/* upsmon - monitor power status over the 'net (talks to upsd via TCP) Copyright (C) 1998 Russell Kroll <rkroll@exploits.org> 2012 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette.free.fr> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "common.h" #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include "upsclient.h" #include "upsmon.h" #include "parseconf.h" #include "timehead.h" #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H #include <stdarg.h> #endif static char *shutdowncmd = NULL, *notifycmd = NULL; static char *powerdownflag = NULL, *configfile = NULL; static int minsupplies = 1, sleepval = 5, deadtime = 15; /* default polling interval = 5 sec */ static int pollfreq = 5, pollfreqalert = 5; /* slave hosts are given 15 sec by default to logout from upsd */ static int hostsync = 15; /* sum of all power values from config file */ static int totalpv = 0; /* default replace battery warning interval (seconds) */ static int rbwarntime = 43200; /* default "all communications down" warning interval (seconds) */ static int nocommwarntime = 300; /* default interval between the shutdown warning and the shutdown */ static int finaldelay = 5; /* set by SIGHUP handler, cleared after reload finishes */ static int reload_flag = 0; /* set after SIGINT, SIGQUIT, or SIGTERM */ static int exit_flag = 0; /* userid for unprivileged process when using fork mode */ static char *run_as_user = NULL; /* SSL details - where to find certs, whether to use them */ static char *certpath = NULL; static char *certname = NULL; static char *certpasswd = NULL; static int certverify = 0; /* don't verify by default */ static int forcessl = 0; /* don't require ssl by default */ static int userfsd = 0, use_pipe = 1, pipefd[2]; static utype_t *firstups = NULL; static int opt_af = AF_UNSPEC; /* signal handling things */ static struct sigaction sa; static sigset_t nut_upsmon_sigmask; static void setflag(int *val, int flag) { *val |= flag; } static void clearflag(int *val, int flag) { *val ^= (*val & flag); } static int flag_isset(int num, int flag) { return ((num & flag) == flag); } static void wall(const char *text) { FILE *wf; wf = popen("wall", "w"); if (!wf) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_NOTICE, "Can't invoke wall"); return; } fprintf(wf, "%s\n", text); pclose(wf); } static void notify(const char *notice, int flags, const char *ntype, const char *upsname) { char exec[LARGEBUF]; int ret; if (flag_isset(flags, NOTIFY_IGNORE)) return; if (flag_isset(flags, NOTIFY_SYSLOG)) upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "%s", notice); /* fork here so upsmon doesn't get wedged if the notifier is slow */ ret = fork(); if (ret < 0) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_ERR, "Can't fork to notify"); return; } if (ret != 0) /* parent */ return; /* child continues and does all the work */ if (flag_isset(flags, NOTIFY_WALL)) wall(notice); if (flag_isset(flags, NOTIFY_EXEC)) { if (notifycmd != NULL) { snprintf(exec, sizeof(exec), "%s \"%s\"", notifycmd, notice); if (upsname) setenv("UPSNAME", upsname, 1); else setenv("UPSNAME", "", 1); setenv("NOTIFYTYPE", ntype, 1); if (system(exec) == -1) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_ERR, "%s", __func__); } } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void do_notify(const utype_t *ups, int ntype) { int i; char msg[SMALLBUF], *upsname = NULL; /* grab this for later */ if (ups) upsname = ups->sys; for (i = 0; notifylist[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (notifylist[i].type == ntype) { upsdebugx(2, "%s: ntype 0x%04x (%s)", __func__, ntype, notifylist[i].name); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), notifylist[i].msg ? notifylist[i].msg : notifylist[i].stockmsg, ups ? ups->sys : ""); notify(msg, notifylist[i].flags, notifylist[i].name, upsname); return; } } /* not found ?! */ } /* check for master permissions on the server for this ups */ static int checkmaster(utype_t *ups) { char buf[SMALLBUF]; /* don't bother if we're not configured as a master for this ups */ if (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_MASTER)) return 1; /* this shouldn't happen (LOGIN checks it earlier) */ if ((ups->upsname == NULL) || (strlen(ups->upsname) == 0)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Set master on UPS [%s] failed: empty upsname", ups->sys); return 0; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "MASTER %s\n", ups->upsname); if (upscli_sendline(&ups->conn, buf, strlen(buf)) < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ALERT, "Can't set master mode on UPS [%s] - %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return 0; } if (upscli_readline(&ups->conn, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0) { if (!strncmp(buf, "OK", 2)) return 1; /* not ERR, but not caught by readline either? */ upslogx(LOG_ALERT, "Master privileges unavailable on UPS [%s]", ups->sys); upslogx(LOG_ALERT, "Response: [%s]", buf); } else { /* something caught by readraw's parsing call */ upslogx(LOG_ALERT, "Master privileges unavailable on UPS [%s]", ups->sys); upslogx(LOG_ALERT, "Reason: %s", upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); } return 0; } /* authenticate to upsd, plus do LOGIN and MASTER if applicable */ static int do_upsd_auth(utype_t *ups) { char buf[SMALLBUF]; if (!ups->un) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "UPS [%s]: no username defined!", ups->sys); return 0; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "USERNAME %s\n", ups->un); if (upscli_sendline(&ups->conn, buf, strlen(buf)) < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can't set username on [%s]: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return 0; } if (upscli_readline(&ups->conn, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Set username on [%s] failed: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return 0; } /* authenticate first */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PASSWORD %s\n", ups->pw); if (upscli_sendline(&ups->conn, buf, strlen(buf)) < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can't set password on [%s]: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return 0; } if (upscli_readline(&ups->conn, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Set password on [%s] failed: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return 0; } /* catch insanity from the server - not ERR and not OK either */ if (strncmp(buf, "OK", 2) != 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Set password on [%s] failed - got [%s]", ups->sys, buf); return 0; } /* we require a upsname now */ if ((ups->upsname == NULL) || (strlen(ups->upsname) == 0)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Login to UPS [%s] failed: empty upsname", ups->sys); return 0; } /* password is set, let's login */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "LOGIN %s\n", ups->upsname); if (upscli_sendline(&ups->conn, buf, strlen(buf)) < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Login to UPS [%s] failed: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return 0; } if (upscli_readline(&ups->conn, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can't login to UPS [%s]: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return 0; } /* catch insanity from the server - not ERR and not OK either */ if (strncmp(buf, "OK", 2) != 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Login on UPS [%s] failed - got [%s]", ups->sys, buf); return 0; } /* finally - everything is OK */ upsdebugx(1, "Logged into UPS %s", ups->sys); setflag(&ups->status, ST_LOGIN); /* now see if we also need to test master permissions */ return checkmaster(ups); } /* set flags and make announcements when a UPS has been checked successfully */ static void ups_is_alive(utype_t *ups) { time_t now; time(&now); ups->lastpoll = now; if (ups->commstate == 1) /* already known */ return; /* only notify for 0->1 transitions (to ignore the first connect) */ if (ups->commstate == 0) do_notify(ups, NOTIFY_COMMOK); ups->commstate = 1; } /* handle all the notifications for a missing UPS in one place */ static void ups_is_gone(utype_t *ups) { time_t now; /* first time: clear the flag and throw the first notifier */ if (ups->commstate != 0) { ups->commstate = 0; /* COMMBAD is the initial loss of communications */ do_notify(ups, NOTIFY_COMMBAD); return; } time(&now); /* first only act if we're <nocommtime> seconds past the last poll */ if ((now - ups->lastpoll) < nocommwarntime) return; /* now only complain if we haven't lately */ if ((now - ups->lastncwarn) > nocommwarntime) { /* NOCOMM indicates a persistent condition */ do_notify(ups, NOTIFY_NOCOMM); ups->lastncwarn = now; } } static void ups_on_batt(utype_t *ups) { if (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_ONBATT)) { /* no change */ upsdebugx(4, "%s: %s (no change)", __func__, ups->sys); return; } sleepval = pollfreqalert; /* bump up polling frequency */ ups->linestate = 0; upsdebugx(3, "%s: %s (first time)", __func__, ups->sys); /* must have changed from OL to OB, so notify */ do_notify(ups, NOTIFY_ONBATT); setflag(&ups->status, ST_ONBATT); clearflag(&ups->status, ST_ONLINE); } static void ups_on_line(utype_t *ups) { if (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_ONLINE)) { /* no change */ upsdebugx(4, "%s: %s (no change)", __func__, ups->sys); return; } sleepval = pollfreq; upsdebugx(3, "%s: %s (first time)", __func__, ups->sys); /* ignore the first OL at startup, otherwise send the notifier */ if (ups->linestate != -1) do_notify(ups, NOTIFY_ONLINE); ups->linestate = 1; setflag(&ups->status, ST_ONLINE); clearflag(&ups->status, ST_ONBATT); } /* create the flag file if necessary */ static void set_pdflag(void) { FILE *pdf; if (!powerdownflag) return; pdf = fopen(powerdownflag, "w"); if (!pdf) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Failed to create power down flag!"); return; } fprintf(pdf, "%s", SDMAGIC); fclose(pdf); } /* the actual shutdown procedure */ static void doshutdown(void) { int ret; /* this should probably go away at some point */ upslogx(LOG_CRIT, "Executing automatic power-fail shutdown"); wall("Executing automatic power-fail shutdown\n"); do_notify(NULL, NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN); sleep(finaldelay); /* in the pipe model, we let the parent do this for us */ if (use_pipe) { char ch; ch = 1; ret = write(pipefd[1], &ch, 1); } else { /* one process model = we do all the work here */ if (geteuid() != 0) upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Not root, shutdown may fail"); set_pdflag(); ret = system(shutdowncmd); if (ret != 0) upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Unable to call shutdown command: %s", shutdowncmd); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* set forced shutdown flag so other upsmons know what's going on here */ static void setfsd(utype_t *ups) { char buf[SMALLBUF]; int ret; /* this shouldn't happen */ if (!ups->upsname) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "setfsd: programming error: no UPS name set [%s]", ups->sys); return; } upsdebugx(2, "Setting FSD on UPS %s", ups->sys); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "FSD %s\n", ups->upsname); ret = upscli_sendline(&ups->conn, buf, strlen(buf)); if (ret < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "FSD set on UPS %s failed: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return; } ret = upscli_readline(&ups->conn, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "FSD set on UPS %s failed: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); return; } if (!strncmp(buf, "OK", 2)) return; /* protocol error: upsd said something other than "OK" */ upslogx(LOG_ERR, "FSD set on UPS %s failed: %s", ups->sys, buf); } static void set_alarm(void) { alarm(NET_TIMEOUT); } static void clear_alarm(void) { signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); alarm(0); } static int get_var(utype_t *ups, const char *var, char *buf, size_t bufsize) { int ret; unsigned int numq, numa; const char *query[4]; char **answer; /* this shouldn't happen */ if (!ups->upsname) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "get_var: programming error: no UPS name set [%s]", ups->sys); return -1; } numq = 0; if (!strcmp(var, "numlogins")) { query[0] = "NUMLOGINS"; query[1] = ups->upsname; numq = 2; } if (!strcmp(var, "status")) { query[0] = "VAR"; query[1] = ups->upsname; query[2] = "ups.status"; numq = 3; } if (numq == 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "get_var: programming error: var=%s", var); return -1; } upsdebugx(3, "%s: %s / %s", __func__, ups->sys, var); ret = upscli_get(&ups->conn, numq, query, &numa, &answer); if (ret < 0) { /* detect old upsd */ if (upscli_upserror(&ups->conn) == UPSCLI_ERR_UNKCOMMAND) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "UPS [%s]: Too old to monitor", ups->sys); return -1; } /* some other error */ return -1; } if (numa < numq) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "%s: Error: insufficient data " "(got %d args, need at least %d)", var, numa, numq); return -1; } snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%s", answer[numq]); return 0; } static void slavesync(void) { utype_t *ups; char temp[SMALLBUF]; time_t start, now; int maxlogins, logins; time(&start); for (;;) { maxlogins = 0; for (ups = firstups; ups != NULL; ups = ups->next) { /* only check login count on our master(s) */ if (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_MASTER)) continue; set_alarm(); if (get_var(ups, "numlogins", temp, sizeof(temp)) >= 0) { logins = strtol(temp, (char **)NULL, 10); if (logins > maxlogins) maxlogins = logins; } clear_alarm(); } /* if no UPS has more than 1 login (us), then slaves are gone */ if (maxlogins <= 1) return; /* after HOSTSYNC seconds, assume slaves are stuck and bail */ time(&now); if ((now - start) > hostsync) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Host sync timer expired, forcing shutdown"); return; } usleep(250000); } } static void forceshutdown(void) { utype_t *ups; int isamaster = 0; upsdebugx(1, "Shutting down any UPSes in MASTER mode..."); /* set FSD on any "master" UPS entries (forced shutdown in progress) */ for (ups = firstups; ups != NULL; ups = ups->next) if (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_MASTER)) { isamaster = 1; setfsd(ups); } /* if we're not a master on anything, we should shut down now */ if (!isamaster) doshutdown(); /* must be the master now */ upsdebugx(1, "This system is a master... waiting for slave logout..."); /* wait up to HOSTSYNC seconds for slaves to logout */ slavesync(); /* time expired or all the slaves are gone, so shutdown */ doshutdown(); } static int is_ups_critical(utype_t *ups) { time_t now; /* FSD = the master is forcing a shutdown */ if (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_FSD)) return 1; /* not OB or not LB = not critical yet */ if ((!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_ONBATT)) || (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_LOWBATT))) return 0; /* must be OB+LB now */ /* if we're a master, declare it critical so we set FSD on it */ if (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_MASTER)) return 1; /* must be a slave now */ /* FSD isn't set, so the master hasn't seen it yet */ time(&now); /* give the master up to HOSTSYNC seconds before shutting down */ if ((now - ups->lastnoncrit) > hostsync) { upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Giving up on the master for UPS [%s]", ups->sys); return 1; } /* there's still time left */ return 0; } /* recalculate the online power value and see if things are still OK */ static void recalc(void) { utype_t *ups; int val_ol = 0; time_t now; time(&now); ups = firstups; while (ups != NULL) { /* promote dead UPSes that were last known OB to OB+LB */ if ((now - ups->lastpoll) > deadtime) if (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_ONBATT)) { upsdebugx(1, "Promoting dead UPS: %s", ups->sys); setflag(&ups->status, ST_LOWBATT); } /* note: we assume that a UPS that isn't critical must be OK * * * * this means a UPS we've never heard from is assumed OL * * whether this is really the best thing to do is undecided */ /* crit = (FSD) || (OB & LB) > HOSTSYNC seconds */ if (is_ups_critical(ups)) upsdebugx(1, "Critical UPS: %s", ups->sys); else val_ol += ups->pv; ups = ups->next; } upsdebugx(3, "Current power value: %d", val_ol); upsdebugx(3, "Minimum power value: %d", minsupplies); if (val_ol < minsupplies) forceshutdown(); } static void ups_low_batt(utype_t *ups) { if (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_LOWBATT)) { /* no change */ upsdebugx(4, "%s: %s (no change)", __func__, ups->sys); return; } upsdebugx(3, "%s: %s (first time)", __func__, ups->sys); /* must have changed from !LB to LB, so notify */ do_notify(ups, NOTIFY_LOWBATT); setflag(&ups->status, ST_LOWBATT); } static void upsreplbatt(utype_t *ups) { time_t now; time(&now); if ((now - ups->lastrbwarn) > rbwarntime) { do_notify(ups, NOTIFY_REPLBATT); ups->lastrbwarn = now; } } static void ups_fsd(utype_t *ups) { if (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_FSD)) { /* no change */ upsdebugx(4, "%s: %s (no change)", __func__, ups->sys); return; } upsdebugx(3, "%s: %s (first time)", __func__, ups->sys); /* must have changed from !FSD to FSD, so notify */ do_notify(ups, NOTIFY_FSD); setflag(&ups->status, ST_FSD); } /* cleanly close the connection to a given UPS */ static void drop_connection(utype_t *ups) { upsdebugx(2, "Dropping connection to UPS [%s]", ups->sys); ups->commstate = 0; ups->linestate = 0; clearflag(&ups->status, ST_LOGIN); clearflag(&ups->status, ST_CONNECTED); upscli_disconnect(&ups->conn); } /* change some UPS parameters during reloading */ static void redefine_ups(utype_t *ups, int pv, const char *un, const char *pw, const char *master) { ups->retain = 1; if (ups->pv != pv) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: redefined power value to %d", ups->sys, pv); ups->pv = pv; } totalpv += ups->pv; if (ups->un) { if (strcmp(ups->un, un) != 0) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: redefined username", ups->sys); free(ups->un); ups->un = xstrdup(un); /* * if not logged in force a reconnection since this * may have been redefined to make a login work */ if (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_LOGIN)) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: retrying connection", ups->sys); drop_connection(ups); } } /* if (strcmp(ups->un, un) != 0) { */ } else { /* adding a username? (going to new style MONITOR line) */ if (un) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: defined username", ups->sys); ups->un = xstrdup(un); /* possibly force reconnection - see above */ if (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_LOGIN)) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: retrying connection", ups->sys); drop_connection(ups); } } /* if (un) */ } /* paranoia */ if (!ups->pw) ups->pw = xstrdup(""); /* give it a bogus, but non-NULL one */ /* obviously don't put the new password in the syslog... */ if (strcmp(ups->pw, pw) != 0) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: redefined password", ups->sys); free(ups->pw); ups->pw = xstrdup(pw); /* possibly force reconnection - see above */ if (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_LOGIN)) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: retrying connection", ups->sys); drop_connection(ups); } } /* slave -> master */ if ((!strcasecmp(master, "master")) && (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_MASTER))) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: redefined as master", ups->sys); setflag(&ups->status, ST_MASTER); /* reset connection to ensure master mode gets checked */ drop_connection(ups); return; } /* master -> slave */ if ((!strcasecmp(master, "slave")) && (flag_isset(ups->status, ST_MASTER))) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS [%s]: redefined as slave", ups->sys); clearflag(&ups->status, ST_MASTER); return; } } static void addups(int reloading, const char *sys, const char *pvs, const char *un, const char *pw, const char *master) { int pv; utype_t *tmp, *last; /* the username is now required - no more host-based auth */ if ((!sys) || (!pvs) || (!pw) || (!master) || (!un)) { upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring invalid MONITOR line in %s!", configfile); upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "MONITOR configuration directives require five arguments."); return; } pv = strtol(pvs, (char **) NULL, 10); if (pv < 0) { upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "UPS [%s]: ignoring invalid power value [%s]", sys, pvs); return; } last = tmp = firstups; while (tmp) { last = tmp; /* check for duplicates */ if (!strcmp(tmp->sys, sys)) { if (reloading) redefine_ups(tmp, pv, un, pw, master); else upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: ignoring duplicate" " UPS [%s]", sys); return; } tmp = tmp->next; } tmp = xmalloc(sizeof(utype_t)); tmp->sys = xstrdup(sys); tmp->pv = pv; /* build this up so the user doesn't run with bad settings */ totalpv += tmp->pv; if (un) tmp->un = xstrdup(un); else tmp->un = NULL; tmp->pw = xstrdup(pw); tmp->status = 0; tmp->retain = 1; /* ignore initial COMMOK and ONLINE by default */ tmp->commstate = -1; tmp->linestate = -1; tmp->lastpoll = 0; tmp->lastnoncrit = 0; tmp->lastrbwarn = 0; tmp->lastncwarn = 0; if (!strcasecmp(master, "master")) setflag(&tmp->status, ST_MASTER); tmp->next = NULL; if (last) last->next = tmp; else firstups = tmp; if (tmp->pv) upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS: %s (%s) (power value %d)", tmp->sys, flag_isset(tmp->status, ST_MASTER) ? "master" : "slave", tmp->pv); else upslogx(LOG_INFO, "UPS: %s (monitoring only)", tmp->sys); tmp->upsname = tmp->hostname = NULL; if (upscli_splitname(tmp->sys, &tmp->upsname, &tmp->hostname, &tmp->port) != 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Error: unable to split UPS name [%s]", tmp->sys); } if (!tmp->upsname) upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: UPS [%s]: no upsname set!", tmp->sys); } static void set_notifymsg(const char *name, const char *msg) { int i; for (i = 0; notifylist[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(notifylist[i].name, name)) { free(notifylist[i].msg); notifylist[i].msg = xstrdup(msg); return; } } upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "'%s' is not a valid notify event name", name); } static void set_notifyflag(const char *ntype, char *flags) { int i, pos; char *ptr, *tmp; /* find ntype */ pos = -1; for (i = 0; notifylist[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(notifylist[i].name, ntype)) { pos = i; break; } } if (pos == -1) { upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: invalid notify type [%s]", ntype); return; } ptr = flags; /* zero existing flags */ notifylist[pos].flags = 0; while (ptr) { int newflag; tmp = strchr(ptr, '+'); if (tmp) *tmp++ = '\0'; newflag = 0; if (!strcmp(ptr, "SYSLOG")) newflag = NOTIFY_SYSLOG; if (!strcmp(ptr, "WALL")) newflag = NOTIFY_WALL; if (!strcmp(ptr, "EXEC")) newflag = NOTIFY_EXEC; if (!strcmp(ptr, "IGNORE")) newflag = NOTIFY_IGNORE; if (newflag) notifylist[pos].flags |= newflag; else upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid notify flag: [%s]", ptr); ptr = tmp; } } /* in split mode, the parent doesn't hear about reloads */ static void checkmode(char *cfgentry, char *oldvalue, char *newvalue, int reloading) { /* nothing to do if in "all as root" mode */ if (use_pipe == 0) return; /* it's ok if we're not reloading yet */ if (reloading == 0) return; /* also nothing to do if it didn't change */ if ((oldvalue) && (newvalue)) { if (!strcmp(oldvalue, newvalue)) return; } /* otherwise, yell at them */ upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: %s redefined in split-process mode!", cfgentry); upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "You must restart upsmon for this change to work"); } /* returns 1 if used, 0 if not, so we can complain about bogus configs */ static int parse_conf_arg(int numargs, char **arg) { /* using up to arg[1] below */ if (numargs < 2) return 0; /* SHUTDOWNCMD <cmd> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "SHUTDOWNCMD")) { checkmode(arg[0], shutdowncmd, arg[1], reload_flag); free(shutdowncmd); shutdowncmd = xstrdup(arg[1]); return 1; } /* POWERDOWNFLAG <fn> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "POWERDOWNFLAG")) { checkmode(arg[0], powerdownflag, arg[1], reload_flag); free(powerdownflag); powerdownflag = xstrdup(arg[1]); if (!reload_flag) upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Using power down flag file %s", arg[1]); return 1; } /* NOTIFYCMD <cmd> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "NOTIFYCMD")) { free(notifycmd); notifycmd = xstrdup(arg[1]); return 1; } /* POLLFREQ <num> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "POLLFREQ")) { pollfreq = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* POLLFREQALERT <num> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "POLLFREQALERT")) { pollfreqalert = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* HOSTSYNC <num> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "HOSTSYNC")) { hostsync = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* DEADTIME <num> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "DEADTIME")) { deadtime = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* MINSUPPLIES <num> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "MINSUPPLIES")) { minsupplies = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* RBWARNTIME <num> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "RBWARNTIME")) { rbwarntime = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* NOCOMMWARNTIME <num> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "NOCOMMWARNTIME")) { nocommwarntime = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* FINALDELAY <num> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "FINALDELAY")) { finaldelay = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* RUN_AS_USER <userid> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "RUN_AS_USER")) { free(run_as_user); run_as_user = xstrdup(arg[1]); return 1; } /* CERTPATH <path> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "CERTPATH")) { free(certpath); certpath = xstrdup(arg[1]); return 1; } /* CERTVERIFY (0|1) */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "CERTVERIFY")) { certverify = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* FORCESSL (0|1) */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "FORCESSL")) { forcessl = atoi(arg[1]); return 1; } /* using up to arg[2] below */ if (numargs < 3) return 0; /* NOTIFYMSG <notify type> <replacement message> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "NOTIFYMSG")) { set_notifymsg(arg[1], arg[2]); return 1; } /* NOTIFYFLAG <notify type> <flags> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "NOTIFYFLAG")) { set_notifyflag(arg[1], arg[2]); return 1; } /* CERTIDENT <name> <passwd> */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "CERTIDENT")) { free(certname); certname = xstrdup(arg[1]); free(certpasswd); certpasswd = xstrdup(arg[2]); return 1; } /* using up to arg[4] below */ if (numargs < 5) return 0; /* CERTHOST <hostname> <certname> (0|1) (0|1) */ if (!strcmp(arg[0], "CERTHOST")) { upscli_add_host_cert(arg[1], arg[2], atoi(arg[3]), atoi(arg[4])); return 1; } if (!strcmp(arg[0], "MONITOR")) { /* original style: no username (only 5 args) */ if (numargs == 5) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Unable to use old-style MONITOR line without a username"); upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Convert it and add a username to upsd.users - see the documentation"); fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Fatal error: unusable configuration"); } /* <sys> <pwrval> <user> <pw> ("master" | "slave") */ addups(reload_flag, arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5]); return 1; } /* didn't parse it at all */ return 0; } /* called for fatal errors in parseconf like malloc failures */ static void upsmon_err(const char *errmsg) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Fatal error in parseconf(%s): %s", configfile, errmsg); } static void loadconfig(void) { PCONF_CTX_t ctx; pconf_init(&ctx, upsmon_err); if (!pconf_file_begin(&ctx, configfile)) { pconf_finish(&ctx); if (reload_flag == 1) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_ERR, "Reload failed: %s", ctx.errmsg); return; } fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "%s", ctx.errmsg); } while (pconf_file_next(&ctx)) { if (pconf_parse_error(&ctx)) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Parse error: %s:%d: %s", configfile, ctx.linenum, ctx.errmsg); continue; } if (ctx.numargs < 1) continue; if (!parse_conf_arg(ctx.numargs, ctx.arglist)) { unsigned int i; char errmsg[SMALLBUF]; snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "%s line %d: invalid directive", configfile, ctx.linenum); for (i = 0; i < ctx.numargs; i++) snprintfcat(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), " %s", ctx.arglist[i]); upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "%s", errmsg); } } pconf_finish(&ctx); } /* SIGPIPE handler */ static void sigpipe(int sig) { upsdebugx(1, "SIGPIPE: dazed and confused, but continuing..."); } /* SIGQUIT, SIGTERM handler */ static void set_exit_flag(int sig) { exit_flag = sig; } static void ups_free(utype_t *ups) { free(ups->sys); free(ups->upsname); free(ups->hostname); free(ups->un); free(ups->pw); free(ups); } static void upsmon_cleanup(void) { int i; utype_t *utmp, *unext; /* close all fds */ utmp = firstups; while (utmp) { unext = utmp->next; drop_connection(utmp); ups_free(utmp); utmp = unext; } free(run_as_user); free(shutdowncmd); free(notifycmd); free(powerdownflag); for (i = 0; notifylist[i].name != NULL; i++) { free(notifylist[i].msg); } upscli_cleanup(); } static void user_fsd(int sig) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Signal %d: User requested FSD", sig); userfsd = 1; } static void set_reload_flag(int sig) { reload_flag = 1; } /* handler for alarm when getupsvarfd times out */ static void read_timeout(int sig) { /* don't do anything here, just return */ } /* install handlers for a few signals */ static void setup_signals(void) { sigemptyset(&nut_upsmon_sigmask); sa.sa_mask = nut_upsmon_sigmask; sa.sa_flags = 0; sa.sa_handler = sigpipe; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); sa.sa_handler = set_exit_flag; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); /* handle timeouts */ sa.sa_handler = read_timeout; sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); /* deal with the ones from userspace as well */ sa.sa_handler = user_fsd; sigaction(SIGCMD_FSD, &sa, NULL); sa.sa_handler = set_reload_flag; sigaction(SIGCMD_RELOAD, &sa, NULL); } /* remember the last time the ups was not critical (OB + LB) */ static void update_crittimer(utype_t *ups) { /* if !OB or !LB, then it's not critical, so log the time */ if ((!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_ONBATT)) || (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_LOWBATT))) { time(&ups->lastnoncrit); return; } /* fallthrough: let the timer age */ } /* handle connecting to upsd, plus get SSL going too if possible */ static int try_connect(utype_t *ups) { int flags = 0, ret; upsdebugx(1, "Trying to connect to UPS [%s]", ups->sys); clearflag(&ups->status, ST_CONNECTED); /* force it if configured that way, just try it otherwise */ if (forcessl == 1) flags |= UPSCLI_CONN_REQSSL; else flags |= UPSCLI_CONN_TRYSSL; if (opt_af == AF_INET) flags |= UPSCLI_CONN_INET; if (opt_af == AF_INET6) flags |= UPSCLI_CONN_INET6; if (!certpath) { if (certverify == 1) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Configuration error: " "CERTVERIFY is set, but CERTPATH isn't"); upslogx(LOG_ERR, "UPS [%s]: Connection impossible, " "dropping link", ups->sys); ups_is_gone(ups); drop_connection(ups); return 0; /* failed */ } } if (certverify == 1) { flags |= UPSCLI_CONN_CERTVERIF; } ret = upscli_connect(&ups->conn, ups->hostname, ups->port, flags); if (ret < 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "UPS [%s]: connect failed: %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); ups_is_gone(ups); return 0; } /* we're definitely connected now */ setflag(&ups->status, ST_CONNECTED); /* now try to authenticate to upsd */ ret = do_upsd_auth(ups); if (ret == 1) return 1; /* everything is happy */ /* something failed in the auth so we may not be completely logged in */ /* FUTURE: do something beyond the error msgs from do_upsd_auth? */ return 0; } /* deal with the contents of STATUS or ups.status for this ups */ static void parse_status(utype_t *ups, char *status) { char *statword, *ptr; clear_alarm(); upsdebugx(2, "%s: [%s]", __func__, status); /* empty response is the same as a dead ups */ if (!strcmp(status, "")) { ups_is_gone(ups); return; } ups_is_alive(ups); /* clear these out early if they disappear */ if (!strstr(status, "LB")) clearflag(&ups->status, ST_LOWBATT); if (!strstr(status, "FSD")) clearflag(&ups->status, ST_FSD); statword = status; /* split up the status words and parse each one separately */ while (statword != NULL) { ptr = strchr(statword, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr++ = '\0'; upsdebugx(3, "parsing: [%s]", statword); if (!strcasecmp(statword, "OL")) ups_on_line(ups); if (!strcasecmp(statword, "OB")) ups_on_batt(ups); if (!strcasecmp(statword, "LB")) ups_low_batt(ups); if (!strcasecmp(statword, "RB")) upsreplbatt(ups); /* do it last to override any possible OL */ if (!strcasecmp(statword, "FSD")) ups_fsd(ups); update_crittimer(ups); statword = ptr; } } /* see what the status of the UPS is and handle any changes */ static void pollups(utype_t *ups) { char status[SMALLBUF]; /* try a reconnect here */ if (!flag_isset(ups->status, ST_CONNECTED)) if (try_connect(ups) != 1) return; if (upscli_ssl(&ups->conn) == 1) upsdebugx(2, "%s: %s [SSL]", __func__, ups->sys); else upsdebugx(2, "%s: %s", __func__, ups->sys); set_alarm(); if (get_var(ups, "status", status, sizeof(status)) == 0) { clear_alarm(); parse_status(ups, status); return; } /* fallthrough: no communications */ clear_alarm(); /* try to make some of these a little friendlier */ switch (upscli_upserror(&ups->conn)) { case UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWNUPS: upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Poll UPS [%s] failed - [%s] " "does not exist on server %s", ups->sys, ups->upsname, ups->hostname); break; default: upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Poll UPS [%s] failed - %s", ups->sys, upscli_strerror(&ups->conn)); break; } /* throw COMMBAD or NOCOMM as conditions may warrant */ ups_is_gone(ups); /* if upsclient lost the connection, clean up things on our side */ if (upscli_fd(&ups->conn) == -1) { drop_connection(ups); return; } } /* see if the powerdownflag file is there and proper */ static int pdflag_status(void) { FILE *pdf; char buf[SMALLBUF]; if (!powerdownflag) return 0; /* unusable */ pdf = fopen(powerdownflag, "r"); if (pdf == NULL) return 0; /* not there */ /* if it exists, see if it has the right text in it */ if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pdf) == NULL) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_ERR, "'%s' exists, but we can't read from it", powerdownflag); } fclose(pdf); /* reasoning: say upsmon.conf is world-writable (!) and some nasty * user puts something "important" as the power flag file. This * keeps upsmon from utterly trashing it when starting up or powering * down at the expense of not shutting down the UPS. * * solution: don't let mere mortals edit that configuration file. */ if (!strncmp(buf, SDMAGIC, strlen(SDMAGIC))) return 1; /* exists and looks good */ return -1; /* error: something else is in there */ } /* only remove the flag file if it's actually from us */ static void clear_pdflag(void) { int ret; ret = pdflag_status(); if (ret == -1) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "POWERDOWNFLAG (%s) does not contain" "the upsmon magic string - disabling!", powerdownflag); powerdownflag = NULL; return; } /* it's from us, so we can remove it */ if (ret == 1) unlink(powerdownflag); } /* exit with success only if it exists and is proper */ static int check_pdflag(void) { int ret; ret = pdflag_status(); if (ret == -1) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "POWERDOWNFLAG (%s) does not contain " "the upsmon magic string", powerdownflag); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (ret == 0) { /* not there - this is not a shutdown event */ upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Power down flag is not set"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (ret != 1) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Programming error: pdflag_status returned %d", ret); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* only thing left - must be time for a shutdown */ upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Power down flag is set"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static void help(const char *progname) { printf("Monitors UPS servers and may initiate shutdown if necessary.\n\n"); printf("usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n\n", progname); printf(" -c <cmd> send command to running process\n"); printf(" commands:\n"); printf(" - fsd: shutdown all master UPSes (use with caution)\n"); printf(" - reload: reread configuration\n"); printf(" - stop: stop monitoring and exit\n"); printf(" -D raise debugging level\n"); printf(" -h display this help\n"); printf(" -K checks POWERDOWNFLAG, sets exit code to 0 if set\n"); printf(" -p always run privileged (disable privileged parent)\n"); printf(" -u <user> run child as user <user> (ignored when using -p)\n"); printf(" -4 IPv4 only\n"); printf(" -6 IPv6 only\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void runparent(int fd) { int ret; char ch; /* handling signals is the child's job */ signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); ret = read(fd, &ch, 1); if (ret < 1) { if (errno == ENOENT) fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "upsmon parent: exiting (child exited)"); fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, "upsmon parent: read"); } if (ch != 1) fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "upsmon parent: got bogus pipe command %c", ch); /* have to do this here - child is unprivileged */ set_pdflag(); ret = system(shutdowncmd); if (ret != 0) upslogx(LOG_ERR, "parent: Unable to call shutdown command: %s", shutdowncmd); close(fd); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* fire up the split parent/child scheme */ static void start_pipe(void) { int ret; ret = pipe(pipefd); if (ret) fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, "pipe creation failed"); ret = fork(); if (ret < 0) fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, "fork failed"); /* start the privileged parent */ if (ret != 0) { close(pipefd[1]); runparent(pipefd[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* NOTREACHED */ } close(pipefd[0]); } static void delete_ups(utype_t *target) { utype_t *ptr, *last; if (!target) return; ptr = last = firstups; while (ptr) { if (ptr == target) { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "No longer monitoring UPS [%s]", target->sys); /* disconnect cleanly */ drop_connection(ptr); /* about to delete the first ups? */ if (ptr == last) firstups = ptr->next; else last->next = ptr->next; /* release memory */ ups_free(ptr); return; } last = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } /* shouldn't happen */ upslogx(LOG_ERR, "delete_ups: UPS not found"); } /* see if we can open a file */ static int check_file(const char *fn) { FILE *f; f = fopen(fn, "r"); if (!f) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_ERR, "Reload failed: can't open %s", fn); return 0; /* failed */ } fclose(f); return 1; /* OK */ } static void reload_conf(void) { utype_t *tmp, *next; upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Reloading configuration"); /* sanity check */ if (!check_file(configfile)) { reload_flag = 0; return; } /* flip through ups list, clear retain value */ tmp = firstups; while (tmp) { tmp->retain = 0; tmp = tmp->next; } /* reset paranoia checker */ totalpv = 0; /* reread upsmon.conf */ loadconfig(); /* go through the utype_t struct again */ tmp = firstups; while (tmp) { next = tmp->next; /* !retain means it wasn't in the .conf this time around */ if (tmp->retain == 0) delete_ups(tmp); tmp = next; } /* see if the user just blew off a foot */ if (totalpv < minsupplies) { upslogx(LOG_CRIT, "Fatal error: total power value (%d) less " "than MINSUPPLIES (%d)", totalpv, minsupplies); fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Impossible power configuation, unable to continue"); } /* finally clear the flag */ reload_flag = 0; } /* make sure the parent is still alive */ static void check_parent(void) { int ret; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; time_t now; static time_t lastwarn = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(pipefd[1], &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; ret = select(pipefd[1] + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ret == 0) return; /* this should never happen, but we MUST KNOW if it ever does */ time(&now); /* complain every 2 minutes */ if ((now - lastwarn) < 120) return; lastwarn = now; do_notify(NULL, NOTIFY_NOPARENT); /* also do this in case the notifier isn't being effective */ upslogx(LOG_ALERT, "Parent died - shutdown impossible"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *prog = xbasename(argv[0]); int i, cmd = 0, checking_flag = 0; printf("Network UPS Tools %s %s\n", prog, UPS_VERSION); /* if no configuration file is specified on the command line, use default */ configfile = xmalloc(SMALLBUF); snprintf(configfile, SMALLBUF, "%s/upsmon.conf", confpath()); configfile = xrealloc(configfile, strlen(configfile) + 1); run_as_user = xstrdup(RUN_AS_USER); while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "+Dhic:f:pu:VK46")) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'c': if (!strncmp(optarg, "fsd", strlen(optarg))) cmd = SIGCMD_FSD; if (!strncmp(optarg, "stop", strlen(optarg))) cmd = SIGCMD_STOP; if (!strncmp(optarg, "reload", strlen(optarg))) cmd = SIGCMD_RELOAD; /* bad command name given */ if (cmd == 0) help(argv[0]); break; case 'D': nut_debug_level++; break; case 'f': free(configfile); configfile = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'h': help(argv[0]); break; case 'K': checking_flag = 1; break; case 'p': use_pipe = 0; break; case 'u': free(run_as_user); run_as_user = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'V': /* just show the banner */ exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case '4': opt_af = AF_INET; break; case '6': opt_af = AF_INET6; break; default: help(argv[0]); break; } } if (cmd) { sendsignal(prog, cmd); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* otherwise, we are being asked to start. * so check if a previous instance is running by sending signal '0' * (Ie 'kill <pid> 0') */ if (sendsignal(prog, 0) == 0) { printf("Fatal error: A previous upsmon instance is already running!\n"); printf("Either stop the previous instance first, or use the 'reload' command.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; open_syslog(prog); loadconfig(); if (checking_flag) exit(check_pdflag()); if (shutdowncmd == NULL) printf("Warning: no shutdown command defined!\n"); /* we may need to get rid of a flag from a previous shutdown */ if (powerdownflag != NULL) clear_pdflag(); /* FIXME (else): POWERDOWNFLAG is not defined!! * => fallback to a default value */ if (totalpv < minsupplies) { printf("\nFatal error: insufficient power configured!\n\n"); printf("Sum of power values........: %d\n", totalpv); printf("Minimum value (MINSUPPLIES): %d\n", minsupplies); printf("\nEdit your upsmon.conf and change the values.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (nut_debug_level < 1) { background(); } else { upsdebugx(1, "debug level is '%d'", nut_debug_level); } /* only do the pipe stuff if the user hasn't disabled it */ if (use_pipe) { struct passwd *new_uid = get_user_pwent(run_as_user); /* === root parent and unprivileged child split here === */ start_pipe(); /* write the pid file now, as we will soon lose root */ writepid(prog); become_user(new_uid); } else { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Warning: running as one big root process by request (upsmon -p)"); writepid(prog); } if (upscli_init(certverify, certpath, certname, certpasswd) < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* prep our signal handlers */ setup_signals(); /* reopen the log for the child process */ closelog(); open_syslog(prog); while (exit_flag == 0) { utype_t *ups; /* check flags from signal handlers */ if (userfsd) forceshutdown(); if (reload_flag) reload_conf(); for (ups = firstups; ups != NULL; ups = ups->next) pollups(ups); recalc(); /* make sure the parent hasn't died */ if (use_pipe) check_parent(); /* reap children that have exited */ waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG); sleep(sleepval); } upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Signal %d: exiting", exit_flag); upsmon_cleanup(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }