Desc: MGE UPS SYSTEMS serial cable
File: mgeups.txt
Date: 10 April 2002
Auth: Arnaud Quette <> or <>

This document describes the cable for MGE smart protocols : UTalk (ASCII),
and SHUT (Serial HID UPS Transfer, binary) .

First notice that MGE UPS SYSTEMS supply a standard cable, bundled with
the UPS unit and compatible with MS Windows and Unices (Ref 66049). For
more information, see below note about serial cable, PnP and Unix.

Cable description

UPS                  COMPUTER
MALE DB9             FEMALE DB9

  2 ---------------- 2 TX
  3 ---------------- 3 RX
  5 ---------------- 5 GND
                  -- 4
                  -- 6
                  -- 7
                  -- 8

UPS connector description

       5  4  3  2  1
      \o  o  o  o  o/
       \ o  o  o  o/
         9  8  7  6

  9 pin Male DB-9 connector on UPS

	- this is a universal serial cable, so it should work with
	any MGE serial model.
	- max. length of cable is 1,80 m.
	- Computer pin 6 (RTS) is reserved for PnP use, which could
	trouble communication on some Unices if cabled. However, new
	models (such as Ellipse, Evolution, Pulsar and Comet EXtreme,
	EXtreme C, ...) handle this, so you can safely cable pin 6 or
	use a standard (bundled) "windows" cable (Ref 66049).