
# This script requires both nut-server (drivers)
# and nut-client (upsmon) to be present locally
# and on mounted filesystems
[ -x "@SBINDIR@/upsmon" ] && [ -x "@SBINDIR@/upsdrvctl" ] || exit

if @SBINDIR@/upsmon -K >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  # The argument may be anything compatible with sleep
  # (not necessarily a non-negative integer)
  wait_delay="`/bin/sed -ne 's#^ *POWEROFF_WAIT= *\(.*\)$#\1#p' @CONFPATH@/nut.conf`" || wait_delay=""

  @SBINDIR@/upsdrvctl shutdown

  if [ -n "$wait_delay" ] ; then
    /bin/sleep $wait_delay
    # We need to pass --force twice here to bypass systemd and execute the
    # reboot directly ourself.
    /bin/systemctl reboot --force --force

exit 0