/* mge-shut.h - monitor MGE UPS for NUT with SHUT protocol * * Copyright (C) 2002 - 2005 * Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> & <arnaud.quette@mgeups.com> * Philippe Marzouk <philm@users.sourceforge.net> * * Sponsored by MGE UPS SYSTEMS <http://opensource.mgeups.com/> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "hidparser.h" #include "hidtypes.h" #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 3000 #define MAX_STRING 64 #define DEFAULT_LOWBATT 30 /* low battery level, in % */ #define DEFAULT_ONDELAY 3 /* delay between return of utility power and powering up of load, in 10 seconds units */ #define DEFAULT_OFFDELAY 20 /* delay befor power off, in seconds */ #define OFF_NOTIFICATION 1 /* notification off */ #define LIGHT_NOTIFICATION 2 /* light notification */ #define COMPLETE_NOTIFICATION 3 /* complete notification for UPSs which do * not support disabling it like some early * Ellipse models */ #define DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION COMPLETE_NOTIFICATION /* HID definitions */ #define HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT 0x01 #define HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT 0x02 #define HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE 0x03 #define REQUEST_TYPE_USB 0x80 #define REQUEST_TYPE_HID 0x81 #define REQUEST_TYPE_GET_REPORT 0xa1 #define REQUEST_TYPE_SET_REPORT 0x21 #define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR 0x0001 #define CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR 0x0002 #define STRING_DESCRIPTOR 0x0003 #define INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR 0x0004 #define ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR 0x0005 #define HID_DESCRIPTOR 0x0021 #define REPORT_DESCRIPTOR 0x0022 #define MAX_REPORT_SIZE 0x1800 /* SHUT definitions - From Simplified SHUT spec */ #define SHUT_TYPE_REQUEST 0x01 #define SHUT_TYPE_RESPONSE 0x04 #define SHUT_TYPE_NOTIFY 0x05 #define SHUT_OK 0x06 #define SHUT_NOK 0x15 #define SHUT_SYNC 0x16 /* complete notifications - not yet managed but needed for some early Ellipse models */ #define SHUT_SYNC_LIGHT 0x17 /* partial notifications */ #define SHUT_SYNC_OFF 0x18 /* disable notifications - only do polling */ #define SHUT_PKT_LAST 0x80 /* From SHUT specifications */ typedef struct hid_packet { unsigned char bmRequestType; unsigned char bRequest; unsigned short wValue; unsigned short wIndex; unsigned short wLength; /* unsigned char padding[8]; for use with shut_set_report */ } hid_packet_t; typedef union hid_data_u { hid_packet_t hid_pkt; unsigned char raw_pkt[8]; /* max report lengh, was 8 */ } hid_data_t; typedef struct shut_packet { unsigned char bType; unsigned char bLength; hid_data_t data; unsigned char bChecksum; } shut_packet_t; typedef union shut_data_u { shut_packet_t shut_pkt; unsigned char raw_pkt[11]; } shut_data_t; /* From USB/HID specifications */ typedef struct hid_descriptor { unsigned char bLength; unsigned char bDescriptorType; unsigned short bcdHID; unsigned char bCountryCode; unsigned char bNumDescriptors; unsigned char bReportDescriptorType; unsigned short wDescriptorLength; } hid_descriptor_t; typedef union hid_desc_data_u { hid_descriptor_t hid_desc; unsigned char raw_desc[9]; /* max report lengh, aws 9 */ } hid_desc_data_t; typedef struct device_descriptor { unsigned char bLength; unsigned char bDescriptorType; unsigned short bcdUSB; unsigned char bDeviceClass; unsigned char bDeviceSubClass; unsigned char bDeviceProtocol; unsigned char bMaxPacketSize0; unsigned short idVendor; unsigned short idProduct; unsigned short bcdDevice; unsigned char iManufacturer; unsigned char iProduct; unsigned char iSerialNumber; unsigned char bNumConfigurations; } device_descriptor_t; typedef union device_desc_data_u { device_descriptor_t dev_desc; unsigned char raw_desc[18]; } device_desc_data_t; /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Explicit Booleans */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define SHUT_FLAG_OK (1 << 0) /* show element to upsd. */ #define SHUT_FLAG_STATIC (1 << 1) /* retrieve info only once. */ #define SHUT_FLAG_ABSENT (1 << 2) /* data is absent in the device, use default value. */ #define SHUT_FLAG_STALE (1 << 3) /* data stale, don't try too often. */ #define SHUT_FLAG_DELAY (1 << 4) /* delay type value: formated differently. */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Model Name formating entries */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { const char *iProduct; const char *iModel; const char *finalname; } models_name_t; models_name_t models_names [] = { /* Ellipse models */ { "ELLIPSE", "300", "ellipse 300" }, { "ELLIPSE", "500", "ellipse 500" }, { "ELLIPSE", "650", "ellipse 650" }, { "ELLIPSE", "800", "ellipse 800" }, { "ELLIPSE", "1200", "ellipse 1200" }, /* Ellipse Premium models */ { "ellipse", "PR500", "ellipse premium 500" }, { "ellipse", "PR650", "ellipse premium 650" }, { "ellipse", "PR800", "ellipse premium 800" }, { "ellipse", "PR1200", "ellipse premium 1200" }, /* Ellipse "Pro" */ { "ELLIPSE", "600", "Ellipse 600" }, { "ELLIPSE", "750", "Ellipse 750" }, { "ELLIPSE", "1000", "Ellipse 1000" }, { "ELLIPSE", "1500", "Ellipse 1500" }, /* Ellipse "MAX" */ { "Ellipse MAX", "600", "Ellipse MAX 600" }, { "Ellipse MAX", "850", "Ellipse MAX 850" }, { "Ellipse MAX", "1100", "Ellipse MAX 1100" }, { "Ellipse MAX", "1500", "Ellipse MAX 1500" }, /* Protection Center */ { "PROTECTIONCENTER", "420", "Protection Center 420" }, { "PROTECTIONCENTER", "500", "Protection Center 500" }, { "PROTECTIONCENTER", "675", "Protection Center 675" }, /* Pulsar Evolution models */ { "Evolution", "500", "Pulsar Evolution 500" }, { "Evolution", "800", "Pulsar Evolution 800" }, { "Evolution", "1100", "Pulsar Evolution 1100" }, { "Evolution", "1500", "Pulsar Evolution 1500" }, { "Evolution", "2200", "Pulsar Evolution 2200" }, { "Evolution", "3000", "Pulsar Evolution 3000" }, { "Evolution", "3000XL", "Pulsar Evolution 3000 XL" }, /* Newer Evolution models */ { "Evolution", "650", "Evolution 650" }, { "Evolution", "850", "Evolution 850" }, { "Evolution", "1150", "Evolution 1150" }, { "Evolution", "S 1250", "Evolution S 1250" }, { "Evolution", "1550", "Evolution 1550" }, { "Evolution", "S 1750", "Evolution S 1750" }, { "Evolution", "2000", "Evolution 2000" }, { "Evolution", "S 2500", "Evolution S 2500" }, { "Evolution", "S 3000", "Evolution S 3000" }, /* Pulsar M models */ { "PULSAR M", "2200", "Pulsar M 2200" }, { "PULSAR M", "3000", "Pulsar M 3000" }, { "PULSAR M", "3000 XL", "Pulsar M 3000 XL" }, /* Eaton'ified names */ { "EX", "2200", "EX 2200" }, { "EX", "3000", "EX 3000" }, { "EX", "3000 XL", "EX 3000 XL" }, /* Pulsar models */ { "Pulsar", "700", "Pulsar 700" }, { "Pulsar", "1000", "Pulsar 1000" }, { "Pulsar", "1500", "Pulsar 1500" }, { "Pulsar", "1000 RT2U", "Pulsar 1000 RT2U" }, { "Pulsar", "1500 RT2U", "Pulsar 1500 RT2U" }, /* Eaton'ified names */ { "EX", "700", "EX 700" }, { "EX", "1000", "EX 1000" }, { "EX", "1500", "EX 1500" }, { "EX", "1000 RT2U", "EX 1000 RT2U" }, { "EX", "1500 RT2U", "EX 1500 RT2U" }, /* Pulsar MX models */ { "PULSAR", "MX4000", "Pulsar MX 4000 RT" }, { "PULSAR", "MX5000", "Pulsar MX 5000 RT" }, /* NOVA models */ { "NOVA AVR", "600", "NOVA 600 AVR" }, { "NOVA AVR", "625", "Nova AVR 625" }, { "NOVA AVR", "1100", "NOVA 1100 AVR" }, { "NOVA AVR", "1250", "Nova AVR 1250" }, /* EXtreme C (EMEA) */ { "EXtreme", "700C", "Pulsar EXtreme 700C" }, { "EXtreme", "1000C", "Pulsar EXtreme 1000C" }, { "EXtreme", "1500C", "Pulsar EXtreme 1500C" }, { "EXtreme", "1500CCLA", "Pulsar EXtreme 1500C CLA" }, { "EXtreme", "2200C", "Pulsar EXtreme 2200C" }, { "EXtreme", "3200C", "Pulsar EXtreme 3200C" }, /* EXtreme C (USA, aka "EX RT") */ { "EX", "700RT", "Pulsar EX 700 RT" }, { "EX", "1000RT", "Pulsar EX 1000 RT" }, { "EX", "1500RT", "Pulsar EX 1500 RT" }, { "EX", "2200RT", "Pulsar EX 2200 RT" }, { "EX", "3200RT", "Pulsar EX 3200 RT" }, /* Comet EX RT three phased */ { "EX", "5RT31", "EX 5 RT 3:1" }, { "EX", "7RT31", "EX 7 RT 3:1" }, { "EX", "11RT31", "EX 11 RT 3:1" }, /* Comet EX RT single phased */ { "EX", "5RT", "EX 5 RT" }, { "EX", "7RT", "EX 7 RT" }, { "EX", "11RT", "EX 11 RT" }, /* Galaxy 3000 */ { "GALAXY", "3000_10", "Galaxy 3000 10 kVA" }, { "GALAXY", "3000_15", "Galaxy 3000 15 kVA" }, { "GALAXY", "3000_20", "Galaxy 3000 20 kVA" }, { "GALAXY", "3000_30", "Galaxy 3000 30 kVA" }, /* FIXME: To be completed (Comet, Galaxy, Esprit, ...) */ /* end of structure. */ { NULL, NULL, "Generic SHUT model" } }; /* for lookup between HID values and NUT values*/ typedef struct { long hid_value; /* HID value */ const char *nut_value; /* NUT value */ } info_lkp_t; /* Actual value lookup tables => should be fine for all Mfrs (TODO: validate it!) */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Lookup values between NUT and HID */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ info_lkp_t onbatt_info[] = { { 0, "OB" }, { 1, "OL" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t discharging_info[] = { { 1, "DISCHRG" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t charging_info[] = { { 1, "CHRG" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t lowbatt_info[] = { { 1, "LB" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t overbatt_info[] = { { 1, "OVER" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t replacebatt_info[] = { { 1, "RB" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t shutdownimm_info[] = { { 1, "LB" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t trim_info[] = { { 1, "TRIM" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t boost_info[] = { { 1, "BOOST" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; /* TODO: add BYPASS, OFF, CAL */ info_lkp_t test_write_info[] = { { 0, "No test" }, { 1, "Quick test" }, { 2, "Deep test" }, { 3, "Abort test" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; info_lkp_t test_read_info[] = { { 1, "Done and passed" }, { 2, "Done and warning" }, { 3, "Done and error" }, { 4, "Aborted" }, { 5, "In progress" }, { 6, "No test initiated" }, { 0, "NULL" } }; /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Query Commands and their Mapping to INFO_ Variables */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Structure defining how to query UPS for a variable and write information to INFO structure. */ typedef struct { const char *type; /* INFO_* element */ int flags; /* INFO-element flags to set in addinfo */ int length; /* INFO-element length of strings */ const char *item_path; /* HID object (fully qualified string path) */ const char *fmt; /* printf format string for INFO entry */ const char *dfl; /* default value */ unsigned long shut_flags; /* specific SHUT flags */ info_lkp_t *hid2info; /* lookup table between HID and NUT values */ } mge_info_item_t; /* Array containing information to translate between UTalk and NUT info * NOTE: * - Array is terminated by element with type NULL. * - Essential INFO items (ups.{mfr, model, firmware, status} are * handled separately. * - Array is NOT const, since "shut_flags" can be changed. */ /* FIXME: should be shared with mgehid.h */ static mge_info_item_t mge_info[] = { /* Battery page */ { "battery.charge", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerSummary.RemainingCapacity", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "battery.charge.low", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.PowerSummary.RemainingCapacityLimitSetting", "%ld", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, /* RW, to be caught first if exists... */ { "battery.charge.low", ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.PowerSummary.RemainingCapacityLimit", "%ld", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, /* ... or Read only */ { "battery.runtime", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerSummary.RunTimeToEmpty", "%.0d", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, /* UPS page */ { "ups.mfr", ST_FLAG_STRING, 20, NULL, "%s", "MGE UPS SYSTEMS", SHUT_FLAG_ABSENT | SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.load", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerSummary.PercentLoad", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.timer.shutdown", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.PowerSummary.DelayBeforeShutdown", "%ld", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK | SHUT_FLAG_DELAY, NULL }, { "ups.timer.reboot", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.PowerSummary.DelayBeforeReboot", "%ld", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK | SHUT_FLAG_DELAY, NULL }, { "ups.timer.start", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.PowerSummary.DelayBeforeStartup", "%ld", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK | SHUT_FLAG_DELAY, NULL }, /* FIXME: miss ups.power */ { "ups.power.nominal", ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.Flow.[4].ConfigApparentPower", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.test.interval", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.BatterySystem.Battery.TestPeriod", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "ups.test.result", ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.BatterySystem.Battery.Test", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, &test_read_info[0] }, /* Output page */ { "output.voltage", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerConverter.Output.Voltage", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "output.voltage.nominal", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerSummary.ConfigVoltage", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "output.current", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerSummary.Output.Current", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "output.frequency", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerConverter.Output.Frequency", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, /* Outlet page (using MGE UPS SYSTEMS - PowerShare technology) */ /* TODO: add an iterative semantic [%x] to factorise outlets */ { "outlet.id", 0, 0, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[1].OutletID", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.desc", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 20, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[1].OutletID", "%s", "Main Outlet", SHUT_FLAG_ABSENT | SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.switchable", 0, 0, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[1].PresentStatus.Switchable", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.1.id", 0, 0, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[2].OutletID", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.1.desc", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 20, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[2].OutletID", "%s", "PowerShare Outlet 1", SHUT_FLAG_ABSENT | SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.1.switchable", 0, 0, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[2].PresentStatus.Switchable", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.1.switch", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 2, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[2].PresentStatus.SwitchOn/Off", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.1.autoswitch.charge.low", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 3, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[2].RemainingCapacityLimit", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.1.delay.shutdown", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[2].DelayBeforeShutdown", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.1.delay.start", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[2].DelayBeforeStartup", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.2.id", 0, 0, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[3].OutletID", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.2.desc", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 20, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[3].OutletID", "%s", "PowerShare Outlet 2", SHUT_FLAG_ABSENT | SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.2.switchable", 0, 0, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[3].PresentStatus.Switchable", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.2.switch", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 2, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[3].PresentStatus.SwitchOn/Off", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.2.autoswitch.charge.low", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 3, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[3].RemainingCapacityLimit", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.2.delay.shutdown", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[3].DelayBeforeShutdown", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "outlet.2.delay.start", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING, 5, "UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.[3].DelayBeforeStartup", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, /* Input page */ { "input.voltage", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerConverter.Input.[1].Voltage", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, { "input.frequency", 0, 0, "UPS.PowerConverter.Input.[1].Frequency", "%i", NULL, SHUT_FLAG_OK, NULL }, /* terminating element */ { NULL, 0, 0, "\0", "\0", NULL, 0, NULL } }; /* temporary usage code lookup */ typedef struct { const char *usage_name; const uint32_t usage_code; } usage_lkp_t; /* FIXME: share this data structure with libhid.c */ static usage_lkp_t usage_lkp[] = { /* Power Device Page */ { "PresentStatus", 0x00840002 }, { "UPS", 0x00840004 }, { "BatterySystem", 0x00840010 }, { "Battery", 0x00840012 }, { "BatteryID", 0x00840013 }, { "PowerConverter", 0x00840016 }, { "OutletSystem", 0x00840018 }, { "Input", 0x0084001a }, { "Output", 0x0084001c }, { "Outlet", 0x00840020 }, { "OutletID", 0x00840021 }, { "PowerSummary", 0x00840024 }, { "Voltage", 0x00840030 }, { "Current", 0x00840031 }, { "Frequency", 0x00840032 }, { "PercentLoad", 0x00840035 }, { "ConfigVoltage", 0x00840040 }, { "ConfigCurrent", 0x00840041 }, { "ConfigFrequency", 0x00840042 }, { "ConfigApparentPower", 0x00840043 }, { "LowVoltageTransfer", 0x00840053 }, { "HighVoltageTransfer", 0x00840054 }, { "DelayBeforeReboot", 0x00840055 }, { "DelayBeforeStartup", 0x00840056 }, { "DelayBeforeShutdown", 0x00840057 }, { "Test", 0x00840058 }, { "Good", 0x00840061 }, { "Overload", 0x00840065 }, /* sic */ { "SwitchOn/Off", 0x0084006b }, { "Switchable", 0x0084006c }, { "Used", 0x0084006d }, { "Flow", 0x0084001e }, /* Battery System Page */ { "RemainingCapacityLimit", 0x00850029 }, { "BelowRemainingCapacityLimit", 0x00850042 }, { "RemainingCapacity", 0x00850066 }, { "RunTimeToEmpty", 0x00850068 }, { "ACPresent", 0x008500d0 }, { "Charging", 0x00850044 }, { "Discharging", 0x00850045 }, { "NeedReplacement", 0x0085004b }, /* MGE UPS SYSTEMS Page */ { "iModel", 0xffff00f0 }, { "RemainingCapacityLimitSetting", 0xffff004d }, { "TestPeriod", 0xffff0001 }, { "\0", 0x0 } }; /* SHUT / HID functions Prototypes */ int shut_ups_start(void); u_char shut_checksum(const u_char *buf, int bufsize); int shut_token_send(u_char token); int shut_packet_send (hid_data_t *hdata, int datalen, u_char token); int shut_packet_recv (u_char *Buf, int datalen); int shut_get_descriptor(int desctype, u_char *pkt, int reportlen); int shut_get_string(int strindex, char *string, int stringlen); int shut_get_report(int id, u_char *pkt, int reportlen); int shut_set_report(int id, u_char *pkt, int reportlen); int shut_identify_ups (void); int shut_wait_ack (void); void shut_ups_status(void); int hid_init_device(void); const char *get_model_name(char *iProduct, char *iModel); int hid_lookup_usage(char *name); int hid_get_value(const char *item_path); int hid_set_value(const char *varname, const char *val); u_short lookup_path(const char *HIDpath, HIDData_t *data); int instcmd(const char *cmdname, const char *extra); void setline(int set); int serial_read (int read_timeout, u_char *readbuf); int serial_send(u_char *buf, int len); void make_string(u_char *buf, int datalen, char *string); mge_info_item_t *shut_find_info(const char *varname);