/* net_setup.c -- Setup. Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Ivo Timmermans, 2000-2017 Guus Sliepen 2006 Scott Lamb 2010 Brandon Black This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "system.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "avl_tree.h" #include "conf.h" #include "connection.h" #include "device.h" #include "event.h" #include "graph.h" #include "logger.h" #include "net.h" #include "netutl.h" #include "process.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "proxy.h" #include "route.h" #include "subnet.h" #include "utils.h" #include "xalloc.h" char *myport; devops_t devops; #ifndef HAVE_RSA_SET0_KEY int RSA_set0_key(RSA *r, BIGNUM *n, BIGNUM *e, BIGNUM *d) { BN_free(r->n); r->n = n; BN_free(r->e); r->e = e; BN_free(r->d); r->d = d; return 1; } #endif bool read_rsa_public_key(connection_t *c) { FILE *fp; char *pubname; char *hcfname; char *key; BIGNUM *n = NULL; BIGNUM *e = NULL; if(!c->rsa_key) { c->rsa_key = RSA_new(); // RSA_blinding_on(c->rsa_key, NULL); } /* First, check for simple PublicKey statement */ if(get_config_string(lookup_config(c->config_tree, "PublicKey"), &key)) { if(BN_hex2bn(&n, key) != strlen(key)) { free(key); logger(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PublicKey for %s!", c->name); return false; } free(key); BN_hex2bn(&e, "FFFF"); if(!n || !e || RSA_set0_key(c->rsa_key, n, e, NULL) != 1) { BN_free(e); BN_free(n); logger(LOG_ERR, "RSA_set0_key() failed with PublicKey for %s!", c->name); return false; } return true; } /* Else, check for PublicKeyFile statement and read it */ if(get_config_string(lookup_config(c->config_tree, "PublicKeyFile"), &pubname)) { fp = fopen(pubname, "r"); if(!fp) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Error reading RSA public key file `%s': %s", pubname, strerror(errno)); free(pubname); return false; } c->rsa_key = PEM_read_RSAPublicKey(fp, &c->rsa_key, NULL, NULL); fclose(fp); if(c->rsa_key) { free(pubname); return true; /* Woohoo. */ } /* If it fails, try PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY. */ fp = fopen(pubname, "r"); if(!fp) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Error reading RSA public key file `%s': %s", pubname, strerror(errno)); free(pubname); return false; } c->rsa_key = PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(fp, &c->rsa_key, NULL, NULL); fclose(fp); if(c->rsa_key) { // RSA_blinding_on(c->rsa_key, NULL); free(pubname); return true; } logger(LOG_ERR, "Reading RSA public key file `%s' failed: %s", pubname, strerror(errno)); free(pubname); return false; } /* Else, check if a harnessed public key is in the config file */ xasprintf(&hcfname, "%s/hosts/%s", confbase, c->name); fp = fopen(hcfname, "r"); if(!fp) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Error reading RSA public key file `%s': %s", hcfname, strerror(errno)); free(hcfname); return false; } c->rsa_key = PEM_read_RSAPublicKey(fp, &c->rsa_key, NULL, NULL); fclose(fp); if(c->rsa_key) { free(hcfname); return true; } /* Try again with PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY. */ fp = fopen(hcfname, "r"); if(!fp) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Error reading RSA public key file `%s': %s", hcfname, strerror(errno)); free(hcfname); return false; } free(hcfname); c->rsa_key = PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(fp, &c->rsa_key, NULL, NULL); // RSA_blinding_on(c->rsa_key, NULL); fclose(fp); if(c->rsa_key) return true; logger(LOG_ERR, "No public key for %s specified!", c->name); return false; } static bool read_rsa_private_key(void) { FILE *fp; char *fname, *key, *pubkey; BIGNUM *n = NULL; BIGNUM *e = NULL; BIGNUM *d = NULL; if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "PrivateKey"), &key)) { myself->connection->rsa_key = RSA_new(); // RSA_blinding_on(myself->connection->rsa_key, NULL); if(BN_hex2bn(&d, key) != strlen(key)) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PrivateKey for myself!"); free(key); return false; } free(key); if(!get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "PublicKey"), &pubkey)) { BN_free(d); logger(LOG_ERR, "PrivateKey used but no PublicKey found!"); return false; } if(BN_hex2bn(&n, pubkey) != strlen(pubkey)) { free(pubkey); BN_free(d); logger(LOG_ERR, "Invalid PublicKey for myself!"); return false; } free(pubkey); BN_hex2bn(&e, "FFFF"); if(!n || !e || !d || RSA_set0_key(myself->connection->rsa_key, n, e, d) != 1) { BN_free(d); BN_free(e); BN_free(n); logger(LOG_ERR, "RSA_set0_key() failed with PrivateKey for myself!"); return false; } return true; } if(!get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "PrivateKeyFile"), &fname)) xasprintf(&fname, "%s/rsa_key.priv", confbase); fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if(!fp) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Error reading RSA private key file `%s': %s", fname, strerror(errno)); free(fname); return false; } #if !defined(HAVE_MINGW) && !defined(HAVE_CYGWIN) struct stat s; if(!fstat(fileno(fp), &s)) { if(s.st_mode & ~0100700) logger(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: insecure file permissions for RSA private key file `%s'!", fname); } else { logger(LOG_WARNING, "Could not stat RSA private key file `%s': %s'", fname, strerror(errno)); } #endif myself->connection->rsa_key = PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL); fclose(fp); if(!myself->connection->rsa_key) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Reading RSA private key file `%s' failed: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); free(fname); return false; } free(fname); return true; } /* Read Subnets from all host config files */ void load_all_subnets(void) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; char *dname; char *fname; avl_tree_t *config_tree; config_t *cfg; subnet_t *s, *s2; node_t *n; xasprintf(&dname, "%s/hosts", confbase); dir = opendir(dname); if(!dir) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Could not open %s: %s", dname, strerror(errno)); free(dname); return; } while((ent = readdir(dir))) { if(!check_id(ent->d_name)) continue; n = lookup_node(ent->d_name); #ifdef _DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE //if(ent->d_type != DT_REG) // continue; #endif xasprintf(&fname, "%s/hosts/%s", confbase, ent->d_name); init_configuration(&config_tree); read_config_options(config_tree, ent->d_name); read_config_file(config_tree, fname); free(fname); if(!n) { n = new_node(); n->name = xstrdup(ent->d_name); node_add(n); } for(cfg = lookup_config(config_tree, "Subnet"); cfg; cfg = lookup_config_next(config_tree, cfg)) { if(!get_config_subnet(cfg, &s)) continue; if((s2 = lookup_subnet(n, s))) { s2->expires = -1; } else { subnet_add(n, s); } } exit_configuration(&config_tree); } closedir(dir); } char *get_name(void) { char *name = NULL; get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "Name"), &name); if(!name) return NULL; if(*name == '$') { char *envname = getenv(name + 1); char hostname[32] = ""; if(!envname) { if(strcmp(name + 1, "HOST")) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Name: environment variable %s does not exist\n", name + 1); free(name); return false; } if(gethostname(hostname, sizeof hostname) || !*hostname) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not get hostname: %s\n", strerror(errno)); free(name); return false; } hostname[31] = 0; envname = hostname; } free(name); name = xstrdup(envname); for(char *c = name; *c; c++) if(!isalnum(*c)) *c = '_'; } if(!check_id(name)) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Invalid name for myself!"); free(name); return false; } return name; } /* Configure node_t myself and set up the local sockets (listen only) */ static bool setup_myself(void) { config_t *cfg; subnet_t *subnet; char *name, *hostname, *mode, *afname, *cipher, *digest, *type; char *fname = NULL; char *address = NULL; char *proxy = NULL; char *space; char *envp[5] = {NULL}; struct addrinfo *ai, *aip, hint = {0}; bool choice; int i, err; int replaywin_int; bool port_specified = false; myself = new_node(); myself->connection = new_connection(); myself->hostname = xstrdup("MYSELF"); myself->connection->hostname = xstrdup("MYSELF"); myself->connection->options = 0; myself->connection->protocol_version = PROT_CURRENT; if(!(name = get_name())) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Name for tinc daemon required!"); return false; } /* Read tinc.conf and our own host config file */ myself->name = name; myself->connection->name = xstrdup(name); xasprintf(&fname, "%s/hosts/%s", confbase, name); read_config_options(config_tree, name); read_config_file(config_tree, fname); free(fname); if(!read_rsa_private_key()) return false; if(!get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "Port"), &myport)) myport = xstrdup("655"); else port_specified = true; /* Ensure myport is numeric */ if(!atoi(myport)) { struct addrinfo *ai = str2addrinfo("localhost", myport, SOCK_DGRAM); sockaddr_t sa; if(!ai || !ai->ai_addr) return false; free(myport); memcpy(&sa, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen); sockaddr2str(&sa, NULL, &myport); } if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "Proxy"), &proxy)) { if((space = strchr(proxy, ' '))) *space++ = 0; if(!strcasecmp(proxy, "none")) { proxytype = PROXY_NONE; } else if(!strcasecmp(proxy, "socks4")) { proxytype = PROXY_SOCKS4; } else if(!strcasecmp(proxy, "socks4a")) { proxytype = PROXY_SOCKS4A; } else if(!strcasecmp(proxy, "socks5")) { proxytype = PROXY_SOCKS5; } else if(!strcasecmp(proxy, "http")) { proxytype = PROXY_HTTP; } else if(!strcasecmp(proxy, "exec")) { proxytype = PROXY_EXEC; } else { logger(LOG_ERR, "Unknown proxy type %s!", proxy); free(proxy); return false; } switch(proxytype) { case PROXY_NONE: default: break; case PROXY_EXEC: if(!space || !*space) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Argument expected for proxy type exec!"); free(proxy); return false; } proxyhost = xstrdup(space); break; case PROXY_SOCKS4: case PROXY_SOCKS4A: case PROXY_SOCKS5: case PROXY_HTTP: proxyhost = space; if(space && (space = strchr(space, ' '))) *space++ = 0, proxyport = space; if(space && (space = strchr(space, ' '))) *space++ = 0, proxyuser = space; if(space && (space = strchr(space, ' '))) *space++ = 0, proxypass = space; if(!proxyhost || !*proxyhost || !proxyport || !*proxyport) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Host and port argument expected for proxy!"); free(proxy); return false; } proxyhost = xstrdup(proxyhost); proxyport = xstrdup(proxyport); if(proxyuser && *proxyuser) proxyuser = xstrdup(proxyuser); if(proxypass && *proxypass) proxypass = xstrdup(proxypass); break; } free(proxy); } /* Read in all the subnets specified in the host configuration file */ cfg = lookup_config(config_tree, "Subnet"); while(cfg) { if(!get_config_subnet(cfg, &subnet)) return false; subnet_add(myself, subnet); cfg = lookup_config_next(config_tree, cfg); } /* Check some options */ if(get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "IndirectData"), &choice) && choice) myself->options |= OPTION_INDIRECT; if(get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "TCPOnly"), &choice) && choice) myself->options |= OPTION_TCPONLY; if(myself->options & OPTION_TCPONLY) myself->options |= OPTION_INDIRECT; get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "DirectOnly"), &directonly); get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "StrictSubnets"), &strictsubnets); get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "TunnelServer"), &tunnelserver); get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "LocalDiscovery"), &localdiscovery); strictsubnets |= tunnelserver; if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "Mode"), &mode)) { if(!strcasecmp(mode, "router")) routing_mode = RMODE_ROUTER; else if(!strcasecmp(mode, "switch")) routing_mode = RMODE_SWITCH; else if(!strcasecmp(mode, "hub")) routing_mode = RMODE_HUB; else { logger(LOG_ERR, "Invalid routing mode!"); free(mode); return false; } free(mode); } if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "Forwarding"), &mode)) { if(!strcasecmp(mode, "off")) forwarding_mode = FMODE_OFF; else if(!strcasecmp(mode, "internal")) forwarding_mode = FMODE_INTERNAL; else if(!strcasecmp(mode, "kernel")) forwarding_mode = FMODE_KERNEL; else { logger(LOG_ERR, "Invalid forwarding mode!"); free(mode); return false; } free(mode); } choice = true; get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "PMTUDiscovery"), &choice); if(choice) myself->options |= OPTION_PMTU_DISCOVERY; choice = true; get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "ClampMSS"), &choice); if(choice) myself->options |= OPTION_CLAMP_MSS; get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "PriorityInheritance"), &priorityinheritance); get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "DecrementTTL"), &decrement_ttl); if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "Broadcast"), &mode)) { if(!strcasecmp(mode, "no")) broadcast_mode = BMODE_NONE; else if(!strcasecmp(mode, "yes") || !strcasecmp(mode, "mst")) broadcast_mode = BMODE_MST; else if(!strcasecmp(mode, "direct")) broadcast_mode = BMODE_DIRECT; else { logger(LOG_ERR, "Invalid broadcast mode!"); free(mode); return false; } free(mode); } #if !defined(SOL_IP) || !defined(IP_TOS) if(priorityinheritance) logger(LOG_WARNING, "%s not supported on this platform for IPv4 connection", "PriorityInheritance"); #endif #if !defined(IPPROTO_IPV6) || !defined(IPV6_TCLASS) if(priorityinheritance) logger(LOG_WARNING, "%s not supported on this platform for IPv6 connection", "PriorityInheritance"); #endif if(!get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "MACExpire"), &macexpire)) macexpire = 600; if(get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "MaxTimeout"), &maxtimeout)) { if(maxtimeout <= 0) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Bogus maximum timeout!"); return false; } } else maxtimeout = 900; if(get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "MinTimeout"), &mintimeout)) { if(mintimeout < 0) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Bogus minimum timeout!"); return false; } if(mintimeout > maxtimeout) { logger(LOG_WARNING, "Minimum timeout (%d s) cannot be larger than maximum timeout (%d s). Correcting !", mintimeout, maxtimeout ); mintimeout=maxtimeout; } } else mintimeout = 0; if(get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "UDPRcvBuf"), &udp_rcvbuf)) { if(udp_rcvbuf <= 0) { logger(LOG_ERR, "UDPRcvBuf cannot be negative!"); return false; } } if(get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "UDPSndBuf"), &udp_sndbuf)) { if(udp_sndbuf <= 0) { logger(LOG_ERR, "UDPSndBuf cannot be negative!"); return false; } } if(get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "ReplayWindow"), &replaywin_int)) { if(replaywin_int < 0) { logger(LOG_ERR, "ReplayWindow cannot be negative!"); return false; } replaywin = (unsigned)replaywin_int; } if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "AddressFamily"), &afname)) { if(!strcasecmp(afname, "IPv4")) addressfamily = AF_INET; else if(!strcasecmp(afname, "IPv6")) addressfamily = AF_INET6; else if(!strcasecmp(afname, "any")) addressfamily = AF_UNSPEC; else { logger(LOG_ERR, "Invalid address family!"); free(afname); return false; } free(afname); } get_config_bool(lookup_config(config_tree, "Hostnames"), &hostnames); /* Generate packet encryption key */ if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "Cipher"), &cipher)) { if(!strcasecmp(cipher, "none")) { myself->incipher = NULL; } else { myself->incipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname(cipher); if(!myself->incipher) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Unrecognized cipher type!"); free(cipher); return false; } } free(cipher); } else myself->incipher = EVP_aes_256_cbc(); if(myself->incipher) myself->inkeylength = EVP_CIPHER_key_length(myself->incipher) + EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(myself->incipher); else myself->inkeylength = 1; /* We need to use a stream mode for the meta protocol. Use AES for this, but try to match the key size with the one from the cipher selected by Cipher. If Cipher is set to none, still use a low level of encryption for the meta protocol. */ int keylen = myself->incipher ? EVP_CIPHER_key_length(myself->incipher) : 0; if(keylen <= 16) myself->connection->outcipher = EVP_aes_128_cfb(); else if(keylen <= 24) myself->connection->outcipher = EVP_aes_192_cfb(); else myself->connection->outcipher = EVP_aes_256_cfb(); if(!get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "KeyExpire"), &keylifetime)) keylifetime = 3600; keyexpires = now + keylifetime; /* Check if we want to use message authentication codes... */ if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "Digest"), &digest)) { if(!strcasecmp(digest, "none")) { myself->indigest = NULL; } else { myself->indigest = EVP_get_digestbyname(digest); if(!myself->indigest) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Unrecognized digest type!"); free(digest); return false; } } free(digest); } else myself->indigest = EVP_sha256(); myself->connection->outdigest = EVP_sha256(); if(get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "MACLength"), &myself->inmaclength)) { if(myself->indigest) { if(myself->inmaclength > EVP_MD_size(myself->indigest)) { logger(LOG_ERR, "MAC length exceeds size of digest!"); return false; } else if(myself->inmaclength < 0) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Bogus MAC length!"); return false; } } } else myself->inmaclength = 4; myself->connection->outmaclength = 0; /* Compression */ if(get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "Compression"), &myself->incompression)) { if(myself->incompression < 0 || myself->incompression > 11) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Bogus compression level!"); return false; } } else myself->incompression = 0; myself->connection->outcompression = 0; /* Done */ myself->nexthop = myself; myself->via = myself; myself->status.reachable = true; node_add(myself); graph(); if(strictsubnets) load_all_subnets(); /* Open device */ devops = os_devops; if(get_config_string(lookup_config(config_tree, "DeviceType"), &type)) { if(!strcasecmp(type, "dummy")) devops = dummy_devops; else if(!strcasecmp(type, "raw_socket")) devops = raw_socket_devops; else if(!strcasecmp(type, "multicast")) devops = multicast_devops; #ifdef ENABLE_UML else if(!strcasecmp(type, "uml")) devops = uml_devops; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VDE else if(!strcasecmp(type, "vde")) devops = vde_devops; #endif free(type); } if(!devops.setup()) return false; /* Run tinc-up script to further initialize the tap interface */ xasprintf(&envp[0], "NETNAME=%s", netname ? : ""); xasprintf(&envp[1], "DEVICE=%s", device ? : ""); xasprintf(&envp[2], "INTERFACE=%s", iface ? : ""); xasprintf(&envp[3], "NAME=%s", myself->name); #ifdef HAVE_MINGW Sleep(1000); #endif #ifdef HAVE_CYGWIN sleep(1); #endif execute_script("tinc-up", envp); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) free(envp[i]); /* Run subnet-up scripts for our own subnets */ subnet_update(myself, NULL, true); /* Open sockets */ if(!do_detach && getenv("LISTEN_FDS")) { sockaddr_t sa; socklen_t salen; listen_sockets = atoi(getenv("LISTEN_FDS")); #ifdef HAVE_UNSETENV unsetenv("LISTEN_FDS"); #endif if(listen_sockets > MAXSOCKETS) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Too many listening sockets"); return false; } for(i = 0; i < listen_sockets; i++) { salen = sizeof sa; if(getsockname(i + 3, &sa.sa, &salen) < 0) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Could not get address of listen fd %d: %s", i + 3, sockstrerror(errno)); return false; } listen_socket[i].tcp = i + 3; #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC fcntl(i + 3, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); #endif listen_socket[i].udp = setup_vpn_in_socket(&sa); if(listen_socket[i].udp < 0) return false; ifdebug(CONNECTIONS) { hostname = sockaddr2hostname(&sa); logger(LOG_NOTICE, "Listening on %s", hostname); free(hostname); } memcpy(&listen_socket[i].sa, &sa, salen); } } else { listen_sockets = 0; cfg = lookup_config(config_tree, "BindToAddress"); do { get_config_string(cfg, &address); if(cfg) cfg = lookup_config_next(config_tree, cfg); char *port = myport; if(address) { char *space = strchr(address, ' '); if(space) { *space++ = 0; port = space; } if(!strcmp(address, "*")) *address = 0; } hint.ai_family = addressfamily; hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hint.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; hint.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; #if HAVE_DECL_RES_INIT // ensure glibc reloads /etc/resolv.conf. res_init(); #endif err = getaddrinfo(address && *address ? address : NULL, port, &hint, &ai); free(address); if(err || !ai) { logger(LOG_ERR, "System call `%s' failed: %s", "getaddrinfo", gai_strerror(err)); return false; } for(aip = ai; aip; aip = aip->ai_next) { if(listen_sockets >= MAXSOCKETS) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Too many listening sockets"); return false; } listen_socket[listen_sockets].tcp = setup_listen_socket((sockaddr_t *) aip->ai_addr); if(listen_socket[listen_sockets].tcp < 0) continue; listen_socket[listen_sockets].udp = setup_vpn_in_socket((sockaddr_t *) aip->ai_addr); if(listen_socket[listen_sockets].udp < 0) continue; ifdebug(CONNECTIONS) { hostname = sockaddr2hostname((sockaddr_t *) aip->ai_addr); logger(LOG_NOTICE, "Listening on %s", hostname); free(hostname); } memcpy(&listen_socket[listen_sockets].sa, aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen); listen_sockets++; } freeaddrinfo(ai); } while(cfg); } if(!listen_sockets) { logger(LOG_ERR, "Unable to create any listening socket!"); return false; } /* If no Port option was specified, set myport to the port used by the first listening socket. */ if(!port_specified) { sockaddr_t sa; socklen_t salen = sizeof sa; if(!getsockname(listen_socket[0].udp, &sa.sa, &salen)) { free(myport); sockaddr2str(&sa, NULL, &myport); if(!myport) myport = xstrdup("655"); } } /* Done. */ logger(LOG_NOTICE, "Ready"); return true; } /* initialize network */ bool setup_network(void) { now = time(NULL); init_events(); init_connections(); init_subnets(); init_nodes(); init_edges(); init_requests(); if(get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "PingInterval"), &pinginterval)) { if(pinginterval < 1) { pinginterval = 86400; } } else pinginterval = 60; if(!get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "PingTimeout"), &pingtimeout)) pingtimeout = 5; if(pingtimeout < 1 || pingtimeout > pinginterval) pingtimeout = pinginterval; if(!get_config_int(lookup_config(config_tree, "MaxOutputBufferSize"), &maxoutbufsize)) maxoutbufsize = 10 * MTU; if(!setup_myself()) return false; return true; } /* close all open network connections */ void close_network_connections(void) { avl_node_t *node, *next; connection_t *c; char *envp[5] = {NULL}; int i; for(node = connection_tree->head; node; node = next) { next = node->next; c = node->data; c->outgoing = NULL; terminate_connection(c, false); } for(list_node_t *node = outgoing_list->head; node; node = node->next) { outgoing_t *outgoing = node->data; if(outgoing->event) event_del(outgoing->event); } list_delete_list(outgoing_list); if(myself && myself->connection) { subnet_update(myself, NULL, false); terminate_connection(myself->connection, false); free_connection(myself->connection); } for(i = 0; i < listen_sockets; i++) { close(listen_socket[i].tcp); close(listen_socket[i].udp); } xasprintf(&envp[0], "NETNAME=%s", netname ? : ""); xasprintf(&envp[1], "DEVICE=%s", device ? : ""); xasprintf(&envp[2], "INTERFACE=%s", iface ? : ""); xasprintf(&envp[3], "NAME=%s", myself->name); exit_requests(); exit_edges(); exit_subnets(); exit_nodes(); exit_connections(); exit_events(); execute_script("tinc-down", envp); if(myport) free(myport); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) free(envp[i]); devops.close(); return; }