FFmpegOutput="FFmpeg Output" FFmpegAAC="FFmpeg Default AAC Encoder" FFmpegOpus="FFmpeg Opus Encoder" Bitrate="Bitrate" Preset="Preset" RateControl="Rate Control" KeyframeIntervalSec="Keyframe Interval (seconds, 0=auto)" Lossless="Lossless" BFrames="B-frames" NVENC.Use2Pass="Use Two-Pass Encoding" NVENC.Preset.default="Default" NVENC.Preset.hq="High Quality" NVENC.Preset.hp="High Performance" NVENC.Preset.bd="Bluray" NVENC.Preset.ll="Low-Latency" NVENC.Preset.llhq="Low-Latency High Quality" NVENC.Preset.llhp="Low-Latency High Performance" NVENC.Level="Level" FFmpegSource="Media Source" LocalFile="Local File" Looping="Loop" Input="Input" InputFormat="Input Format" BufferingMB="Network Buffering (MB)" HardwareDecode="Use hardware decoding when available" ClearOnMediaEnd="Hide source when playback ends" Advanced="Advanced" RestartWhenActivated="Restart playback when source becomes active" CloseFileWhenInactive="Close file when inactive" CloseFileWhenInactive.ToolTip="Closes the file when the source is not being displayed on the stream or\nrecording. This allows the file to be changed when the source isn't active,\nbut there may be some startup delay when the source reactivates." ColorRange="YUV Color Range" ColorRange.Auto="Auto" ColorRange.Partial="Partial" ColorRange.Full="Full" RestartMedia="Restart Media" SpeedPercentage="Speed (percent)" Seekable="Seekable" MediaFileFilter.AllMediaFiles="All Media Files" MediaFileFilter.VideoFiles="Video Files" MediaFileFilter.AudioFiles="Audio Files" MediaFileFilter.AllFiles="All Files" ReplayBuffer="Replay Buffer" ReplayBuffer.Save="Save Replay" HelperProcessFailed="Unable to start the recording helper process. Check that OBS files have not been blocked or removed by any 3rd party antivirus / security software." UnableToWritePath="Unable to write to %1. Make sure you're using a recording path which your user account is allowed to write to and that there is sufficient disk space."