/* nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.c - Subdriver for Megatec/old protocol based UPSes * * Copyright (C) * 2013 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "main.h" #include "nutdrv_qx.h" #include "nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.h" #include "nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.h" #define MEGATEC_OLD_VERSION "Megatec/old 0.05" /* qx2nut lookup table */ static item_t megatec_old_qx2nut[] = { /* * > [D\r] * < [(226.0 195.0 226.0 014 49.0 27.5 30.0 00001000\r] * 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456 * 0 1 2 3 4 */ { "input.voltage", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 1, 5, "%.1f", 0, NULL, NULL }, { "input.voltage.fault", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 7, 11, "%.1f", 0, NULL, NULL }, { "output.voltage", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 13, 17, "%.1f", 0, NULL, NULL }, { "ups.load", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 19, 21, "%.0f", 0, NULL, NULL }, { "input.frequency", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 23, 26, "%.1f", 0, NULL, NULL }, { "battery.voltage", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 28, 31, "%.2f", 0, NULL, NULL }, { "ups.temperature", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 33, 36, "%.1f", 0, NULL, NULL }, /* Status bits */ { "ups.status", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 38, 38, NULL, QX_FLAG_QUICK_POLL, NULL, blazer_process_status_bits }, /* Utility Fail (Immediate) */ { "ups.status", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 39, 39, NULL, QX_FLAG_QUICK_POLL, NULL, blazer_process_status_bits }, /* Battery Low */ { "ups.status", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 40, 40, NULL, QX_FLAG_QUICK_POLL, NULL, blazer_process_status_bits }, /* Bypass/Boost or Buck Active */ { "ups.alarm", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 41, 41, NULL, 0, NULL, blazer_process_status_bits }, /* UPS Failed */ { "ups.type", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 42, 42, "%s", QX_FLAG_STATIC, NULL, blazer_process_status_bits }, /* UPS Type */ { "ups.status", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 43, 43, NULL, QX_FLAG_QUICK_POLL, NULL, blazer_process_status_bits }, /* Test in Progress */ { "ups.status", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 44, 44, NULL, QX_FLAG_QUICK_POLL, NULL, blazer_process_status_bits }, /* Shutdown Active */ { "ups.beeper.status", 0, NULL, "D\r", "", 47, '(', "", 45, 45, "%s", 0, NULL, blazer_process_status_bits }, /* Beeper status */ /* * > [F\r] * < [#220.0 000 024.0 50.0\r] * 0123456789012345678901 * 0 1 2 */ { "input.voltage.nominal", 0, NULL, "F\r", "", 22, '#', "", 1, 5, "%.0f", QX_FLAG_STATIC, NULL, NULL }, { "input.current.nominal", 0, NULL, "F\r", "", 22, '#', "", 7, 9, "%.1f", QX_FLAG_STATIC, NULL, NULL }, { "battery.voltage.nominal", 0, NULL, "F\r", "", 22, '#', "", 11, 15, "%.1f", QX_FLAG_STATIC, NULL, NULL }, { "input.frequency.nominal", 0, NULL, "F\r", "", 22, '#', "", 17, 20, "%.0f", QX_FLAG_STATIC, NULL, NULL }, /* * > [I\r] * < [#------------- ------ VT12046Q \r] * 012345678901234567890123456789012345678 * 0 1 2 3 */ { "device.mfr", 0, NULL, "I\r", "", 39, '#', "", 1, 15, "%s", QX_FLAG_STATIC | QX_FLAG_TRIM, NULL, NULL }, { "device.model", 0, NULL, "I\r", "", 39, '#', "", 17, 26, "%s", QX_FLAG_STATIC | QX_FLAG_TRIM, NULL, NULL }, { "ups.firmware", 0, NULL, "I\r", "", 39, '#', "", 28, 37, "%s", QX_FLAG_STATIC | QX_FLAG_TRIM, NULL, NULL }, /* Instant commands */ { "beeper.toggle", 0, NULL, "Q\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, NULL }, { "load.off", 0, NULL, "S00R0000\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, NULL }, { "load.on", 0, NULL, "C\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, NULL }, { "shutdown.return", 0, NULL, "S%s\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, blazer_process_command }, { "shutdown.stayoff", 0, NULL, "S%sR0000\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, blazer_process_command }, { "shutdown.stop", 0, NULL, "C\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, NULL }, { "test.battery.start", 0, NULL, "T%02d\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, blazer_process_command }, { "test.battery.start.deep", 0, NULL, "TL\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, NULL }, { "test.battery.start.quick", 0, NULL, "T\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, NULL }, { "test.battery.stop", 0, NULL, "CT\r", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, QX_FLAG_CMD, NULL, NULL }, /* Server-side settable vars */ { "ups.delay.start", ST_FLAG_RW, blazer_r_ondelay, NULL, "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, DEFAULT_ONDELAY, QX_FLAG_ABSENT | QX_FLAG_SETVAR | QX_FLAG_RANGE, NULL, blazer_process_setvar }, { "ups.delay.shutdown", ST_FLAG_RW, blazer_r_offdelay, NULL, "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, DEFAULT_OFFDELAY, QX_FLAG_ABSENT | QX_FLAG_SETVAR | QX_FLAG_RANGE, NULL, blazer_process_setvar }, /* End of structure. */ { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, "", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL } }; /* Testing table */ #ifdef TESTING static testing_t megatec_old_testing[] = { { "D\r", "(215.0 195.0 230.0 014 49.0 22.7 30.0 00000000\r", -1 }, { "F\r", "#230.0 000 024.0 50.0\r", -1 }, { "I\r", "#NOT_A_LIVE_UPS TESTING TESTING \r", -1 }, { "Q\r", "", -1 }, { "S03\r", "", -1 }, { "C\r", "", -1 }, { "S02R0005\r", "", -1 }, { "S.5R0000\r", "", -1 }, { "T04\r", "", -1 }, { "TL\r", "", -1 }, { "T\r", "", -1 }, { "CT\r", "", -1 }, { NULL } }; #endif /* TESTING */ /* Subdriver-specific initups */ static void megatec_old_initups(void) { blazer_initups(megatec_old_qx2nut); } /* Subdriver interface */ subdriver_t megatec_old_subdriver = { MEGATEC_OLD_VERSION, blazer_claim_light, megatec_old_qx2nut, megatec_old_initups, NULL, blazer_makevartable, "ACK", NULL, #ifdef TESTING megatec_old_testing, #endif /* TESTING */ };