#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 2009-12-27 David Goncalves - Version 1.2 # Total rewrite of NUT-Monitor to optimize GUI interaction. # Added favorites support (saved to user's home) # Added status icon on the notification area # # 2010-02-26 David Goncalves # Added UPS vars display and the possibility to change values # when user double-clicks on a RW var. # # 2010-05-01 David Goncalves # Added support for PyNotify (if available) # # 2010-05-05 David Goncalves # Added support for command line options # -> --start-hidden # -> --favorite # # NUT-Monitor now tries to detect if there is a NUT server # on localhost and if there is 1 UPS, connects to it. # # 2010-10-06 David Goncalves - Version 1.3 # Added localisation support import gtk, gtk.glade, gobject import sys import base64 import os, os.path import platform import time import threading import optparse import ConfigParser import locale import gettext import PyNUT # Activate threadings on glib gobject.threads_init() class interface : __widgets = {} __callbacks = {} __favorites = {} __favorites_file = None __favorites_path = "" __fav_menu_items = list() __window_visible = True __glade_file = None __connected = False __ups_handler = None __ups_commands = None __ups_vars = None __ups_rw_vars = None __gui_thread = None __current_ups = None def __init__( self ) : # Before anything, parse command line options if any present... opt_parser = optparse.OptionParser() opt_parser.add_option( "-H", "--start-hidden", action="store_true", default=False, dest="hidden", help="Start iconified in tray" ) opt_parser.add_option( "-F", "--favorite", dest="favorite", help="Load the specified favorite and connect to UPS" ) ( cmd_opts, args ) = opt_parser.parse_args() self.__glade_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "gui-1.3.glade" ) self.__widgets["interface"] = gtk.glade.XML( self.__glade_file, "window1", APP ) self.__widgets["main_window"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("window1") self.__widgets["status_bar"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("statusbar2") self.__widgets["ups_host_entry"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("entry1") self.__widgets["ups_port_entry"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("spinbutton1") self.__widgets["ups_refresh_button"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("button1") self.__widgets["ups_authentication_check"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("checkbutton1") self.__widgets["ups_authentication_frame"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("hbox1") self.__widgets["ups_authentication_login"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("entry2") self.__widgets["ups_authentication_password"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("entry3") self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("combobox1") self.__widgets["ups_commands_button"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("button8") self.__widgets["ups_connect"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("button2") self.__widgets["ups_disconnect"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("button7") self.__widgets["ups_params_box"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("vbox6") self.__widgets["ups_infos"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("notebook1") self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("treeview1") self.__widgets["ups_vars_refresh"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("button9") self.__widgets["ups_status_image"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("image1") self.__widgets["ups_status_left"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("label10") self.__widgets["ups_status_right"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("label11") self.__widgets["ups_status_time"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("label15") self.__widgets["menu_favorites_root"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("menuitem3") self.__widgets["menu_favorites"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("menu2") self.__widgets["menu_favorites_add"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("menuitem4") self.__widgets["menu_favorites_del"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("menuitem5") self.__widgets["progress_battery_charge"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("progressbar1") self.__widgets["progress_battery_load"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("progressbar2") # Create the tray icon and connect it to the show/hide method... self.__widgets["status_icon"] = gtk.StatusIcon() self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_from_file( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "on_line.png" ) ) self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_visible( True ) self.__widgets["status_icon"].connect( "activate", self.tray_activated ) self.__widgets["ups_status_image"].set_from_file( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "on_line.png" ) ) # Define interface callbacks actions self.__callbacks = { "on_window1_destroy" : self.quit, "on_imagemenuitem1_activate" : self.gui_about_dialog, "on_imagemenuitem5_activate" : self.quit, "on_entry1_changed" : self.__check_gui_fields, "on_entry2_changed" : self.__check_gui_fields, "on_entry3_changed" : self.__check_gui_fields, "on_checkbutton1_toggled" : self.__check_gui_fields, "on_spinbutton1_value_changed" : self.__check_gui_fields, "on_button1_clicked" : self.__update_ups_list, "on_button2_clicked" : self.connect_to_ups, "on_button7_clicked" : self.disconnect_from_ups, "on_button9_clicked" : self.__gui_update_ups_vars_view, "on_menuitem4_activate" : self.__gui_add_favorite, "on_menuitem5_activate" : self.__gui_delete_favorite, "on_treeview1_button_press_event" : self.__gui_ups_vars_selected } # Connect the callbacks self.__widgets["interface"].signal_autoconnect( self.__callbacks ) # Remove the dummy combobox entry on UPS List and Commands self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].remove_text( 0 ) # Set UPS vars treeview properties ----------------------------- store = gtk.ListStore( gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING ) self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"].set_model( store ) self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"].set_headers_visible( True ) # Column 0 cr = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() column = gtk.TreeViewColumn( '', cr ) column.add_attribute( cr, 'pixbuf', 0 ) self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"].append_column( column ) # Column 1 cr = gtk.CellRendererText() cr.set_property( 'editable', False ) column = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _('Var name'), cr ) column.set_sort_column_id( 1 ) column.add_attribute( cr, 'text', 1 ) self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"].append_column( column ) # Column 2 cr = gtk.CellRendererText() cr.set_property( 'editable', False ) column = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _('Value'), cr ) column.add_attribute( cr, 'text', 2 ) self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"].append_column( column ) self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"].get_model().set_sort_column_id( 1, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING ) self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree_store"] = store self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"].set_size_request( -1, 50 ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # UPS Commands combo box creation ------------------------------ container = self.__widgets["ups_commands_button"].get_parent() self.__widgets["ups_commands_button"].destroy() self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"] = gtk.ComboBox() list_store = gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_STRING ) self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"].set_model( list_store ) cell_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() cell_renderer.set_property( "xalign", 0 ) self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"].pack_start( cell_renderer, True ) self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"].add_attribute( cell_renderer, "markup", 0 ) container.pack_start( self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"], True ) self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"].set_active( 0 ) self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"].show_all() self.__widgets["ups_commands_button"] = gtk.Button( stock=gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE ) container.pack_start( self.__widgets["ups_commands_button"], True ) self.__widgets["ups_commands_button"].show() self.__widgets["ups_commands_button"].connect( "clicked", self.__gui_send_ups_command ) self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo_store"] = list_store #--------------------------------------------------------------- if ( cmd_opts.hidden != True ) : self.__widgets["main_window"].show() # Define favorites path and load favorites if ( platform.system() == "Linux" ) : self.__favorites_path = os.path.join( os.environ.get("HOME"), ".nut-monitor" ) elif ( platform.system() == "Windows" ) : self.__favorites_path = os.path.join( os.environ.get("USERPROFILE"), "Application Data", "NUT-Monitor" ) self.__favorites_file = os.path.join( self.__favorites_path, "favorites.ini" ) self.__parse_favorites() self.gui_status_message( _("Welcome to NUT Monitor") ) if ( cmd_opts.favorite != None ) : if ( self.__favorites.has_key( cmd_opts.favorite ) ) : self.__gui_load_favorite( fav_name=cmd_opts.favorite ) self.connect_to_ups() else : # Try to scan localhost for available ups and connect to it if there is only one self.__widgets["ups_host_entry"].set_text( "localhost" ) self.__update_ups_list() if ( len( self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].get_model() ) == 1 ) : self.connect_to_ups() # Check if correct fields are filled to enable connection to the UPS def __check_gui_fields( self, widget=None ) : # If UPS list contains something, clear it if self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].get_active() != -1 : self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].get_model().clear() self.__widgets["ups_connect"].set_sensitive( False ) self.__widgets["menu_favorites_add"].set_sensitive( False ) # Host/Port selection if len( self.__widgets["ups_host_entry"].get_text() ) > 0 : sensitive = True # If authentication is selected, check that we have a login and password if self.__widgets["ups_authentication_check"].get_active() : if len( self.__widgets["ups_authentication_login"].get_text() ) == 0 : sensitive = False if len( self.__widgets["ups_authentication_password"].get_text() ) == 0 : sensitive = False self.__widgets["ups_refresh_button"].set_sensitive( sensitive ) if not sensitive : self.__widgets["ups_connect"].set_sensitive( False ) self.__widgets["menu_favorites_add"].set_sensitive( False ) else : self.__widgets["ups_refresh_button"].set_sensitive( False ) self.__widgets["ups_connect"].set_sensitive( False ) self.__widgets["menu_favorites_add"].set_sensitive( False ) # Use authentication fields... if self.__widgets["ups_authentication_check"].get_active() : self.__widgets["ups_authentication_frame"].set_sensitive( True ) else : self.__widgets["ups_authentication_frame"].set_sensitive( False ) self.gui_status_message() #------------------------------------------------------------------- # This method is used to show/hide the main window when user clicks on the tray icon def tray_activated( self, widget=None, data=None ) : if self.__window_visible : self.__widgets["main_window"].hide() else : self.__widgets["main_window"].show() self.__window_visible = not self.__window_visible #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change the status icon and tray icon def change_status_icon( self, icon="on_line", blink=False ) : self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_from_file( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "%s.png" % icon ) ) self.__widgets["ups_status_image"].set_from_file( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "%s.png" % icon ) ) self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_blinking( blink ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # This method connects to the NUT server and retrieve availables UPSes # using connection parameters (host, port, login, pass...) def __update_ups_list( self, widget=None ) : host = self.__widgets["ups_host_entry"].get_text() port = int( self.__widgets["ups_port_entry"].get_value() ) login = None password = None if self.__widgets["ups_authentication_check"].get_active() : login = self.__widgets["ups_authentication_login"].get_text() password = self.__widgets["ups_authentication_password"].get_text() try : nut_handler = PyNUT.PyNUTClient( host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password ) upses = nut_handler.GetUPSList() ups_list = upses.keys() ups_list.sort() # If UPS list contains something, clear it self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].get_model().clear() for current in ups_list : self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].append_text( current ) self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].set_active( 0 ) self.__widgets["ups_connect"].set_sensitive( True ) self.__widgets["menu_favorites_add"].set_sensitive( True ) self.gui_status_message( _("Found {0} devices on {1}").format( len( ups_list ), host ) ) except : error_msg = _("Error connecting to '{0}' ({1})").format( host, sys.exc_info()[1] ) self.gui_status_message( error_msg ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quit program def quit( self, widget=None ) : # If we are connected to an UPS, disconnect first... if self.__connected : self.gui_status_message( _("Disconnecting from device") ) self.disconnect_from_ups() gtk.main_quit() #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method called when user wants to add a new favorite entry. It # displays a dialog to enable user to select the name of the favorite def __gui_add_favorite( self, widget=None ) : dialog_interface = gtk.glade.XML( self.__glade_file, "dialog1" ) dialog = dialog_interface.get_widget( "dialog1" ) self.__widgets["favorites_dialog_button_add"] = dialog_interface.get_widget("button3") # Define interface callbacks actions callbacks = { "on_entry4_changed" : self.__gui_add_favorite_check_gui_fields } dialog_interface.signal_autoconnect( callbacks ) self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( False ) rc = dialog.run() if rc == 1 : fav_data = {} fav_data["host"] = self.__widgets["ups_host_entry"].get_text() fav_data["port"] = "%d" % self.__widgets["ups_port_entry"].get_value() fav_data["ups"] = self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].get_active_text() fav_data["auth"] = self.__widgets["ups_authentication_check"].get_active() if fav_data["auth"] : fav_data["login"] = self.__widgets["ups_authentication_login"].get_text() fav_data["password"] = base64.b64encode( self.__widgets["ups_authentication_password"].get_text() ) fav_name = dialog_interface.get_widget("entry4").get_text() self.__favorites[ fav_name ] = fav_data self.__gui_refresh_favorites_menu() # Save all favorites self.__save_favorites() dialog.destroy() self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( True ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method called when user wants to delete an entry from favorites def __gui_delete_favorite( self, widget=None ) : dialog_interface = gtk.glade.XML( self.__glade_file, "dialog2" ) dialog = dialog_interface.get_widget( "dialog2" ) # Remove the dummy combobox entry on list dialog_interface.get_widget("combobox2").remove_text( 0 ) favs = self.__favorites.keys() favs.sort() for current in favs : dialog_interface.get_widget("combobox2").append_text( current ) dialog_interface.get_widget("combobox2").set_active( 0 ) self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( False ) rc = dialog.run() fav_name = dialog_interface.get_widget("combobox2").get_active_text() dialog.destroy() self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( True ) if ( rc == 1 ) : # Remove entry, show confirmation dialog md = gtk.MessageDialog( None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, _("Are you sure that you want to remove this favorite ?") ) resp = md.run() md.destroy() if ( resp == gtk.RESPONSE_YES ) : del self.__favorites[ fav_name ] self.__gui_refresh_favorites_menu() self.__save_favorites() self.gui_status_message( _("Removed favorite '%s'") % fav_name ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method called when user selects a favorite from the favorites menu def __gui_load_favorite( self, fav_name="" ) : if ( self.__favorites.has_key( fav_name ) ) : # If auth is activated, process it before other fields to avoir weird # reactions with the 'check_gui_fields' function. if ( self.__favorites[fav_name].get("auth", False ) ) : self.__widgets["ups_authentication_check"].set_active( True ) self.__widgets["ups_authentication_login"].set_text( self.__favorites[fav_name].get("login","") ) self.__widgets["ups_authentication_password"].set_text( self.__favorites[fav_name].get("password","") ) self.__widgets["ups_host_entry"].set_text( self.__favorites[fav_name].get("host","") ) self.__widgets["ups_port_entry"].set_value( float(self.__favorites[fav_name].get("port",3493.0)) ) # Clear UPS list and add current UPS name self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].get_model().clear() self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].append_text( self.__favorites[fav_name].get("ups","") ) self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].set_active( 0 ) # Activate the connect button self.__widgets["ups_connect"].set_sensitive( True ) self.gui_status_message( _("Loaded '%s'") % fav_name ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Send the selected command to the UPS def __gui_send_ups_command( self, widget=None ) : offset = self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"].get_active() cmd = self.__ups_commands[ offset ] md = gtk.MessageDialog( None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, _("Are you sure that you want to send\n'%s' to the device ?") % cmd ) self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( False ) resp = md.run() md.destroy() self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( True ) if ( resp == gtk.RESPONSE_YES ) : try : self.__ups_handler.RunUPSCommand( self.__current_ups, cmd ) self.gui_status_message( _("Sent '{0}' command to {1}").format( cmd, self.__current_ups ) ) except : self.gui_status_message( _("Failed to send '{0}' ({1})").format( cmd, sys.exc_info()[1] ) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method called when user clicks on the UPS vars treeview. If the user # performs a double click on a RW var, the GUI shows the update var dialog. def __gui_ups_vars_selected( self, widget, event ) : # Check if it's a double click... if ( (event.button == 1) and (event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS) ) : treeselection = self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree"].get_selection() (model,iter) = treeselection.get_selected() try : ups_var = model.get_value( iter, 1 ) if ( ups_var in self.__ups_rw_vars ) : # The selected var is RW, then we can show the update dialog dialog_interface = gtk.glade.XML( self.__glade_file, "dialog3" ) dialog = dialog_interface.get_widget( "dialog3" ) lab = dialog_interface.get_widget( "label9" ) lab.set_markup( _("Enter a new value for the variable.\n\n{0} = {1} <span color=\"#606060\"><i>(current value)</i></span>").format( ups_var, self.__ups_rw_vars.get(ups_var)) ) str = dialog_interface.get_widget( "entry5" ) str.set_text( self.__ups_rw_vars.get(ups_var) ) self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( False ) rc = dialog.run() new_val = str.get_text() dialog.destroy() self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( True ) if ( rc == 1 ) : try : self.__ups_handler.SetRWVar( ups=self.__current_ups, var=ups_var, value=new_val ) self.gui_status_message( _("Updated variable on %s") % self.__current_ups ) # Change the value on the local dict to update the GUI self.__ups_vars[ups_var] = new_val self.__ups_rw_vars[ups_var] = new_val self.__gui_update_ups_vars_view() except : error_msg = _("Error updating variable on '{0}' ({1})").format( self.__current_ups, sys.exc_info()[1] ) self.gui_status_message( error_msg ) else : # User cancelled modification... error_msg = _("No variable modified on %s - User cancelled") % self.__current_ups self.gui_status_message( error_msg ) except : # Failed to get informations from the treeview... skip action pass #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Refresh the content of the favorites menu according to the defined favorites def __gui_refresh_favorites_menu( self ) : for current in self.__fav_menu_items : current.destroy() self.__fav_menu_items = list() items = self.__favorites.keys() items.sort() for current in items : menu_item = gtk.MenuItem( current ) menu_item.show() self.__fav_menu_items.append( menu_item ) self.__widgets["menu_favorites"].append( menu_item ) menu_item.connect_object( "activate", self.__gui_load_favorite, current ) if len( items ) > 0 : self.__widgets["menu_favorites_del"].set_sensitive( True ) else : self.__widgets["menu_favorites_del"].set_sensitive( False ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # In 'add favorites' dialog, this method compares the content of the # text widget representing the name of the new favorite with existing # ones. If they match, the 'add' button will be set to non sensitive # to avoid creating entries with the same name. def __gui_add_favorite_check_gui_fields( self, widget=None ) : fav_name = widget.get_text() if ( len( fav_name ) > 0 ) and ( fav_name not in self.__favorites.keys() ) : self.__widgets["favorites_dialog_button_add"].set_sensitive( True ) else : self.__widgets["favorites_dialog_button_add"].set_sensitive( False ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load and parse favorites def __parse_favorites( self ) : if ( not os.path.exists( self.__favorites_file ) ) : # There is no favorites files, do nothing return try : conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() conf.read( self.__favorites_file ) for current in conf.sections() : # Check if mandatory fields are present if ( conf.has_option( current, "host" ) and conf.has_option( current, "ups" ) ) : # Valid entry found, add it to the list fav_data = {} fav_data["host"] = conf.get( current, "host" ) fav_data["ups"] = conf.get( current, "ups" ) if ( conf.has_option( current, "port" ) ) : fav_data["port"] = conf.get( current, "port" ) else : fav_data["port"] = "3493" # If auth is defined the section must have login and pass defined if ( conf.has_option( current, "auth" ) ) : if( conf.has_option( current, "login" ) and conf.has_option( current, "password" ) ) : # Add the entry fav_data["auth"] = conf.getboolean( current, "auth" ) fav_data["login"] = conf.get( current, "login" ) try : fav_data["password"] = base64.decodestring( conf.get( current, "password" ) ) except : # If the password is not in base64, let the field empty print( _("Error parsing favorites, password for '%s' is not in base64\nSkipping password for this entry") % current ) fav_data["password"] = "" else : fav_data["auth"] = False self.__favorites[current] = fav_data self.__gui_refresh_favorites_menu() except : self.gui_status_message( _("Error while parsing favorites file (%s)") % sys.exc_info()[1] ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save favorites to the defined favorites file using ini format def __save_favorites( self ) : # If path does not exists, try to create it if ( not os.path.exists( self.__favorites_file ) ) : try : os.makedirs( self.__favorites_path, mode=0700 ) except : self.gui_status_message( _("Error while creating configuration folder (%s)") % sys.exc_info()[1] ) save_conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() for current in self.__favorites.keys() : save_conf.add_section( current ) for k, v in self.__favorites[ current ].iteritems() : save_conf.set( current, k, v ) try : fh = open( self.__favorites_file, "w" ) save_conf.write( fh ) fh.close() self.gui_status_message( _("Saved favorites...") ) except : self.gui_status_message( _("Error while saving favorites (%s)") % sys.exc_info()[1] ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display the about dialog def gui_about_dialog( self, widget=None ) : dialog_interface = gtk.glade.XML( self.__glade_file, "aboutdialog1" ) dialog = dialog_interface.get_widget( "aboutdialog1" ) self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( False ) dialog.run() dialog.destroy() self.__widgets["main_window"].set_sensitive( True ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display a message on the status bar. The message is also set as # tooltip to enable users to see long messages. def gui_status_message( self, msg="" ) : context_id = self.__widgets["status_bar"].get_context_id("Infos") self.__widgets["status_bar"].pop( context_id ) if ( platform.system() == "Windows" ) : text = msg.decode("cp1250").encode("utf8") else : text = msg message_id = self.__widgets["status_bar"].push( context_id, text.replace("\n", "") ) self.__widgets["status_bar"].set_tooltip_text( text ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display a notification using PyNotify with an optional icon def gui_status_notification( self, message="", icon_file="" ) : # Try to init pynotify try : import pynotify pynotify.init( "NUT Monitor" ) if ( icon_file != "" ) : icon = "file://%s" % os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", icon_file ) ) else : icon = None notif = pynotify.Notification( "NUT Monitor", message, icon ) notif.show() except : pass #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Let GTK refresh GUI :) def refresh_gui( self ) : while gtk.events_pending() : gtk.main_iteration( False ) return( True ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connect to the selected UPS using parameters (host,port,login,pass) def connect_to_ups( self, widget=None ) : host = self.__widgets["ups_host_entry"].get_text() port = int( self.__widgets["ups_port_entry"].get_value() ) login = None password = None if self.__widgets["ups_authentication_check"].get_active() : login = self.__widgets["ups_authentication_login"].get_text() password = self.__widgets["ups_authentication_password"].get_text() try : self.__ups_handler = PyNUT.PyNUTClient( host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password ) except : self.gui_status_message( _("Error connecting to '{0}' ({1})").format( host, sys.exc_info()[1] ) ) self.gui_status_notification( _("Error connecting to '{0}'\n{1}").format( host, sys.exc_info()[1] ), "warning.png" ) return # Check if selected UPS exists on server... srv_upses = self.__ups_handler.GetUPSList() self.__current_ups = self.__widgets["ups_list_combo"].get_active_text() if not srv_upses.has_key( self.__current_ups ) : self.gui_status_message( _("Device '%s' not found on server") % self.__current_ups ) self.gui_status_notification( _("Device '%s' not found on server") % self.__current_ups, "warning.png" ) return self.__connected = True self.__widgets["ups_connect"].hide() self.__widgets["ups_disconnect"].show() self.__widgets["ups_infos"].show() self.__widgets["ups_params_box"].set_sensitive( False ) self.__widgets["menu_favorites_root"].set_sensitive( False ) self.__widgets["ups_params_box"].hide() commands = self.__ups_handler.GetUPSCommands( self.__current_ups ) self.__ups_commands = commands.keys() self.__ups_commands.sort() # Refresh UPS commands combo box self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo_store"].clear() for desc in self.__ups_commands : self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo_store"].append( [ "%s\n<span color=\"#707070\">%s</span>" % ( desc, commands[desc] ) ] ) self.__widgets["ups_commands_combo"].set_active( 0 ) # Update UPS vars manually before the thread self.__ups_vars = self.__ups_handler.GetUPSVars( self.__current_ups ) self.__ups_rw_vars = self.__ups_handler.GetRWVars( self.__current_ups ) self.__gui_update_ups_vars_view() # Try to resize the main window... self.__widgets["main_window"].resize( 1, 1 ) # Start the GUI updater thread self.__gui_thread = gui_updater( self ) self.__gui_thread.start() self.gui_status_message( _("Connected to '{0}' on {1}").format( self.__current_ups, host ) ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Refresh UPS vars in the treeview def __gui_update_ups_vars_view( self, widget=None ) : if self.__ups_handler : vars = self.__ups_vars rwvars = self.__ups_rw_vars self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree_store"].clear() for k,v in vars.iteritems() : if ( rwvars.has_key( k ) ) : icon_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "var-rw.png" ) else : icon_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "var-ro.png" ) icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( icon_file ) self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree_store"].append( [ icon, k, v ] ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disconnect from the UPS def disconnect_from_ups( self, widget=None ) : self.__connected = False self.__widgets["ups_connect"].show() self.__widgets["ups_disconnect"].hide() self.__widgets["ups_infos"].hide() self.__widgets["ups_params_box"].set_sensitive( True ) self.__widgets["menu_favorites_root"].set_sensitive( True ) self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_tooltip_markup( _("<i>Not connected</i>") ) self.__widgets["ups_params_box"].show() # Try to resize the main window... self.__widgets["main_window"].resize( 1, 1 ) # Stop the GUI updater thread self.__gui_thread.stop_thread() del self.__ups_handler self.gui_status_message( _("Disconnected from '%s'") % self.__current_ups ) self.change_status_icon( "on_line", blink=False ) self.__current_ups = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # GUI Updater class # This class updates the main gui with data from connected UPS class gui_updater( threading.Thread ) : __parent_class = None __stop_thread = False def __init__( self, parent_class ) : threading.Thread.__init__( self ) self.__parent_class = parent_class def run( self ) : ups = self.__parent_class._interface__current_ups was_online = True # Define a dict containing different UPS status status_mapper = { "LB" : "<span color=\"#BB0000\"><b>%s</b></span>" % _("Low batteries"), "RB" : "<span color=\"#FF0000\"><b>%s</b></span>" % _("Replace batteries !"), "BYPASS" : "<span color=\"#BB0000\">Bypass</span> <i>%s</i>" % _("(no battery protection)"), "CAL" : _("Performing runtime calibration"), "OFF" : "<span color=\"#000090\">%s</span> <i>(%s)</i>" % ( _("Offline"), _("not providing power to the load") ), "OVER" : "<span color=\"#BB0000\">%s</span> <i>(%s)</i>" % ( _("Overloaded !"), _("there is too much load for device") ), "TRIM" : _("Triming <i>(UPS is triming incoming voltage)</i>"), "BOOST" : _("Boost <i>(UPS is boosting incoming voltage)</i>") } while not self.__stop_thread : try : vars = self.__parent_class._interface__ups_handler.GetUPSVars( ups ) self.__parent_class._interface__ups_vars = vars # Text displayed on the status frame text_left = "" text_right = "" status_text = "" text_left += "<b>%s</b>\n" % _("Device status :") if ( vars.get("ups.status").find("OL") != -1 ) : text_right += "<span color=\"#009000\"><b>%s</b></span>" % _("Online") if not was_online : self.__parent_class.change_status_icon( "on_line", blink=False ) was_online = True if ( vars.get("ups.status").find("OB") != -1 ) : text_right += "<span color=\"#900000\"><b>%s</b></span>" % _("On batteries") if was_online : self.__parent_class.change_status_icon( "on_battery", blink=True ) self.__parent_class.gui_status_notification( _("Device is running on batteries"), "on_battery.png" ) was_online = False # Check for additionnal informations for k,v in status_mapper.iteritems() : if vars.get("ups.status").find(k) != -1 : if ( text_right != "" ) : text_right += " - %s" % v else : text_right += "%s" % v # CHRG and DISCHRG cannot be trated with the previous loop ;) if ( vars.get("ups.status").find("DISCHRG") != -1 ) : text_right += " - <i>%s</i>" % _("discharging") elif ( vars.get("ups.status").find("CHRG") != -1 ) : text_right += " - <i>%s</i>" % _("charging") status_text += text_right text_right += "\n" if ( vars.has_key( "ups.mfr" ) ) : text_left += "<b>%s</b>\n\n" % _("Model :") text_right += "%s\n%s\n" % ( vars.get("ups.mfr",""), vars.get("ups.model","") ) if ( vars.has_key( "ups.temperature" ) ) : text_left += "<b>%s</b>\n" % _("Temperature :") text_right += "%s\n" % int( float( vars.get( "ups.temperature", 0 ) ) ) if ( vars.has_key( "battery.voltage" ) ) : text_left += "<b>%s</b>\n" % _("Battery voltage :") text_right += "%sv\n" % vars.get( "battery.voltage", 0 ) self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["ups_status_left"].set_markup( text_left[:-1] ) self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["ups_status_right"].set_markup( text_right[:-1] ) # UPS load and battery charge progress bars if ( vars.has_key( "battery.charge" ) ) : charge = vars.get( "battery.charge", "0" ) self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["progress_battery_charge"].set_fraction( float( charge ) / 100.0 ) self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["progress_battery_charge"].set_text( "%s %%" % int( float( charge ) ) ) status_text += "\n%s %s%%" % ( _("Battery charge :"), int( float( charge ) ) ) else : self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["progress_battery_charge"].set_fraction( 0.0 ) self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["progress_battery_charge"].set_text( _("Not available") ) if ( vars.has_key( "ups.load" ) ) : load = vars.get( "ups.load", "0" ) self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["progress_battery_load"].set_fraction( float( load ) / 100.0 ) self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["progress_battery_load"].set_text( "%s %%" % int( float( load ) ) ) status_text += "\n%s %s%%" % ( _("UPS load :"), int( float( load ) ) ) else : self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["progress_battery_load"].set_fraction( 0.0 ) self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["progress_battery_load"].set_text( _("Not available") ) if ( vars.has_key( "battery.runtime" ) ) : autonomy = int(vars.get("battery.runtime",0)) if ( autonomy >= 3600 ) : info = time.strftime( _("<b>%H hours %M minutes %S seconds</b>"), time.gmtime( autonomy ) ) elif ( autonomy > 300 ) : info = time.strftime( _("<b>%M minutes %S seconds</b>"), time.gmtime( autonomy ) ) else : info = time.strftime( _("<b><span color=\"#DD0000\">%M minutes %S seconds</span></b>"), time.gmtime( autonomy ) ) else : info = _("Not available") self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["ups_status_time"].set_markup( info ) # Display UPS status as tooltip for tray icon self.__parent_class._interface__widgets["status_icon"].set_tooltip_markup( status_text ) except : self.__parent_class.gui_status_message( _("Error from '{0}' ({1})").format( ups, sys.exc_info()[1] ) ) self.__parent_class.gui_status_notification( _("Error from '{0}'\n{1}").format( ups, sys.exc_info()[1] ), "warning.png" ) time.sleep( 1 ) def stop_thread( self ) : self.__stop_thread = True #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # The main program starts here :-) if __name__ == "__main__" : # Init the localisation APP = "NUT-Monitor" DIR = "locale" gettext.bindtextdomain( APP, DIR ) gettext.textdomain( APP ) _ = gettext.gettext for module in ( gettext, gtk.glade ) : module.bindtextdomain( APP, DIR ) module.textdomain( APP ) gui = interface() gtk.main()