UPSLOG(8) ========= NAME ---- upslog - UPS status logger SYNOPSIS -------- *upslog -h* *upslog* ['OPTIONS'] DESCRIPTION ----------- *upslog* is a daemon that will poll a UPS at periodic intervals, fetch the variables that interest you, format them, and write them to a file. The default format string includes variables that are supported by many common UPS models. See the description below to make your own. OPTIONS ------- *-h*:: Display the help message. *-f* 'format':: Monitor the UPS using this format string. Be sure to enclose 'format' in quotes so your shell doesn't split it up. Valid escapes within this string are: %%;; Insert a single "%" %TIME format%;; Insert the time with strftime formatting %ETIME%;; Insert the number of seconds, ala time_t. This is now a 10 digit number. %HOST%;; insert the local hostname %UPSHOST%;; insert the host of the UPS being monitored %PID%;; insert the pid of upslog %VAR varname%;; insert the value of variable varname The default format string is: %TIME @Y@m@d @H@M@S% %VAR battery.charge% %VAR input.voltage% %VAR ups.load% [%VAR ups.status%] %VAR ups.temperature% %VAR input.frequency% *-i* 'interval':: Wait this many seconds between polls. This defaults to 30 seconds. + If you require tighter timing, you should write your own logger using the linkman:upsclient[3] library. *-l* 'logfile':: Store the results in this file. + You can use "-" for stdout, but upslog will remain in the foreground. *-s* 'ups':: Monitor this UPS. The format for this option is +upsname[@hostname[:port]]+. The default hostname is "localhost". *-u* 'username':: If started as root, upsmon will *setuid*(2) to the user id associated with 'username' for security. + If 'username' is not defined, it will use the value that was compiled into the program. This defaults to "nobody", which is less than ideal. SERVICE DELAYS -------------- The interval value is merely the number given to *sleep*(3) after running through the format string. Therefore, a query will actually take slightly longer than the interval, depending on the speed of your system. LOG ROTATION ------------ *upslog* writes its PID to ``, and will reopen the log file if you send it a SIGHUP. This allows it to keep running when the log is rotated by an external program. SEE ALSO -------- Server: ~~~~~~~ linkman:upsd[8] Clients: ~~~~~~~~ linkman:upsc[8], linkman:upscmd[8], linkman:upsrw[8], linkman:upsmon[8] Internet resources: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: