AlreadyRunning.Text="OBS is already running! Unless you meant to do this, please shut down any existing instances of OBS before trying to run a new instance. If you have OBS set to minimise to the system tray, please check to see if it's still running there."
AlreadyRunning.LaunchAnyway="Launch Anyway"
ChromeOS.Title="Unsupported Platform"
ChromeOS.Text="OBS appears to be running inside a ChromeOS container. This platform is unsupported"
DockCloseWarning.Title="Closing Dockable Window"
DockCloseWarning.Text="You just closed a dockable window. If you'd like to show it again, use the View → Docks menu on the menu bar."
ExtraBrowsers="Custom Browser Docks"
ExtraBrowsers.Info="Add docks by giving them a name and URL, then click Apply or Close to open the docks. You can add or remove docks at any time."
ExtraBrowsers.DockName="Dock Name"
Auth.Authing.Text="Authenticating with %1, please wait..."
Auth.AuthFailure.Title="Authentication Failure"
Auth.AuthFailure.Text="Failed to authenticate with %1:\n\n%2: %3"
Auth.InvalidScope.Title="Authentication Required"
Auth.InvalidScope.Text="The authentication requirements for %1 have changed. Some features may not be available."
Auth.LoadingChannel.Text="Loading channel information for %1, please wait..."
Auth.ChannelFailure.Title="Failed to load channel"
Auth.ChannelFailure.Text="Failed to load channel information for %1\n\n%2: %3"
Auth.StreamInfo="Stream Information"
TwitchAuth.Stats="Twitch Stats"
TwitchAuth.Feed="Twitch Activity Feed"
TwitchAuth.TwoFactorFail.Title="Could not query stream key"
TwitchAuth.TwoFactorFail.Text="OBS was unable to connect to your Twitch account. Please make sure two-factor authentication is set up in your <a href=''>Twitch security settings</a> as this is required to stream."
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.FPS.UseCurrent="Use Current (%1)"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.FPS.PreferHighFPS="Either 60 or 30, but prefer 60 when possible"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.FPS.PreferHighRes="Either 60 or 30, but prefer high resolution"
Basic.AutoConfig.VideoPage.CanvasExplanation="Note: The canvas (base) resolution is not necessarily the same as the resolution you will stream or record with. Your actual stream/recording resolution may be scaled down from the canvas resolution to reduce resource usage or bitrate requirements."
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage="Stream Information"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.SubTitle="Please enter your stream information"
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.PreferHardwareEncoding.ToolTip="Hardware Encoding eliminates most CPU usage, but may require more bitrate to obtain the same level of quality."
Basic.AutoConfig.StreamPage.StreamWarning.Text="The bandwidth test is about to stream randomised video data without audio to your channel. If you're able, it's recommended to temporarily turn off saving videos of streams and set the stream to private until after the test has completed. Continue?"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage="Final Results"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.SubTitle.Testing="The program is now executing a set of tests to estimate the most ideal settings"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.Result.Header="The program has determined that these estimated settings are the most ideal for you:"
Basic.AutoConfig.TestPage.Result.Footer="To use these settings, click Apply Settings. To reconfigure the wizard and try again, click Back. To manually configure settings yourself, click Cancel and open Settings."
Basic.AutoConfig.Info="The auto-configuration wizard will determine the best settings based on your computer specs and Internet speed."
Basic.AutoConfig.RunAnytime="This can be run at any time by going to the Tools menu."
Basic.Stats.CPUUsage="CPU Usage"
Basic.Stats.HDDSpaceAvailable="Disk space available"
Basic.Stats.MemoryUsage="Memory Usage"
Basic.Stats.AverageTimeToRender="Average time to render frame"
Basic.Stats.SkippedFrames="Skipped frames due to encoding lag"
Basic.Stats.MissedFrames="Frames missed due to rendering lag"
ResetUIWarning.Title="Are you sure you want to reset the UI?"
ResetUIWarning.Text="Resetting the UI will hide additional docks. You will need to unhide these docks from the view menu if you want them to be visible.\n\nAre you sure you want to reset the UI?"
Updater.Title="New update available"
Updater.Text="There is a new update available:"
Updater.UpdateNow="Update Now"
Updater.RemindMeLater="Remind me Later"
Updater.Skip="Skip Version"
Updater.Running.Title="Program currently active"
Updater.Running.Text="Outputs are currently active, please shut down any active outputs before attempting to update"
Updater.GameCaptureActive.Text="Game capture hook library is currently in use. Please close any games/programs being captured (or restart Windows) and try again."
QuickTransitions.SwapScenes="Swap Preview/Output Scenes After Transitioning"
QuickTransitions.SwapScenesTT="Swaps the preview and output scenes after transitioning (if the output's original scene still exists).\nThis will not undo any changes that may have been made to the output's original scene."
QuickTransitions.DuplicateScene="Duplicate Scene"
QuickTransitions.DuplicateSceneTT="When editing the same scene, allows editing transform/visibility of sources without modifying the output.\nTo edit properties of sources without modifying the output, enable 'Duplicate Sources'.\nChanging this value will reset the current output scene (if it still exists)."
QuickTransitions.EditPropertiesTT="When editing the same scene, allows editing properties of sources without modifying the output.\nThis can only be used if 'Duplicate Scene' is enabled.\nCertain sources (such as capture or media sources) do not support this and cannot be edited separately.\nChanging this value will reset the current output scene (if it still exists).\n\nWarning: Because sources will be duplicated, this may require extra system or video resources."
ConfirmBWTest.Text="You have OBS configured in bandwidth test mode. This mode allows for network testing without your channel going live. Once you are done testing, you will need to disable it in order for viewers to be able to see your stream.\n\nDo you want to continue?"
Output.StartStreamFailed="Failed to start streaming"
Output.StartRecordingFailed="Failed to start recording"
Output.StartReplayFailed="Failed to start replay buffer"
Output.StartFailedGeneric="Starting the output failed. Please check the log for details.\n\nNote: If you are using the NVENC or AMD encoders, make sure your video drivers are up to date."
Output.ConnectFail.BadPath="Invalid Path or Connection URL. Please check your settings to confirm that they are valid."
Output.ConnectFail.ConnectFailed="Failed to connect to server"
Output.ConnectFail.InvalidStream="Could not access the specified channel or stream key, please double-check your stream key. If it is correct, there may be a problem connecting to the server."
Output.ConnectFail.Error="An unexpected error occurred when trying to connect to the server. More information in the log file."
Output.ConnectFail.Disconnected="Disconnected from server."
Output.RecordFail.Title="Failed to start recording"
Output.RecordFail.Unsupported="The output format is either unsupported or does not support more than one audio track. Please check your settings and try again."
Output.RecordNoSpace.Title="Insufficient disk space"
Output.RecordNoSpace.Msg="There is not sufficient disk space to continue recording."
Output.RecordError.Title="Recording error"
Output.RecordError.Msg="An unspecified error occurred while recording."
Output.RecordError.EncodeErrorMsg="An encoder error occurred while recording."
Basic.Settings.Stream.IgnoreRecommended.Warn.Text="Warning: Ignoring the service's limitations may result in degraded stream quality or prevent you from streaming.\n\nContinue?"
Basic.Settings.Stream.Recommended.MaxVideoBitrate="Maximum Video Bitrate: %1 kbps"
Basic.Settings.Output.DynamicBitrate="Dynamically change bitrate to manage congestion"
Basic.Settings.Output.DynamicBitrate.Beta="Dynamically change bitrate to manage congestion (Beta)"
Basic.Settings.Output.DynamicBitrate.TT="Instead of dropping frames to reduce congestion, dynamically changes bitrate on the fly.\n\nNote that this can increase delay to viewers if there is significant sudden congestion.\nWhen the bitrate drops, it can take up to a few minutes to restore.\n\nCurrently only supported for RTMP."
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.Stream="Same as stream"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.Small="High Quality, Medium File Size"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.HQ="Indistinguishable Quality, Large File Size"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.RecordingQuality.Lossless="Lossless Quality, Tremendously Large File Size"
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.VideoBitrate="Warning: The streaming video bitrate will be set to %1, which is the upper limit for the current streaming service."
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.AudioBitrate="Warning: The streaming audio bitrate will be set to %1, which is the upper limit for the current streaming service."
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.CannotPause="Warning: Recordings cannot be paused if the recording quality is set to \"Same as stream\"."
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.Encoder="Warning: Recording with a software encoder at a different quality than the stream will require extra CPU usage if you stream and record at the same time."
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.Lossless="Warning: Lossless quality generates tremendously large file sizes! Lossless quality can use upward of 7 Gigabytes of disk space per minute at high resolutions and frame rates. Lossless is not recommended for long recordings unless you have a very large amount of disk space available."
Basic.Settings.Output.Simple.Warn.Lossless.Msg="Are you sure you want to use lossless quality?"
Basic.Settings.Output.Warn.EnforceResolutionFPS.Msg="This streaming service does not support your current output resolution and/or framerate. They will be changed to the closest compatible value:\n\n%1\n\nDo you want to continue?"
FilenameFormatting.TT="%CCYY Year, four digits\n%YY Year, last two digits (00-99)\n%MM Month as a decimal number (01-12)\n%DD Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31)\n%hh Hour in 24h format (00-23)\n%mm Minute (00-59)\n%ss Second (00-61)\n%% A % sign\n%a Abbreviated weekday name\n%A Full weekday name\n%b Abbreviated month name\n%B Full month name\n%d Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31)\n%H Hour in 24h format (00-23)\n%I Hour in 12h format (01-12)\n%m Month as a decimal number (01-12)\n%M Minute (00-59)\n%p AM or PM designation\n%S Second (00-61)\n%y Year, last two digits (00-99)\n%Y Year\n%z ISO 8601 offset from UTC in timezone\n%Z Timezone name or abbreviation\n%FPS Frames per second\n%CRES Base (canvas) resolution\n%ORES Output (scaled) resolution\n%VF Video format"
Basic.Settings.Audio.PeakMeterType.TruePeak="True Peak (Higher CPU usage)"
Basic.Settings.Audio.MultiChannelWarning.Enabled="WARNING: Surround sound audio is enabled."
Basic.Settings.Audio.MultichannelWarning="If streaming, check to see if your streaming service supports both surround sound ingest and surround sound playback. Facebook 360 Live is one example where surround sound is fully supported. Although Facebook Live and YouTube Live both accept surround ingest, Facebook Live downmixes to stereo, and YouTube Live plays only two channels.\n\nOBS audio filters are compatible with surround sound, though VST plugin support isn't guaranteed."
Basic.Settings.Advanced.FormatWarning="Warning: Colour formats other than NV12 are primarily intended for recording, and are not recommended when streaming. Streaming may incur increased CPU usage due to colour format conversion."
Basic.Settings.Advanced.Network.TCPPacing.Tooltip="Attempts to make RTMP output friendlier to other latency sensitive applications on the network by regulating the rate of transmission.\nIt may increase the risk of dropped frames on unstable connections."
OutputWarnings.MP4Recording="Warning: Recordings saved to MP4/MOV will be unrecoverable if the file cannot be finalised (e.g. as a result of BSODs, power losses, etc.). If you want to record multiple audio tracks consider using MKV and remux the recording to MP4/MOV after it is finished (File → Remux Recordings)"
NoSources.Text="It looks like you haven't added any video sources yet, so you will only be outputting a blank screen. Are you sure you want to do this?"
NoSources.Text.AddSource="You can add sources by clicking the + icon under the Sources box in the main window at any time."
NoSources.Label="You don't have any sources.\nClick the + button below,\nor right click here to add one."
ResizeOutputSizeOfSource.Text="The base and output resolutions will be resized to the size of the current source."
ResizeOutputSizeOfSource.Continue="Do you want to continue?"
PreviewTransition="Preview Transition"
Importer="Scene Collection Importer"
Importer.SelectCollection="Select a Scene Collection"
Importer.Collection="Scene Collection"
Importer.HelpText="Add files to this window to import collections from OBS or other supported programs."
Importer.Path="Collection Path"
Importer.Program="Detected Application"
Importer.AutomaticCollectionPrompt="Automatically Search for Scene Collections"
Importer.AutomaticCollectionText="OBS can automatically find importable scene collections from supported third-party programs. Would you like OBS to automatically find collections for you?\n\nYou can change this later in Settings > General > Importers."
NeedsRestart="OBS Studio needs to be restarted. Do you want to restart now?"