(* Module: NutUpsConf Parses @CONFPATH@/ups.conf Author: Raphael Pinson <raphink@gmail.com> Frederic Bohe <fredericbohe@eaton.com> Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@gmail.com> About: License This file is licensed under the GPL. About: Lens Usage Sample usage of this lens in augtool * Print all drivers used > print /files/@CONFPATH@/ups.conf/*/driver About: Configuration files This lens applies to @CONFPATH@/ups.conf. See <filter>. *) module NutUpsConf = autoload ups_xfm (************************************************************************ * Group: UPS.CONF *************************************************************************) let ups_comment = IniFile.comment IniFile.comment_re IniFile.comment_default let ups_sep = IniFile.sep IniFile.sep_re IniFile.sep_default let ups_global = "chroot" | "driverpath" | "maxstartdelay" | "pollinterval" | "user" let ups_fields = "driver" | "port" | "sdorder" | "desc" | "nolock" | "maxstartdelay" @SPECIFIC_DRV_VARS@ let ups_entry = IniFile.indented_entry (ups_global|ups_fields) ups_sep ups_comment let ups_title = IniFile.indented_title IniFile.record_re let ups_record = IniFile.record ups_title ups_entry let ups_lns = IniFile.lns ups_record ups_comment let ups_filter = (incl "@CONFPATH@/ups.conf") . Util.stdexcl let ups_xfm = transform ups_lns ups_filter