/* * al175.c - NUT support for Eltek AL175 alarm module. * AL175 shall be in COMLI mode. * * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Marine & Bridge Navigation Systems <http://mns.spb.ru> * Author: Kirill Smelkov <kirr@mns.spb.ru> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * - NOTE the following document is referenced in this driver: * * TE-36862-B4 "COMLI COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTED IN PRS SYSTEMS", * by Eltek A/S * * * - AL175 debug levels: * * 1 user-level trace (status, instcmd, etc...) * 2 status decode errors * 3 COMLI proto handling errors * 4 raw IO trace * */ #include "main.h" #include "serial.h" #include "timehead.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "nut_stdint.h" typedef uint8_t byte_t; #define DRIVER_NAME "Eltek AL175/COMLI driver" #define DRIVER_VERSION "0.12" /* driver description structure */ upsdrv_info_t upsdrv_info = { DRIVER_NAME, DRIVER_VERSION, "Kirill Smelkov <kirr@mns.spb.ru>\n" \ "Marine & Bridge Navigation Systems <http://mns.spb.ru>", DRV_EXPERIMENTAL, { NULL } }; #define STX 0x02 #define ETX 0x03 #define ACK 0x06 /************ * RAW DATA * ************/ /** * raw_data buffer representation */ typedef struct { byte_t *buf; /*!< the whole buffer address */ unsigned buf_size; /*!< the whole buffer size */ byte_t *begin; /*!< begin of content */ byte_t *end; /*!< one-past-end of content */ } raw_data_t; /** * pseudo-alloca raw_data buffer (alloca is not in POSIX) * @param varp ptr-to local raw_data_t variable to which to alloca * @param buf_array array allocated on stack which will be used as storage * (must be auto-variable) * @return alloca'ed memory as raw_data * * Example: * * raw_data_t ack; * byte_t ack_buf[8]; * * raw_alloc_onstack(&ack, ack_buf); */ #define raw_alloc_onstack(varp, buf_array) do { \ (varp)->buf = &(buf_array)[0]; \ (varp)->buf_size = sizeof(buf_array); \ \ (varp)->begin = (varp)->buf; \ (varp)->end = (varp)->buf; \ } while (0) /** * xmalloc raw buffer * @param size size in bytes * @return xmalloc'ed memory as raw_data */ raw_data_t raw_xmalloc(size_t size) { raw_data_t data; data.buf = xmalloc(size); data.buf_size = size; data.begin = data.buf; data.end = data.buf; return data; } /** * free raw_data buffer * @param buf raw_data buffer to free */ void raw_free(raw_data_t *buf) { free(buf->buf); buf->buf = NULL; buf->buf_size = 0; buf->begin = NULL; buf->end = NULL; } /***************************************************************************/ /*************** * COMLI types * ***************/ /** * COMLI message header info * @see 1. INTRODUCTION */ typedef struct { int id; /*!< Id[1:2] */ int stamp; /*!< Stamp[3] */ int type; /*!< Mess Type[4] */ } msg_head_t; /** * COMLI IO header info * @see 1. INTRODUCTION */ typedef struct { unsigned addr; /*!< Addr[5:8] */ unsigned len; /*!< NOB[9:10] */ } io_head_t; /** * maximum allowed io.len value */ #define IO_LEN_MAX 0xff /** * COMLI header info * @see 1. INTRODUCTION */ typedef struct { msg_head_t msg; /*!< message header [1:4] */ io_head_t io; /*!< io header [5:10] */ } comli_head_t; /****************** * MISC UTILITIES * ******************/ /** * convert hex string to int * @param head input string * @param count string length * @return parsed value (>=0) if success, -1 on error */ static long from_hex(const byte_t *head, unsigned len) { long val=0; while (len-- != 0) { int ch = *head; if (!isxdigit(ch)) return -1; /* wrong character */ val *= 0x10; if (isdigit(ch)) { val += (ch-'0'); } else { /* ch = toupper(ch) without locale-related problems */ if (ch < 'A') ch += 'A' - 'a'; val += 0x0A + (ch-'A'); } ++head; } return val; } /** * compute checksum of a buffer * @see 10. CHECKSUM BCC * @param buf buffer address * @param count no. of bytes in the buffer * @return computed checksum */ static byte_t compute_bcc(const byte_t *buf, size_t count) { byte_t bcc=0; unsigned i; for (i=0; i<count; ++i) bcc ^= buf[i]; return bcc; } /** * reverse bits in a buffer bytes from right to left * @see 6. CODING AND DECODING OF REGISTER VALUES * @param buf buffer address * @param count no. of bytes in the buffer */ static void reverse_bits(byte_t *buf, size_t count) { byte_t x; while (count!=0) { x = *buf; x = ( (x & 0x80) >> 7 ) | ( (x & 0x40) >> 5 ) | ( (x & 0x20) >> 3 ) | ( (x & 0x10) >> 1 ) | ( (x & 0x08) << 1 ) | ( (x & 0x04) << 3 ) | ( (x & 0x02) << 5 ) | ( (x & 0x01) << 7 ); *buf = x; ++buf; --count; } } /********************************************************************/ /* * communication basics * * ME (Monitor Equipment) * PRS (Power Rectifier System) /think of it as of UPS in common speak/ * * there are 2 types of transactions: * * 'ACTIVATE COMMAND' * ME -> PRS (al_prep_activate) * ME <- PRS [ack] (al_check_ack) * * * 'READ REGISTER' * ME -> PRS (al_prep_read_req) * ME <- PRS [data] (al_parse_reply) * */ /******************** * COMLI primitives * ********************/ /************************ * COMLI: OUTPUT FRAMES * ************************/ /** * prepare COMLI sentence * @see 1. INTRODUCTION * @param dest [out] where to put the result * @param h COMLI header info * @param buf data part of the sentence * @param count amount of data bytes in the sentence * * @note: the data are copied into the sentence "as-is", there is no conversion is done. * if the caller wants to reverse bits it is necessary to call reverse_bits(...) prior * to comli_prepare. */ static void comli_prepare(raw_data_t *dest, const comli_head_t *h, const void *buf, size_t count) { /* * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - - - N-1 N * +-----+---------+-------+------+-------------------------+-----------+------------+-----+-----+ * | STX | IDh IDl | Stamp | type | addr1 addr2 addr3 addr4 | NOBh NOBl | ...data... | ETX | BCC | * +-----+---------+-------+------+-------------------------+-----------+------------+-----+-----+ * * ^ ^ * | | *begin end */ byte_t *out = dest->begin; /* it's caller responsibility to allocate enough space. else it is a bug in the program */ if ( (out+11+count+2) > (dest->buf + dest->buf_size) ) fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "too small dest in comli_prepare\n"); out[0] = STX; snprintf((char *)out+1, 10+1, "%02X%1i%1i%04X%02X", h->msg.id, h->msg.stamp, h->msg.type, h->io.addr, h->io.len); memcpy(out+11, buf, count); reverse_bits(out+11, count); out[11+count] = ETX; out[12+count] = compute_bcc(out+1, 10+count+1); dest->end = dest->begin + (11+count+2); } /** * prepare AL175 read data request * @see 2. MESSAGE TYPE 2 (COMMAND SENT FROM MONITORING EQUIPMENT) * @param dest [out] where to put the result * @param addr start address of requested area * @param count no. of requested bytes */ static void al_prep_read_req(raw_data_t *dest, unsigned addr, size_t count) { comli_head_t h; h.msg.id = 0x14; h.msg.stamp = 1; h.msg.type = 2; h.io.addr = addr; h.io.len = count; comli_prepare(dest, &h, NULL, 0); } /** * prepare AL175 activate command * @see 4. MESSAGE TYPE 0 (ACTIVATE COMMAND) * @param dest [out] where to put the result * @param cmd command type [11] * @param subcmd command subtype [12] * @param pr1 first parameter [13:14] * @param pr2 second parameter [15:16] * @param pr3 third parameter [17:18] */ static void al_prep_activate(raw_data_t *dest, byte_t cmd, byte_t subcmd, uint16_t pr1, uint16_t pr2, uint16_t pr3) { comli_head_t h; char data[8+1]; h.msg.id = 0x14; h.msg.stamp = 1; h.msg.type = 0; h.io.addr = 0x4500; h.io.len = 8; /* NOTE: doc says we should use ASCII coding here, but the actual * values are > 0x80, so we use binary coding */ data[0] = cmd; data[1] = subcmd; snprintf(data+2, 6+1, "%2X%2X%2X", pr1, pr2, pr3); comli_prepare(dest, &h, data, 8); } /*********************** * COMLI: INPUT FRAMES * ***********************/ /** * check COMLI frame for correct layout and bcc * @param f frame to check * * @return 0 (ok) -1 (error) */ static int comli_check_frame(/*const*/ raw_data_t f) { int bcc; byte_t *tail; if (*f.begin!=STX) return -1; tail = f.end - 2; if (tail <= f.begin) return -1; if (tail[0]!=ETX) return -1; bcc = compute_bcc(f.begin+1, (f.end - f.begin) - 2/*STX & BCC*/); if (bcc!= tail[1]) return -1; return 0; } /** * parse reply header from PRS * @see 3. MESSAGE TYPE 0 (REPLY FROM PRS ON MESSAGE TYPE 2) * * @param io [out] parsed io_header * @param raw_reply_head [in] raw reply header from PRS * @return 0 (ok), -1 (error) * * @see al_parse_reply */ static int al_parse_reply_head(io_head_t *io, const raw_data_t raw_reply_head) { /* * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * +-----+---------+-------+------+-------------------------+-----------+-----------+ * | STX | IDh IDl | Stamp | type | addr1 addr2 addr3 addr4 | NOBh NOBl | ......... | * +-----+---------+-------+------+-------------------------+-----------+-----------+ * * ^ ^ * | | * begin end */ unsigned long io_addr, io_len; const byte_t *reply_head = raw_reply_head.begin - 1; if ( (raw_reply_head.end - raw_reply_head.begin) != 10) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong size\t(%i != 10)", __func__, (int)(raw_reply_head.end - raw_reply_head.begin)); return -1; /* wrong size */ } if (reply_head[1]!='0' || reply_head[2]!='0') { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong id\t('%c%c' != '00')", __func__, reply_head[1], reply_head[2]); return -1; /* wrong id */ } if (reply_head[3]!='1') { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong stamp\t('%c' != '1')", __func__, reply_head[3]); return -1; /* wrong stamp */ } if (reply_head[4]!='0') { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong type\t('%c' != '0')", __func__, reply_head[4]); return -1; /* wrong type */ } io_addr = from_hex(&reply_head[5], 4); if (io_addr==-1UL) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: invalid addr\t('%c%c%c%c')", __func__, reply_head[5],reply_head[6],reply_head[7],reply_head[8]); return -1; /* wrong addr */ } io_len = from_hex(&reply_head[9], 2); if (io_len==-1UL) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: invalid nob\t('%c%c')", __func__, reply_head[9],reply_head[10]); return -1; /* wrong NOB */ } if (io_len > IO_LEN_MAX) { upsdebugx(3, "nob too big\t(%lu > %i)", io_len, IO_LEN_MAX); return -1; /* too much data claimed */ } io->addr = io_addr; io->len = io_len; return 0; } /** * parse reply from PRS * @see 3. MESSAGE TYPE 0 (REPLY FROM PRS ON MESSAGE TYPE 2) * @param io_head [out] parsed io_header * @param io_buf [in] [out] raw_data where to place incoming data (see ...data... below) * @param raw_reply raw reply from PRS to check * @return 0 (ok), -1 (error) * * @see al_parse_reply_head */ static int al_parse_reply(io_head_t *io_head, raw_data_t *io_buf, /*const*/ raw_data_t raw_reply) { /* * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - - - N-1 N * +-----+---------+-------+------+-------------------------+-----------+------------+-----+-----+ * | STX | IDh IDl | Stamp | type | addr1 addr2 addr3 addr4 | NOBh NOBl | ...data... | ETX | BCC | * +-----+---------+-------+------+-------------------------+-----------+------------+-----+-----+ * * ^ ^ * | | * begin end */ int err; unsigned i; const byte_t *reply = raw_reply.begin - 1; /* 1: extract header and parse it */ /*const*/ raw_data_t raw_reply_head = raw_reply; if (raw_reply_head.begin + 10 <= raw_reply_head.end) raw_reply_head.end = raw_reply_head.begin + 10; err = al_parse_reply_head(io_head, raw_reply_head); if (err==-1) return -1; /* 2: process data */ reply = raw_reply.begin - 1; if ( (raw_reply.end - raw_reply.begin) != (ptrdiff_t)(10 + io_head->len)) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: corrupt sentence\t(%i != %i)", __func__, (int)(raw_reply.end - raw_reply.begin), 10 + io_head->len); return -1; /* corrupt sentence */ } /* extract the data */ if (io_buf->buf_size < io_head->len) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: too much data to fit in io_buf\t(%u > %u)", __func__, io_head->len, io_buf->buf_size); return -1; /* too much data to fit in io_buf */ } io_buf->begin = io_buf->buf; io_buf->end = io_buf->begin; for (i=0; i<io_head->len; ++i) *(io_buf->end++) = reply[11+i]; reverse_bits(io_buf->begin, (io_buf->end - io_buf->begin) ); upsdebug_hex(3, "\t\t--> payload", io_buf->begin, (io_buf->end - io_buf->begin)); return 0; /* all ok */ } /** * check acknowledge from PRS * @see 5. ACKNOWLEDGE FROM PRS * @param raw_ack raw acknowledge from PRS to check * @return 0 on success, -1 on error */ static int al_check_ack(/*const*/ raw_data_t raw_ack) { /* * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * +-----+---------+-------+------+-----+-----+-----+ * | STX | IDh IDl | Stamp | type | ACK | ETX | BCC | * +-----+---------+-------+------+-----+-----+-----+ * * ^ ^ * | | * begin end */ const byte_t *ack = raw_ack.begin - 1; if ( (raw_ack.end - raw_ack.begin) !=5) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong size\t(%i != 5)", __func__, (int)(raw_ack.end - raw_ack.begin)); return -1; /* wrong size */ } if (ack[1]!='0' || ack[2]!='0') { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong id\t('%c%c' != '00')", __func__, ack[1], ack[2]); return -1; /* wrong id */ } /* the following in not mandated. it is just said it will be * "same as one received". but we always send '1' (0x31) as stamp * (see 4. MESSAGE TYPE 0 (ACTIVATE COMMAND). Hence, stamp checking * is hardcoded here. */ if (ack[3]!='1') { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong stamp\t('%c' != '1')", __func__, ack[3]); return -1; /* wrong stamp */ } if (ack[4]!='1') { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong type\t('%c' != '1')", __func__, ack[4]); return -1; /* wrong type */ } if (ack[5]!=ACK) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: wrong ack\t(0x%02X != 0x%02X)", __func__, ack[5], ACK); return -1; /* wrong ack */ } return 0; } /******************************************************************/ /********** * SERIAL * **********/ /* clear any flow control (copy from powercom.c) */ static void ser_disable_flow_control (void) { struct termios tio; tcgetattr (upsfd, &tio); tio.c_iflag &= ~ (IXON | IXOFF); tio.c_cc[VSTART] = _POSIX_VDISABLE; tio.c_cc[VSTOP] = _POSIX_VDISABLE; upsdebugx(4, "Flow control disable"); /* disable any flow control */ tcsetattr(upsfd, TCSANOW, &tio); } static void flush_rx_queue() { ser_flush_in(upsfd, "", /*verbose=*/nut_debug_level); } /** * transmit frame to PRS * * @param dmsg debug message prefix * @param frame the frame to tansmit * @return 0 (ok) -1 (error) */ static int tx(const char *dmsg, /*const*/ raw_data_t frame) { int err; upsdebug_ascii(3, dmsg, frame.begin, (frame.end - frame.begin)); err = ser_send_buf(upsfd, frame.begin, (frame.end - frame.begin) ); if (err==-1) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "failed to send frame to PRS: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (err != (frame.end - frame.begin)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "sent incomplete frame to PRS"); return -1; } return 0; } /*********** * CHATTER * ***********/ static time_t T_io_begin; /* start of current I/O transaction */ static int T_io_timeout; /* in seconds */ /* start new I/O transaction with maximum time limit */ static void io_new_transaction(int timeout) { T_io_begin = time(NULL); T_io_timeout = timeout; } /** * get next character from input stream * * @param ch ptr-to where store result * * @return -1 (error) 0 (timeout) >0 (got it) * */ static int get_char(char *ch) { time_t now = time(NULL); long rx_timeout; rx_timeout = T_io_timeout - (now - T_io_begin); /* negative rx_timeout -> time already out */ if (rx_timeout < 0) return 0; return ser_get_char(upsfd, ch, rx_timeout, 0); } /** * get next characters from input stream * * @param buf ptr-to output buffer * @param len buffer length * * @return -1 (error) 0 (timeout) >0 (no. of characters actually read) * */ static int get_buf(byte_t *buf, size_t len) { time_t now = time(NULL); long rx_timeout; rx_timeout = T_io_timeout - (now - T_io_begin); /* negative rx_timeout -> time already out */ if (rx_timeout < 0) return 0; return ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, buf, len, rx_timeout, 0); } /** * scan incoming bytes for specific character * * @return 0 (got it) -1 (error) */ static int scan_for(char c) { char in; int err; while (1) { err = get_char(&in); if (err==-1 || err==0 /*timeout*/) return -1; if (in==c) break; } return 0; } /** * receive 'activate command' ACK from PRS * * @return 0 (ok) -1 (error) */ static int recv_command_ack() { int err; raw_data_t ack; byte_t ack_buf[8]; /* 1: STX */ err = scan_for(STX); if (err==-1) return -1; raw_alloc_onstack(&ack, ack_buf); *(ack.end++) = STX; /* 2: ID1 ID2 STAMP MSG_TYPE ACK ETX BCC */ err = get_buf(ack.end, 7); if (err!=7) return -1; ack.end += 7; /* frame constructed - let's verify it */ upsdebug_ascii(3, "rx (ack):\t\t", ack.begin, (ack.end - ack.begin)); /* generic layout */ err = comli_check_frame(ack); if (err==-1) return -1; /* shrink frame */ ack.begin += 1; ack.end -= 2; return al_check_ack(ack); } /** * receive 'read register' data from PRS * @param io [out] io header of received data * @param io_buf [in] [out] where to place incoming data * * @return 0 (ok) -1 (error) */ static int recv_register_data(io_head_t *io, raw_data_t *io_buf) { int err, ret; raw_data_t reply_head; raw_data_t reply; byte_t reply_head_buf[11]; /* 1: STX */ err = scan_for(STX); if (err==-1) return -1; raw_alloc_onstack(&reply_head, reply_head_buf); *(reply_head.end++) = STX; /* 2: ID1 ID2 STAMP MSG_TYPE ADDR1 ADDR2 ADDR3 ADDR4 LEN1 LEN2 */ err = get_buf(reply_head.end, 10); if (err!=10) return -1; reply_head.end += 10; upsdebug_ascii(3, "rx (head):\t", reply_head.begin, (reply_head.end - reply_head.begin)); /* 3: check header, extract IO info */ reply_head.begin += 1; /* temporarily strip STX */ err = al_parse_reply_head(io, reply_head); if (err==-1) return -1; reply_head.begin -= 1; /* restore STX */ upsdebugx(4, "\t\t--> addr: 0x%x len: 0x%x", io->addr, io->len); /* 4: allocate space for full reply and copy header there */ reply = raw_xmalloc(11/*head*/ + io->len/*data*/ + 2/*ETX BCC*/); memcpy(reply.end, reply_head.begin, (reply_head.end - reply_head.begin)); reply.end += (reply_head.end - reply_head.begin); /* 5: receive tail of the frame */ err = get_buf(reply.end, io->len + 2); if (err!=(int)(io->len+2)) { upsdebugx(4, "rx_tail failed, err=%i (!= %i)", err, io->len+2); ret = -1; goto out; } reply.end += io->len + 2; /* frame constructed, let's verify it */ upsdebug_ascii(3, "rx (head+data):\t", reply.begin, (reply.end - reply.begin)); /* generic layout */ err = comli_check_frame(reply); if (err==-1) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: corrupt frame", __func__); ret = -1; goto out; } /* shrink frame */ reply.begin += 1; reply.end -= 2; /* XXX: a bit of processing duplication here */ ret = al_parse_reply(io, io_buf, reply); out: raw_free(&reply); return ret; } /*****************************************************************/ /********************* * AL175: DO COMMAND * *********************/ /** * do 'ACTIVATE COMMAND' * * @return 0 (ok) -1 (error) */ static int al175_do(byte_t cmd, byte_t subcmd, uint16_t pr1, uint16_t pr2, uint16_t pr3) { int err; raw_data_t CTRL_frame; byte_t CTRL_frame_buf[512]; raw_alloc_onstack(&CTRL_frame, CTRL_frame_buf); al_prep_activate(&CTRL_frame, cmd, subcmd, pr1, pr2, pr3); flush_rx_queue(); /* DROP */ err = tx("tx (ctrl):\t", CTRL_frame); /* TX */ if (err==-1) return -1; return recv_command_ack(); /* RX */ } /** * 'READ REGISTER' * */ static int al175_read(byte_t *dst, unsigned addr, size_t count) { int err; raw_data_t REQ_frame; raw_data_t rx_data; io_head_t io; byte_t REQ_frame_buf[512]; raw_alloc_onstack(&REQ_frame, REQ_frame_buf); al_prep_read_req(&REQ_frame, addr, count); flush_rx_queue(); /* DROP */ err = tx("tx (req):\t", REQ_frame); /* TX */ if (err==-1) return -1; rx_data.buf = dst; rx_data.buf_size = count; rx_data.begin = dst; rx_data.end = dst; err = recv_register_data(&io, &rx_data); if (err==-1) return -1; if ((rx_data.end - rx_data.begin) != (int)count) return -1; if ( (io.addr != addr) || (io.len != count) ) { upsdebugx(3, "%s: io_head mismatch\t(%x,%x != %x,%x)", __func__, io.addr, io.len, addr, (unsigned int)count); return -1; } return 0; } /************* * NUT STUFF * *************/ /**************************** * ACTIVATE COMMANDS table * * see 8. ACTIVATE COMMANDS */ typedef int mm_t; /* minutes */ typedef int VV_t; /* voltage */ #define Z1 , 0 #define Z2 , 0, 0 #define Z3 , 0, 0, 0 #define ACT int ACT TOGGLE_PRS_ONOFF () { return al175_do(0x81, 0x80 Z3); } ACT CANCEL_BOOST () { return al175_do(0x82, 0x80 Z3); } ACT STOP_BATTERY_TEST () { return al175_do(0x83, 0x80 Z3); } ACT START_BATTERY_TEST (VV_t EndVolt, unsigned Minutes) { return al175_do(0x83, 0x81, EndVolt, Minutes Z1); } ACT SET_FLOAT_VOLTAGE (VV_t v) { return al175_do(0x87, 0x80, v Z2); } ACT SET_BOOST_VOLTAGE (VV_t v) { return al175_do(0x87, 0x81, v Z2); } ACT SET_HIGH_BATTERY_LIMIT (VV_t Vhigh) { return al175_do(0x87, 0x82, Vhigh Z2); } ACT SET_LOW_BATTERY_LIMIT (VV_t Vlow) { return al175_do(0x87, 0x83, Vlow Z2); } ACT SET_DISCONNECT_LEVEL_AND_DELAY (VV_t level, mm_t delay) { return al175_do(0x87, 0x84, level, delay Z1); } ACT RESET_ALARMS () { return al175_do(0x88, 0x80 Z3); } ACT CHANGE_COMM_PROTOCOL () { return al175_do(0x89, 0x80 Z3); } ACT SET_VOLTAGE_AT_ZERO_T (VV_t v) { return al175_do(0x8a, 0x80, v Z2); } ACT SET_SLOPE_AT_ZERO_T (VV_t mv_per_degree) { return al175_do(0x8a, 0x81, mv_per_degree Z2); } ACT SET_MAX_TCOMP_VOLTAGE (VV_t v) { return al175_do(0x8a, 0x82, v Z2); } ACT SET_MIN_TCOMP_VOLTAGE (VV_t v) { return al175_do(0x8a, 0x83, v Z2); } ACT SWITCH_TEMP_COMP (int on) { return al175_do(0x8b, 0x80, on Z2); } ACT SWITCH_SYM_ALARM () { return al175_do(0x8c, 0x80 Z3); } /** * extract double value from a word */ static double d16(byte_t data[2]) { return (data[1] + 0x100*data[0]) / 100.0; } void upsdrv_updateinfo(void) { /* int flags; */ byte_t x4000[9]; /* registers from 0x4000 to 0x4040 inclusive */ byte_t x4048[2]; /* 0x4048 - 0x4050 */ byte_t x4100[8]; /* 0x4100 - 0x4138 */ byte_t x4180[8]; /* 0x4180 - 0x41b8 */ byte_t x4300[2]; /* 0x4300 - 0x4308 */ int err; double batt_current = 0.0; upsdebugx(4, " "); upsdebugx(4, "UPDATEINFO"); upsdebugx(4, "----------"); io_new_transaction(/*timeout=*/3); #define RECV(reg) do { \ err = al175_read(x ## reg, 0x ## reg, sizeof(x ## reg)); \ if (err==-1) { \ dstate_datastale(); \ return; \ } \ } while (0) RECV(4000); RECV(4048); RECV(4100); RECV(4180); RECV(4300); status_init(); /* XXX non conformant with NUT naming & not well understood what they mean */ #if 0 /* 0x4000 DIGITAL INPUT 1-8 */ dstate_setinfo("load.fuse", (x4000[0] & 0x80) ? "OK" : "BLOWN"); dstate_setinfo("battery.fuse", (x4000[0] & 0x40) ? "OK" : "BLOWN"); dstate_setinfo("symalarm.fuse", (x4000[0] & 0x20) ? "OK" : "BLOWN"); /* 0x4008 BATTERY INFORMATION */ dstate_setinfo("battery.contactor", (x4000[1] & 0x80) ? "XX" : "YY"); /* FIXME */ dstate_setinfo("load.contactor", (x4000[1] & 0x40) ? "XX" : "YY"); /* FIXME */ dstate_setinfo("lvd.contactor", (x4000[1] & 0x20) ? "XX" : "YY"); /* FIXME */ #endif if (x4000[0] & 0x40){ dstate_setinfo("battery.fuse", "FAIL"); status_set("RB"); }else{ dstate_setinfo("battery.fuse", "OK"); } if (x4000[0] & 0x20){ dstate_setinfo("battery.symmetry", "FAIL"); status_set("RB"); }else{ dstate_setinfo("battery.symmetry", "OK"); } if (x4000[1] & 0x01) /* battery test running */ status_set("TEST"); /* TODO: others from 0x4008 */ /* 0x4010 NOT USED */ /* 0x4018 NOT USED */ switch (x4000[4]) { /* 0x4020 MAINS VOLTAGE STATUS */ case 0: status_set("OL"); break; case 1: status_set("OB"); break; case 2: /* doc: "not applicable" */ default: upsdebugx(2, "%s: invalid mains voltage status\t(%i)", __func__, x4000[4]); } /* 0x4028 SYSTEM ON OFF STATUS */ switch (x4000[5]) { case 0: /* system on */ break; case 1: status_set("OFF"); break; default: upsdebugx(2, "%s: invalid system on/off status\t(%i)", __func__, x4000[5]); } switch (x4000[6]) { /* 0x4030 BATTERY TEST FAIL */ case 0: dstate_setinfo("ups.test.result", "OK"); break; case 1: status_set("RB"); dstate_setinfo("ups.test.result", "FAIL"); break; default: upsdebugx(2, "%s: invalid battery test fail\t(%i)", __func__, x4000[6]); } switch (x4000[7]) { /* 0x4038 BATTERY VOLTAGE STATUS */ case 0: /* normal */ break; case 1: status_set("LB"); break; case 2: status_set("HB"); break; default: upsdebugx(2, "%s: invalid battery voltage status\t(%i)", __func__, x4000[7]); } switch (x4000[8]) { /* 0x4040 POS./NEG. BATT. CURRENT */ case 0: batt_current = +1.0; break; /* positive */ case 1: batt_current = -1.0; break; /* negative */ default: upsdebugx(2, "%s: invalid pos/neg battery current\t(%i)", __func__, x4000[8]); } switch (x4048[0]) { /* 0x4048 BOOST STATUS */ case 0: /* no boost */; break; case 1: status_set("BOOST"); break; default: upsdebugx(2, "%s: invalid boost status\t(%i)", __func__, x4048[0]); } { const char *v=NULL; switch (x4048[1]) { /* 0x4050 SYSTEM VOLTAGE STAT. */ case 0: v = "48"; break; case 1: v = "24"; break; case 2: v = "12"; break; case 3: v = "26"; break; case 4: v = "60"; break; default: upsdebugx(2, "%s: invalid system voltage status\t(%i)", __func__, x4048[1]); } if (v) dstate_setinfo("output.voltage.nominal", "%s", v); } /* 0x4100 BATTERY VOLTAGE REF */ dstate_setinfo("battery.voltage.nominal", "%.2f", d16(x4100+0)); /* 0x4110 BOOST VOLTAGE REF */ dstate_setinfo("input.transfer.boost.low", "%.2f", d16(x4100+2)); /* XXX: boost.high ? */ /* 0x4120 HIGH BATT VOLT REF XXX */ /* 0x4130 LOW BATT VOLT REF XXX */ /* 0x4180 FLOAT VOLTAGE XXX */ /* 0x4190 BATT CURRENT */ batt_current *= d16(x4180+2); dstate_setinfo("battery.current", "%.2f", batt_current); /* 0x41b0 LOAD CURRENT (output.current in NUT) */ dstate_setinfo("output.current", "%.2f", d16(x4180+6)); /* 0x4300 BATTERY TEMPERATURE */ dstate_setinfo("battery.temperature", "%.2f", d16(x4300+0)); status_commit(); upsdebugx(1, "STATUS: %s", dstate_getinfo("ups.status")); dstate_dataok(); /* out: */ return; } void upsdrv_shutdown(void) { /* TODO use TOGGLE_PRS_ONOFF for shutdown */ /* tell the UPS to shut down, then return - DO NOT SLEEP HERE */ /* maybe try to detect the UPS here, but try a shutdown even if it doesn't respond at first if possible */ /* replace with a proper shutdown function */ fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "shutdown not supported"); /* you may have to check the line status since the commands for toggling power are frequently different for OL vs. OB */ /* OL: this must power cycle the load if possible */ /* OB: the load must remain off until the power returns */ } static int instcmd(const char *cmdname, const char *extra) { int err; upsdebugx(1, "INSTCMD: %s", cmdname); io_new_transaction(/*timeout=*/5); /* * test.battery.start * test.battery.stop */ if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "test.battery.start")) { err = START_BATTERY_TEST(24, 1); return (!err ? STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED : STAT_INSTCMD_FAILED); } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "test.battery.stop")) { err = STOP_BATTERY_TEST(); return (!err ? STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED : STAT_INSTCMD_FAILED); } upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "instcmd: unknown command [%s]", cmdname); return STAT_INSTCMD_UNKNOWN; } /* no help */ void upsdrv_help(void) { } /* no -x flags */ void upsdrv_makevartable(void) { } void upsdrv_initups(void) { upsfd = ser_open(device_path); ser_set_speed(upsfd, device_path, B9600); ser_disable_flow_control(); } void upsdrv_cleanup(void) { ser_close(upsfd, device_path); } void upsdrv_initinfo(void) { /* TODO issue short io with UPS to detect it's presence */ /* try to detect the UPS here - call fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, ) if it fails */ dstate_setinfo("ups.mfr", "Eltek"); dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "AL175"); /* ... */ /* instant commands */ dstate_addcmd ("test.battery.start"); dstate_addcmd ("test.battery.stop"); /* TODO rest instcmd(s) */ upsh.instcmd = instcmd; }