# PSF file for Network UPS Tools 				  11/2/2011
# Useful commands:
# swpackage -p -vv -s /depot/psf_files/xxx.psf -d /depot/s700_opt
# swmodify -p -d -vv -s /depot/psf_files/xxx.psf xxx @ /depot/s700_opt
# swremove -p -v -d xxx,r=yyy @ /depot/s700_opt
# swinstall -p -v -s /depot/s700_opt xxx
# References:
# - Creating a Product Specification File (PSF)
# http://docs.hp.com/en/B2355-90127/ch09s05.html
# - swpackage(8) manual page
# http://nixdoc.net/man-pages/hp-ux/man4/swpackage.4.html
# http://www.massconfusion.com/tim/notes/hpux_depot_create_howto.txt
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# This section is optional

# This section is optional -- delete it if you don't want it.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
	tag 			NUT-Team
	title 			"NUT - Network UPS Tools - Team"
	description    	"UPS monitoring tool"
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# ----------------------------------------	
	tag 			NUT
    title 			"Network UPS Tools"
	description 	"Network UPS Tools (NUT) is a client/server monitoring system that allows computers 
	to share uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and power distribution unit (PDU) hardware. 
	Clients access the hardware through the server, and are notified whenever the power status changes."
    revision       @PACKAGE_VERSION@
# ----------------------------------------
	architecture   S700/S800_HPUX_10/HP-UX_B.11.23_IA/PA
    machine_type   *
    os_name        HP-UX
    #os_release     ?.11.2*
	os_release 		?.10.*|?.11.*
    os_version     *
# ----------------------------------------
#Including "NUT - Server" files.
		tag 		Server
		title 		"nut-server"
		revision	@PACKAGE_VERSION@
		postinstall     ./postinstall

#Including "conf" files under "/usr/local/ups/etc/".
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/etc/ups.conf.sample	@prefix@/etc/ups.conf.sample
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/etc/upsd.conf.sample  	@prefix@/etc/upsd.conf.sample
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/etc/upsd.users.sample	@prefix@/etc/upsd.users.sample

#Including "server" files under "/usr/local/ups/sbin".		
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/sbin/upsd	 	@prefix@/sbin/upsd

#Including "share" files under "/usr/local/ups/share".
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/share/cmdvartab	@prefix@/share/cmdvartab
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/share/driver.list	@prefix@/share/driver.list

#Including required "libupsclient1" under "/usr/local/ups/lib"
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl.3		@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl.3
		file -u 555 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl.3.1	@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl.3.1			

#Including nut service script to "usr/local/ups/script"
		file -u 744 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/scripts/HP-UX/nut-upsd.sh		@prefix@/script/nut-upsd.sh
		file -u 744 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/scripts/HP-UX/nut-drvctl.sh		@prefix@/script/nut-drvctl.sh
		file -u 744 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/scripts/HP-UX/nut-upsmon.sh		@prefix@/script/nut-upsmon.sh
		file -u 444 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/scripts/HP-UX/nut-upsd			@prefix@/script/nut-upsd
		file -u 444 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/scripts/HP-UX/nut-drvctl			@prefix@/script/nut-drvctl
		file -u 444 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/scripts/HP-UX/nut-upsmon			@prefix@/script/nut-upsmon

#Including required UPS drivers files under "/usr/local/ups/bin/".
#such as "nut-snmp", "nut-xml or netxml-ups"
		directory 	./nut_install@prefix@/bin=@prefix@/bin/
		#file_permissions -u 755 -g bin -o bin
		file *
#TBD files to be added under "/usr/share/doc/nut-server/*.gz"
#TBD files to be added under "/usr/share/man/man5/*.gz"
#TBD files to be added under "/usr/share/man/man8/*.gz"

# ----------------------------------------
#Including "NUT - Client" files.
		tag 		Client
		title 		"nut-client"
		revision	@PACKAGE_VERSION@

		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/bin/upsc	@prefix@/bin/upsc
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/bin/upscmd	@prefix@/bin/upscmd
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/bin/upslog	@prefix@/bin/upslog
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/bin/upsrw	@prefix@/bin/upsrw
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/sbin/upsmon 	@prefix@/sbin/upsmon
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/sbin/upssched 	@prefix@/sbin/upssched

#Including "conf" files under "/usr/local/ups/etc".	
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/etc/nut.conf.sample	 	@prefix@/etc/nut.conf.sample
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/etc/upsmon.conf.sample   	@prefix@/etc/upsmon.conf.sample
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/etc/upssched.conf.sample	@prefix@/etc/upssched.conf.sample

#Need to check if "libupsclient1" required for Client again.
		#file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl.3		@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl.3
		#file -u 555 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl.3.1	@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl.3.1	
# ----------------------------------------
#Including "libupsclient1-dev" files.
		tag 		Development
		title 		"libupsclient1-dev"
		revision	@PACKAGE_VERSION@
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.a	@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.a
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.la	@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.la
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl	@prefix@/lib/libupsclient.sl
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/include/parseconf.h		@prefix@/include/parseconf.h
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/clients/upsclient.h		@prefix@/include/upsclient.h
		file -u 755 -g bin -o bin ./nut_install@prefix@/lib/pkgconfig/libupsclient.pc		@prefix@/lib/pkgconfig/libupsclient.pc
# ----------------------------------------

#Including "libups-nut-perl" files.
		tag		libups-nut-perl
		title		"libups-nut-perl"
		revision	@PACKAGE_VERSION@
		file -u 644 -g bin -o bin @top_srcdir@/scripts/perl/Nut.pm	@prefix@/share/perl5/UPS/Nut.pm
# ----------------------------------------	

end	#End product