Download information ==================== This section presents the different methods to download NUT. Source code ----------- [NOTE] ================================================================================ You should always use PGP/GPG to verify the signatures before using any source code. You can use the ifdef::website[] link:docs/user-manual.chunked/ar01s09.html#verifySourceSig[following procedure] endif::website[] ifndef::website[] <<verifySourceSig,following procedure>>. endif::website[] to do so. ================================================================================ Stable tree: {tree_version} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - link:{tree_version}/nut-{revision}.tar.gz[nut-{revision}.tar.gz] - link:{tree_version}/nut-{revision}.tar.gz.sig[PGP/GPG signature] - link:{tree_version}/nut-{revision}.tar.gz.sha256[SHA-256 sum] - link:{tree_version}/nut-{revision}.tar.gz.md5[MD5 sum] - link:{tree_version}/new-{revision}.txt[Release notes] - link:{tree_version}/ChangeLog[ChangeLog] You can also browse the link:{tree_version}/[stable source directory]. Development tree: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Code repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The development tree is available through a Git repository hosted at link:[GitHub]. To retrieve the current development tree, use the following command: $ git clone git:// The configure script and its dependencies are not stored in Git. To generate them, ensure that autoconf, automake and libtool are installed, then run the following script in the directory you just checked out: $ ./ Then refer to the ifdef::website[] link:docs/user-manual.chunked/index.html[NUT user manual] endif::website[] ifndef::website[] linkdoc:user-manual[NUT user manual] endif::website[] for more information. ////////////////////////// NOTE: Users that need the latest developments to support new devices *must* use Git or <<Snapshots,snapshots>>. ////////////////////////// Browse code ^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also browse the code at link:[GitHub], or at the link:[Alioth mirror]. The code was originally kept in Subversion, and the old link:[Trac site] will be kept around for a bit so as not to break the URLs in the mailing list archives. [[Snapshots]] Snapshots ^^^^^^^^^ GitHub has several download links for repository snapshots (for particular tags or branches), but you will need a number of tools such as autoconf, automake and libtool to use these snapshots. If our Buildbot instance is behaving, you can download a snapshot which does not require auto* tools from this link:[builder]. Look for the latest *[tarball]* link towards the top of the page, and be sure to check the 'Build ##' link to verify the branch name. Older versions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ link:[Browse source directory] Binary packages --------------- NOTE: The only official releases from this project are source code. NUT is already available in the following systems: - Linux: link:[Arch Linux], link:[Debian], link:[Gentoo Linux], Mandriva, link:[Red Hat / Fedora], link:[Novell Suse / openSUSE], link:[OpenWrt], link:[Ubuntu], link:[Void Linux]. - BSD systems: link:^nut-&stype=name[FreeBSD], link:[NetBSD], link:[OpenBSD], link:[FreeNAS]. - Mac OS X: link:[Fink], link:[MacPorts] - Windows (complete port, Beta): link:[Windows MSI installer 2.6.5-6] Java packages ------------- The jNut package has been split into its own link:[GitHub repository]. - NUT Java support (client side, Beta) link:[jNUT 0.2-SNAPSHOT] - NUT Java Web support (client side using REST, Beta) link:[jNutWebAPI 0.2-SNAPSHOT (sources)] Virtualization packages ----------------------- VMware ~~~~~~ - NUT client 2.7.2 for ESXi 5.x (offsite, René Garcia) * link:[blog entry (French)] * link:[VIB package (v1.3.0)]