/* everups.c - support for Ever UPS models Copyright (C) 2001 Bartek Szady <bszx@bszxdomain.edu.eu.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "main.h" #include "serial.h" #define DRIVER_NAME "Ever UPS driver" #define DRIVER_VERSION "0.03" /* driver description structure */ upsdrv_info_t upsdrv_info = { DRIVER_NAME, DRIVER_VERSION, "Bartek Szady <bszx@bszxdomain.edu.eu.org>", DRV_STABLE, { NULL } }; static unsigned char upstype = 0; static void init_serial(void) { ser_set_dtr(upsfd, 0); ser_set_rts(upsfd, 0); } static int Code(int tries) { unsigned char cRecv; do { ser_send_char(upsfd, 208); ser_get_char(upsfd, &cRecv, 3, 0); if (cRecv==208) return 1; } while (--tries>0); return 0; } static int InitUpsType(void) { if (Code(1)) { ser_send_char(upsfd, 173); ser_get_char(upsfd, &upstype, 3, 0); return 1; } else return 0; } static const char *GetTypeUpsName(void) { switch(upstype) { case 67: return "NET 500-DPC"; case 68: return "NET 700-DPC"; case 69: return "NET 1000-DPC"; case 70: return "NET 1400-DPC"; case 71: return "NET 2200-DPC"; case 73: return "NET 700-DPC (new)"; case 74: return "NET 1000-DPC (new)"; case 75: return "NET 1400-DPC (new)"; case 76: return "NET 500-DPC (new)"; case 81: return "AP 450-PRO"; case 82: return "AP 650-PRO"; default: return "Unknown"; } } void upsdrv_initinfo(void) { dstate_setinfo("ups.mfr", "Ever"); dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s", GetTypeUpsName()); } void upsdrv_updateinfo(void) { int battery=0,standby=0; unsigned char recBuf[2]; unsigned long acuV; unsigned long lineV; double fVal; if (!Code(2)) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_INFO, "Code failed"); dstate_datastale(); return; } /*Line status*/ ser_send_char(upsfd, 175); ser_get_char(upsfd, recBuf, 3, 0); if ((recBuf[0] & 1) !=0) standby=1; else battery=(recBuf[0] &4) !=0; if (Code(1)) { /*Accumulator voltage value*/ ser_send_char(upsfd, 189); ser_get_char(upsfd, recBuf, 3, 0); acuV=((unsigned long)recBuf[0])*150; acuV/=255; } else { upslog_with_errno(LOG_INFO, "Code failed"); dstate_datastale(); return; } if (Code(1)) { /*Line voltage*/ ser_send_char(upsfd, 245); ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, recBuf, 2, 3, 0); if ( upstype > 72 && upstype < 77) lineV=(recBuf[0]*100+recBuf[1]*25600)/352; else lineV=(recBuf[0]*100+recBuf[1]*25600)/372; } else { upslog_with_errno(LOG_INFO, "Code failed"); dstate_datastale(); return; } status_init(); if (battery && acuV<105) status_set("LB"); /* low battery */ if (battery) status_set("OB"); /* on battery */ else status_set("OL"); /* on line */ status_commit(); dstate_setinfo("input.voltage", "%03ld", lineV); dstate_setinfo("battery.voltage", "%03.2f", (double)acuV /10.0); fVal=((double)acuV-95.0)*100.0; if (standby) fVal/=(135.5-95.0); else fVal/=(124.5-95.0); if (fVal>100) fVal=100; else if (fVal<0) fVal=0; dstate_setinfo("battery.charge", "%03.1f", fVal); dstate_dataok(); } void upsdrv_shutdown(void) { if (!Code(2)) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_INFO, "Code failed"); return; } ser_send_char(upsfd, 28); ser_send_char(upsfd, 1); /* 1.28 sec */ if (!Code(1)) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_INFO, "Code failed"); return; } ser_send_char(upsfd, 13); ser_send_char(upsfd, 8); } void upsdrv_help(void) { } /* list flags and values that you want to receive via -x */ void upsdrv_makevartable(void) { } void upsdrv_initups(void) { upsfd = ser_open(device_path); ser_set_speed(upsfd, device_path, B300); init_serial(); InitUpsType(); } void upsdrv_cleanup(void) { ser_close(upsfd, device_path); }