/* tripplitesu.c - model specific routines for Tripp Lite SmartOnline (SU*) models Copyright (C) 2003 Allan N. Hessenflow <allanh@kallisti.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Notes: The map for commands_available isn't clear. All of the information I have on the Tripp Lite SmartOnline protocol comes from the files TUN.tlp and TUNRT.tlp from their drivers, and some experimentation. One of those files told me what one bit was for in the AVL response, out of 18 that the SU1000RT2U sends or 21 that some other model sends. Later I found a description of the Belkin protocol, which is the same. Unfortunately it gives a definition of the AVL response that conflicts with the one bit I found from TUNRT.tlp, and in fact the response my SU1000RT2U gives, compared to the commands I have found it supports, does not match the Belkin description. So I'm treating the whole field as unknown. It would be nice to be able to use it to determine what variables to make RW. As a workaround, I'm assuming any value I query successfully which also can be set on at least one model, can in fact be set on the one I'm talking to. I didn't just add Tripp Lite support to the existing Belkin driver because I didn't discover that they were the same protocol until after I had put more features in this driver than the Belkin driver has. I'm not calling this a unified Belkin/Tripp Lite driver for a couple of reasons. One is that I don't have a Belkin to test with (and so I explicitly check for Tripp Lite in this drivers initialization - it *may* work fine with a Belkin by simply removing that test). The other reason is that I'd have to come up with a name - I don't know a name for the protocol, and I don't know which company (if either) originated the protocol. Picking one of the companies arbitrarily to name it after just seems wrong. There are a few things still to add. Primarily there's control of individual outlet banks, using (I presume) outlet.n.x variables. I'll probably wait for an example of that to show up in some other driver before adding that, to try to make sure I do it in the way that Russell Kroll envisioned. It also might be nice to give the user control over the delays before shutdown and restart, probably with additional driver parameters. Letting the user turn the buzzer off might be nice too; for that I'd have to investigate whether the command to do that disables it entirely, or just turns it off during the existing alarm condition, to determine whether it would be better implemented through variables or instant commands, and then of course request that those get added to the list of known names. Finally, there are a number of other alarm conditions that can be reported that would be nice to pass on to the user; these would require new variables or new status values. The following parameters (ups.conf) are supported: lowbatt The following variables are supported (RW = read/write): ambient.humidity (1) ambient.temperature (1) battery.charge battery.current (1) battery.temperature battery.voltage battery.voltage.nominal driver.version.internal input.frequency input.sensitivity (RW) (1) input.transfer.high (RW) input.transfer.low (RW) input.voltage input.voltage.nominal output.current (1) output.frequency output.voltage output.voltage.nominal ups.firmware ups.id (RW) (1) ups.load ups.mfr ups.model ups.status ups.test.result ups.contacts (1) The following instant commands are supported: load.off load.on shutdown.reboot shutdown.reboot.graceful shutdown.return shutdown.stop test.battery.start test.battery.stop The following ups.status values are supported: BOOST (1) BYPASS LB OB OFF OL OVER (2) RB (2) TRIM (1) (1) these items have not been tested because they are not supported by my SU1000RT2U. (2) these items have not been tested because I haven't tested them. */ #include "main.h" #include "serial.h" #define DRIVER_NAME "Tripp Lite SmartOnline driver" #define DRIVER_VERSION "0.03" /* driver description structure */ upsdrv_info_t upsdrv_info = { DRIVER_NAME, DRIVER_VERSION, "Allan N. Hessenflow <allanh@kallisti.com>", DRV_EXPERIMENTAL, { NULL } }; #define MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH 256 static const char *test_result_names[] = { "No test performed", "Passed", "In progress", "General test failed", "Battery failed", "Deep battery test failed", "Aborted" }; static struct { int code; const char *name; } sensitivity[] = { {0, "Normal"}, {1, "Reduced"}, {2, "Low"} }; static struct { int outlet_banks; unsigned long commands_available; } ups; /* bits in commands_available */ #define WDG_AVAILABLE (1UL << 1) /* message types */ #define POLL 'P' #define SET 'S' #define ACCEPT 'A' #define REJECT 'R' #define DATA 'D' /* commands */ #define AUTO_REBOOT "ARB" /* poll/set */ #define AUTO_TEST "ATT" /* poll/set */ #define ATX_REBOOT "ATX" /* poll/set */ #define AVAILABLE "AVL" /* poll */ #define BATTERY_REPLACEMENT_DATE "BRD" /* poll/set */ #define BUZZER_TEST "BTT" /* set */ #define BATTERY_TEST "BTV" /* poll/set */ #define BUZZER "BUZ" /* set */ #define ECONOMIC_MODE "ECO" /* set */ #define ENABLE_BUZZER "EDB" /* set */ #define ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION "ENV" /* poll */ #define OUTLET_RELAYS "LET" /* poll */ #define MANUFACTURER "MNU" /* poll */ #define MODEL "MOD" /* poll */ #define RATINGS "RAT" /* poll */ #define RELAY_CYCLE "RNF" /* set */ #define RELAY_OFF "ROF" /* set */ #define RELAY_ON "RON" /* set */ #define ATX_RESUME "RSM" /* set */ #define SHUTDOWN_ACTION "SDA" /* set */ #define SHUTDOWN_RESTART "SDR" /* set */ #define SHUTDOWN_TYPE "SDT" /* poll/set */ #define RELAY_STATUS "SOL" /* poll/set */ #define SELECT_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE "SOV" /* poll/set */ #define STATUS_ALARM "STA" /* poll */ #define STATUS_BATTERY "STB" /* poll */ #define STATUS_INPUT "STI" /* poll */ #define STATUS_OUTPUT "STO" /* poll */ #define STATUS_BYPASS "STP" /* poll */ #define TELEPHONE "TEL" /* poll/set */ #define TEST_RESULT "TSR" /* poll */ #define TEST "TST" /* set */ #define TRANSFER_FREQUENCY "TXF" /* poll/set */ #define TRANSFER_VOLTAGE "TXV" /* poll/set */ #define BOOT_DELAY "UBD" /* poll/set */ #define BAUD_RATE "UBR" /* poll/set */ #define IDENTIFICATION "UID" /* poll/set */ #define VERSION_CMD "VER" /* poll */ #define VOLTAGE_SENSITIVITY "VSN" /* poll/set */ #define WATCHDOG "WDG" /* poll/set */ static int do_command(char type, const char *command, const char *parameters, char *response) { char buffer[SMALLBUF]; int count, ret; ser_flush_io(upsfd); if (response) { *response = '\0'; } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "~00%c%03d%s%s", type, (int)(strlen(command) + strlen(parameters)), command, parameters); ret = ser_send_pace(upsfd, 10000, "%s", buffer); if (ret <= 0) { upsdebug_with_errno(3, "do_command: send [%s]", buffer); return -1; } upsdebugx(3, "do_command: %d bytes sent [%s] -> OK", ret, buffer); ret = ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, (unsigned char *)buffer, 4, 3, 0); if (ret < 0) { upsdebug_with_errno(3, "do_command: read"); return -1; } if (ret == 0) { upsdebugx(3, "do_command: read -> TIMEOUT"); return -1; } buffer[ret] = '\0'; upsdebugx(3, "do_command: %d byted read [%s]", ret, buffer); if (!strcmp(buffer, "~00D")) { ret = ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, (unsigned char *)buffer, 3, 3, 0); if (ret < 0) { upsdebug_with_errno(3, "do_command: read"); return -1; } if (ret == 0) { upsdebugx(3, "do_command: read -> TIMEOUT"); return -1; } buffer[ret] = '\0'; upsdebugx(3, "do_command: %d bytes read [%s]", ret, buffer); count = atoi(buffer); if (count >= MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH) { upsdebugx(3, "do_command: response exceeds expected size!"); return -1; } if (count && !response) { upsdebugx(3, "do_command: response not expected!"); return -1; } if (count == 0) { return 0; } ret = ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, (unsigned char *)response, count, 3, 0); if (ret < 0) { upsdebug_with_errno(3, "do_command: read"); return -1; } if (ret == 0) { upsdebugx(3, "do_command: read -> TIMEOUT"); return -1; } response[ret] = '\0'; upsdebugx(3, "do_command: %d bytes read [%s]", ret, response); /* Tripp Lite pads their string responses with spaces. I don't like that, so I remove them. This is safe to do with all responses for this protocol, so I just do that here. */ rtrim(response, ' '); return ret; } if (!strcmp(buffer, "~00A")) { return 0; } return -1; } static char *field(char *str, int fieldnum) { while (str && fieldnum--) { str = strchr(str, ';'); if (str) str++; } if (str && *str == ';') return NULL; return str; } static int get_identification(void) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; if (do_command(POLL, IDENTIFICATION, "", response) >= 0) { dstate_setinfo("ups.id", "%s", response); return 1; } return 0; } static void set_identification(const char *val) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; if (do_command(POLL, IDENTIFICATION, "", response) < 0) return; if (strcmp(val, response)) { strncpy(response, val, MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH); response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH - 1] = '\0'; do_command(SET, IDENTIFICATION, response, NULL); } } static int get_transfer_voltage_low(void) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; char *ptr; if (do_command(POLL, TRANSFER_VOLTAGE, "", response) > 0) { ptr = field(response, 0); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("input.transfer.low", "%d", atoi(ptr)); return 1; } return 0; } static void set_transfer_voltage_low(int val) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; char *ptr; int high; if (do_command(POLL, TRANSFER_VOLTAGE, "", response) <= 0) return; ptr = field(response, 0); if (!ptr || val == atoi(ptr)) return; ptr = field(response, 1); if (!ptr) return; high = atoi(ptr); snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "%d;%d", val, high); do_command(SET, TRANSFER_VOLTAGE, response, NULL); } static int get_transfer_voltage_high(void) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; char *ptr; if (do_command(POLL, TRANSFER_VOLTAGE, "", response) > 0) { ptr = field(response, 1); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("input.transfer.high", "%d", atoi(ptr)); return 1; } return 0; } static void set_transfer_voltage_high(int val) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; char *ptr; int low; if (do_command(POLL, TRANSFER_VOLTAGE, "", response) <= 0) return; ptr = field(response, 0); if (!ptr) return; low = atoi(ptr); ptr = field(response, 1); if (!ptr || val == atoi(ptr)) return; snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "%d;%d", low, val); do_command(SET, TRANSFER_VOLTAGE, response, NULL); } static int get_sensitivity(void) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; unsigned int i; if (do_command(POLL, VOLTAGE_SENSITIVITY, "", response) <= 0) return 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sensitivity) / sizeof(sensitivity[0]); i++) { if (sensitivity[i].code == atoi(response)) { dstate_setinfo("input.sensitivity", "%s", sensitivity[i].name); return 1; } } return 0; } static void set_sensitivity(const char *val) { char parm[20]; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sensitivity) / sizeof(sensitivity[0]); i++) { if (!strcasecmp(val, sensitivity[i].name)) { snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "%d", i); do_command(SET, VOLTAGE_SENSITIVITY, parm, NULL); break; } } } static void auto_reboot(int enable) { char parm[20]; char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; char *ptr; int mode; if (enable) mode = 1; else mode = 2; if (do_command(POLL, AUTO_REBOOT, "", response) <= 0) return; ptr = field(response, 0); if (!ptr || atoi(ptr) != mode) { snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "%d", mode); do_command(SET, AUTO_REBOOT, parm, NULL); } } static int instcmd(const char *cmdname, const char *extra) { int i; char parm[20]; if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "load.off")) { for (i = 0; i < ups.outlet_banks; i++) { snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "%d;1", i + 1); do_command(SET, RELAY_OFF, parm, NULL); } return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "load.on")) { for (i = 0; i < ups.outlet_banks; i++) { snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "%d;1", i + 1); do_command(SET, RELAY_ON, parm, NULL); } return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.reboot")) { auto_reboot(1); do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_RESTART, "1", NULL); do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_ACTION, "10", NULL); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.reboot.graceful")) { auto_reboot(1); do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_RESTART, "1", NULL); do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_ACTION, "60", NULL); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.return")) { auto_reboot(1); do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_RESTART, "1", NULL); do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_ACTION, "10", NULL); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } #if 0 /* doesn't seem to work */ if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.stayoff")) { auto_reboot(0); do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_ACTION, "10", NULL); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } #endif if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "shutdown.stop")) { do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_ACTION, "0", NULL); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "test.battery.start")) { do_command(SET, TEST, "3", NULL); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(cmdname, "test.battery.stop")) { do_command(SET, TEST, "0", NULL); return STAT_INSTCMD_HANDLED; } upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "instcmd: unknown command [%s]", cmdname); return STAT_INSTCMD_UNKNOWN; } static int setvar(const char *varname, const char *val) { if (!strcasecmp(varname, "ups.id")) { set_identification(val); get_identification(); return STAT_SET_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(varname, "input.transfer.low")) { set_transfer_voltage_low(atoi(val)); get_transfer_voltage_low(); return STAT_SET_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(varname, "input.transfer.high")) { set_transfer_voltage_high(atoi(val)); get_transfer_voltage_high(); return STAT_SET_HANDLED; } if (!strcasecmp(varname, "input.sensitivity")) { set_sensitivity(val); get_sensitivity(); return STAT_SET_HANDLED; } upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "setvar: unknown var [%s]", varname); return STAT_SET_UNKNOWN; } static int init_comm(void) { int i, bit; char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; ups.commands_available = 0; if (do_command(POLL, AVAILABLE, "", response) <= 0) return 0; i = strlen(response); for (bit = 0; bit < i; bit++) if (response[i - bit - 1] == '1') ups.commands_available |= (1UL << bit); if (do_command(POLL, MANUFACTURER, "", response) <= 0) return 0; if (strcmp(response, "Tripp Lite")) return 0; return 1; } void upsdrv_initinfo(void) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; unsigned int min_low_transfer, max_low_transfer; unsigned int min_high_transfer, max_high_transfer; unsigned int i; char *ptr; if (!init_comm()) fatalx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to detect Tripp Lite SmartOnline UPS on port %s\n", device_path); min_low_transfer = max_low_transfer = 0; min_high_transfer = max_high_transfer = 0; /* get all the read-only fields here */ if (do_command(POLL, MANUFACTURER, "", response) > 0) dstate_setinfo("ups.mfr", "%s", response); if (do_command(POLL, MODEL, "", response) > 0) dstate_setinfo("ups.model", "%s", response); if (do_command(POLL, VERSION_CMD, "", response) > 0) dstate_setinfo("ups.firmware", "%s", response); if (do_command(POLL, RATINGS, "", response) > 0) { ptr = field(response, 0); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("input.voltage.nominal", "%d", atoi(ptr)); ptr = field(response, 2); if (ptr) { dstate_setinfo("output.voltage.nominal", "%d", atoi(ptr)); } ptr = field(response, 14); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("battery.voltage.nominal", "%d", atoi(ptr)); ptr = field(response, 10); if (ptr) min_low_transfer = atoi(ptr); ptr = field(response, 9); if (ptr) max_low_transfer = atoi(ptr); ptr = field(response, 12); if (ptr) min_high_transfer = atoi(ptr); ptr = field(response, 11); if (ptr) max_high_transfer = atoi(ptr); } if (do_command(POLL, OUTLET_RELAYS, "", response) > 0) ups.outlet_banks = atoi(response); /* define things that are settable */ if (get_identification()) { dstate_setflags("ups.id", ST_FLAG_RW | ST_FLAG_STRING); dstate_setaux("ups.id", 100); } if (get_transfer_voltage_low() && max_low_transfer) { dstate_setflags("input.transfer.low", ST_FLAG_RW); for (i = min_low_transfer; i <= max_low_transfer; i++) dstate_addenum("input.transfer.low", "%d", i); } if (get_transfer_voltage_high() && max_low_transfer) { dstate_setflags("input.transfer.high", ST_FLAG_RW); for (i = min_high_transfer; i <= max_high_transfer; i++) dstate_addenum("input.transfer.high", "%d", i); } if (get_sensitivity()) { dstate_setflags("input.sensitivity", ST_FLAG_RW); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sensitivity) / sizeof(sensitivity[0]); i++) dstate_addenum("input.sensitivity", "%s", sensitivity[i].name); } if (ups.outlet_banks) { dstate_addcmd("load.off"); dstate_addcmd("load.on"); } dstate_addcmd("shutdown.reboot"); dstate_addcmd("shutdown.reboot.graceful"); dstate_addcmd("shutdown.return"); #if 0 /* doesn't work */ dstate_addcmd("shutdown.stayoff"); #endif dstate_addcmd("shutdown.stop"); dstate_addcmd("test.battery.start"); dstate_addcmd("test.battery.stop"); /* add all the variables that change regularly */ upsdrv_updateinfo(); upsh.instcmd = instcmd; upsh.setvar = setvar; printf("Detected %s %s on %s\n", dstate_getinfo("ups.mfr"), dstate_getinfo("ups.model"), device_path); } void upsdrv_updateinfo(void) { char response[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH]; char *ptr, *ptr2; int i; int flags; int contacts_set; int low_battery; status_init(); if (do_command(POLL, STATUS_OUTPUT, "", response) <= 0) { dstate_datastale(); return; } ptr = field(response, 0); /* require output status field to exist */ if (!ptr) { dstate_datastale(); return; } switch (atoi(ptr)) { case 0: status_set("OL"); break; case 1: status_set("OB"); break; case 2: status_set("BYPASS"); break; case 3: status_set("OL"); status_set("TRIM"); break; case 4: status_set("OL"); status_set("BOOST"); break; case 5: status_set("BYPASS"); break; case 6: break; case 7: status_set("OFF"); break; default: break; } ptr = field(response, 6); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("ups.load", "%d", atoi(ptr)); ptr = field(response, 3); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("output.voltage", "%03.1f", (double) atoi(ptr) / 10.0); ptr = field(response, 1); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("output.frequency", "%03.1f", (double) atoi(ptr) / 10.0); ptr = field(response, 4); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("output.current", "%03.1f", (double) atoi(ptr) / 10.0); low_battery = 0; if (do_command(POLL, STATUS_BATTERY, "", response) <= 0) { dstate_datastale(); return; } ptr = field(response, 0); if (ptr && atoi(ptr) == 2) status_set("RB"); ptr = field(response, 1); if (ptr && atoi(ptr)) low_battery = 1; ptr = field(response, 8); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("battery.temperature", "%d", atoi(ptr)); ptr = field(response, 9); if (ptr) { dstate_setinfo("battery.charge", "%d", atoi(ptr)); ptr2 = getval("lowbatt"); if (ptr2 && atoi(ptr2) > 0 && atoi(ptr2) <= 99 && atoi(ptr) <= atoi(ptr2)) low_battery = 1; } ptr = field(response, 6); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("battery.voltage", "%03.1f", (double) atoi(ptr) / 10.0); ptr = field(response, 7); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("battery.current", "%03.1f", (double) atoi(ptr) / 10.0); if (low_battery) status_set("LB"); if (do_command(POLL, STATUS_ALARM, "", response) <= 0) { dstate_datastale(); return; } ptr = field(response, 3); if (ptr && atoi(ptr)) status_set("OVER"); if (do_command(POLL, STATUS_INPUT, "", response) > 0) { ptr = field(response, 2); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("input.voltage", "%03.1f", (double) atoi(ptr) / 10.0); ptr = field(response, 1); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("input.frequency", "%03.1f", (double) atoi(ptr) / 10.0); } if (do_command(POLL, TEST_RESULT, "", response) > 0) { int r; size_t trsize; r = atoi(response); trsize = sizeof(test_result_names) / sizeof(test_result_names[0]); if ((r < 0) || (r >= (int) trsize)) r = 0; dstate_setinfo("ups.test.result", "%s", test_result_names[r]); } if (do_command(POLL, ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION, "", response) > 0) { ptr = field(response, 0); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("ambient.temperature", "%d", atoi(ptr)); ptr = field(response, 1); if (ptr) dstate_setinfo("ambient.humidity", "%d", atoi(ptr)); flags = 0; contacts_set = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ptr = field(response, 2 + i); if (ptr) { contacts_set = 1; if (*ptr == '1') flags |= 1 << i; } } if (contacts_set) dstate_setinfo("ups.contacts", "%02X", flags); } /* if we are here, status is valid */ status_commit(); dstate_dataok(); } void upsdrv_shutdown(void) { char parm[20]; if (!init_comm()) printf("Status failed. Assuming it's on battery and trying a shutdown anyway.\n"); auto_reboot(1); /* in case the power is on, tell it to automatically reboot. if it is off, this has no effect. */ snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "%d", 1); /* delay before reboot, in minutes */ do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_RESTART, parm, NULL); snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "%d", 5); /* delay before shutdown, in seconds */ do_command(SET, SHUTDOWN_ACTION, parm, NULL); } void upsdrv_help(void) { } /* list flags and values that you want to receive via -x or ups.conf */ void upsdrv_makevartable(void) { addvar(VAR_VALUE, "lowbatt", "Set low battery level, in percent"); } void upsdrv_initups(void) { upsfd = ser_open(device_path); ser_set_speed(upsfd, device_path, B2400); } void upsdrv_cleanup(void) { ser_close(upsfd, device_path); }