/* optiups.c - OptiSafe UPS (very loosely based on the nut 0.45.5 driver) Copyright (C) 1999 Russell Kroll <rkroll@exploits.org> Copyright (C) 2006 Scott Heavner [Use my alioth acct: sheavner] Support for Zinto D from ONLINE USV (only minor differences to OptiSafe UPS) added by Matthias Goebl <matthias.goebl@goebl.net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ================================================================================== */ #include "main.h" #include "serial.h" #define DRIVER_NAME "Opti-UPS driver" #define DRIVER_VERSION "1.01" /* driver description structure */ upsdrv_info_t upsdrv_info = { DRIVER_NAME, DRIVER_VERSION, "Russell Kroll <rkroll@exploits.org>\n" \ "Scott Heavner <debian@scottheavner.com>\n" \ "Matthias Goebl <matthias.goebl@goebl.net>", DRV_STABLE, { NULL } }; #define HELP "\n" \ "**********************************************************" "\n" \ "This driver has been tested only with the OPTI SAFE 420E using" "\n" \ "the custom cable described in the NUT Opti-UPS protocol page." "\n" \ "Seriously, it does _NOT_ work with the [windows] cable provided with" "\n" \ "the UPS or a standard serial cable. (I don't know if OPTI makes other" "\n" \ "UPS models that will work with another cable?) Standard linux serial" "\n" \ "port drivers do not support the required DTR handshaking." "\n" \ "" "\n" \ " UPS 6 -> PC 3 This 3 wire cable pinout maps DTR to CTS." "\n" \ " UPS 9 -> PC 2" "\n" \ " UPS 4 -> PC 5" "\n" \ "" "\n" \ "This driver has also been tested with a Zinto D from Online-USV AG," "\n" \ "using their special cable:" "\n" \ " UPS 6 -> PC 3" "\n" \ " UPS 9 -> PC 2" "\n" \ " UPS 7 -> PC 5" "\n" \ "It works even with a pl2303 usb-serial converter." "\n" \ "**********************************************************" "\n" /* See http://www.networkupstools.org/protocols/optiups.html and the end of this * file for more information on the cable and the OPTI-UPS serial protocol used on * at least the older OPTI UPS models (420E, 820ES). */ #define ENDCHAR '\n' #define IGNCHARS "\r" /* Our custom options available with -x */ #define OPTI_MINPOLL "status_only" #define OPTI_FAKELOW "fake_lowbatt" #define OPTI_NOWARN_NOIMP "nowarn_noimp" #define OPTI_POWERUP "powerup" /* All serial commands put their response in the same buffer space */ static char _buf[256]; /* Model */ static int optimodel = 0; enum { OPTIMODEL_DEFAULT = 0, OPTIMODEL_ZINTO =1 }; /* Status bits returned by the "AG" command */ enum { OPTISBIT_NOOUTPUT = 2, OPTISBIT_OVERLOAD = 8, OPTISBIT_REPLACE_BATTERY = 16, OPTISBIT_ON_BATTERY_POWER = 32, OPTISBIT_LOW_BATTERY = 64 }; /* Helper struct for the optifill() function */ typedef struct ezfill_s { const char *cmd; const char *var; const float scale; } ezfill_t; /* These can be polled right into a string usable by NUT. * Others such as "AG" and "BV" require some transformation of the return value */ static ezfill_t _pollv[] = { { "NV", "input.voltage" }, { "OL", "ups.load", 1.0 }, { "OV", "output.voltage" }, { "FF", "input.frequency", 0.1 }, { "BT", "ups.temperature" }, }; static ezfill_t _pollv_zinto[] = { { "NV", "input.voltage", 2.0 }, { "OL", "ups.load", 1.0 }, { "OV", "output.voltage", 2.0 }, { "OF", "output.frequency", 0.1 }, { "NF", "input.frequency", 0.1 }, { "BT", "ups.temperature" }, }; /* model "IO" is parsed differently in upsdrv_initinfo() */ static ezfill_t _initv[] = { { "IM", "ups.mfr" }, { "IZ", "ups.serial" }, { "IS", "ups.firmware" }, }; /* All serial reads of the OPTI-UPS go through here. We always expect a CR/LF terminated * response. Unknown/Unimplemented commands return ^U (0x15). Actions that complete * successfully return ^F (0x06). */ static inline int optireadline(void) { int r; usleep(150000); r = ser_get_line(upsfd, _buf, sizeof(_buf), ENDCHAR, IGNCHARS, 0, 500000 ); _buf[sizeof(_buf)-1] = 0; if ( r > 0 ) { if ( r < (int)sizeof(_buf) ) _buf[r] = 0; if ( _buf[0] == 0x15 ) { r=-2; upsdebugx(1, "READ: <unsupported command>"); } if ( _buf[0] == 0x06 ) { upsdebugx(2, "READ: <command done>"); } else { upsdebugx(2, "READ: \"%s\"", _buf ); } } else upsdebugx(1, "READ ERROR: %d", r ); return r; } /* Send a command and read the response. Command response is in global _buf. * Return * > 0 implies success. * -1 serial timeout * -2 unknown/unimplemented command */ static inline int optiquery( const char *cmd ) { upsdebugx(2, "SEND: \"%s\"", cmd ); ser_send( upsfd, "%s", cmd ); if ( optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) ser_send( upsfd, "\r\n" ); return optireadline(); } /* Uses the ezfill_t structure to map UPS commands to the NUT variable destinations */ static void optifill( ezfill_t *a, int len ) { int i, r; /* Some things are easy to poll and store */ for ( i=0; i<len; ++i ) { if ( ( a[i].cmd == NULL ) || ( a[i].cmd[0] == 0 ) ) continue; r = optiquery( a[i].cmd ); if ( r < 1 ) { if ( r == -2 ) { if ( ! testvar(OPTI_NOWARN_NOIMP) ) upslogx( LOG_NOTICE, "disabling poll of unsupported var %s", a[i].var ); dstate_setinfo( a[i].var, "N/A" ); a[i].cmd = NULL; } else upslogx( LOG_WARNING, "can't retrieve %s", a[i].var ); continue; } if ( a[i].scale > 1e-20 ) { float f = strtol( _buf, NULL, 10 ) * a[i].scale; dstate_setinfo( a[i].var, "%.1f", f ); } else { dstate_setinfo( a[i].var, "%s", _buf); } } } /* Handle custom (but standardized) NUT commands */ static int instcmd(const char *cmdname, const char *extra) { if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "test.failure.start")) { optiquery( "Ts" ); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } else if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "load.off")) { /* You do realize this will kill power to ourself. Would probably only * be useful for killing power for a slave computer */ if ( optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) { optiquery( "Ct1" ); optiquery( "Cs0000000" ); sleep(2); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } optiquery( "Ct0" ); optiquery( "Cs00000000" ); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } else if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "load.on")) { if ( optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) { optiquery( "Ct1" ); optiquery( "Cu0000000" ); sleep(2); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } optiquery( "Ct0" ); optiquery( "Cu00000000" ); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } else if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.return")) { /* This shuts down the UPS. When the power returns to the UPS, * it will power back up in its default state. */ if ( optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) { optiquery( "Ct1" ); optiquery( "Cu0000010" ); optiquery( "Cs0000001" ); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } optiquery( "Ct1" ); optiquery( "Cs00000010" ); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } else if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.stayoff")) { /* This actually stays off as long as the batteries hold, * if the line power comes back before the batteries die, * the UPS will never powerup its output stage!!! */ if ( optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) { optiquery( "Ct1" ); optiquery( "Cs0000001" ); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } optiquery( "Ct0" ); optiquery( "Cs00000010" ); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } else if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.stop")) { /* Aborts a shutdown that is couting down via the Cs command */ optiquery( "Cs-0000001" ); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "instcmd: unknown command [%s]", cmdname); return STAT_INSTCMD_UNKNOWN; } /* Handle variable setting */ static int setvar(const char *varname, const char *val) { int status; if (sscanf(val, "%d", &status) != 1) { return STAT_SET_UNKNOWN; } if (strcasecmp(varname, "outlet.1.switch") == 0) { status = status==1 ? 1 : 0; dstate_setinfo( "outlet.1.switch", "%d", status); optiquery(status ? "Oi11" : "Oi10"); dstate_dataok(); return STAT_SET_HANDLED; } return STAT_SET_UNKNOWN; } void upsdrv_initinfo(void) { int r; /* If an Zinto Online-USV is off, switch it on first. */ /* It sends only "2" when off, without "\r\n", and doesn't */ /* answer other commands. Therefore without power we'll be */ /* unable to identify the ups. */ if ( testvar(OPTI_POWERUP) && optiquery( "AG" ) < 1 ) { ser_send( upsfd, "AG\r\n" ); r = ser_get_char(upsfd, &_buf[0], 1, 0); if ( r == 1 && _buf[0] == '2' ) { upslogx( LOG_WARNING, "ups was off, switching it on" ); optiquery( "Ct1" ); optiquery( "Cu0000000" ); /* wait for power up */ sleep(15); } } /* Autodetect an Online-USV (only Zinto D is known to work) */ r = optiquery( "IM" ); if ( r > 0 && !strcasecmp(_buf, "ONLINE") ) { optimodel = OPTIMODEL_ZINTO; optiquery( "Om11" ); optiquery( "Om21" ); optiquery( "ON" ); } optifill( _initv, sizeof(_initv)/sizeof(_initv[0]) ); /* Parse out model into longer string -- is this really USEFUL??? */ r = optiquery( "IO" ); if ( r < 1 ) fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, "can't retrieve model" ); else { switch ( _buf[r-1] ) { case 'E': case 'P': case 'V': dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "Power%cS %s", _buf[r-1], _buf ); break; default: dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s", _buf ); break; } } /* Parse out model into longer string */ r = optiquery( "IM" ); if ( r > 0 && !strcasecmp(_buf, "ONLINE") ) { dstate_setinfo("ups.mfr", "ONLINE USV-Systeme AG"); r = optiquery( "IO" ); if ( r < 1 ) fatal_with_errno(EXIT_FAILURE, "can't retrieve model" ); switch ( _buf[0] ) { case 'D': dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "Zinto %s", _buf ); break; default: dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s", _buf ); break; } } dstate_addcmd("test.failure.start"); dstate_addcmd("load.off"); dstate_addcmd("load.on"); if( optimodel != OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) dstate_addcmd("shutdown.stop"); dstate_addcmd("shutdown.return"); dstate_addcmd("shutdown.stayoff"); upsh.instcmd = instcmd; if ( optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) { dstate_setinfo("outlet.desc", "%s", "Main Outlet 1+2"); dstate_setinfo("outlet.1.desc", "%s", "Switchable Outlet 3+4"); dstate_setinfo("outlet.id", "%d", 1); dstate_setinfo("outlet.1.id", "%d", 2); dstate_setinfo("outlet.switchable", "%d", 0); dstate_setinfo("outlet.1.switchable", "%d", 1); dstate_setinfo("outlet.1.switch", "%d", 1); dstate_setflags("outlet.1.switch", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING); dstate_setaux("outlet.1.switch", 1); upsh.setvar = setvar; } } void upsdrv_updateinfo(void) { int r = optiquery( "AG" ); /* Online-UPS send only "2" when off, without "\r\n" */ if ( r < 1 && optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) { ser_send( upsfd, "AG\r\n" ); r = ser_get_char(upsfd, &_buf[0], 1, 0); if ( r == 1 && _buf[0] == '2' ) { status_init(); status_set("OFF"); status_commit(); return; } } if ( r < 1 ) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "can't retrieve ups status" ); dstate_datastale(); } else { int s = strtol( _buf, NULL, 16 ); status_init(); if ( s & OPTISBIT_OVERLOAD ) status_set("OVER"); if ( s & OPTISBIT_REPLACE_BATTERY ) status_set("RB"); if ( s & OPTISBIT_ON_BATTERY_POWER ) status_set("OB"); else status_set("OL"); if ( s & OPTISBIT_NOOUTPUT ) status_set("OFF"); if ( s & OPTISBIT_LOW_BATTERY ) status_set("LB"); if ( testvar(OPTI_FAKELOW) ) /* FOR TESTING */ status_set("LB"); status_commit(); dstate_dataok(); } /* Get out of here now if minimum polling is desired */ if ( testvar(OPTI_MINPOLL) ) return; /* read some easy settings */ if ( optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) optifill( _pollv_zinto, sizeof(_pollv_zinto)/sizeof(_pollv_zinto[0]) ); else optifill( _pollv, sizeof(_pollv)/sizeof(_pollv[0]) ); /* Battery voltage is harder */ r = optiquery( "BV" ); if ( r < 1 ) upslogx( LOG_WARNING, "cannot retrieve battery voltage" ); else { float p, v = strtol( _buf, NULL, 10 ) / 10.0; dstate_setinfo("battery.voltage", "%.1f", v ); /* battery voltage range: 10.4 - 13.0 VDC */ p = ((v - 10.4) / 2.6) * 100.0; if ( p > 100.0 ) p = 100.0; dstate_setinfo("battery.charge", "%.1f", p ); } } void upsdrv_shutdown(void) { /* OL: this must power cycle the load if possible */ /* OB: the load must remain off until the power returns */ /* If get no response, assume on battery & battery low */ int s = OPTISBIT_ON_BATTERY_POWER | OPTISBIT_LOW_BATTERY; int r = optiquery( "AG" ); if ( r < 1 ) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "can't retrieve ups status during shutdown" ); } else { s = strtol( _buf, NULL, 16 ); } /* Turn output stage back on if power returns - but really means * turn off ups if on battery */ optiquery( "Ct1" ); /* What happens, if the power comes back *after* reading the ups status and * before the shutdown command? For "Online-UPS Zinto D" *always* asking for * "shutdown shortly and power-up later" works perfectly, because it forces * a power cycle, even for the named race condition. * For Opti-UPS I have no information, so I wouldn't dare to change it. * BTW, Zinto expects only 7 digits after Cu/Cs. * (Matthias Goebl) */ if ( optimodel == OPTIMODEL_ZINTO ) { /* On line power: Power up in 60 seconds (30 seconds after the following shutdown) */ /* On battery: Power up when the line power returns */ optiquery( "Cu0000060" ); /* Shutdown in 30 seconds */ optiquery( "Cs0000030" ); return; } /* Just cycling power, schedule output stage to come back on in 60 seconds */ if ( !(s&OPTISBIT_ON_BATTERY_POWER) ) optiquery( "Cu00000600" ); /* Shutdown in 8 seconds */ optiquery( "Cs00000080" ); } void upsdrv_help(void) { printf(HELP); } /* list flags and values that you want to receive via -x */ void upsdrv_makevartable(void) { addvar(VAR_FLAG, OPTI_MINPOLL, "Only poll for critical status variables"); addvar(VAR_FLAG, OPTI_FAKELOW, "Fake a low battery status" ); addvar(VAR_FLAG, OPTI_NOWARN_NOIMP, "Supress warnings of unsupported commands"); addvar(VAR_FLAG, OPTI_POWERUP, "(Zinto D) Power-up UPS at start (cannot identify a powered-down Zinto D)"); } void upsdrv_initups(void) { upsfd = ser_open(device_path); ser_set_speed(upsfd, device_path, B2400); /* NO PARSED COMMAND LINE VARIABLES */ } void upsdrv_cleanup(void) { ser_close(upsfd, device_path); } /******************************************* * COMMANDS THAT QUERY THE UPS ******************************************* * IM - manufacturer <ViewSonic> * IO - model <UPS-420E> * IS - firmware version <V1.2B> * IZ - serial number <> (unsupported on 420E, returns ^U) * * BS - ??? returns <2> * BV - battery voltage (in deciVolts) <0140> * BT - battery temperature (deg C) <0033> (returns ^U on OptiUPS 420E) * * NF - input line frequency <600> * NV - input line voltage <116> * * OS - ?? return <3> * OF - output stage frequency (in 0.1 Hz) <600> * OV - output stage voltage <118> * OL - output stage load <027> * * FV - Input voltage <120> * FF - Input Frequency (0.1Hz) <600> * FO - Output volts <120> * FR - Output Frequency (0.1Hz) <600> * FA - Output VA <420> * FP - Ouptu power <252> * FU - ?? returns <2> * FB - ?? * FH - High Transfer Point <144> * FL - Low Transfer Point <093> * FT - Transfer point? <121> * * AG - UPS status (bitmapped ASCII hex value) <00> * bit 2: 1 = <set when output stage off?> * bit 3: 1 = overload * bit 4: 1 = replace battery * bit 5: 1 = on battery, 0 = on line * bit 6: 1 = low battery * TR - Test results <00> * 00 = Unknown * 01 = Passed * 02 = Warning * 03 = Error * 04 = Aborted * 05 = In Progress * 06 = No test init * ******************************************* * ACTIONS ******************************************* * * Ts - Start test * Ct0 - set power down mode (when running on battery) * Ct0 = power down only ouput stage * Ct1 = complete power down * Cs00000000 - power down after delay (count in 0.1s) * Cs00000100 = power down in 10s * Cs-0000001 = cancel power down request * Cu00000000 - power down after delay (count in 0.1s) * Cu00000050 = power up in 5s * Cu00000000 = power up now * * CT - returns last setting passed to Ct command <0> * ******************************************* * UNKNOWN COMMANDS (on 420e anyways) ******************************************* * Fu * Fv * Ff * Fo * Fr * Fb * Fl * Fh */