/* bestfcom.c - model specific routines for Best Power F-Command ups models This module is yet another rewritten mangle of the bestuferrups driver. This driver was written in an attempt to consolidate the various Best Fortress/FERRUPS modules that support the 'f'-command set and provide support for more of these models. Models tested with this new version: FortressII LI720 FERRUPS FE2.1K FERRUPS FE4.3K FERRUPS FE18K FERRUPS FD4.3K From bestuferrups.c : This module is a 40% rewritten mangle of the bestfort module by Grant, which is a 75% rewritten mangle of the bestups module by Russell. It has no test battery command since my ME3100 does this by itself. (same as Grant's driver in this respect) Copyright (C) 2002 Andreas Wrede <andreas@planix.com> Copyright (C) 2000 John Stone <johns@megapixel.com> Copyright (C) 2000 Grant Taylor <gtaylor@picante.com> Copyright (C) 1999 Russell Kroll <rkroll@exploits.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "main.h" #include "serial.h" #define DRIVER_NAME "Best Ferrups/Fortress driver" #define DRIVER_VERSION "0.12" /* driver description structure */ upsdrv_info_t upsdrv_info = { DRIVER_NAME, DRIVER_VERSION, "Andreas Wrede <andreas@planix.com>\n" \ "John Stone <johns@megapixel.com>\n" \ "Grant Taylor <gtaylor@picante.com>\n" \ "Russell Kroll <rkroll@exploits.org>", DRV_EXPERIMENTAL, { NULL } }; #define ENDCHAR '\r' #define IGNCHARS "\012" #define UPSDELAY 1 /* BEST Factory UPS Model Codes */ #define FORTRESS 00 #define PATRIOT 01 #define FORTRESSII 02 #define FERRUPS 03 #define UNITY1 04 /* Internal driver UPS Model Codes */ #define UNKNOWN 000 #define FDxxxx 100 #define FExxxx 200 #define LIxxxx 300 #define MExxxx 400 #define MDxxxx 500 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> /* Blob of UPS configuration data from the formatconfig string */ struct { int valid; /* set to 1 when this is filled in */ float idealbvolts; /* various interesting battery voltages */ float fullvolts; float lowvolts; float emptyvolts; int va; /* capacity of UPS in Volt-Amps */ int watts; /* capacity of UPS in watts */ int model; /* enumerated model type */ int type; /* enumerated ups type*/ char name[16]; /* ups type name*/ } fc; static int inverter_status; /* Forward decls */ /* Set up all the funky shared memory stuff used to communicate with upsd */ void upsdrv_initinfo (void) { /* now set up room for all future variables that are supported */ /* dstate_setinfo("driver.name", "%s", "bestfcom"); */ dstate_setinfo("ups.mfr", "%s", "Best Power"); switch(fc.model) { case MExxxx: dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s ME%d", fc.name, fc.va); break; case MDxxxx: dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s MD%d", fc.name, fc.va); break; case FDxxxx: dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s FD%d", fc.name, fc.va); break; case FExxxx: dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s FE%d", fc.name, fc.va); break; case LIxxxx: dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s LI%d", fc.name, fc.va); break; default: fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unknown model - oops!"); /* Will never get here, upsdrv_initups() will catch */ } dstate_setinfo("ups.power.nominal", "%d", fc.va); dstate_setinfo("ups.realpower.nominal", "%d", fc.watts); /* Do we really need to waste time on this? */ /* if (fc.model != FDxxxx) { if (execute("d 00\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) sscanf(tmp, "00 Time %8s", time); if (execute("d 10\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) sscanf(tmp, "10 Date %8s", date); dstate_setinfo("ups.time", "%s", time); dstate_setinfo("ups.date", "%s", date); } */ dstate_setinfo("battery.voltage.nominal", "%05.2f", (double)fc.idealbvolts); upsdebugx(1, "Best Power %s detected", dstate_getinfo("ups.model")); upsdebugx(1, "Battery voltages: %5.2f nominal, %5.2f full, %5.2f low, %5.2f empty", fc.idealbvolts, fc.fullvolts, fc.lowvolts, fc.emptyvolts); } /* atoi() without the freebie octal conversion */ int bcd2i (const char *bcdstring, const int bcdlen) { int i, digit, total = 0, factor = 1; for (i = 1; i < bcdlen; i++) factor *= 10; for (i = 0; i < bcdlen; i++) { digit = bcdstring[i] - '0'; if (digit > 9) { digit = 0; } total += digit * factor; factor /= 10; } return total; } #define POLL_ALERT "{" static void alert_handler(char ch) { char buf[256]; /* Received an Inverter status alarm : * "\r\n{Inverter: On}\r\n=>" * Try to flush the message */ ser_get_line(upsfd, buf, sizeof(buf), '\012', "", 0, 20000); } /* Debugging display from kermit: ---------------------------------------------------- time^M^M^JFeb 20, 22:13:32^M^J^M^J=>id^M^JUnit ID "ME3.1K12345"^M^J^M^J=> ---------------------------------------------------- */ static int execute(const char *cmd, char *result, int resultsize) { int ret; char buf[256]; unsigned char ch; /* Check for the Inverter status alarm if pending : * "\r\n{Inverter: On}\r\n=>" */ ser_get_line_alert(upsfd, buf, sizeof(buf), '\012', "", POLL_ALERT, alert_handler, 0, 20000); ser_send(upsfd, "%s", cmd); /* Give the UPS some time to chew on what we just sent */ usleep(50000); /* delete command echo up to \012 but no further */ for (ch = '\0'; ch != '\012'; ser_get_char(upsfd, &ch, 0, 10000)); /* get command response */ ret = ser_get_line(upsfd, result, resultsize, '\015', "\012", 3, 0); return ret; } /* format command response -> 80 chars chrg line status ||alrm || Date Invtr |12| error | ||Time| || |Vi||Vo| |Io|| VA | |Vb||Hz||rt| || |vr|CS 011314581801000000010000011601160000002300026600000265600000190000000000E00106E6\r 01161706430100010001000002040121000000980011890000057959980001002200000064080727\r 011800364801000100010000021301200000003100037100001343599803060024000000680807A0\r 0121022719010001000100000208011900190000000000000005676001082200350000000006101A\r 00000000000100000000000002370236000000220005190000026850000009002600000000030161\r 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Above f-responses listed in this order: FortressII LI720 FERRUPS FE4.3K FERRUPS FE18K FERRUPS FD4.3K Fortress ?????? (from Holger's old Best Fortress notes) */ void upsdrv_updateinfo(void) { char fstring[512]; if (! fc.valid) { upsdebugx(1, "upsupdate run before ups_ident() read ups config"); assert(0); } if (execute("f\r", fstring, sizeof(fstring)) >= 80) { int inverter=0, charger=0, vin=0, vout=0, btimeleft=0, linestat=0, alstat=0, vaout=0; double ampsout=0.0, vbatt=0.0, battpercent=0.0, loadpercent=0.0, upstemp=0.0, acfreq=0.0; char tmp[32]; upsdebugx(3, "f response: %d %s", (int)strlen(fstring), fstring); /* Inverter status. 0=off 1=on */ inverter = bcd2i(&fstring[16], 2); /* Charger status. 0=off 1=on */ charger = bcd2i(&fstring[18], 2); /* Input Voltage. integer number */ vin = bcd2i(&fstring[24], 4); /* Output Voltage. integer number */ vout = bcd2i(&fstring[28], 4); /* Battery voltage. int times 10 */ vbatt = ((double)bcd2i(&fstring[50], 4) / 10.0); /* Alarm status reg 1. Bitmask */ alstat = bcd2i(&fstring[20], 2); /* Alarm status reg 2. Bitmask */ alstat = alstat | (bcd2i(&fstring[22], 2) << 8); /* AC line frequency */ acfreq = ((double)bcd2i(&fstring[54], 4) / 100.0); /* Runtime remaining (UPS reports minutes) */ btimeleft = bcd2i(&fstring[58], 4) * 60; if (fc.model != FDxxxx) { /* Iout. int times 10 */ ampsout = ((double)bcd2i(&fstring[36], 4) / 10.0); /* Volt-amps out. int */ vaout = bcd2i(&fstring[40], 6); /* Line status. Bitmask */ linestat = bcd2i(&fstring[72], 2); } if (fc.model != LIxxxx) { upstemp = (double) bcd2i(&fstring[62], 4); } /* Percent Load */ switch(fc.model) { case LIxxxx: case FDxxxx: case FExxxx: case MExxxx: if (execute("d 16\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { int l; sscanf(tmp, "16 FullLoad%% %d", &l); loadpercent = (double) l; } break; case MDxxxx: if (execute("d 22\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { int l; sscanf(tmp, "22 FullLoad%% %d", &l); loadpercent = (double) l; } break; default: /* Will never happen, caught in upsdrv_initups() */ fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unknown model in upsdrv_updateinfo()"); } /* Compute battery percent left based on battery voltages. */ battpercent = ((vbatt - fc.emptyvolts) / (fc.fullvolts - fc.emptyvolts) * 100.0); if (battpercent < 0.0) battpercent = 0.0; else if (battpercent > 100.0) battpercent = 100.0; /* Compute status string */ { int lowbatt, lowvolts, overload, replacebatt, boosting, trimming; lowbatt = alstat & (1<<1); overload = alstat & (1<<6); replacebatt = alstat & (1<<10); boosting = inverter && (linestat & (1<<2)) && (vin < 115); trimming = inverter && (linestat & (1<<2)) && (vin > 115); /* status bits can be unreliable, so try to help it out */ lowvolts = (vbatt <= fc.lowvolts); status_init(); if (inverter) { if (inverter_status < 1) { upsdebugx(1, "Inverter On, charger: %d battery time left: %d", charger, btimeleft); } inverter_status = 1; status_set("OB"); } else { if (inverter_status) { upsdebugx(1, "Inverter Off, charger: %d battery time left: %d", charger, btimeleft); } inverter_status = 0; status_set("OL"); } if (lowbatt | lowvolts) status_set("LB"); if (trimming) status_set("TRIM"); if (boosting) status_set("BOOST"); if (replacebatt) status_set("RB"); if (overload) status_set("OVER"); status_commit(); } upsdebugx(2, "Poll: inverter %d charger %d vin %d vout %d vaout %d btimeleft %d", inverter, charger, vin, vout, vaout, btimeleft); upsdebugx(2, " vbatt %5.1f batpcnt %5.1f loadpcnt %5.1f upstemp %5.1f ampsout %5.1f acfreq %5.2f", vbatt, battpercent, loadpercent, upstemp, ampsout, acfreq); /* Stuff information into info structures */ dstate_setinfo("input.voltage", "%05.1f", (double)vin); dstate_setinfo("input.frequency", "%05.2f", acfreq); dstate_setinfo("output.voltage", "%05.1f", (double)vout); dstate_setinfo("output.current", "%04.1f", ampsout); dstate_setinfo("battery.charge", "%02.1f", battpercent); dstate_setinfo("battery.voltage", "%02.1f", vbatt); dstate_setinfo("battery.runtime", "%d", btimeleft); dstate_setinfo("ups.load", "%02.1f", loadpercent); if (vaout) dstate_setinfo("ups.power", "%d", vaout); if (upstemp) dstate_setinfo("ups.temperature", "%05.1f", (double)upstemp); dstate_dataok(); } else { upsdebugx(1, "failed f response. strlen: %d", (int)strlen(fstring)); dstate_datastale(); } /* if (execute("f\r", fstring, sizeof(fstring)) >= 80) */ return; } static void ups_sync(void) { char buf[256]; /* A bit better sanity might be good here. As is, we expect the human to observe the time being totally not a time. */ if (execute("time\r", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) { upsdebugx(1, "UPS Time: %s", buf); } else { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error connecting to UPS."); } /* old Ferrups prompt for new time so send a blank line */ execute("\r", buf, sizeof(buf)); ser_get_line(upsfd, buf, sizeof(buf), '>', "\012", 3, 0); } /* power down the attached load immediately */ void upsdrv_shutdown(void) { /* NB: hard-wired password */ ser_send(upsfd, "pw377\r"); ser_send(upsfd, "off 1 a\r"); /* power off in 1 second and restart when line power returns */ } /* list flags and values that you want to receive via -x */ void upsdrv_makevartable(void) { } void upsdrv_help(void) { } static void sync_serial(void) { char buffer[10]; ser_flush_in(upsfd, "", 1); ser_send(upsfd, "\r"); sleep(UPSDELAY); ser_get_line(upsfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), '\r', "\012", 3, 0); ser_get_line(upsfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), ENDCHAR, IGNCHARS, 3, 0); while (ser_get_line(upsfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), '>', "\012", 3, 0) <= 0) { printf("."); ser_send(upsfd, "\r"); sleep(UPSDELAY); } } /* Begin code stolen from bestups.c */ static void setup_serial(void) { struct termios tio; if (tcgetattr(upsfd, &tio) == -1) fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, "tcgetattr"); tio.c_iflag = IXON | IXOFF; tio.c_oflag = 0; tio.c_cflag = (CS8 | CREAD | HUPCL | CLOCAL); tio.c_lflag = 0; tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; #ifdef HAVE_CFSETISPEED cfsetispeed(&tio, B1200); /* baud change here */ cfsetospeed(&tio, B1200); #else #error This system lacks cfsetispeed() and has no other means to set the speed #endif if (tcsetattr(upsfd, TCSANOW, &tio) == -1) fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, "tcsetattr"); /* end code stolen from bestups.c */ sync_serial(); } /* These models don't support the formatconfig (fc) command so use the identify command. "id\r" returns : FERRUPS Uninterruptible Power System By Best Power Technology, Inc. Route 1 Highway 80 / P.O. Box 280 Necedah, WI 54646 USA Sales: (800) 356-5794 Service: (800) 356-5737 FAX: (608) 565-2221 Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995 Best Power Technology, Inc. Model: FE4.3KVA Unit ID: FE4.3K02376 Serial #: FE4.3K02376 Version: 8.07 Released: 08/01/1995 */ void upsdrv_init_nofc(void) { char tmp[256], rstring[1024]; /* This is a Best UPS * Set initial values for old Fortress??? */ /* Attempt the id command */ ser_send(upsfd, "id\r"); /* prevent upsrecv from timing out */ sleep(UPSDELAY); ser_get_line(upsfd, rstring, sizeof(rstring), '>', "", 3, 0); rstring[sizeof(rstring) - 1] = '\0'; upsdebugx(2, "id response: %s", rstring); /* Better way to identify this unit is using "d 15\r", which results in "15 M# MD1KVA", "id\r" yields "Unit ID "C1K03588"" */ if (strstr(rstring, "Unit ID \"C1K")){ fc.model = MDxxxx; snprintf(fc.name, sizeof(fc.name), "%s", "Micro Ferrups"); /* Determine load rating by Unit Id? */ if (strstr(rstring, "Unit ID \"C1K")) { fc.va = 1100; fc.watts = 770; /* Approximate, based on 0.7 power factor */ } } else if (strstr(rstring, "Unit ID \"ME")){ fc.model = MExxxx; snprintf(fc.name, sizeof(fc.name), "%s", "Micro Ferrups"); /* Determine load rating by Unit Id? */ if (strstr(rstring, "Unit ID \"ME3.1K")) { fc.va = 3100; fc.watts = 2200; } } else if (strstr(rstring, "Unit ID \"FD")){ fc.model = FDxxxx; snprintf(fc.name, sizeof(fc.name), "%s", "Ferrups"); /* Determine load rating by Unit Id? */ if (strstr(rstring, "Unit ID \"FD4.3K")) { fc.va = 4300; fc.watts = 3000; } } else if (strstr(rstring, "Model: FE") || strstr(rstring, "Model: FE")){ fc.model = FExxxx; fc.type = FERRUPS; snprintf(fc.name, sizeof(fc.name), "%s", "Ferrups"); } else if (strlen(rstring) < 300 ) { /* How does the old Fortress respond to this? */ upsdebugx(2, "Old Best Fortress???"); /* fc.model = FORTRESS; */ } if (fc.model == UNKNOWN) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unknown model %s in upsdrv_init_nofc()", rstring); } switch(fc.model) { case MExxxx: case MDxxxx: case FDxxxx: /* determine shutdown battery voltage */ if (execute("d 27\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { sscanf(tmp, "27 LowBatt %f", &fc.emptyvolts); } /* determine near low battery voltage */ if (execute("d 30\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { sscanf(tmp, "30 NLBatt %f", &fc.lowvolts); } /* determine fully charged battery voltage */ if (execute("d 28\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { sscanf(tmp, "28 Hi Batt %f", &fc.fullvolts); } fc.fullvolts = 13.70; /* determine "ideal" voltage by a guess */ fc.idealbvolts = ((fc.fullvolts - fc.emptyvolts) * 0.7) + fc.emptyvolts; break; case FExxxx: if (execute("d 45\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { sscanf(tmp, "45 RatedVA %d", &fc.va); /* 4300 */ } if (execute("d 46\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { sscanf(tmp, "46 RatedW %d", &fc.watts); /* 3000 */ } if (execute("d 65\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { sscanf(tmp, "65 LoBatV %f", &fc.emptyvolts); /* 41.00 */ } if (execute("d 66\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { sscanf(tmp, "66 NLBatV %f", &fc.lowvolts); /* 44.00 */ } if (execute("d 67\r", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) > 0) { sscanf(tmp, "67 HiBatV %f", &fc.fullvolts); /* 59.60 */ } fc.idealbvolts = ((fc.fullvolts - fc.emptyvolts) * 0.7) + fc.emptyvolts; if (fc.va < 1.0) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error determining Ferrups UPS rating."); } break; default: fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unknown model %s in upsdrv_init_nofc()", rstring); break; } fc.valid = 1; } /* These models support the formatconfig (fc) command formatconfig (fc) response is a one-line packed string starting with $ Model Wt rat Vout VHi FrLo BatVN BatNLo LRuntime Model | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | E rev VA rat Vin VLo FrN FrHi BatHi BatLo Opt O || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | T $010207010600720004701201200911446000570063000240028802150190003??????\LI????VA\\| $010207010600720004701201200911446000570063000240028802150190003??????\LI720VU\LI720VU18112\| 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Model: [0,1] => 00 = unk, 01 = Patriot/SPS, 02 = FortressII, 03 = Ferrups, 04 = Unity/1 [2,3] => 00 = LI520, 01 = LI720, 02 = LI1020, 03 = LI1420, 07 = ??? */ void upsdrv_init_fc(const char *fcstring) { char tmp[256]; upsdebugx(3, "fc response: %d %s", (int)strlen(fcstring), fcstring); /* Obtain Model */ if (memcmp(fcstring, "$", 1)) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Bad response from formatconfig command in upsdrv_init_fc()"); } if (memcmp(fcstring+3, "00", 2) == 0) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "UPS type unknown in upsdrv_init_fc()"); } if (memcmp(fcstring+3, "01", 2) == 0) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Best Patriot UPS not supported"); } else if (memcmp(fcstring+3, "02", 2) == 0) { snprintf(fc.name, sizeof(fc.name), "%s", "FortressII"); fc.type = FORTRESSII; } else if (memcmp(fcstring+3, "03", 2) == 0) { snprintf(fc.name, sizeof(fc.name), "%s", "Ferrups"); fc.type = FERRUPS; } else if (memcmp(fcstring+3, "04", 2) == 0) { snprintf(fc.name, sizeof(fc.name), "%s", "Unity/1"); fc.type = UNITY1; } /* (fc.type == FORTRESSII || fc.type == FERRUPS || fc.type == UNITY1) */ if (memcmp(fcstring+5, "00", 2) == 0) { /* fc.model = LI520; */ fc.model = LIxxxx; } else if (memcmp(fcstring+5, "01", 2) == 0) { /* fc.model = LI720; */ fc.model = LIxxxx; } else if (memcmp(fcstring+5, "02", 2) == 0) { /* fc.model = LI1020; */ fc.model = LIxxxx; } else if (memcmp(fcstring+5, "03", 2) == 0) { /* fc.model = LI1420; */ fc.model = LIxxxx; } else if (memcmp(fcstring+71, "LI", 2) == 0) { fc.model = LIxxxx; } switch(fc.model) { case LIxxxx: fc.va = bcd2i(&fcstring[11], 5); fc.watts = bcd2i(&fcstring[16], 5); /* determine shutdown battery voltage */ fc.emptyvolts= ((double)bcd2i(&fcstring[57], 4) / 10.0); /* determine fully charged battery voltage */ fc.lowvolts= ((double)bcd2i(&fcstring[53], 4) / 10.0); /* determine fully charged battery voltage */ fc.fullvolts= ((double)bcd2i(&fcstring[49], 4) / 10.0); /* determine "ideal" voltage by a guess */ fc.idealbvolts = ((fc.fullvolts - fc.emptyvolts) * 0.7) + fc.emptyvolts; break; default: fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unknown model %s in upsdrv_init_fc()", tmp); } fc.valid = 1; } void upsdrv_initups(void) { char rstring[256]; upsfd = ser_open(device_path); ser_set_speed(upsfd, device_path, B1200); setup_serial(); ups_sync(); inverter_status = 0; fc.model = UNKNOWN; if (execute("f\r", rstring, sizeof(rstring)) < 1 ) { fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed format request in upsdrc_initups()"); } execute("fc\r", rstring, sizeof(rstring)); if (strlen(rstring) < 80 ) { ser_get_line(upsfd, rstring, sizeof(rstring), '>', "\012", 3, 0); upsdrv_init_nofc(); } else { upsdrv_init_fc(rstring); } return; } void upsdrv_cleanup(void) { ser_close(upsfd, device_path); }