/* upsclient - network communications functions for UPS clients Copyright (C) 2002 Russell Kroll <rkroll@exploits.org> 2008 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" /* safe because it doesn't contain prototypes */ #include "nut_platform.h" #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD /* this include is needed on AIX to have errno stored in thread local storage */ #include <pthread.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "upsclient.h" #include "common.h" #include "timehead.h" /* WA for Solaris/i386 bug: non-blocking connect sets errno to ENOENT */ #if (defined NUT_PLATFORM_SOLARIS && CPU_TYPE == i386) #define SOLARIS_i386_NBCONNECT_ENOENT(status) (ENOENT == (status)) #else #define SOLARIS_i386_NBCONNECT_ENOENT(status) (0) #endif /* end of Solaris/i386 WA for non-blocking connect */ /* WA for AIX bug: non-blocking connect sets errno to 0 */ #if (defined NUT_PLATFORM_AIX) #define AIX_NBCONNECT_0(status) (0 == (status)) #else #define AIX_NBCONNECT_0(status) (0) #endif /* end of AIX WA for non-blocking connect */ #ifdef WITH_NSS #include <prerror.h> #include <prinit.h> #include <pk11func.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <ssl.h> #include <private/pprio.h> #endif /* WITH_NSS */ #define UPSCLIENT_MAGIC 0x19980308 #define SMALLBUF 512 #ifdef SHUT_RDWR #define shutdown_how SHUT_RDWR #else #define shutdown_how 2 #endif struct { int flags; const char *str; } upscli_errlist[] = { { 0, "Unknown error" }, /* 0: UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWN */ { 0, "Variable not supported by UPS" }, /* 1: UPSCLI_ERR_VARNOTSUPP */ { 0, "No such host" }, /* 2: UPSCLI_ERR_NOSUCHHOST */ { 0, "Invalid response from server" }, /* 3: UPSCLI_ERR_INVRESP */ { 0, "Unknown UPS" }, /* 4: UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWNUPS */ { 0, "Invalid list type" }, /* 5: UPSCLI_ERR_INVLISTTYPE */ { 0, "Access denied" }, /* 6: UPSCLI_ERR_ACCESSDENIED */ { 0, "Password required" }, /* 7: UPSCLI_ERR_PWDREQUIRED */ { 0, "Password incorrect" }, /* 8: UPSCLI_ERR_PWDINCORRECT */ { 0, "Missing argument" }, /* 9: UPSCLI_ERR_MISSINGARG */ { 0, "Data stale" }, /* 10: UPSCLI_ERR_DATASTALE */ { 0, "Variable unknown" }, /* 11: UPSCLI_ERR_VARUNKNOWN */ { 0, "Already logged in" }, /* 12: UPSCLI_ERR_LOGINTWICE */ { 0, "Already set password" }, /* 13: UPSCLI_ERR_PWDSETTWICE */ { 0, "Unknown variable type" }, /* 14: UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWNTYPE */ { 0, "Unknown variable" }, /* 15: UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWNVAR */ { 0, "Read-only variable" }, /* 16: UPSCLI_ERR_VARREADONLY */ { 0, "New value is too long" }, /* 17: UPSCLI_ERR_TOOLONG */ { 0, "Invalid value for variable" }, /* 18: UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDVALUE */ { 0, "Set command failed" }, /* 19: UPSCLI_ERR_SETFAILED */ { 0, "Unknown instant command" }, /* 20: UPSCLI_ERR_UNKINSTCMD */ { 0, "Instant command failed" }, /* 21: UPSCLI_ERR_CMDFAILED */ { 0, "Instant command not supported" }, /* 22: UPSCLI_ERR_CMDNOTSUPP */ { 0, "Invalid username" }, /* 23: UPSCLI_ERR_INVUSERNAME */ { 0, "Already set username" }, /* 24: UPSCLI_ERR_USERSETTWICE */ { 0, "Unknown command" }, /* 25: UPSCLI_ERR_UNKCOMMAND */ { 0, "Invalid argument" }, /* 26: UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG */ { 1, "Send failure: %s" }, /* 27: UPSCLI_ERR_SENDFAILURE */ { 1, "Receive failure: %s" }, /* 28: UPSCLI_ERR_RECVFAILURE */ { 1, "socket failure: %s" }, /* 29: UPSCLI_ERR_SOCKFAILURE */ { 1, "bind failure: %s" }, /* 30: UPSCLI_ERR_BINDFAILURE */ { 1, "Connection failure: %s" }, /* 31: UPSCLI_ERR_CONNFAILURE */ { 1, "Write error: %s" }, /* 32: UPSCLI_ERR_WRITE */ { 1, "Read error: %s" }, /* 33: UPSCLI_ERR_READ */ { 0, "Invalid password" }, /* 34: UPSCLI_ERR_INVPASSWORD */ { 0, "Username required" }, /* 35: UPSCLI_ERR_USERREQUIRED */ { 0, "SSL is not available", }, /* 36: UPSCLI_ERR_SSLFAIL */ { 2, "SSL error: %s", }, /* 37: UPSCLI_ERR_SSLERR */ { 0, "Server disconnected", }, /* 38: UPSCLI_ERR_SRVDISC */ { 0, "Driver not connected", }, /* 39: UPSCLI_ERR_DRVNOTCONN */ { 0, "Memory allocation failure", }, /* 40: UPSCLI_ERR_NOMEM */ { 3, "Parse error: %s", }, /* 41: UPSCLI_ERR_PARSE */ { 0, "Protocol error", }, /* 42: UPSCLI_ERR_PROTOCOL */ }; typedef struct HOST_CERT_s { const char *host; const char *certname; int certverify; int forcessl; struct HOST_CERT_s *next; } HOST_CERT_t; static HOST_CERT_t* upscli_find_host_cert(const char* hostname); static int upscli_initialized = 0; #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL static SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx; #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSLL */ static int verify_certificate = 1; static HOST_CERT_t *first_host_cert = NULL; static char* nsscertname = NULL; static char* nsscertpasswd = NULL; #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL static void ssl_debug(void) { int e; char errmsg[SMALLBUF]; while ((e = ERR_get_error()) != 0) { ERR_error_string_n(e, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg)); upsdebugx(2, "ssl_debug: %s", errmsg); } } static int ssl_error(SSL *ssl, int ret) { int e; e = SSL_get_error(ssl, ret); switch (e) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: upslogx(LOG_ERR, "ssl_error() ret=%d SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ", ret); break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: upslogx(LOG_ERR, "ssl_error() ret=%d SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE", ret); break; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: if (ret == 0 && ERR_peek_error() == 0) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "ssl_error() EOF from client"); } else { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "ssl_error() ret=%d SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL", ret); } break; default: upslogx(LOG_ERR, "ssl_error() ret=%d SSL_ERROR %d", ret, e); ssl_debug(); } return -1; } #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ static char *nss_password_callback(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool retry, void *arg) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Intend to retrieve password for %s / %s: password %sconfigured", PK11_GetSlotName(slot), PK11_GetTokenName(slot), nsscertpasswd?"":"not "); return nsscertpasswd ? PL_strdup(nsscertpasswd) : NULL; } static void nss_error(const char* funcname) { char buffer[SMALLBUF]; PRInt32 length = PR_GetErrorText(buffer); if (length > 0 && length < SMALLBUF) { upsdebugx(1, "nss_error %ld in %s : %s", (long)PR_GetError(), funcname, buffer); }else{ upsdebugx(1, "nss_error %ld in %s", (long)PR_GetError(), funcname); } } static SECStatus AuthCertificate(CERTCertDBHandle *arg, PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool checksig, PRBool isServer) { UPSCONN_t *ups = (UPSCONN_t *)SSL_RevealPinArg(fd); SECStatus status = SSL_AuthCertificate(arg, fd, checksig, isServer); upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Intend to authenticate server %s : %s", ups?ups->host:"<unnamed>", status==SECSuccess?"SUCCESS":"FAILED"); if (status != SECSuccess) { nss_error("SSL_AuthCertificate"); } return status; } static SECStatus AuthCertificateDontVerify(CERTCertDBHandle *arg, PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool checksig, PRBool isServer) { UPSCONN_t *ups = (UPSCONN_t *)SSL_RevealPinArg(fd); upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Do not intend to authenticate server %s", ups?ups->host:"<unnamed>"); return SECSuccess; } static SECStatus BadCertHandler(UPSCONN_t *arg, PRFileDesc *fd) { HOST_CERT_t* cert; upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Certificate validation failed for %s", (arg&&arg->host)?arg->host:"<unnamed>"); /* BadCertHandler is called when the NSS certificate validation is failed. * If the certificate verification (user conf) is mandatory, reject authentication * else accept it. */ cert = upscli_find_host_cert(arg->host); if (cert != NULL) { return cert->certverify==0 ? SECSuccess : SECFailure; } else { return verify_certificate==0 ? SECSuccess : SECFailure; } } static SECStatus GetClientAuthData(UPSCONN_t *arg, PRFileDesc *fd, CERTDistNames *caNames, CERTCertificate **pRetCert, SECKEYPrivateKey **pRetKey) { CERTCertificate *cert; SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey; SECStatus status = NSS_GetClientAuthData(arg, fd, caNames, pRetCert, pRetKey); if (status == SECFailure) { if (nsscertname != NULL) { cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(nsscertname, NULL); if(cert==NULL) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not find self-certificate"); nss_error("GetClientAuthData / PK11_FindCertFromNickname"); }else{ privKey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(cert, NULL); if(privKey==NULL){ upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not find private key related to self-certificate"); nss_error("GetClientAuthData / PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert"); }else{ *pRetCert = cert; *pRetKey = privKey; status = SECSuccess; } } } else { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Self-certificate name not configured"); } } return status; } static void HandshakeCallback(PRFileDesc *fd, UPSCONN_t *client_data) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "SSL handshake done successfully with server %s", client_data->host); } #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ int upscli_init(int certverify, const char *certpath, const char *certname, const char *certpasswd) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL int ret, ssl_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L const SSL_METHOD *ssl_method; #else SSL_METHOD *ssl_method; #endif #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ SECStatus status; #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ if (upscli_initialized == 1) { upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "upscli already initialized"); return -1; } #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); ssl_method = TLSv1_client_method(); if (!ssl_method) { return 0; } ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(ssl_method); if (!ssl_ctx) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not initialize SSL context"); return -1; } if (!certpath) { if (certverify == 1) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not verify certificate if any is specified"); return -1; /* Failed : cert is mandatory but no certfile */ } } else { switch(certverify) { case 0: ssl_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE; break; default: ssl_mode = SSL_VERIFY_PEER; break; } ret = SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ssl_ctx, NULL, certpath); if (ret != 1) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Failed to load certificate from pemfile %s", certpath); return -1; } SSL_CTX_set_verify(ssl_ctx, ssl_mode, NULL); } #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ PR_Init(PR_USER_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0); PK11_SetPasswordFunc(nss_password_callback); if (certpath) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Init SSL with cerificate database located at %s", certpath); status = NSS_Init(certpath); } else { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "Init SSL without certificate database"); status = NSS_NoDB_Init(NULL); } if (status != SECSuccess) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not initialize SSL context"); nss_error("upscli_init / NSS_[NoDB]_Init"); return -1; } status = NSS_SetDomesticPolicy(); if (status != SECSuccess) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not initialize SSL policy"); nss_error("upscli_init / NSS_SetDomesticPolicy"); return -1; } SSL_ClearSessionCache(); status = SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_ENABLE_SSL3, PR_TRUE); if (status != SECSuccess) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not enable SSLv3"); nss_error("upscli_init / SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_ENABLE_SSL3)"); return -1; } status = SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_ENABLE_TLS, PR_TRUE); if (status != SECSuccess) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not enable TLSv1"); nss_error("upscli_init / SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_ENABLE_TLS)"); return -1; } status = SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_V2_COMPATIBLE_HELLO, PR_FALSE); if (status != SECSuccess) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not disable SSLv2 hello compatibility"); nss_error("upscli_init / SSL_OptionSetDefault(SSL_V2_COMPATIBLE_HELLO)"); return -1; } if (certname) { nsscertname = xstrdup(certname); } if (certpasswd) { nsscertpasswd = xstrdup(certpasswd); } verify_certificate = certverify; #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ upscli_initialized = 1; return 1; } void upscli_add_host_cert(const char* hostname, const char* certname, int certverify, int forcessl) { #ifdef WITH_NSS HOST_CERT_t* cert = xmalloc(sizeof(HOST_CERT_t)); cert->next = first_host_cert; cert->host = xstrdup(hostname); cert->certname = xstrdup(certname); cert->certverify = certverify; cert->forcessl = forcessl; first_host_cert = cert; #endif /* WITH_NSS */ } static HOST_CERT_t* upscli_find_host_cert(const char* hostname) { #ifdef WITH_NSS HOST_CERT_t* cert = first_host_cert; if (hostname != NULL) { while (cert != NULL) { if (cert->host != NULL && strcmp(cert->host, hostname)==0 ) { return cert; } cert = cert->next; } } #endif /* WITH_NSS */ return NULL; } int upscli_cleanup() { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (ssl_ctx) { SSL_CTX_free(ssl_ctx); ssl_ctx = NULL; } #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */ #ifdef WITH_NSS /* Called to force cache clearing to prevent NSS shutdown failures. * http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/ref/ssl/sslfnc.html#1138601 */ SSL_ClearSessionCache(); NSS_Shutdown(); PR_Cleanup(); /* Called to release memory arena used by NSS/NSPR. * Prevent to show all PL_ArenaAllocate mem alloc as leaks. * https://developer.mozilla.org/en/NSS_Memory_allocation */ PL_ArenaFinish(); #endif /* WITH_NSS */ upscli_initialized = 0; return 1; } const char *upscli_strerror(UPSCONN_t *ups) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL unsigned long err; char sslbuf[UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN]; #endif if (!ups) { return upscli_errlist[UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG].str; } if (ups->upsclient_magic != UPSCLIENT_MAGIC) { return upscli_errlist[UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG].str; } if (ups->upserror > UPSCLI_ERR_MAX) { return "Invalid error number"; } switch (upscli_errlist[ups->upserror].flags) { case 0: /* simple error */ return upscli_errlist[ups->upserror].str; case 1: /* add message from system's strerror */ snprintf(ups->errbuf, UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN, upscli_errlist[ups->upserror].str, strerror(ups->syserrno)); return ups->errbuf; case 2: /* SSL error */ #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL err = ERR_get_error(); if (err) { ERR_error_string(err, sslbuf); snprintf(ups->errbuf, UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN, upscli_errlist[ups->upserror].str, sslbuf); } else { snprintf(ups->errbuf, UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN, upscli_errlist[ups->upserror].str, "peer disconnected"); } #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ if (PR_GetErrorTextLength() < UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN) { PR_GetErrorText(ups->errbuf); } else { snprintf(ups->errbuf, UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN, "SSL error #%ld, message too long to be displayed", (long)PR_GetError()); } #else snprintf(ups->errbuf, UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN, "SSL error, but SSL wasn't enabled at compile-time"); #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ return ups->errbuf; case 3: /* parsing (parseconf) error */ snprintf(ups->errbuf, UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN, upscli_errlist[ups->upserror].str, ups->pc_ctx.errmsg); return ups->errbuf; } /* fallthrough */ snprintf(ups->errbuf, UPSCLI_ERRBUF_LEN, "Unknown error flag %d", upscli_errlist[ups->upserror].flags); return ups->errbuf; } /* Read up to buflen bytes from fd and return the number of bytes read. If no data is available within d_sec + d_usec, return 0. On error, a value < 0 is returned (errno indicates error). */ static int upscli_select_read(const int fd, void *buf, const size_t buflen, const long d_sec, const long d_usec) { int ret; fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); tv.tv_sec = d_sec; tv.tv_usec = d_usec; ret = select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ret < 1) { return ret; } return read(fd, buf, buflen); } /* internal: abstract the SSL calls for the other functions */ static int net_read(UPSCONN_t *ups, char *buf, size_t buflen) { int ret; #ifdef WITH_SSL if (ups->ssl) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL ret = SSL_read(ups->ssl, buf, buflen); #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ ret = PR_Read(ups->ssl, buf, buflen); #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS*/ if (ret < 1) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_SSLERR; } return ret; } #endif ret = upscli_select_read(ups->fd, buf, buflen, 5, 0); /* error reading data, server disconnected? */ if (ret < 0) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_READ; ups->syserrno = errno; } /* no data available, server disconnected? */ if (ret == 0) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_SRVDISC; } return ret; } /* Write up to buflen bytes to fd and return the number of bytes written. If no data is available within d_sec + d_usec, return 0. On error, a value < 0 is returned (errno indicates error). */ static int upscli_select_write(const int fd, const void *buf, const size_t buflen, const long d_sec, const long d_usec) { int ret; fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); tv.tv_sec = d_sec; tv.tv_usec = d_usec; ret = select(fd + 1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv); if (ret < 1) { return ret; } return write(fd, buf, buflen); } /* internal: abstract the SSL calls for the other functions */ static int net_write(UPSCONN_t *ups, const char *buf, size_t buflen) { int ret; #ifdef WITH_SSL if (ups->ssl) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL ret = SSL_write(ups->ssl, buf, buflen); #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ ret = PR_Write(ups->ssl, buf, buflen); #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ if (ret < 1) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_SSLERR; } return ret; } #endif ret = upscli_select_write(ups->fd, buf, buflen, 0, 0); /* error writing data, server disconnected? */ if (ret < 0) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_WRITE; ups->syserrno = errno; } /* not ready for writing, server disconnected? */ if (ret == 0) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_SRVDISC; } return ret; } #ifdef WITH_SSL /* * 1 : OK * -1 : ERROR * 0 : SSL NOT SUPPORTED */ static int upscli_sslinit(UPSCONN_t *ups, int verifycert) { #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL int res; #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ SECStatus status; PRFileDesc *socket; HOST_CERT_t *cert; #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ char buf[UPSCLI_NETBUF_LEN]; /* Intend to initialize upscli with no ssl db if not already done. * Compatibility stuff for old clients which do not initialize them. */ if (upscli_initialized==0) { upsdebugx(3, "upscli not initialized, " "force initialisation without SSL configuration"); upscli_init(0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* see if upsd even talks SSL/TLS */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "STARTTLS\n"); if (upscli_sendline(ups, buf, strlen(buf)) != 0) { return -1; } if (upscli_readline(ups, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0) { return -1; } if (strncmp(buf, "OK STARTTLS", 11) != 0) { return 0; /* not supported */ } /* upsd is happy, so let's crank up the client */ #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (!ssl_ctx) { upsdebugx(3, "SSL context is not available"); return 0; } ups->ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx); if (!ups->ssl) { upsdebugx(3, "Can not create SSL socket"); return 0; } if (SSL_set_fd(ups->ssl, ups->fd) != 1) { upsdebugx(3, "Can not bind file descriptor to SSL socket"); return -1; } if (verifycert != 0) { SSL_set_verify(ups->ssl, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL); } else { SSL_set_verify(ups->ssl, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL); } res = SSL_connect(ups->ssl); switch(res) { case 1: upsdebugx(3, "SSL connected"); break; case 0: upslog_with_errno(1, "SSL_connect do not accept handshake."); ssl_error(ups->ssl, res); return -1; default: upslog_with_errno(1, "Unknown return value from SSL_connect %d", res); ssl_error(ups->ssl, res); return -1; } return 1; #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ socket = PR_ImportTCPSocket(ups->fd); if (socket == NULL){ nss_error("upscli_sslinit / PR_ImportTCPSocket"); return -1; } ups->ssl = SSL_ImportFD(NULL, socket); if (ups->ssl == NULL){ nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_ImportFD"); return -1; } if (SSL_SetPKCS11PinArg(ups->ssl, ups) == -1){ nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_SetPKCS11PinArg"); return -1; } if (verifycert) { status = SSL_AuthCertificateHook(ups->ssl, (SSLAuthCertificate)AuthCertificate, CERT_GetDefaultCertDB()); } else { status = SSL_AuthCertificateHook(ups->ssl, (SSLAuthCertificate)AuthCertificateDontVerify, CERT_GetDefaultCertDB()); } if (status != SECSuccess) { nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_AuthCertificateHook"); return -1; } status = SSL_BadCertHook(ups->ssl, (SSLBadCertHandler)BadCertHandler, ups); if (status != SECSuccess) { nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_BadCertHook"); return -1; } status = SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook(ups->ssl, (SSLGetClientAuthData)GetClientAuthData, ups); if (status != SECSuccess) { nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook"); return -1; } status = SSL_HandshakeCallback(ups->ssl, (SSLHandshakeCallback)HandshakeCallback, ups); if (status != SECSuccess) { nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_HandshakeCallback"); return -1; } cert = upscli_find_host_cert(ups->host); if (cert != NULL && cert->certname != NULL) { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Connecting in SSL to '%s' and look at certificate called '%s'", ups->host, cert->certname); status = SSL_SetURL(ups->ssl, cert->certname); } else { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "Connecting in SSL to '%s' (no certificate name specified)", ups->host); status = SSL_SetURL(ups->ssl, ups->host); } if (status != SECSuccess) { nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_SetURL"); return -1; } status = SSL_ResetHandshake(ups->ssl, PR_FALSE); if (status != SECSuccess) { nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_ResetHandshake"); ups->ssl = NULL; /* EKI wtf unimport or free the socket ? */ return -1; } status = SSL_ForceHandshake(ups->ssl); if (status != SECSuccess) { nss_error("upscli_sslinit / SSL_ForceHandshake"); ups->ssl = NULL; /* EKI wtf unimport or free the socket ? */ /* TODO : Close the connection. */ return -1; } return 1; #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ } #else /* WITH_SSL */ static int upscli_sslinit(UPSCONN_t *ups, int verifycert) { return 0; /* not supported */ } #endif /* WITH_SSL */ int upscli_tryconnect(UPSCONN_t *ups, const char *host, int port, int flags,struct timeval * timeout) { int sock_fd; struct addrinfo hints, *res, *ai; char sport[NI_MAXSERV]; int v, certverify, tryssl, forcessl, ret; HOST_CERT_t* hostcert; fd_set wfds; int error; socklen_t error_size; long fd_flags; if (!ups) { return -1; } /* clear out any lingering junk */ memset(ups, 0, sizeof(*ups)); ups->upsclient_magic = UPSCLIENT_MAGIC; ups->fd = -1; if (!host) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_NOSUCHHOST; return -1; } snprintf(sport, sizeof(sport), "%hu", (unsigned short int)port); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); if (flags & UPSCLI_CONN_INET6) { hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; } else if (flags & UPSCLI_CONN_INET) { hints.ai_family = AF_INET; } else { hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; } hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; while ((v = getaddrinfo(host, sport, &hints, &res)) != 0) { switch (v) { case EAI_AGAIN: continue; case EAI_NONAME: ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_NOSUCHHOST; return -1; case EAI_MEMORY: ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_NOMEM; return -1; case EAI_SYSTEM: ups->syserrno = errno; break; } ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWN; return -1; } for (ai = res; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next) { sock_fd = socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol); if (sock_fd < 0) { switch (errno) { case EAFNOSUPPORT: case EINVAL: break; default: ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_SOCKFAILURE; ups->syserrno = errno; } continue; } /* non blocking connect */ if(timeout != NULL) { fd_flags = fcntl(sock_fd, F_GETFL); fd_flags |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, fd_flags); } while ((v = connect(sock_fd, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen)) < 0) { if(errno == EINPROGRESS || SOLARIS_i386_NBCONNECT_ENOENT(errno) || AIX_NBCONNECT_0(errno)) { FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(sock_fd, &wfds); select(sock_fd+1,NULL,&wfds,NULL, timeout); if (FD_ISSET(sock_fd, &wfds)) { error_size = sizeof(error); getsockopt(sock_fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_ERROR, &error,&error_size); if( error == 0) { /* connect successful */ v = 0; break; } errno = error; } else { /* Timeout */ v = -1; break; } } switch (errno) { case EAFNOSUPPORT: break; case EINTR: case EAGAIN: continue; default: ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_CONNFAILURE; ups->syserrno = errno; } break; } if (v < 0) { close(sock_fd); continue; } /* switch back to blocking operation */ if(timeout != NULL) { fd_flags = fcntl(sock_fd, F_GETFL); fd_flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, fd_flags); } ups->fd = sock_fd; ups->upserror = 0; ups->syserrno = 0; break; } freeaddrinfo(res); if (ups->fd < 0) { return -1; } pconf_init(&ups->pc_ctx, NULL); ups->host = strdup(host); if (!ups->host) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_NOMEM; upscli_disconnect(ups); return -1; } ups->port = port; hostcert = upscli_find_host_cert(host); if (hostcert != NULL) { /* An host security rule is specified. */ certverify = hostcert->certverify; forcessl = hostcert->forcessl; } else { certverify = (flags & UPSCLI_CONN_CERTVERIF) != 0 ? 1 : 0; forcessl = (flags & UPSCLI_CONN_REQSSL) != 0 ? 1 : 0; } tryssl = (flags & UPSCLI_CONN_TRYSSL) != 0 ? 1 : 0; if (tryssl || forcessl) { ret = upscli_sslinit(ups, certverify); if (forcessl && ret != 1) { upslogx(LOG_ERR, "Can not connect to %s in SSL, disconnect", host); ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_SSLFAIL; upscli_disconnect(ups); return -1; } else if (tryssl && ret == -1) { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "Error while connecting to %s, disconnect", host); upscli_disconnect(ups); return -1; } else if (tryssl && ret == 0) { if (certverify != 0) { upslogx(LOG_NOTICE, "Can not connect to %s in SSL and " "certificate is needed, disconnect", host); upscli_disconnect(ups); return -1; } upsdebugx(3, "Can not connect to %s in SSL, continue uncrypted", host); } else { upslogx(LOG_INFO, "Connected to %s in SSL", host); if (certverify == 0) { /* you REALLY should set CERTVERIFY to 1 if using SSL... */ upslogx(LOG_WARNING, "Certificate verification is disabled"); } } } return 0; } int upscli_connect(UPSCONN_t *ups, const char *host, int port, int flags) { return upscli_tryconnect(ups,host,port,flags,NULL); } /* map upsd error strings back to upsclient internal numbers */ static struct { int errnum; const char *text; } upsd_errlist[] = { { UPSCLI_ERR_VARNOTSUPP, "VAR-NOT-SUPPORTED" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWNUPS, "UNKNOWN-UPS" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_ACCESSDENIED, "ACCESS-DENIED" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_PWDREQUIRED, "PASSWORD-REQUIRED" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_PWDINCORRECT, "PASSWORD-INCORRECT" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_MISSINGARG, "MISSING-ARGUMENT" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_DATASTALE, "DATA-STALE" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_VARUNKNOWN, "VAR-UNKNOWN" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_LOGINTWICE, "ALREADY-LOGGED-IN" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_PWDSETTWICE, "ALREADY-SET-PASSWORD" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWNTYPE, "UNKNOWN-TYPE" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWNVAR, "UNKNOWN-VAR" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_VARREADONLY, "READONLY" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_TOOLONG, "TOO-LONG" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDVALUE, "INVALID-VALUE" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_SETFAILED, "SET-FAILED" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_UNKINSTCMD, "UNKNOWN-INSTCMD" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_CMDFAILED, "INSTCMD-FAILED" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_CMDNOTSUPP, "CMD-NOT-SUPPORTED" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_INVUSERNAME, "INVALID-USERNAME" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_USERSETTWICE, "ALREADY-SET-USERNAME" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_UNKCOMMAND, "UNKNOWN-COMMAND" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_INVPASSWORD, "INVALID-PASSWORD" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_USERREQUIRED, "USERNAME-REQUIRED" }, { UPSCLI_ERR_DRVNOTCONN, "DRIVER-NOT-CONNECTED" }, { 0, NULL, } }; static int upscli_errcheck(UPSCONN_t *ups, char *buf) { int i; if (!ups) { return -1; } if (!buf) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG; return -1; } /* see if it's even an error now */ if (strncmp(buf, "ERR", 3) != 0) { return 0; } /* look it up in the table */ for (i = 0; upsd_errlist[i].text != NULL; i++) { if (!strncmp(&buf[4], upsd_errlist[i].text, strlen(upsd_errlist[i].text))) { ups->upserror = upsd_errlist[i].errnum; return -1; } } /* hmm - don't know what upsd is telling us */ ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_UNKNOWN; return -1; } static void build_cmd(char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *cmdname, int numarg, const char **arg) { int i; size_t len; char enc[UPSCLI_NETBUF_LEN]; const char *format; memset(buf, '\0', bufsize); snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%s", cmdname); /* encode all arguments so they arrive intact */ for (i = 0; i < numarg; i++) { if (strchr(arg[i], ' ')) { format = " \"%s\""; /* wrap in "" */ } else { format = " %s"; } /* snprintfcat would tie us to common */ len = strlen(buf); snprintf(buf + len, bufsize - len, format, pconf_encode(arg[i], enc, sizeof(enc))); } len = strlen(buf); snprintf(buf + len, bufsize - len, "\n"); } /* make sure upsd is giving us what we asked for */ static int verify_resp(int num, const char **q, char **a) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (strcasecmp(q[i], a[i]) != 0) { /* FUTURE: handle -/+ options here */ return 0; /* mismatch */ } } return 1; /* OK */ } int upscli_get(UPSCONN_t *ups, unsigned int numq, const char **query, unsigned int *numa, char ***answer) { char cmd[UPSCLI_NETBUF_LEN], tmp[UPSCLI_NETBUF_LEN]; if (!ups) { return -1; } if (numq < 1) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG; return -1; } /* create the string to send to upsd */ build_cmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "GET", numq, query); if (upscli_sendline(ups, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != 0) { return -1; } if (upscli_readline(ups, tmp, sizeof(tmp)) != 0) { return -1; } if (upscli_errcheck(ups, tmp) != 0) { return -1; } if (!pconf_line(&ups->pc_ctx, tmp)) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PARSE; return -1; } /* q: [GET] VAR <ups> <var> * * a: VAR <ups> <var> <val> */ if (ups->pc_ctx.numargs < numq) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PROTOCOL; return -1; } if (!verify_resp(numq, query, ups->pc_ctx.arglist)) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PROTOCOL; return -1; } *numa = ups->pc_ctx.numargs; *answer = ups->pc_ctx.arglist; return 0; } int upscli_list_start(UPSCONN_t *ups, unsigned int numq, const char **query) { char cmd[UPSCLI_NETBUF_LEN], tmp[UPSCLI_NETBUF_LEN]; if (!ups) { return -1; } if (numq < 1) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG; return -1; } /* create the string to send to upsd */ build_cmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "LIST", numq, query); if (upscli_sendline(ups, cmd, strlen(cmd)) != 0) { return -1; } if (upscli_readline(ups, tmp, sizeof(tmp)) != 0) { return -1; } if (upscli_errcheck(ups, tmp) != 0) { return -1; } if (!pconf_line(&ups->pc_ctx, tmp)) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PARSE; return -1; } if (ups->pc_ctx.numargs < 2) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PROTOCOL; return -1; } /* the response must start with BEGIN LIST */ if ((strcasecmp(ups->pc_ctx.arglist[0], "BEGIN") != 0) || (strcasecmp(ups->pc_ctx.arglist[1], "LIST") != 0)) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PROTOCOL; return -1; } /* q: [LIST] VAR <ups> * * a: [BEGIN LIST] VAR <ups> */ /* compare q[0]... to a[2]... */ if (!verify_resp(numq, query, &ups->pc_ctx.arglist[2])) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PROTOCOL; return -1; } return 0; } int upscli_list_next(UPSCONN_t *ups, unsigned int numq, const char **query, unsigned int *numa, char ***answer) { char tmp[UPSCLI_NETBUF_LEN]; if (!ups) { return -1; } if (upscli_readline(ups, tmp, sizeof(tmp)) != 0) { return -1; } if (upscli_errcheck(ups, tmp) != 0) { return -1; } if (!pconf_line(&ups->pc_ctx, tmp)) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PARSE; return -1; } if (ups->pc_ctx.numargs < 1) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PROTOCOL; return -1; } *numa = ups->pc_ctx.numargs; *answer = ups->pc_ctx.arglist; /* see if this is the end */ if (ups->pc_ctx.numargs >= 2) { if ((!strcmp(ups->pc_ctx.arglist[0], "END")) && (!strcmp(ups->pc_ctx.arglist[1], "LIST"))) return 0; } /* q: VAR <ups> */ /* a: VAR <ups> <val> */ if (!verify_resp(numq, query, ups->pc_ctx.arglist)) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_PROTOCOL; return -1; } /* just another part of the list */ return 1; } int upscli_sendline(UPSCONN_t *ups, const char *buf, size_t buflen) { int ret; if (!ups) { return -1; } if (ups->fd < 0) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_DRVNOTCONN; return -1; } if ((!buf) || (buflen < 1)) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG; return -1; } if (ups->upsclient_magic != UPSCLIENT_MAGIC) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG; return -1; } ret = net_write(ups, buf, buflen); if (ret < 1) { upscli_disconnect(ups); return -1; } return 0; } int upscli_readline(UPSCONN_t *ups, char *buf, size_t buflen) { int ret; size_t recv; if (!ups) { return -1; } if (ups->fd < 0) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_DRVNOTCONN; return -1; } if ((!buf) || (buflen < 1)) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG; return -1; } if (ups->upsclient_magic != UPSCLIENT_MAGIC) { ups->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_INVALIDARG; return -1; } for (recv = 0; recv < (buflen-1); recv++) { if (ups->readidx == ups->readlen) { ret = net_read(ups, ups->readbuf, sizeof(ups->readbuf)); if (ret < 1) { upscli_disconnect(ups); return -1; } ups->readlen = ret; ups->readidx = 0; } buf[recv] = ups->readbuf[ups->readidx++]; if (buf[recv] == '\n') { break; } } buf[recv] = '\0'; return 0; } /* split upsname[@hostname[:port]] into separate components */ int upscli_splitname(const char *buf, char **upsname, char **hostname, int *port) { char *s, tmp[SMALLBUF], *last = NULL; /* paranoia */ if ((!buf) || (!upsname) || (!hostname) || (!port)) { return -1; } if (snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s", buf) < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "upscli_splitname: can't parse empty string\n"); return -1; } s = strchr(tmp, '@'); if ((*upsname = strdup(strtok_r(tmp, "@", &last))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "upscli_splitname: strdup failed\n"); return -1; } /* only a upsname is specified, fill in defaults */ if (s == NULL) { if ((*hostname = strdup("localhost")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "upscli_splitname: strdup failed\n"); return -1; } *port = PORT; return 0; } return upscli_splitaddr(s+1, hostname, port); } /* split hostname[:port] into separate components */ int upscli_splitaddr(const char *buf, char **hostname, int *port) { char *s, tmp[SMALLBUF], *last = NULL; /* paranoia */ if ((!buf) || (!hostname) || (!port)) { return -1; } if (snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s", buf) < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "upscli_splitaddr: can't parse empty string\n"); return -1; } if (*tmp == '[') { if (strchr(tmp, ']') == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "upscli_splitaddr: missing closing bracket in [domain literal]\n"); return -1; } if ((*hostname = strdup(strtok_r(tmp+1, "]", &last))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "upscli_splitaddr: strdup failed\n"); return -1; } /* no port specified, use default */ if (((s = strtok_r(NULL, "\0", &last)) == NULL) || (*s != ':')) { *port = PORT; return 0; } } else { s = strchr(tmp, ':'); if ((*hostname = strdup(strtok_r(tmp, ":", &last))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "upscli_splitaddr: strdup failed\n"); return -1; } /* no port specified, use default */ if (s == NULL) { *port = PORT; return 0; } } if ((*(++s) == '\0') || ((*port = strtol(s, NULL, 10)) < 1 )) { fprintf(stderr, "upscli_splitaddr: no port specified after ':' separator\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int upscli_disconnect(UPSCONN_t *ups) { if (!ups) { return -1; } if (ups->upsclient_magic != UPSCLIENT_MAGIC) { return -1; } pconf_finish(&ups->pc_ctx); free(ups->host); ups->host = NULL; if (ups->fd < 0) { return 0; } net_write(ups, "LOGOUT\n", 7); #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL if (ups->ssl) { SSL_shutdown(ups->ssl); SSL_free(ups->ssl); ups->ssl = NULL; } #elif defined(WITH_NSS) /* WITH_OPENSSL */ if (ups->ssl) { PR_Shutdown(ups->ssl, PR_SHUTDOWN_BOTH); PR_Close(ups->ssl); ups->ssl = NULL; } #endif /* WITH_OPENSSL | WITH_NSS */ shutdown(ups->fd, shutdown_how); close(ups->fd); ups->fd = -1; return 0; } int upscli_fd(UPSCONN_t *ups) { if (!ups) { return -1; } if (ups->upsclient_magic != UPSCLIENT_MAGIC) { return -1; } return ups->fd; } int upscli_upserror(UPSCONN_t *ups) { if (!ups) { return -1; } if (ups->upsclient_magic != UPSCLIENT_MAGIC) { return -1; } return ups->upserror; } int upscli_ssl(UPSCONN_t *ups) { if (!ups) { return -1; } if (ups->upsclient_magic != UPSCLIENT_MAGIC) { return -1; } #ifdef WITH_SSL if (ups->ssl) { return 1; } #endif /* WITH_SSL */ return 0; }