/* upsmon.h - headers and other useful things for upsmon.h Copyright (C) 2000 Russell Kroll <rkroll@exploits.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* flags for ups->status */ #define ST_ONLINE (1 << 0) /* UPS is on line (OL) */ #define ST_ONBATT (1 << 1) /* UPS is on battery (OB) */ #define ST_LOWBATT (1 << 2) /* UPS has a low battery (LB) */ #define ST_FSD (1 << 3) /* master has set forced shutdown flag */ #define ST_MASTER (1 << 4) /* we are the master on this UPS */ #define ST_LOGIN (1 << 5) /* we are logged into this UPS */ #define ST_CONNECTED (1 << 6) /* upscli_connect returned OK */ /* required contents of flag file */ #define SDMAGIC "upsmon-shutdown-file" /* UPS tracking structure */ typedef struct { UPSCONN_t conn; /* upsclient state descriptor */ char *sys; /* raw system name from .conf */ char *upsname; /* just upsname */ char *hostname; /* just hostname */ int port; /* just the port */ int pv; /* power value from conf */ char *un; /* username (optional for now) */ char *pw; /* password from conf */ int status; /* status (see flags above) */ int retain; /* tracks deletions at reload */ /* handle suppression of COMMOK and ONLINE at startup */ int commstate; /* these start at -1, and only */ int linestate; /* fire on a 0->1 transition */ time_t lastpoll; /* time of last successful poll */ time_t lastnoncrit; /* time of last non-crit poll */ time_t lastrbwarn; /* time of last REPLBATT warning*/ time_t lastncwarn; /* time of last NOCOMM warning */ void *next; } utype_t; /* notify identifiers */ #define NOTIFY_ONLINE 0 /* UPS went on-line */ #define NOTIFY_ONBATT 1 /* UPS went on battery */ #define NOTIFY_LOWBATT 2 /* UPS went to low battery */ #define NOTIFY_FSD 3 /* Master upsmon set FSD flag */ #define NOTIFY_COMMOK 4 /* Communication established */ #define NOTIFY_COMMBAD 5 /* Communication lost */ #define NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN 6 /* System shutdown in progress */ #define NOTIFY_REPLBATT 7 /* UPS battery needs to be replaced */ #define NOTIFY_NOCOMM 8 /* UPS hasn't been contacted in awhile */ #define NOTIFY_NOPARENT 9 /* privileged parent process died */ /* notify flag values */ #define NOTIFY_IGNORE (1 << 0) /* don't do anything */ #define NOTIFY_SYSLOG (1 << 1) /* send the msg to the syslog */ #define NOTIFY_WALL (1 << 2) /* send the msg to all users */ #define NOTIFY_EXEC (1 << 3) /* send the msg to NOTIFYCMD script */ /* flags are set to NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL at program init */ /* the user can override with NOTIFYFLAGS in the upsmon.conf */ struct { int type; const char *name; char *msg; /* NULL until overridden */ const char *stockmsg; int flags; } notifylist[] = { { NOTIFY_ONLINE, "ONLINE", NULL, "UPS %s on line power", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_ONBATT, "ONBATT", NULL, "UPS %s on battery", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_LOWBATT, "LOWBATT", NULL, "UPS %s battery is low", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_FSD, "FSD", NULL, "UPS %s: forced shutdown in progress", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_COMMOK, "COMMOK", NULL, "Communications with UPS %s established", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_COMMBAD, "COMMBAD", NULL, "Communications with UPS %s lost", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN, "SHUTDOWN", NULL, "Auto logout and shutdown proceeding", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_REPLBATT, "REPLBATT", NULL, "UPS %s battery needs to be replaced", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_NOCOMM, "NOCOMM", NULL, "UPS %s is unavailable", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { NOTIFY_NOPARENT, "NOPARENT", NULL, "upsmon parent process died - shutdown impossible", NOTIFY_SYSLOG | NOTIFY_WALL }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 } }; /* values for signals passed between processes */ #define SIGCMD_FSD SIGUSR1 #define SIGCMD_STOP SIGTERM #define SIGCMD_RELOAD SIGHUP /* various constants */ #define NET_TIMEOUT 10 /* wait 10 seconds max for upsd to respond */