching OBS tags..." git fetch origin --tags GIT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) GIT_HASH=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) GIT_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) FILE_NAME="obs-studio-${GIT_TAG}-${GIT_HASH}-macOS.dmg" ########################################################################## # IMPORTANT: # # Be careful when choosing to notarize and code-sign. The script will try # to sign any pre-existing bundle but also pre-existing images. # # This could lead to a package containing a non-signed bundle, which # will then fail notarization. # # To avoid this, run this script with -b -c first, then -p -c or -p -n # after to make sure that a code-signed bundle will be packaged. # ########################################################################## while getopts ":hdsbnpc" OPTION; do case ${OPTION} in h) print_usage ;; d) SKIP_DEPS=1 ;; s) SKIP_BUILD=1 ;; b) BUNDLE_OBS=1 ;; n) CODESIGN_OBS=1; NOTARIZE_OBS=1 ;; p) PACKAGE_OBS=1 ;; c) CODESIGN_OBS=1 ;; \?) ;; esac done full-build-macos bundle_macos codesign_bundle package_macos codesign_image notarize_macos cleanup } obs-build-main $*