NVENC.LookAhead.ToolTip="Enables dynamic B-frames.\n\nIf disabled, the encoder will always use the number of B-frames specified in the 'Max B-frames' setting.\n\nIf enabled, it will increase visual quality by only using however many B-frames are necessary, up to the maximum,\nat the cost of increased GPU utilization."
NVENC.PsychoVisualTuning="Psycho Visual Tuning"
NVENC.PsychoVisualTuning.ToolTip="Enables encoder settings that optimize the use of bitrate for increased perceived visual quality,\nespecially in situations with high motion, at the cost of increased GPU utilization."
CloseFileWhenInactive.ToolTip="Closes the file when the source is not being displayed on the stream or\nrecording. This allows the file to be changed when the source isn't active,\nbut there may be some startup delay when the source reactivates."
HelperProcessFailed="Unable to start the recording helper process. Check that OBS files have not been blocked or removed by any 3rd party antivirus / security software."
UnableToWritePath="Unable to write to %1. Make sure you're using a recording path which your user account is allowed to write to and that there is sufficient disk space."
WarnWindowsDefender="If Windows 10 Ransomware Protection is enabled it can also cause this error. Try turning off controlled folder access in Windows Security / Virus & threat protection settings."