Desc: How to make a new subdriver to support another USB/HID UPS File: hid-subdrivers.txt Date: 08 January 2007 Auth: Peter Selinger <> Overall concept =============== USB (Universal Serial Port) devices can be divided into several different classes (audio, imaging, mass storage etc). Almost all UPS devices belong to the "HID" class, which means "Human Interface Device", and also includes things like keyboards and mice. What HID devices have in common is a particular (and very flexible) interface for reading and writing information (such as x/y coordinates and button states, in case of a mouse, or voltages and status information, in case of a UPS). The Nut "usbhid-ups" driver is a meta-driver that handles all HID UPS devices. It consists of a core driver that handles most of the work of talking to the USB hardware, and several sub-drivers to handle specific UPS manufacturers (MGE, APC, and Belkin are currently supported). Adding support for a new HID UPS device is easy, because it requires only the creation of a new sub-driver. There are a few USB UPS devices that are not HID devices. These devices typically implement some version of the manufacturer's serial protocol over USB (which is a really dumb idea, by the way). An example is the Tripplite USB. Such devices are *not* supported by the usbhid-ups driver, and are not covered in this document. If you need to add support for such a device, read new-drivers.txt and see the tripplite_usb driver for inspiration. HID Usage Tree ============== From the point of view of writing a HID subdriver, a HID device consists of a bunch of variables. Some variables (such as the current input voltage) are read-only, whereas other variables (such as the beeper enabled/disabled/muted status) can be read and written. These variables are usually grouped together and arranged in a hierarchical tree shape, similar to directories in a file system. This tree is called the "usage" tree. For example, here is part of the usage tree for a typical APC device. Variable components are separated by ".". Typical values for each variable are also shown for illustrative purposes. UPS.Battery.Voltage 11.4 V UPS.Battery.ConfigVoltage 12 V UPS.Input.Voltage 117 V UPS.Input.ConfigVoltage 120 V UPS.AudibleAlarmControl 2 (=enabled) UPS.PresentStatus.Charging 1 (=yes) UPS.PresentStatus.Discharging 0 (=no) UPS.PresentStatus.ACPresent 1 (=yes) As you can see, variables that describe the battery status might be grouped together under "Battery", variables that describe the input power might be grouped together under "Input", and variables that describe the current UPS status might be grouped together under "PresentStatus". All of these variables are grouped together under "UPS". This hierarchical organization of data has the advantage of being very flexible; for example, if some device has more than one battery, then similar information about each battery could be grouped under "Battery1", "Battery2" and so forth. If your UPS can also be used as a toaster, then information about the toaster function might be grouped under "Toaster", rather than "UPS". However, the disadvantage is that each manufacturer will have their own idea about how the usage tree should be organized, and usbhid-ups needs to know about all of them. This is why manufacturer specific subdrivers are needed. To make matters more complicated, usage tree components (such as "UPS", "Battery", or "Voltage") are internally represented not as strings, but as numbers (called "usages" in HID terminology). These numbers are defined in the "HID Usage Tables", available from The standard usages for UPS devices are defined in a document called "Usage Tables for HID Power Devices". For example, 0x00840010 = UPS 0x00840012 = Battery 0x00840030 = Voltage 0x00840040 = ConfigVoltage 0x0084001a = Input 0x0084005a = AudibleAlarmControl 0x00840002 = PresentStatus 0x00850044 = Charging 0x00850045 = Discharging 0x008500d0 = ACPresent Thus, the above usage tree is internally represented as 00840010.00840012.00840030 00840010.00840012.00840040 00840010.0084001a.00840030 00840010.0084001a.00840040 00840010.0084005a 00840010.00840002.00850044 00840010.00840002.00850045 00840010.00840002.008500d0 To make matters worse, most manufacturers define their own additional usages, even in cases where standard usages could have been used. for example Belkin defines 00860040 = ConfigVoltage (which is incidentally a violation of the USB specification, as 00860040 is reserved for future use). Thus, subdrivers generally need to provide: - manufacturer-specific usage definitions, - a mapping of HID variables to NUT variables. Moreover, subdrivers might have to provide additional functionality, such as custom implementations of specific instant commands (, shutdown.restart), and conversions of manufacturer specific data formats. Writing a subdriver =================== In preparation for writing a subdriver for a device that is currently unsupported, run usbhid-ups with the following command line: drivers/usbhid-ups -DD -u root -x explore -x vendorid=XXXX auto (substitute your device's 4-digit VendorID instead of "XXXX"). This will produce a bunch of debugging information, including a number of lines starting with "Path:" that describe the device's usage tree. This information forms the initial basis for a new subdriver. You should save this information to a file, e.g. drivers/usbhid-ups -DD -u root -x explore -x vendorid=XXXX auto >& /tmp/info You can create an initial "stub" subdriver for your device by using script scripts/subdriver/ Note: this only creates a "stub" and needs to be futher customized to be useful (see CUSTOMIZATION below). Use the script as follows: scripts/subdriver/ < /tmp/info where /tmp/info is the file where you previously saved the debugging information. This script prompts you for a name for the subdriver; use only letters and digits, and use natural capitalization such as "Belkin" (not "belkin" or "BELKIN"). The script may prompt you for additional information. You should put the generated files into the drivers/ subdirectory, and update usbhid-ups.c by adding the appropriate #include line and by updating the definition of subdriver_list in usbhid-ups.c. You must also add the subdriver to USBHID_UPS_SUBDRIVERS in drivers/ and call "autoreconf" and/or "./configure" from the top level NUT directory. You can then recompile usbhid-ups, and start experimenting with the new subdriver. CUSTOMIZATION: The initially generated subdriver code is only a stub, and will not implement any useful functionality (in particular, it will be unable to shut down the UPS). In the beginning, it simply attempts to monitor some UPS variables. To make this driver useful, you must examine the NUT variables of the form "unmapped.*" in the hid_info_t data structure, and map them to actual NUT variables and instant commands. There are currently no step-by-step instructions for how to do this. Please look at the files mge-hid.c/h apc-hid.c/h belkin-hid.c/h to see how the currently implemented subdrivers are written. Shutting down the UPS ===================== It is desireable to support shutting down the UPS. Usually (for devices that follow the HID Power Device Class specification), this requires sending the UPS two commands. One for shutting down the UPS (with an 'offdelay') and one for restarting it (with an 'ondelay'), where offdelay < ondelay. The two NUT commands for which this is relevant, are 'shutdown.return' and 'shutdown.stayoff'. Since the one-to-one mapping above doesn't allow sending two HID commands to the UPS in response to sending one NUT command to the driver, this is handled by the driver. In order to make this work, you need to define the following four NUT values: ups.delay.start (variable, R/W) ups.delay.shutdown (variable, R/W) (command) load.on.delay (command) If the UPS supports it, the following variables can be used to show the countdown to start/shutdown: ups.timer.start (variable, R/O) ups.timer.shutdown (variable, R/O) The 'load.on' and '' commands will be defined implicitly by the driver (using a delay value of '0'). Define these commands yourself, if your UPS requires a different value to switch on/off the load without delay. Note that the driver expects the '' and 'load.on.delay' to follow the HID Power Device Class specification, which means that the 'load.on.delay' command should NOT switch on the load in the absence of mains power. If your UPS switches on the load regardless of the mains status, DO NOT define this command. You probably want to define the 'shutdown.return' and/or 'shutdown.stayoff' commands in that case. Commands defined in the subdriver will take precedence over the ones that are composed in the driver. When running the driver with the '-k' flag, it will first attempt to send a 'shutdown.return' command and if that fails, will fallback to 'shutdown.reboot'.