RHINO(8) ======== NAME ---- rhino - Driver for Brazilian Microsol RHINO UPS equipment NOTE ---- This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the rhino driver. For information about the core driver, see linkman:nutupsdrv[8]. SUPPORTED HARDWARE ------------------ This driver has been tested with : * Rhino 6000 VA * Rhino 7500 VA * Rhino 10000 VA * Rhino 20000 VA All Rhino models are sinusoidal on-line. EXTRA ARGUMENTS --------------- This driver support the following extra optional settings in linkman:ups.conf[5]: *battext = n* - (default = 0, no extra battery, where n = Ampere*hour ) COMMANDS -------- * load.on - Turn on the load immediately * load.off - Turn off the load immediately * bypass.start - Put the UPS in bypass mode * bypass.stop - Put the UPS out of bypass mode * shutdown.stayoff - Shut down in 3 minutes and do not return AUTHOR ------ Silvino B. Magalhães <sbm2yk@gmail.com> SEE ALSO -------- The core driver: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ linkman:nutupsdrv[8] Internet resources: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www.networkupstools.org/