# Network UPS Tools: variable and command descriptions # # This file is optional. You may delete it to save resources, but # clients will receive "Unavailable" for any description requests. # # *** NOTE *** : When updating this file, also update docs/new-names.txt VARDESC ups.alarm "UPS alarms" VARDESC ups.status "UPS status" VARDESC ups.time "Internal UPS clock time" VARDESC ups.date "Internal UPS clock date" VARDESC ups.model "UPS model" VARDESC ups.mfr "UPS manufacturer" VARDESC ups.mfr.date "UPS manufacturing date" VARDESC ups.serial "UPS serial number" VARDESC ups.vendorid "Vendor ID for USB devices" VARDESC ups.productid "Product ID for USB devices" VARDESC ups.firmware "UPS firmware" VARDESC ups.firmware.aux "Auxiliary device firmware" VARDESC ups.temperature "UPS temperature (degrees C)" VARDESC ups.load "Load on UPS (percent of full)" VARDESC ups.load.high "Load when UPS switches to overload condition (percent)" VARDESC ups.id "UPS system identifier" VARDESC ups.delay.start "Interval to wait before (re)starting the load (seconds)" VARDESC ups.delay.reboot "Interval to wait before rebooting the UPS (seconds)" VARDESC ups.delay.shutdown "Interval to wait after shutdown with delay command (seconds)" VARDESC ups.timer.start "Time before the load will be started (seconds)" VARDESC ups.timer.reboot "Time before the load will be rebooted (seconds)" VARDESC ups.timer.shutdown "Time before the load will be shutdown (seconds)" VARDESC ups.test.interval "Interval between self tests (seconds)" VARDESC ups.test.result "Results of last self test" VARDESC ups.display.language "Language to use on front panel" VARDESC ups.contacts "UPS external contact sensors" VARDESC ups.power "Current value of apparent power (VA)" VARDESC ups.power.nominal "UPS power rating (VA)" VARDESC ups.realpower "Current value of real power (W)" VARDESC ups.realpower.nominal "UPS real power rating (W)" VARDESC ups.beeper.status "UPS beeper status" VARDESC ups.type "UPS type" VARDESC ups.start.auto "UPS starts when mains is (re)applied" VARDESC ups.start.battery "Allow to start UPS from battery" VARDESC ups.start.reboot "UPS reboots when power returns during shutdown delay" VARDESC input.voltage "Input voltage (V)" VARDESC input.voltage.extended "Extended input voltage range" VARDESC input.voltage.maximum "Maximum incoming voltage seen (V)" VARDESC input.voltage.minimum "Minimum incoming voltage seen (V)" VARDESC input.voltage.nominal "Nominal input voltage (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.reason "Reason for last transfer to battery" VARDESC input.transfer.low "Low voltage transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.high "High voltage transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.low.min "smallest settable low voltage transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.low.max "greatest settable low voltage transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.high.min "smallest settable high voltage transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.high.max "greatest settable high voltage transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.sensitivity "Input power sensitivity" VARDESC input.quality "Input power quality" VARDESC input.current "Input current (A)" VARDESC input.current.nominal "Nominal input current (A)" VARDESC input.frequency "Input line frequency (Hz)" VARDESC input.frequency.extended "Extended input frequency range" VARDESC input.frequency.nominal "Nominal input line frequency (Hz)" VARDESC input.frequency.low "Minimum input line frequency (Hz)" VARDESC input.frequency.high "Maximum input line frequency (Hz)" VARDESC input.transfer.boost.low "Low voltage boosting transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.boost.high "High voltage boosting transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.trim.low "Low voltage trimming transfer point (V)" VARDESC input.transfer.trim.high "High voltage trimming transfer point (V)" VARDESC output.voltage "Output voltage (V)" VARDESC output.voltage.nominal "Nominal output voltage (V)" VARDESC output.frequency "Output frequency (Hz)" VARDESC output.frequency.nominal "Nominal output frequency (Hz)" VARDESC output.current "Output current (A)" VARDESC output.current.nominal "Nominal output current (A)" VARDESC battery.charge "Battery charge (percent of full)" VARDESC battery.charge.low "Remaining battery level when UPS switches to LB (percent)" VARDESC battery.charge.restart "Minimum battery level for restart after power off (percent)" VARDESC battery.charge.warning "Battery level when UPS switches to Warning state (percent)" VARDESC battery.voltage "Battery voltage (V)" VARDESC battery.current "Battery current (A)" VARDESC battery.capacity "Battery capacity (Ah)" VARDESC battery.temperature "Battery temperature (degrees C)" VARDESC battery.voltage.nominal "Nominal battery voltage (V)" VARDESC battery.runtime "Battery runtime (seconds)" VARDESC battery.runtime.low "Remaining battery runtime when UPS switches to LB (seconds)" VARDESC battery.alarm.threshold "Battery alarm threshold" VARDESC battery.date "Battery change date" VARDESC battery.mfr.date "Battery manufacturing date" VARDESC battery.packs "Number of battery packs" VARDESC battery.packs.bad "Number of bad battery packs" VARDESC battery.type "Battery chemistry" VARDESC battery.protection "Prevent deep discharge of battery" VARDESC battery.energysave "Switch off when running on battery and no/low load" VARDESC ambient.temperature "Ambient temperature (degrees C)" VARDESC ambient.temperature.alarm "Ambient temperature alarm is active" VARDESC ambient.temperature.alarm.maximum "Maximum allowed ambient temperature" VARDESC ambient.temperature.alarm.minimum "Minimum allowed ambient temperature" VARDESC ambient.temperature.alarm.enable "Enable ambient temperature alarm" VARDESC ambient.humidity "Ambient humidity" VARDESC ambient.humidity.alarm "Ambient humidity alarm is active" VARDESC ambient.humidity.alarm.maximum "Maximum allowed ambient humidity" VARDESC ambient.humidity.alarm.minimum "Minimum allowed ambient humidity" VARDESC ambient.humidity.alarm.enable "Enable ambient humidity alarm" # FIXME: the outlet collection is indexed - solve with regexs? # # VARDESC outlet.[[:digit:]]+.id "Outlet system identifier (<index>)" VARDESC outlet.id "Outlet system identifier" VARDESC outlet.desc "Outlet description" VARDESC outlet.switch "Outlet switch control" VARDESC outlet.status "Outlet switch status" VARDESC outlet.switchable "Outlet switch ability" VARDESC outlet.autoswitch.charge.low "Remaining battery level to power off this outlet (percent)" VARDESC outlet.delay.shutdown "Interval to wait before shutting down this outlet (seconds)" VARDESC outlet.delay.start "Interval to wait before restarting this outlet (seconds)" VARDESC outlet.1.id "Outlet system identifier" VARDESC outlet.1.desc "Outlet description" VARDESC outlet.1.switch "Outlet switch control" VARDESC outlet.1.status "Outlet switch status" VARDESC outlet.1.switchable "Outlet switch ability" VARDESC outlet.1.autoswitch.charge.low "Remaining battery level to power off this outlet (percent)" VARDESC outlet.1.delay.shutdown "Interval to wait before shutting down this outlet (seconds)" VARDESC outlet.1.delay.start "Interval to wait before restarting this outlet (seconds)" VARDESC outlet.2.id "Outlet system identifier" VARDESC outlet.2.desc "Outlet description" VARDESC outlet.2.switch "Outlet switch control" VARDESC outlet.2.status "Outlet switch status" VARDESC outlet.2.switchable "Outlet switch ability" VARDESC outlet.2.autoswitch.charge.low "Remaining battery level to power off this outlet (percent)" VARDESC outlet.2.delay.shutdown "Interval to wait before shutting down this outlet (seconds)" VARDESC outlet.2.delay.start "Interval to wait before restarting this outlet (seconds)" VARDESC driver.name "Driver name" VARDESC driver.version "Driver version - NUT release" VARDESC driver.version.internal "Internal driver version" # FIXME: driver.parameter and driver.flag can have many possible members # # VARDESC driver.parameter.[[:alpha:]]+ "Driver parameter: <name>" # VARDESC driver.flag.[[:alpha:]]+ "Driver flag: <name>" VARDESC server.info "Server information" VARDESC server.version "Server version" CMDDESC load.off "Turn off the load immediately" CMDDESC load.on "Turn on the load immediately" CMDDESC shutdown.return "Turn off the load and return when power is back" CMDDESC shutdown.stayoff "Turn off the load and remain off" CMDDESC shutdown.stop "Stop a shutdown in progress" CMDDESC shutdown.reboot "Shut down the load briefly while rebooting the UPS" CMDDESC shutdown.reboot.graceful "Delay briefly then shut down the load while rebooting the UPS" CMDDESC test.panel.start "Start testing the UPS panel" CMDDESC test.panel.stop "Stop a UPS panel test" CMDDESC test.failure.start "Start a simulated power failure" CMDDESC test.failure.stop "Stop simulating a power failure" CMDDESC test.battery.start "Start a battery test" CMDDESC test.battery.start.quick "Start a quick battery test" CMDDESC test.battery.start.deep "Start a deep battery test" CMDDESC test.battery.stop "Stop the battery test" CMDDESC calibrate.start "Start run time calibration" CMDDESC calibrate.stop "Stop run time calibration" CMDDESC bypass.start "Put the UPS in bypass mode" CMDDESC bypass.stop "Take the UPS out of bypass mode" CMDDESC reset.input.minmax "Reset minimum and maximum input voltage status" CMDDESC reset.watchdog "Reset watchdog timer" CMDDESC beeper.on "Obsolete (use beeper.enable)" CMDDESC beeper.off "Obsolete (use beeper.disable or beeper.mute)" CMDDESC beeper.enable "Enable the UPS beeper" CMDDESC beeper.disable "Disable the UPS beeper" CMDDESC beeper.mute "Temporarily mute the UPS beeper" CMDDESC beeper.toggle "Toggle the UPS beeper" CMDDESC outlet.1.load.off "Turn off the load on outlet 1 immediately" CMDDESC outlet.1.load.on "Turn on the load on outlet 1 immediately" CMDDESC outlet.2.load.off "Turn off the load on outlet 2 immediately" CMDDESC outlet.2.load.on "Turn on the load on outlet 2 immediately" # The following two commands should *only* be defined when you need # to compose a 'shutdown.return' command by sending both a switch-off # with delay and a switch-on with delay command to the UPS. If this # can be done with a single command, use 'shutdown.return' instead. # Note that the switch-on with delay command *must not* turn on the # load if the UPS is on battery. # CMDDESC load.off.delay "Turn off the load with a delay (seconds)" CMDDESC load.on.delay "Turn on the load with a delay (seconds)"