UPSSTATS.HTML(5) ================ NAME ---- upsstats.html - HTML template for Network UPS Tools upsstats DESCRIPTION ----------- This file is used by linkman:upsstats.cgi[8] to generate status pages. Certain commands are recognized, and will be replaced with various status elements on the fly. FORMATTING ---------- Commands can be placed anywhere on a line, but must start and end with `@`. Any extra characters before or after the commands will be passed through unchanged. It is allowed to use more than one command on a single line, as long as each command has its own start and end character. If you need to use the `@` sign, use @ to prevent it from being treated as a start character. BLOCK CONTROL ------------- Some commands begin blocks - sections of the template that will be included, excluded, or repeated depending on certain parameters. BLOCK CONTROL - ITERATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *@FOREACHUPS@*:: Starts a block that will be repeated for each MONITOR directive in the linkman:hosts.conf[5]. This is how you can generate pages that monitor all of your systems simultaneously. *@ENDFOR@*:: Ends a FOREACHUPS block. BLOCK CONTROL - MATCHING SPECIFIC CASES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *@IFSUPP 'var'*@*:: Starts a block that will only be printed if the variable var is supported by the current UPS. This is generally used to suppress "not supported" messages by avoiding the label and variable call entirely. *@IFEQ* 'var' 'value'*@*:: Starts a block if the value returned from the variable 'var' matches 'value'. *@IFBETWEEN* 'varlow' 'varhigh' 'varvalue'*@*:: Starts a block if the value returned by the variable 'varvalue' is between the values returned by the variables 'varlow' and 'varhigh'. *@ELSE@*:: If the previous IF-command did not match, perform this instead. *@ENDIF@*:: Ends an IF/ELSE-block. BLOCK CONTROL - ADVANCED EXPRESSIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even though the parser is pretty limited, it's still possible to create rather advanced expressions. The key to this is the fact that multiple block control commands are AND:ed. This is illustrated with an example (more examples are available in upsstats.html). @IFSUPP ambient.humidity@ @IFSUPP ambient.temperature@ This UPS knows both ambient temperature and humidity. @ELSE@ @IFSUPP ambient.humidity@ This UPS only knows ambient humidity. @ELSE@ @IFSUPP ambient.temperature@ This UPS only knows ambient temperature. @ELSE@ This UPS knows nothing, how annoying. @ENDIF@ OTHER COMMANDS -------------- *@AMBTEMP@*:: Insert the ambient temperature in the current temperature scale. *@DATE* 'format'*@*:: Insert the current date and time. The format string is passed to strftime, so almost anything is possible. See *strftime*(3) for possible values. *@DEGREES@*:: Insert the entity for degrees (°) and either C or F depending on the current temperature scale. *@HOST@*:: Insert the designation of the host being monitored, like `myups@localhost`. *@HOSTDESC@*:: Insert the hout's description from linkman:hosts.conf[5]. *@HOSTLINK@*:: Insert a link to upsstats.cgi with the "host" variable set to the current UPS. This is only useful within a FOREACHUPS block. *@IMG* 'varname' ['extra']*@*:: Insert an IMG SRC to linkman:upsimage.cgi[8] for one of these status variables: battery.charge;; Battery charge - a percentage battery.voltage;; The charge on the battery in volts input.frequency;; Incoming utility frequency (Hz) input.voltage;; Incoming utility voltage input.L1-L2.voltage;; Incoming voltage, L1-L2 (3phase) input.L2-L3.voltage;; Incoming voltage, L2-L3 (3phase) input.L3-L1.voltage;; Incoming voltage, L3-L1 (3phase) output.frequency;; Outgoing utility frequency (Hz) output.voltage;; Outgoing voltage (from the UPS) output.L1-L2.voltage;; Outgoing voltage, L1-L2 (3phase) output.L2-L3.voltage;; Outgoing voltage, L2-L3 (3phase) output.L3-L1.voltage;; Outgoing voltage, L3-L1 (3phase) output.L1.power.percent;; UPS load, L1 (3phase) output.L2.power.percent;; UPS load, L2 (3phase) output.L3.power.percent;; UPS load, L3 (3phase) ups.load;; UPS load - percentage ups.temperature;; UPS temperature 'extra' is where you can put additional definitions. Right now the valid definitions are colors for various parts of the bars drawn by upsimage.cgi. Possible color names are: back_col;; background color scale_num_col;; scale number color summary_col;; summary color (number at the bottom) ok_zone_maj_col;; major scale color for the normal ("ok") zone ok_zone_min_col;; minor scale color for the normal ("ok") zone neutral_zone_maj_col;; major scale color for the neutral zone neutral_zone_min_col;; minor scale color for the neutral zone warn_zone_maj_col;; major scale color for the warning zone warn_zone_min_col;; minor scale color for the warning zone bar_col;; the color of the bar in the middle All colors are hex triplets - 0xff0000 is red, 0x00ff00 is green, and 0x0000ff is blue. Examples: @IMG battery.charge@ @IMG battery.charge back_col=0xff00ff bar_col=0xaabbcc@ @IMG input.voltage ok_zone_maj_col=0x123456@ *@REFRESH@*:: Insert the META header magic for refreshing the page if that variable has been set by the browser. This needs to be in the HEAD section of the page. *@STATUS@*:: Expand the abbreviations in the ups.status variable - OL becomes "On line", OB becomes "On battery", and so on. *@STATUSCOLOR@*:: Insert red, green, or yellow color triplets depending on the severity of the current UPS status. Normal operations are green, warnings like voltage trim/boost or "off" are yellow, and other events like being on battery or having a low battery are red. *@VAR* 'varname'*@*:: Insert the current value of the status variable varname on the host being monitored, or "Not supported". *@RUNTIME@*:: Inserts the current runtime, in `hh:mm:ss` format. *@TEMPC@*:: Use the Celsius scale for temperature data (default). *@TEMPF@*:: Use the Fahrenheit scale for temperature data. *@UPSTEMP@*:: Insert the UPS temperature in the current scale. *@BATTTEMP@*:: Insert the battery temperature in the current scale. *@UTILITYCOLOR@*:: Obsoleted. Use IFBETWEEN instead (see example in upsstats.html). *@VERSION@*:: Insert the version number of the software. OTHER TEMPLATES --------------- linkman:upsstats.cgi[8] will also open a file called `upsstats-single.html` if you call it with "host=" set in the URL. That file uses the same rules and techniques documented here. SEE ALSO -------- linkman:upsstats.cgi[8], linkman:upsimage.cgi[8] Internet resources: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: