* debian/patches:
- Use the SIMD Everywhere headers from libsimde-dev, instead of upstream's
code copy
* debian/control
- Build-dep on libsimde-dev
- Add "Built-Using: ${simde:Built-Using}" to all the binary packages to
document the version of libsimde-dev used, as required to keep that
version in the Debian archive, which is needed to fulfill the GPL
* debian/copyright:
- exclude libobs/util/simde/* as we will use the files from libsimde-dev
* debian/rules:
- Include the recommended flags for SIMDe, especially important for
non-X86 architectures
Upstream has decided to now ship the ffmpeg-mux executable as a binary
in /usr/bin. In order to keep the -plugins package Multiarch: Same, we
still need to ship it in /usr/lib/x86_64, although we now use the new
name to not diverge too much from upstream.