/* upsstats - cgi program to generate the main ups info page Copyright (C) 1998 Russell Kroll <rkroll@exploits.org> Copyright (C) 2005 Arnaud Quette <http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/contact.html> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "common.h" #include "upsclient.h" #include "status.h" #include "cgilib.h" #include "parseconf.h" #include "timehead.h" #include "upsstats.h" #include "upsimagearg.h" #define MAX_CGI_STRLEN 128 #define MAX_PARSE_ARGS 16 static char *monhost = NULL; static int use_celsius = 1, refreshdelay = -1, treemode = 0; /* from cgilib's checkhost() */ static char *monhostdesc = NULL; static int port; static char *upsname, *hostname; static char *upsimgpath="upsimage.cgi", *upsstatpath="upsstats.cgi"; static UPSCONN_t ups; static FILE *tf; static long forofs = 0; static ulist_t *ulhead = NULL, *currups = NULL; static int skip_clause = 0, skip_block = 0; void parsearg(char *var, char *value) { /* avoid bogus junk from evil people */ if ((strlen(var) > MAX_CGI_STRLEN) || (strlen(value) > MAX_CGI_STRLEN)) return; if (!strcmp(var, "host")) { free(monhost); monhost = xstrdup(value); return; } if (!strcmp(var, "refresh")) refreshdelay = (int) strtol(value, (char **) NULL, 10); if (!strcmp(var, "treemode")) { /* FIXME: Validate that treemode is allowed */ treemode = 1; } } static void report_error(void) { if (upscli_upserror(&ups) == UPSCLI_ERR_VARNOTSUPP) printf("Not supported\n"); else printf("[error: %s]\n", upscli_strerror(&ups)); } /* make sure we're actually connected to upsd */ static int check_ups_fd(int do_report) { if (upscli_fd(&ups) == -1) { if (do_report) report_error(); return 0; } /* also check for insanity in currups */ if (!currups) { if (do_report) printf("No UPS specified for monitoring\n"); return 0; } /* must be OK */ return 1; } static int get_var(const char *var, char *buf, size_t buflen, int verbose) { int ret; unsigned int numq, numa; const char *query[4]; char **answer; if (!check_ups_fd(1)) return 0; if (!upsname) { if (verbose) printf("[No UPS name specified]\n"); return 0; } query[0] = "VAR"; query[1] = upsname; query[2] = var; numq = 3; ret = upscli_get(&ups, numq, query, &numa, &answer); if (ret < 0) { if (verbose) report_error(); return 0; } if (numa < numq) { if (verbose) printf("[Invalid response]\n"); return 0; } snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", answer[3]); return 1; } static void parse_var(const char *var) { char answer[SMALLBUF]; if (!get_var(var, answer, sizeof(answer), 1)) return; printf("%s", answer); } static void do_status(void) { int i; char status[SMALLBUF], *ptr, *last = NULL; if (!get_var("ups.status", status, sizeof(status), 1)) { return; } for (ptr = strtok_r(status, " \n", &last); ptr != NULL; ptr = strtok_r(NULL, " \n", &last)) { /* expand from table in status.h */ for (i = 0; stattab[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(ptr, stattab[i].name)) { printf("%s<br>", stattab[i].desc); } } } } static void do_runtime(void) { int total, hours, minutes, seconds; char runtime[SMALLBUF]; if (!get_var("battery.runtime", runtime, sizeof(runtime), 1)) return; total = (int) strtol(runtime, (char **) NULL, 10); hours = total / 3600; minutes = (total - (hours * 3600)) / 60; seconds = total % 60; printf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); } static int do_date(const char *buf) { char datebuf[SMALLBUF]; time_t tod; time(&tod); if (strftime(datebuf, sizeof(datebuf), buf, localtime(&tod))) { printf("%s", datebuf); return 1; } return 0; } static int get_img_val(const char *var, const char *desc, const char *imgargs) { char answer[SMALLBUF]; if (!get_var(var, answer, sizeof(answer), 1)) return 1; printf("<IMG SRC=\"%s?host=%s&display=%s", upsimgpath, currups->sys, var); if ((imgargs) && (strlen(imgargs) > 0)) printf("&%s", imgargs); printf("\" ALT=\"%s: %s\">", desc, answer); return 1; } /* see if <arg> is valid - table from upsimagearg.h */ static void check_imgarg(char *arg, char *out, size_t outlen) { int i; char *ep; ep = strchr(arg, '='); if (!ep) return; *ep++= '\0'; /* if it's allowed, append it so it can become part of the URL */ for (i = 0; imgarg[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (!strcmp(imgarg[i].name, arg)) { if (strlen(out) == 0) snprintf(out, outlen, "%s=%s", arg, ep); else snprintfcat(out, outlen, "&%s=%s", arg, ep); return; } } } /* split out the var=val commands from the IMG line */ static void split_imgarg(char *in, char *out, size_t outlen) { char *ptr, *sp; if (strlen(in) < 3) return; ptr = in; sp = strchr(ptr, ' '); /* split by spaces, then check each one (can't use parseconf...) */ while (sp) { *sp++ = '\0'; check_imgarg(ptr, out, outlen); ptr = sp; sp = strchr(ptr, ' '); } check_imgarg(ptr, out, outlen); } /* IMG <type> [<var>=<val] [<var>=<val>] ... */ static int do_img(char *buf) { char *type, *ptr, imgargs[SMALLBUF]; memset(imgargs, '\0', sizeof(imgargs)); type = buf; ptr = strchr(buf, ' '); if (ptr) { *ptr++ = '\0'; split_imgarg(ptr, imgargs, sizeof(imgargs)); } /* only allow known types through */ if (!strcmp(type, "input.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "input.L1-N.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "input.L2-N.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "input.L3-N.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "input.L1-L2.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "input.L2-L3.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "input.L3-L1.voltage")) { return get_img_val(type, "Input voltage", imgargs); } if (!strcmp(type, "battery.voltage")) return get_img_val(type, "Battery voltage", imgargs); if (!strcmp(type, "battery.charge")) return get_img_val(type, "Battery charge", imgargs); if (!strcmp(type, "output.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "output.L1-N.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "output.L2-N.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "output.L3-N.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "output.L1-L2.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "output.L2-L3.voltage") || !strcmp(type, "output.L3-L1.voltage")) { return get_img_val(type, "Output voltage", imgargs); } if (!strcmp(type, "ups.load") || !strcmp(type, "output.L1.power.percent") || !strcmp(type, "output.L2.power.percent") || !strcmp(type, "output.L3.power.percent") || !strcmp(type, "output.L1.realpower.percent") || !strcmp(type, "output.L2.realpower.percent") || !strcmp(type, "output.L3.realpower.percent")) { return get_img_val(type, "UPS load", imgargs); } if (!strcmp(type, "input.frequency")) return get_img_val(type, "Input frequency", imgargs); if (!strcmp(type, "output.frequency")) return get_img_val(type, "Output frequency", imgargs); if (!strcmp(type, "ups.temperature")) return get_img_val(type, "UPS temperature", imgargs); if (!strcmp(type, "ambient.temperature")) return get_img_val(type, "Ambient temperature", imgargs); if (!strcmp(type, "ambient.humidity")) return get_img_val(type, "Ambient humidity", imgargs); return 0; } static void ups_connect(void) { static ulist_t *lastups = NULL; char *newups, *newhost; int newport; /* try to minimize reconnects */ if (lastups) { /* don't reconnect if these are both the same UPS */ if (!strcmp(lastups->sys, currups->sys)) { lastups = currups; return; } /* see if it's just on the same host */ newups = newhost = NULL; if (upscli_splitname(currups->sys, &newups, &newhost, &newport) != 0) { printf("Unusable UPS definition [%s]\n", currups->sys); fprintf(stderr, "Unusable UPS definition [%s]\n", currups->sys); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((!strcmp(newhost, hostname)) && (port == newport)) { free(upsname); upsname = newups; free(newhost); lastups = currups; return; } /* not the same upsd, so disconnect */ free(newups); free(newhost); } upscli_disconnect(&ups); free(upsname); free(hostname); if (upscli_splitname(currups->sys, &upsname, &hostname, &port) != 0) { printf("Unusable UPS definition [%s]\n", currups->sys); fprintf(stderr, "Unusable UPS definition [%s]\n", currups->sys); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (upscli_connect(&ups, hostname, port, 0) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "UPS [%s]: can't connect to server: %s\n", currups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups)); lastups = currups; } static void do_hostlink(void) { if (!currups) { return; } printf("<a href=\"%s?host=%s", upsstatpath, currups->sys); if (refreshdelay > 0) { printf("&refresh=%d", refreshdelay); } printf("\">%s</a>", currups->desc); } static void do_treelink(void) { if (!currups) { return; } printf("<a href=\"%s?host=%s&treemode\">All data</a>", upsstatpath, currups->sys); } /* see if the UPS supports this variable - skip to the next ENDIF if not */ /* if val is not null, value returned by var must be equal to val to match */ static void do_ifsupp(const char *var, const char *val) { char dummy[SMALLBUF]; /* if not connected, act like it's not supported and skip the rest */ if (!check_ups_fd(0)) { skip_clause = 1; return; } if (!get_var(var, dummy, sizeof(dummy), 0)) { skip_clause = 1; return; } if(!val) { return; } if(strcmp(dummy, val)) { skip_clause = 1; return; } } static int breakargs(char *s, char **aargs) { char *p; int i=0; aargs[i]=NULL; for(p=s; *p && i<(MAX_PARSE_ARGS-1); p++) { if(aargs[i] == NULL) { aargs[i] = p; aargs[i+1] = NULL; } if(*p==' ') { *p='\0'; i++; } } /* Check how many valid args we got */ for(i=0; aargs[i]; i++); return i; } static void do_ifeq(const char *s) { char var[SMALLBUF]; char *aa[MAX_PARSE_ARGS]; int nargs; strcpy(var, s); nargs = breakargs(var, aa); if(nargs != 2) { printf("upsstats: IFEQ: Argument error!\n"); return; } do_ifsupp(aa[0], aa[1]); } /* IFBETWEEN var1 var2 var3. Skip if var3 not between var1 * and var2 */ static void do_ifbetween(const char *s) { char var[SMALLBUF]; char *aa[MAX_PARSE_ARGS]; char tmp[SMALLBUF]; int nargs; long v1, v2, v3; char *isvalid=NULL; strcpy(var, s); nargs = breakargs(var, aa); if(nargs != 3) { printf("upsstats: IFBETWEEN: Argument error!\n"); return; } if (!check_ups_fd(0)) { return; } if (!get_var(aa[0], tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) { return; } v1 = strtol(tmp, &isvalid, 10); if(tmp == isvalid) { return; } if (!get_var(aa[1], tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) { return; } v2 = strtol(tmp, &isvalid, 10); if(tmp == isvalid) { return; } if (!get_var(aa[2], tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0)) { return; } v3 = strtol(tmp, &isvalid, 10); if(tmp == isvalid) { return; } if(v1 > v3 || v2 < v3) { skip_clause = 1; return; } } static void do_upsstatpath(const char *s) { if(strlen(s)) { upsstatpath = strdup(s); } } static void do_upsimgpath(const char *s) { if(strlen(s)) { upsimgpath = strdup(s); } } static void do_temp(const char *var) { char tempc[SMALLBUF]; float tempf; if (!get_var(var, tempc, sizeof(tempc), 1)) return; if (use_celsius) { printf("%s", tempc); return; } tempf = (strtod(tempc, (char **) NULL) * 1.8) + 32; printf("%.1f", tempf); } static void do_degrees(void) { printf("°"); if (use_celsius) printf("C"); else printf("F"); } /* plug in the right color string (like #FF0000) for the UPS status */ static void do_statuscolor(void) { int severity, i; char stat[SMALLBUF], *sp, *ptr; if (!check_ups_fd(0)) { /* can't print the warning here - give a red error condition */ printf("#FF0000"); return; } if (!get_var("ups.status", stat, sizeof(stat), 0)) { /* status not available - give yellow as a warning */ printf("#FFFF00"); return; } severity = 0; sp = stat; while (sp) { ptr = strchr(sp, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr++ = '\0'; /* expand from table in status.h */ for (i = 0; stattab[i].name != NULL; i++) if (!strcmp(stattab[i].name, sp)) if (stattab[i].severity > severity) severity = stattab[i].severity; sp = ptr; } switch(severity) { case 0: printf("#00FF00"); break; /* green : OK */ case 1: printf("#FFFF00"); break; /* yellow : warning */ default: printf("#FF0000"); break; /* red : error */ } } static int do_command(char *cmd) { /* ending an if block? */ if (!strcmp(cmd, "ENDIF")) { skip_clause = 0; skip_block = 0; return 1; } /* Skipping a block means skip until ENDIF, so... */ if (skip_block) { return 1; } /* Toggle state when we run across ELSE */ if (!strcmp(cmd, "ELSE")) { if (skip_clause) { skip_clause = 0; } else { skip_block = 1; } return 1; } /* don't do any commands if skipping a section */ if (skip_clause == 1) { return 1; } if (!strncmp(cmd, "VAR ", 4)) { parse_var(&cmd[4]); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "HOST")) { printf("%s", currups->sys); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "HOSTDESC")) { printf("%s", currups->desc); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "RUNTIME")) { do_runtime(); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "STATUS")) { do_status(); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "STATUSCOLOR")) { do_statuscolor(); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "TEMPF")) { use_celsius = 0; return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "TEMPC")) { use_celsius = 1; return 1; } if (!strncmp(cmd, "DATE ", 5)) { return do_date(&cmd[5]); } if (!strncmp(cmd, "IMG ", 4)) { return do_img(&cmd[4]); } if (!strcmp(cmd, "VERSION")) { printf("%s", UPS_VERSION); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "REFRESH")) { if (refreshdelay > 0) { printf("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"%d\">", refreshdelay); } return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "FOREACHUPS")) { forofs = ftell(tf); currups = ulhead; ups_connect(); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "ENDFOR")) { /* if not in a for, ignore this */ if (forofs == 0) { return 1; } currups = currups->next; if (currups) { fseek(tf, forofs, SEEK_SET); ups_connect(); } return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "HOSTLINK")) { do_hostlink(); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "TREELINK")) { do_treelink(); return 1; } if (!strncmp(cmd, "IFSUPP ", 7)) { do_ifsupp(&cmd[7], NULL); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "UPSTEMP")) { do_temp("ups.temperature"); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "BATTTEMP")) { do_temp("battery.temperature"); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "AMBTEMP")) { do_temp("ambient.temperature"); return 1; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "DEGREES")) { do_degrees(); return 1; } if (!strncmp(cmd, "IFEQ ", 5)) { do_ifeq(&cmd[5]); return 1; } if (!strncmp(cmd, "IFBETWEEN ", 10)) { do_ifbetween(&cmd[10]); return 1; } if (!strncmp(cmd, "UPSSTATSPATH ", 13)) { do_upsstatpath(&cmd[13]); return 1; } if (!strncmp(cmd, "UPSIMAGEPATH ", 13)) { do_upsimgpath(&cmd[13]); return 1; } return 0; } static void parse_line(const char *buf) { char cmd[SMALLBUF]; int i, len, do_cmd = 0; for (i = 0; buf[i]; i += len) { len = strcspn(&buf[i], "@"); if (len == 0) { if (do_cmd) { do_command(cmd); do_cmd = 0; } else { cmd[0] = '\0'; do_cmd = 1; } i++; /* skip over the '@' character */ continue; } if (do_cmd) { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%.*s", len, &buf[i]); continue; } if (skip_clause || skip_block) { /* ignore this */ continue; } /* pass it trough */ printf("%.*s", len, &buf[i]); } } static void display_template(const char *tfn) { char fn[SMALLBUF], buf[LARGEBUF]; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/%s", confpath(), tfn); tf = fopen(fn, "r"); if (!tf) { fprintf(stderr, "upsstats: Can't open %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); printf("Error: can't open template file (%s)\n", tfn); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), tf)) { parse_line(buf); } fclose(tf); } static void display_tree(int verbose) { unsigned int numq, numa; const char *query[4]; char **answer; if (!upsname) { if (verbose) printf("[No UPS name specified]\n"); return; } query[0] = "VAR"; query[1] = upsname; numq = 2; if (upscli_list_start(&ups, numq, query) < 0) { if (verbose) report_error(); return; } printf("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"\n"); printf(" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd\">\n"); printf("<HTML>\n"); printf("<HEAD><TITLE>upsstat: data tree of %s</TITLE></HEAD>\n", currups->desc); printf("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#0000EE\" VLINK=\"#551A8B\">\n"); printf("<TABLE BGCOLOR=\"#50A0A0\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">\n"); printf("<TR><TD>\n"); printf("<TABLE CELLPADDING=\"5\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" WIDTH=\"100%%\">\n"); /* include the description from checkhost() if present */ printf("<TR><TH COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR=\"#50A0A0\">\n"); printf("<FONT SIZE=\"+2\">%s</FONT>\n", currups->desc); printf("</TH></TR>\n"); printf("<TR><TH COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR=\"#60B0B0\"></TH></TR>\n"); while (upscli_list_next(&ups, numq, query, &numa, &answer) == 1) { /* VAR <upsname> <varname> <val> */ if (numa < 4) { if (verbose) printf("[Invalid response]\n"); return; } printf("<TR BGCOLOR=\"#60B0B0\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\">\n"); printf("<TD>%s</TD>\n", answer[2]); printf("<TD>:</TD>\n"); printf("<TD>%s<br></TD>\n", answer[3]); printf("</TR>\n"); } printf("</TABLE>\n"); printf("</TD></TR></TABLE>\n"); /* FIXME (AQ): add a save button (?), and a checkbt for showing var.desc */ printf("</BODY></HTML>\n"); } static void add_ups(char *sys, char *desc) { ulist_t *tmp, *last; tmp = last = ulhead; while (tmp) { last = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } tmp = xmalloc(sizeof(ulist_t)); tmp->sys = xstrdup(sys); tmp->desc = xstrdup(desc); tmp->next = NULL; if (last) last->next = tmp; else ulhead = tmp; } /* called for fatal errors in parseconf like malloc failures */ static void upsstats_hosts_err(const char *errmsg) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Fatal error in parseconf(hosts.conf): %s", errmsg); } static void load_hosts_conf(void) { char fn[SMALLBUF]; PCONF_CTX_t ctx; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/hosts.conf", CONFPATH); pconf_init(&ctx, upsstats_hosts_err); if (!pconf_file_begin(&ctx, fn)) { pconf_finish(&ctx); printf("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"\n"); printf(" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd\">\n"); printf("<HTML><HEAD>\n"); printf("<TITLE>Error: can't open hosts.conf</TITLE>\n"); printf("</HEAD><BODY>\n"); printf("Error: can't open hosts.conf\n"); printf("</BODY></HTML>\n"); /* leave something for the admin */ fprintf(stderr, "upsstats: %s\n", ctx.errmsg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (pconf_file_next(&ctx)) { if (pconf_parse_error(&ctx)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Parse error: %s:%d: %s", fn, ctx.linenum, ctx.errmsg); continue; } if (ctx.numargs < 3) continue; /* MONITOR <host> <desc> */ if (!strcmp(ctx.arglist[0], "MONITOR")) add_ups(ctx.arglist[1], ctx.arglist[2]); } pconf_finish(&ctx); if (!ulhead) { printf("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"\n"); printf(" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd\">\n"); printf("<HTML><HEAD>\n"); printf("<TITLE>Error: no hosts to monitor</TITLE>\n"); printf("</HEAD><BODY>\n"); printf("Error: no hosts to monitor (check <CODE>hosts.conf</CODE>)\n"); printf("</BODY></HTML>\n"); /* leave something for the admin */ fprintf(stderr, "upsstats: no hosts to monitor\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void display_single(void) { if (!checkhost(monhost, &monhostdesc)) { printf("Access to that host [%s] is not authorized.\n", monhost); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } add_ups(monhost, monhostdesc); currups = ulhead; ups_connect(); /* switch between data tree view and standard single view */ if (treemode) display_tree(1); else display_template("upsstats-single.html"); upscli_disconnect(&ups); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { extractcgiargs(); printf("Content-type: text/html\n"); printf("Pragma: no-cache\n"); printf("\n"); /* if a host is specified, use upsstats-single.html instead */ if (monhost) { display_single(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* default: multimon replacement mode */ load_hosts_conf(); currups = ulhead; display_template("upsstats.html"); upscli_disconnect(&ups); return 0; }