2015-04-22 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.ac: Restore version 2.7.3 for release * docs/security.txt: Missing link reference update The filename of the previous GPG release key was not updated, leading to pointing to the current release key 2015-04-08 Nick Mayerhofer <nick.mayerhofer@enchant.at> * docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx.h: nutdrv_qx: clarify docs/inline comments 2015-04-16 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.ac: bump version to 2015-04-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.ac: update version to 2.7.3 * docs/security.txt: Update release signature verification The release manager key has change. Update the documentation to reflect it, along with keeping necessary for checking the previous releases * docs/download.txt: Fix formatting issue * NEWS, UPGRADING: Final update for release 2.7.3 Complete the release information for NUT 2.7.3 * docs/maintainer-guide.txt: Store some comments for latter processing 2015-04-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-hid.c: Improve Eaton ABM support for USB/HID units As per clarifications from David G. Miller (Eaton ABM expert) and customers request, when ABM is enabled, we now both publish the following as per the ABM information: - the 5 status bits {charging, discharging, floating, resting, off} under battery.charger.status - the 2 historical status bits {CHRG, DISCHRG} under ups.status When ABM is disabled, we just publish the 2 historical status bits {CHRG, DISCHRG} under ups.status, as per UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.{Charging,Discharging}, as done previously 2015-04-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * conf/ups.conf.sample, docs/man/ups.conf.txt, drivers/dstate.c, drivers/dstate.h, drivers/main.c: Improve synchronous driver flag implementation The previous commit was suffering a number of issues. The present commit fixes these, along with adding more documentation and a better and more understandable implementation code. Thanks to Daniele Pezzini for the thorough review Closes: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/197 2015-04-01 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/ups.conf.txt, drivers/dstate.c, drivers/dstate.h, drivers/main.c: Implement synchronous driver flag As per issue #197, NUT drivers work by default in asynchronous mode. This means that all data are pushed by the driver on the communication socket to upsd (Unix socket on Unix, Named pipe on Windows) without waiting for these data to be actually consumed. With some HW, such as ePDUs, that can produce a lot of data, asynchronous mode may cause some congestion, resulting in the socket to be full, and the driver to appear as not connected. By enabling the 'synchronous' flag, the driver will wait for data to be consumed by upsd, prior to publishing more. This can be enabled either globally or per driver. 2015-04-07 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/systemd/nut-server.service.in: Do not Require systemd nut- driver for nut-server Put the Requires=nut-driver.service in comment for nut-server systemd unit file. Thus we don't require drivers to be successfully started! This was a change of behavior compared to init SysV, and could prevent from accessing successfully started drivers, or at least to audit a system Closes: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/200 2015-04-04 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * UPGRADING: UPGRADING: mention SSL permissions (#199) * docs/security.txt: NSS SSL documentation Addresses new behavior as part of the NSS forking fix (#199). Formatting and wording fixed as well. 2015-04-04 Émilien Kia <emilien.kia@gmail.com> * server/upsd.c: Initialize SSL after deamonize and downgrade to user. Fix issue #190 - upsd: NSS SSL only working in debug mode https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/190 2015-04-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/eaton-mib.c: Better input.realpower handling for Eaton ePDUs G2/G3 Improve the way we declare and process input.realpower, in order to address the variations between Eaton ePDUs G2 and G3 2015-03-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/nut-names.txt: Document new variables and commands addition The variables and commands that were added were not described in the NUT namespace document. These are: input.transfer.delay - battery.energysave.load - battery.energysave.delay - battery.charger.status - outlet.1.shutdown.return - outlet.2.shutdown.return * drivers/bcmxcp.c: Fix the letter case of ABM and outlets status For more coherence with NUT status publication, these status are now lower case * drivers/bcmxcp.c: Add missing Author 2014-10-10 gavrilov-i <gavrilov-i@users.noreply.github.com> * data/cmdvartab, drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: drivers/bcmxcp: advanced features Closes: #158 Added setvar function exec result parsing Add command to turn load on after shutdown.stayoff and shutdown.return. Outlet control changed. Outlet control via commands "outlet.n.load.on/off" like in other drivers. Variable outlet.n.staus now only for reading. Some code changes in outlet.n.shutdown.return command - now supporting more than 3 outlets (up to 9). Add descriptions to new and some old variables and commands. Add "bypass.start" command, for enabling bypass. For returning in On-Line mode exec "load.on" command. Additional checks of UPS vars. Now add zero var only if it could be changed. 2015-04-01 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/eaton-mib.c: Workaround input.{power,realpower} for Eaton ePDUs Add variable declarations to handle missing input.{power,realpower} on Eaton ePDUs G2 and G3 1phase. On 3phase, these variables point at SNMP OIDs that sum up the 3 phases information. These OIDs should also be present on 1phase, however it's actually not the case. So simply duplicate the L1 declaration 2015-03-31 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/powerware-mib.c: Implement battery.charger.status for Eaton SNMP This new official variable now replaces the historic 'vendor.specific.abmstatus', as per other similar implementations (in usbhid-ups and bcmxcp drivers) 2015-03-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-hid.c: Implement Eaton ABM support for USB/HID units Add support for Eaton Advanced Battery Monitoring, for USB/HID units. Information are provided through the new battery.charger.status. For now, at least, when ABM is enabled, the historic CHRG and DISCHRG flags are not published anymore in ups.status 2015-03-25 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic.c: nutdrv_qx: add support in 'voltronic' subdriver for P13 protocol 2015-03-24 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-hid.c: Complementary Energy Saving data for Eaton USB devices Add a 2nd HID path for battery.energysave.delay. Depending on the exact device model, different implementations may be used 2015-03-22 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * NEWS: nutdrv_qx: update NEWS about new 'fuji' USB subdriver 2015-03-21 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx.h: nutdrv_qx: typedef testing_t only if TESTING is #defined First reported by GitHub user @nickma82 * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt, docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt: nutdrv_qx: document 'voltronic-qs-hex' subdriver in man pages * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt, drivers/nutdrv_qx_bestups.c, drivers /nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mecer.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mustek.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_q1.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs-hex.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_zinto.c: nutdrv_qx: add 'ignoresab' flag to support bogus devices Some UPSes incorrectly report the 'Shutdown Active' bit (7th bit of the 'status byte') as always on (=1), consequently making the driver believe the UPS is nearing a shutdown (and, as a result, ups.status always contains FSD). To workaround this issue, add a new 'ignoresab' flag that makes the driver do just what its name tells (IGNORE Status Active Bit) skipping the relative item in qx2nut tables. References: - http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail /nut-upsdev/2015-March/006896.html - https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/195 2015-03-11 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/cmdvartab, docs/nut-names.txt: Add some new variable names, related to ePDUs Add new variables names, related to ePDUs, such as input.*.load, input.*.realpower and input.*.power * drivers/eaton-mib.c: Minor update to comments 2015-02-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/eaton-mib.c: Fix outlet.{power,realpower} data mapping According to the new mapping using the input collection, these two data mapping were targeting at the wrong OIDs. 2015-02-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/eaton-mib.c: Fix and complete a bit Eaton ePDUs support Add some new data mapping to improve support for Eaton ePDUs. This commit includes some new NUT data names that requires approval before being merged 2015-03-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/cmdvartab, docs/nut-names.txt, drivers/mge-hid.c: Add more Energy Saving features for Eaton USB devices Add two new Energy Saving features: - battery.energysave.delay: to configure the delay before switching off the UPS if running on battery and load level low (in minutes) - battery.energysave.realpower: to switch off the UPS if running on battery and power consumption on UPS output is lower than this value (expressed in Watts). Note that documentation in nut-names.txt and cmdvartab was limited to difference with an upcoming branch merge, that will add the others * drivers/mge-hid.c: Align Energy Saving variable names Change ups.load.energysave to battery.energysave.load, to be coherent with the latest commit made in the bcmxcp driver 2015-03-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/cmdvartab, drivers/mge-hid.c: Add a new EnergySaving threshold for Eaton UPSs Add 'ups.load.energysave' parameter, to enable energy saving when the power consumption on the UPS output drops below this value (in percent). This new variable however requires to go through the NUT RFC process to get approved 2015-03-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/Makefile.am: Also distribute nut-ddl-dump.sh helper script 2015-03-18 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: EUROCASE EA200N 2000VA supported by nutdrv_qx Protocol: 'megatec' USB subdriver: 'fuji' Reference: ht tp://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/8808/focus=908 1 * drivers/nutdrv_qx_bestups.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mecer.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mustek.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_q1.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs-hex.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_zinto.c: nutdrv_qx: remove redundancy in blazer-common-dependent subdrivers Since main nutdrv_qx driver already sets an alarm when FSD arises (see nutdrv_qx.c>ups_alarm_set()), there is no need to do so in the various subdrivers. So, in order to prevent a duplicated alarm message, remove all unneeded code from the affected subdrivers (all the ones that depend on nutdrv_qx_blazer-common). 2015-03-17 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: update Mecer ME-1000-WTU (supported by nutdrv_qx) Tested by @sliverc (Oliver Sauder) on NUT 2.7.1 Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/148 2015-03-16 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt: nutdrv_qx: document USB subdrivers' glitches * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: nutdrv_qx: add workaround in 'fuji' subdriver to support all shutdown.returns As 'fuji' subdriver discards all the commands of more than 3 characters, in order to support 'SnRm' shutdown.returns (and hence the standard 'S.5R0003' shutdown.return with DEFAULT_{ON,OFF}DELAYs) map 'SnRm' shutdown.returns to the corresponding 'Sn' commands, meanwhile ignoring ups.delay.start and making the UPS turn on the load as soon as power is back. * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: nutdrv_qx: fix command handling in 'fuji' subdriver 'fuji' subdriver supported devices only allow one 8 bytes interrupt as a command/query: make the subdriver discard (and echo back) all the too long commands. 2014-11-08 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt: nutdrv_qx: update man for the new 'fabula' and 'fuji' USB subdrivers 2014-06-26 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: nutdrv_qx: add new 'fuji' USB subdriver Add a new USB subdriver ('fuji') to support models manufactured by Fuji (and others) and accompained by UPSmart2000I software. 2015-03-15 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/developers.txt, docs/new-drivers.txt: doc: document build dependencies, etc. Closes: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/189 * docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt: doc: fold a few long preformatted lines in nutdrv_qx developer guide * docs/FAQ.txt: docs: FAQ update This addresses several issues: * https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/19 * https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/191 and Closes: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/161 * docs/man/Makefile.am: docs/man: provide additional detail for missing asciidoc/a2x error * configure.ac: configure: indicate required version of Asciidoc/A2X/dblatex Still doesn't address data-only packages like docbook-xsl, so leaving this issue open. Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/162 * docs/Makefile.am, docs/man/Makefile.am: Pass --nonet to xsltproc This prevents xsltproc from downloading DocBook XSL files for each step in the documentation build process. Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/172 Still need to document what to do if the build fails. 2015-03-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/documentation.txt: Reference DDL on the Documentation page Add a reference to the NUT Devices Dumps Library (DDL) on the Documentation page, both for the website and the distributed documentation. There are separate references, to distinguish the DDL interest from a user and a developer point of view 2015-03-06 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/nut-ddl-dump.sh: First stab at a helper script to generate device dumps This preliminary version only generates .dev (static) dump files. However, a merge with nut-recorder.sh, which generates .seq files (dynamic simulation) is to be considered, along with an improved version for the newer .nds format 2015-02-24 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: CPS Value 1500ELCD-RU @ 2.6.3 Source: http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=1423241134.6830.8.camel%40ignatev * data/driver.list.in: HCL: JAWAN JW-UPSLC02 with blazer_usb @ 2.7.2 Source: http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=SNT404%2dEAS 8312A94DDAF0FAD4B7702BA52A0%40phx.gbl 2015-02-22 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/python/app/NUT-Monitor, scripts/python/app/gui-1.3.glade: NUT-Monitor: updated version to 1.3.1 2015-02-14 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * NEWS, UPGRADING: NEWS/UPGRADING for 2.7.3 2015-02-14 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt: nutdrv_qx: specify 'bestups' ranges in man pages 2015-01-03 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx_bestups.c: nutdrv_qx: bestups - add support for 'M' query 2014-11-02 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt, docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt: nutdrv_qx: update man pages for new 'bestups' subdriver * drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_bestups.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_bestups.h: nutdrv_qx: add BestUPS subdriver (protocol=bestups) A subdriver using Best Power/Sola Australia protocol as described in http://www.networkupstools.org/protocols/sola.html Based also on bestups.c and meant to eventually replace it. 2015-02-14 Michael Fincham <michael.fincham@catalyst.net.nz> * scripts/python/app/NUT-Monitor: Correct unsafe permissions on ~/.nut-monitor (Debian #777706) fix-permissions-on-start.debdiff from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=777706#24 Closes: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/185 2015-02-14 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: fix SEGV in apc_getcaps() ups ... 2015-02-13 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: fix command set parsing for protocol version 4 The issue was discovered with Smart-UPS RT 10000 XL by surr, see https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/180 When protocol version is 4, command set query returns string with additional section after another '.' . This patch updates the code to handle such string as well. 2015-02-10 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * configure.ac: configure.ac: bump version to for snapshots * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: upower: regenerate for Powercom PID 0001 (PR #121) * configure.ac: configure.ac: add bug report URL Should be compatible with Autoconf 2.59 and newer. 2015-02-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/netvision-mib.c: Improve support for on-battery detection Add support for upsAlarmOnBattery OID, to better detect on-battery events (reported by Henning Fehrmann) * drivers/libhid.c, drivers/libhid.h: Fix compilation warning related to sign comparison 2015-01-31 Ryan Underwood <nemesis@icequake.net> * drivers/apc-hid.c, scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: Add a product ID for APC AP9584 USB kit. Resolves networkupstools/nut#181 2015-01-12 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: upower: regenerate rules file for OpenUPS PID 0xd005 * Makefile.am: Add systemd unit dir fix for 'make distcheck' 2015-01-11 Sergey Kvachonok <ravenexp@gmail.com> * configure.ac: Undo ${systemdsystemunitdir} mangling. Running sed 's/\/lib/\${libdir}/' destroys any ${systemdsystemunitdir} values that don't start with '/lib' e.g. '/usr/lib64/systemd/system' becomes '/usr/usr/lib6464/systemd/system'. If a local installation prefix is needed use appropriately prefixed --with- systemdsystemunitdir='' parameter instead. 2015-01-02 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/cables.txt, docs/config-notes.txt, docs/configure.txt, docs/features.txt, docs/history.txt, docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt, docs /nut-names.txt, docs/scheduling.txt, docs/security.txt: docs: typo fixes 2015-01-01 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/cables.txt: docs: MGE NMC pinout Closes https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/141 * docs/cables.txt: docs: Best Power cable pinout Closes https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/164 * INSTALL.nut: docs: clarify group ownership of directory in INSTALL.nut Closes https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/151 * docs/man/dummy-ups.txt: docs: dummy-ups repeater mode requires `@` in port name Also reworded parts of the man page. 2014-12-17 bsalvador <bruno.salvador@gmail.com> * drivers/solis.c: Update solis.c to force ScanReceivePack() 2014-12-12 Andy Juniper <ajuniper@freeuk.com> * clients/upslog.c, docs/man/upslog.txt: upslog: break out of sleep on SIGUSR1 and log immediately Reference: http://news.gmane.org /find-root.php?message_id=54863D44.3000902%40freeuk.com 2014-11-25 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: additional NHS models 2014-11-17 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: NHS Sistemas de Energia: Expert C Isolador series Source: http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?messag e_id=CADe06rfE5MA%3dyWDZzofPsC7TOgGOU4TRSoi67uMXedymA9L7ow%40mail.g mail.com 2014-11-07 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/subdriver/gen-snmp-subdriver.sh: Various minor fixes to the SNMP subdriver generator 2014-11-06 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/openups-hid.c: openups-hid: Fix scale factors for 0xd005 (0.4) Previous commit had extra scale factors applied. * drivers/openups-hid.c, drivers/openups-hid.h: openups-hid: voltage scale factors based on product IDs * drivers/openups-hid.c: openups-hid: remove a const; this will require more thought The USB matching routines should have their parameters marked as "const" to indicate that they do not modify the matching tables, but that will require more invasive changes. Roll this back for now. 2014-11-05 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/openups-hid.c: openups-hid: const and float/double fixups (0.2) * drivers/openups-hid.c: openups-hid: add USB ProductID d005 for OpenUPS2 2014-11-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * Makefile.am: Store the git start point as a variable For ChangeLog, we now store the git start point (older reference) in a separate variable, to make the process more clear 2014-10-31 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/download.txt: Update VMware ESXi package link (from René Garcia) 2014-10-29 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: upower: Update Belkin and Liebert rules Follow-up to issue #159. * drivers/belkin-hid.c, drivers/liebert-hid.c: usbhid-ups: comments describing Belkin/Liebert/Phoenixtec situation Follow-up to issue #159. * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Rucelf UPOII-3000-96-EL supported by blazer_ser Manufacturer: http://www.rucelf.ua/en/catalog/upoii-3000-96-el/ Closes: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/165 2014-10-28 Elio Parisi <E.Parisi@riello-ups.com> * drivers/riello_usb.c: riello_usb: explicitly claim USB interface Reference: http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=7731ed2f9 8014b8a90e695a06d077970%40AM3PR07MB289.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com and https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=738122 2014-10-20 Elio Parisi <E.Parisi@riello-ups.com> * drivers/riello_usb.c: riello_usb: timeouts and error handling (0.03) Small changes in riello_usb.c that solved some problem with managing transmission errors between the Raspberry Pi and Riello ups (thanks to Fredrik Öberg): introducing timeout in reading ups data in cypress_command; enhanced handling error codes http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=f5294e5579574bcbaf5c dd95523e0b68%40AM3PR07MB289.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com * drivers/riello_ser.c: riello_ser: enhanced handling error codes (0.03) 2014-10-20 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/.gitignore: docs: docinfo.xml is now auto-generated 2014-10-20 Nik Soggia <nut@niksoggia.it> * drivers/Makefile.am: missing -lm in drivers/Makefile.am Both bcmxcp and bcmxcp_usb use ldexp(), so both need `-lm`. http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=544515BA.4060804%40niksoggia.it 2014-10-10 Paul Chavent <paul.chavent@onera.fr> * drivers/belkin-hid.c: drivers : add Liebert GXT3 device. * drivers/main.c: drivers : fix possible memory leak. In arguments parsing, if user option is passed. 2014-09-30 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: increase passes in setvar_enum() Current 6 is not enough for bigger units - especially if we swap to the value directly preceeding the current setting. 2014-09-27 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * configure.ac, docs/Makefile.am, docs/docinfo.xml, docs/docinfo.xml.in: docs: add NUT version number/date in PDF documents Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/150 * docs/chunked.xsl, docs/common.xsl, docs/xhtml.xsl: docs: move DocBook options common to html stylesheets to common.xsl * docs/Makefile.am, docs/common.xsl: docs: add NUT version number/date into footer of HTML pages Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/150 2014-09-28 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/configure.txt: Clarify a bit more Avahi build requirements * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Don't reference subdir-object with $(top_srcdir) Replace references to objects in separate directories that were using $(top_srcdir) by the expanded version '../../'. The variable was otherwise part of the path, resulting in build failures. This completes commit f8abb9b Closes networkupstools/nut#155 * configure.ac: Explicitly use subdir-objects in automake init Closes networkupstools/nut#155 2014-09-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.ac, m4/nut_check_asciidoc.m4: Also check for source- highlight at configure time source-highlight is used for documentation generation. It's however optional, so we just check for the sake of completion 2014-09-27 Arnaud Quette <arno@arno-zbook15.euro.ad.etn.com> * docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/asciidoc.conf: Add NUT version number into footer of HTML man pages Override AsciiDoc default for footer-txt to include NUT version number into footer of HTML man pages. This commit addresses the 2nd point of networkupstools/nut#150 2014-09-26 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: set input.voltage.nominal back to 230V (0.30) Keeps the input.voltage and output.voltage scaling from 0.28 Discussion: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/8719 2014-09-26 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * conf/upsmon.conf.sample.in, docs/man/nut.conf.txt, docs/man/upsmon.conf.txt, docs/packager-guide.txt: Replace outdated references to shutdown.txt shutdown.txt was merged into config- notes.txt during the AsciiDoc conversion of the whole documentation and website. This content is now available in the docs/config- notes.txt file, section [[UPS_shutdown]] "Configuring automatic shutdowns for low battery events" * conf/upsmon.conf.sample.in: Fix default value of POWERDOWNFLAG POWERDOWNFLAG path changed from the hard-coded value /etc/killpower to the build-time generated @CONFPATH@/killpower. This resulted in an unexpected value '/etc/nut/killpower', at least on Debian. (reported by Laurent Bigonville) Closes networkupstools/nut#74 2014-09-25 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: nutdrv_qx: move to ltrim_m()/rtrim_m() functions * common/common.c, include/common.h: Add ltrim_m()/rtrim_m() functions to trim several chars at the same time Also, make ltrim() / rtrim() wrappers around ltrim_m() / rtrim_m(). * common/common.c: Make ltrim() modify the input string Also, always check string length in both ltrim() and rtrim(). Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/154 2014-09-25 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: sort Tripp Lite models by name, then increasing power I know this doesn't allow the cell merging code to do as much, but this should make it easier to find models. * data/driver.list.in: HCL: add Tripp Lite OMNIVSINT800 (tripplite_usb) Source: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/8713 * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: scale min/max voltages for SMART protocol (0.29) Observed in a dump file from driver version 0.11. Scale input.voltage.minimum and input.voltage.maximum the same way as other voltages. * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: fix voltage scaling for 240V/1001 (0.28) Reported by Dave Williams: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/8713 The input.voltage and output.voltage scaling for Protocol 1001 did not factor in the input_voltage_scaled value. 2014-09-24 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/python/app/nut-monitor.appdata.xml: Fix compliance of NUT- Monitor FreeDesktop AppData file Following the upstream update (by David Goncalves), update the screenshots width and height to conform to AppData specification: http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/appdata/ Closes networkupstools/nut#127 2014-05-18 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/genericups.c: genericups: log cable type overrides as they are parsed Fixes networkupstools/nut#28 Better than nothing, but without a unit to test against, I don't want to make any more intrusive changes. 2014-09-17 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/nut-qa.txt: Minor update and completion Use the new Debian package tracker URL and add Redhat / Fedora bug tracker 2014-09-15 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: add devices supported by nutdrv_qx - Fideltronik LUPUS 500 USB Protocol: 'megatec' USB subdriver: 'fabula' Reference: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2014-June/009059.html - FTUPS FT-1000BS(T) / Voltronic Power Apex 1KVA Protocol: 'voltronic-qs-hex' USB devices -> USB subdriver: 'cypress' - FTUPS FT-1000BS / Voltronic Power Imperial 1KVA Protocol: 'voltronic-qs' USB devices -> USB subdriver: 'cypress' 2014-07-11 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: nutdrv_qx: improve the USB matching procedure Consider also the iManufacturer/iProduct strings when checking devices (if subdriver is not specified) to assign the right subdriver in case the VID:PID couple is not specific enough. 2014-06-30 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: nutdrv_qx: add new 'fabula' USB subdriver Add a new USB subdriver ('fabula') to support models manufactured/rebranded by Fideltronik and accompained by UPSilon2000 software. Reference: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2014-June/009059.html 2014-09-03 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers /nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs-hex.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs- hex.h: nutdrv_qx: add Voltronic-QS-Hex subdriver (protocol =voltronic-qs-hex) A subdriver using a protocol, specific to UPSes manufactured by Voltronic Power, partially Hex-encoded (e.g. 'QS' reply) and supporting some megatec commands. * docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt: nutdrv_qx: update docs about added support for more complex UPS answers * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mecer.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mustek.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_q1.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_zinto.c: nutdrv_qx: add basic support for more complex UPS answers Add support (also in 'TESTING' mode) for '\0' chars in raw UPS answers and the ability to preprocess answers before anything else (e.g.: for CRC, decoding, ...). Increase verbosity of USB subdrivers and serial communication. Always print also the return code when dealing with an error. Update all subdrivers accordingly, bump versions. 2014-09-08 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/documentation.txt: docs: Add link to Roger Price's openSUSE writeup 2014-09-04 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: nutdrv_qx: prevent a vicious loop when unexpected answers happen If a 'QX_FLAG_QUICK_POLL' item gets an unexpected (non-empty) answer and, after returning from 'qx_ups_walk()', it is not followed by at least one item using a different 'command', the driver will loop endlessly using the same 'broken' answer instead of trying to get a new one from the UPS. To solve this issue, make sure to have an empty 'previous_item' when starting 'qx_ups_walk()'. Also, bail out of 'qx_ups_walk()' when a 'QX_FLAG_QUICK_POLL' item can't be preprocessed properly through 'ups_infoval_set()'. 2014-09-04 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/asem.txt: docs: recommend I2C bus name for asem driver 2014-09-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt: Fix typo error in nut-scanner doc The example network range scanned when using is actually to*7* not (i.e. not .128) as previously stated (reported by Evgeny 'Jim' Klimov) Closes networkupstools/nut#144 2014-09-02 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/belkin-hid.c: HCL: Belkin Regulator PRO-USB 050d:0f51 (0.17) https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/149 2014-08-22 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Mecer ME-100-WTU with blazer_usb USB VID:PID = 0665:5161 Tested by @silvec (Oliver Sauder) on NUT 2.6.3 Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/148 2014-08-19 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/documentation.txt: docs: update links for two articles 2014-08-17 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: nut-usbinfo: fix FreeBSD devd.conf to use $cdev * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: 95-upower-hid.rules: updated by nut-usbinfo.pl URL updated in previous commit. * tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: nut-usbinfo: change link from Alioth SVN to GitHub * scripts/udev/.gitignore: udev: ignore 62-nut-usbups.rules Follow- up commit to networkupstools/nut#140 2014-08-17 Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998@free.fr> * conf/Makefile.am: conf/: fix parallel install Do not reference the upsmon.conf.sample twice, otherwise install, with a high number of make jobs, may fail, like so: http://autobuild.buildroot.net/result s/256/2567e13cd5bc702bc3a38a1d6fc8e34022cc7db5/build-end.log --- This is not a rare occurence, as my testing managed to trigger the issue in about 1 test out of 10 on average, on a not-so-fast machine. 2014-08-16 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: nut-usbinfo: ignore *.orig files 2014-08-14 Émilien Kia <emilien.kia@gmail.com> * configure.ac, docs/man/Makefile.am, m4/nut_check_asciidoc.m4: Test presence of xmllint for manpages doc generation. * configure.ac, docs/man/Makefile.am, m4/nut_check_asciidoc.m4: Test presence of xsltproc for manpages doc generation. 2014-08-04 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/ups.conf.txt, drivers/libusb.c: Remove redundant usb_set_altinterface(), unless user requests it Adds flag/value to USB driver options. Closes networkupstools/nut#138 2014-08-09 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/blazer_usb.c, drivers/libusb.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/tripplite_usb.c, drivers/usb-common.h, drivers/usbhid- ups.c: libusb.c: consolidate USB-related addvar() calls * drivers/cps-hid.c: usbhid-ups (CPS): determine battery.voltage scale factor at runtime If the battery.voltage reading is greater than 1.4x battery.voltage.nominal, apply a scale factor of 2/3 to bring the voltage back in line. Closes networkupstools/nut#142 2014-08-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt: Fix typo error Fix a typo error on "-B" option (reported by Evgeny 'Jim' Klimov) 2014-08-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/python/Makefile.am: Distribute FreeDesktop AppData file for NUT Monitor FreeDesktop AppData file for NUT Monitor was not distributed, waiting for some approval 2014-08-01 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/udev/Makefile.am, scripts/udev/README: Fix USB permission issues related to Linux / udev Rename udev rules file to 62-nut- usbups.rules, to prevent NUT USB privileges from being overwritten Closes #140 * docs/cables.txt: Fix typo error on Eaton / MGE USB-RJ45 cable 2014-07-14 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/Aix/.gitignore: Ignore generated AIX spec file 2014-07-14 Giuseppe Corbelli <giuseppe.corbelli@copanitalia.com> * AUTHORS, docs/man/asem.txt: asem: additional documentation http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/6741 2014-07-13 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/upscli_get.txt: upscli_get(): mention SIGPIPE handling Closes: #132 * data/driver.list.in: HCL: distinguish between Tripp Lite old and new protocol 3005 2014-07-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/python/app/nut-monitor.appdata.xml: Complete FreeDesktop AppData file for NUT Monitor As per Richard Hughes comments, in #127, complete the description field 2014-07-12 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/Aix/nut-aix.spec.in: Minor adjustments as per Github comments * docs/configure.txt: Add missing documentation for configure option The new asem driver introduced --with-linux_i2c, for which documentation was missing in configure documentation 2014-07-11 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * NEWS, data/driver.list.in, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/asem.txt, docs/man/index.txt: asem: documentation 2014-07-07 Giuseppe Corbelli <giuseppe.corbelli@copanitalia.com> * configure.ac, data/driver.list.in, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/asem.c: Support for ASEM UPS on Linux/i2c Patch from http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/6723 Thread: http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=53A83FCB.1080808%40copanitalia.com Builds on Ubuntu 12.10 and 14.04; requires libi2c-dev 2014-07-05 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: fix typos in bin2d() and control_outlet() (0.27) * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: control_outlet() for protocol 3005 (0.26) * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: Additional 3005 protocol support (0.25) http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=CAFe iwyG8HCfg%2dQqxcwhnm1Yo0z0F0BLyOPCYX%2d4yMMFg8sB4QQ%40mail.gmail.co m * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: basic support for 3005 binary protocol (0.24) Based on logs from SMART500RT1U 2014-07-04 vesnn <metanoite@rambler.ru> * drivers/powercom.c: Update powercom.c Fix Powercom Imperial initialization for models since 2009 with USB interface. 2014-06-23 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/python/app/nut-monitor.appdata.xml: Create a FreeDesktop AppData file for NUT Monitor appData files provide to users long descriptions, screenshots and other useful information on application. This will mainly serve for Software Center like applications 2014-06-19 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Lacerda New Orion 800VA with blazer_usb http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=CANDysWwqgTUMYU03QbP T8JxEtLd38mvwfTMMhZqS%3d%2diGpdvJDA%40mail.gmail.com 2014-06-17 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: add APC-Microsol entry for solis * drivers/solis.c: solis: silence clang warnings about extra parentheses Since we're in the neighborhood (#133)... Typically, the idiom is either: if ( a == b ) for equality checking, or: if ( ( a = b ) ) for assignment with a comparison. * drivers/solis.c, drivers/solis.h: solis: eliminate fixed-length string buffer for model name The new APC model name overflows the buffer. (#133) 2014-06-16 bsalvador <bruno.salvador@gmail.com> * drivers/solis.c: Update on solis.c to add more support to Back-UPS 1200BR * drivers/solis.c: Update solis.c to support Microsol-APC Unit. Added support to Back-UPS 1200BR (Microsol-APC) unit. 2014-06-15 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/upscli_get.txt, docs/man/upscli_list_next.txt, docs/man/upscli_list_start.txt: docs: synchronize upscli_* numq/numa with header There were a few leftover signed int parameters in the man pages, but the headers and implementation use 'unsigned int'. Closes: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/131 * docs/man/solis.txt: docs: mention APC in Microsol driver man page * docs/man/apcsmart.txt: docs: point APC Microsol users from apcsmart to solis Also make some of the formatting and grammar self- consistent. * drivers/solis.c: solis: recognize APC BZ1200-BR and BZ2200BI-BR (0.62) Patch suggested by Bruno Salvador for BZ1200-BR, and also tested by Douglas A. Augusto on BZ2200BI-BR. Reference: * http://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/nobreak-bz1200-br-back- ups-rs-1200va-600w-bivolt-115-nt.20247/ * http://news.gmane.org /find-root.php?message_id=CACu22%2d3Nn2R%3dQQe9uy%5fPXHRduaPaFgCp2S w4ra57Ow2qDQcOJQ%40mail.gmail.com 2014-06-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/subdriver/gen-snmp-subdriver.sh: Inline documentation fixes 2014-06-03 george <rpubaddr0@gmail.com> * scripts/python/module/PyNUT.py: Fixed version description. * scripts/python/module/PyNUT.py: Added author information, bumped version. According to the semantic versioning scheme (http://semver.org/), adding features that do not break backwards compatibility with previous releases means that the minor version number should be incremented. * scripts/python/module/PyNUT.py: Change format of raise keyword. Fixes PyNUT Python 3 compatibility. * scripts/python/module/PyNUT.py: PyNUT: Create a custom exception class. This maintains backwards compatibility, and allows calling programs to use "except PyNUTError" instead of "except Exception" when using PyNUT methods. See https://wiki.python.org/moin/HandlingExceptions for more information. * scripts/python/module/PyNUT.py: Fix error when raising without an Exception. Raising without a valid exception is invalid: >>> raise Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: exceptions must be old-style classes or derived from BaseException, not NoneType >>> raise Exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> Exception Changing this to "raise Exception" fixes this problem. 2014-06-01 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/tripplite_usb.txt, drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: last tweaks, for now. Initialize bv_12V to a dummy value, since gcc can't see that it is used in the union of both conditionals where it is set. Also, align the documentation with the strange definition of empty used by the Tripp Lite state-of-charge approximation. * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: silence warning (0.23) Pedantic, to be sure, but someone might try the driver with a protocol not listed, and sure enough, bv_12V won't be initialized. * docs/man/tripplite_usb.txt, drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: expose battery_min/_max as variables (0.22) http://news.gmane.org /find- root.php?message_id=21370.36829.817425.464627%40godel.bruda.ca 2014-05-27 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: GRAFENTHAL PR-3000-HS supported by snmp- ups Tested with 2.6.5-3 (0.68) on Windows (IETF MIB 1.4). Some NUT variables are zero - further testing may be needed. Reference: http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=75FC7A5479BA4A4E8ADF 76BC3AD3E568581EC753%40MS03.MACLE.DE 2014-05-23 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: tripplite_usb: use dv/dq charge calculation for all models (0.21) 2014-05-20 Andrew Burdo <zeezooz@gmail.com> * drivers/powercom-hid.c: Add comments for some values. * drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Reuse variable. * drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Add default case. 2014-05-18 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: upower: regenerate rules file USB VID:PID = 10af:0004 This dependency graph makes my head spin. * configure.ac: configure.ac: version to for snapshots 2014-05-13 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/compaq-mib.c: compaq-mib: comment out no longer used items As per 31827d5faa86377efb7a92b7aec322cc4c7a275f 2014-05-03 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/download.txt: docs: add Void Linux in download/Binary packages Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/125 2014-05-03 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/Makefile.am: docs: add mge-usb-rj45.jpg to distribution 2014-05-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/images/cables/mge-usb-rj45.jpg: Add MGE information on USB- RJ45 cable The illustration matching the previous commit was still needed on the nut repository, and not on the nut-website on * docs/cables.txt: Add MGE information on USB-RJ45 cable These information were provided by MGE years ago, and were waiting for counter testing. Martin De Graaf - Loyer has now fixed this. Note that the matching illustration will be committed on the new nut- website repository 2014-04-29 Andrew Burdo <zeezooz@gmail.com> * drivers/powercom-hid.c, drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Bump versions. * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/usbhid-ups.txt: Update documentation. * drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Reconnect on interrupt read error. * drivers/libhid.c, drivers/libhid.h, drivers/powercom-hid.c, drivers /usbhid-ups.c: Reading from the interrupt pipe implies that you use INPUT flagged objects. * drivers/powercom-hid.c: Remove erroneous status. * drivers/powercom-hid.c: Comment non-compliant variables. 2014-04-17 Andrew Burdo <zeezooz@gmail.com> * drivers/libhid.c, drivers/libhid.h, drivers/powercom-hid.c, drivers /usbhid-ups.c: Add support for 0d9f:0001 (USB HID, Powercom). 2014-04-17 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * NEWS, UPGRADING, configure.ac: Update for release 2.7.2 Complete the release information for NUT 2.7.2 2014-04-07 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/compaq-mib.c: Fix erroneous status in HP/Compaq SNMP MIB Using the most recent HP firmware (1.76), erroneous on-battery status were reported. Also disable an erroneous low-battery definition (pointing nowhere), while waiting for actual improvements (report and patch from Philippe Andersson ; Closes networkupstools/nut#117) 2014-04-06 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/mge-xml.c: mge-xml: fix compile-time warnings, versioning 2014-04-05 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Numeric Digital 800 plus USB VID:PID = 0665:5161 Reference: networkupstools/nut#115 (blazer_usb @ 2.6.4; waiting for confirmation with nutdrv_qx) * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Eaton Powerware 3105 supported by bcmxcp_usb Closes networkupstools/nut#117 * data/driver.list.in, drivers/belkin-hid.c: usbhid-ups/belkin-hid: add support for Emerson Network Power Liebert PSI 1440 USB VID:PID = 10af:0004 http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/8479 2014-04-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/al175.c: Fix data format warnings on all architectures Complete commit 7daa0feb6ed4f1c29bfe14c8e491ba198a4ba643, and actually fix some of the warnings related data format. Also bump al175 driver revision * clients/Makefile.am: Update libupsclient library version information Following the recent export of libcommon functions in libupsclient, update the library version information to 4:0:0 2014-04-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/al175.c: Fix data format warnings Fix a few warnings related data format, in debug code * clients/Makefile.am: Add libnutclient library version information Add the missing LDFLAGS for adding version information 2014-03-21 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: [HCL] CABAC UPS-1700DV2 supported by blazer_usb Reported by jammin84 Closes #113 * clients/Makefile.am, common/Makefile.am: Link libupsclient with libcommon Fix undefined references related to functions of libcommon. This issue was reported on Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/731156 (patch from Matthias Klose ; Closes Github issue #73) 2014-03-18 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: [HCL] Digitus DN-170014 supported by richcomm_usb Reference: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail /nut-upsdev/2014-March/006695.html -or- http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=CADq9dvWMx0xBz9XXkVKXCre4ox%2d2kSeHtD7LW39eEDH1 RCY8sQ%40mail.gmail.com 2014-03-05 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * UPGRADING: Added note about --enable-option-checking=fatal Closes #99 (really) 2014-03-05 Émilien Kia <emilien.kia@gmail.com> * scripts/Aix/nut-aix.spec.in: Make web source path independant from specific version. * scripts/Aix/nut-aix.spec.in: Use configure-dependant variables instead of statically defined ones for user and group. * configure.ac: Use $target_cpu instead of calling uname to know cpu type. Fix crosscompilation. 2013-06-14 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * scripts/Aix/nut-aix.spec.in, scripts/Aix/nut.init: AIX: packaging & init script improvements (cherry picked from commit ce195e3a2eff1abbd8e192f4d3e278017d7ffb21) 2013-06-12 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * scripts/Aix/nut.init: Fixed client startup detection (cherry picked from commit 23df5e811cc9008bfa0a37bd174b59890a3760a6) * scripts/Aix/nut-aix.spec.in: Fixed AIX RPM specfile (cherry picked from commit 11ba37bf36dcda0398c8c62fab838dd00e54c5db) 2013-06-11 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * scripts/Aix/nut-aix.spec.in: Allow libneon-based XML driver & scanning for AIX (cherry picked from commit 4c2e89ec584b2015b22f4599d1571c26f2f94e3d) 2013-06-10 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * clients/Makefile.am: Fix of AIX-specific parseconf linking bug Added dummy do_upsconf_args to binaries that use libcommon to satisfy the linker. libcommon links libparseconf, which calls do_upsconf_args supplied from above as an implementation-specific routine. (cherry picked from commit 0078f9383d3a7af4f3edfed6c78de387a12c6b2b) 2013-04-25 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * clients/Makefile.am, clients/upsclient.c, configure.ac: linupsclient: NUT scanning on AIX bugfix 1/ A simmilar bug like in Solaris is in AIX itself---non-blocking connect may return -1 while errno == 0. Shall be treated as EINPROGRESS. 2/ Linking of libupsclent.so on AIX requires libcommon, otherwise scanning for NUT crashes with SIGSEGV on unresolved usplogx (cherry picked from commit 16177f99bc995852bb86d2183958f24f11993632) 2013-03-13 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * Makefile.am: AIX packages: make package does the trick (cherry picked from commit 1d25bd2868339decace5b3028c834746f2824670) 2013-03-12 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * scripts/Aix/nut-aix.spec.in, scripts/Aix/nut.init: AIX packaging: nut-client uninstal bugfix Packages clean uninstallation (lost/forgotten commit) (cherry picked from commit f6dd1aec5d2157a3ba3654621fa8e2ac88b060f9) 2013-03-08 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * clients/upsclient.c, configure.ac: Solaris/i386: non-blocking connect WA (cherry picked from commit d2b466b9ee5402074ccbf7f2967433350affdbcc) 2013-03-04 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * Makefile.am, configure.ac, scripts/Aix/nut-aix.spec.in, scripts/Aix/nut.init: AIX packaging AIX init script and RPM spec. file added (cherry picked from commit 3851525edcb417f96a5d1c12fb786b85095b54d4) 2014-03-03 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: various updates * Closes https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/107 * http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsdev/2013-November/006564.html * http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=50D9D460.1080408%40gmail.com * http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=CA%2b4duQ%3dppW%2 bPz%2bRVPVXJyFLj0HErh1ZOtm5tk8b6n5Nd5kSk0g%40mail.gmail.com * http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=528EC53C.9000801%40me.com * docs/nut-qa.txt: NUT QA document: updated and reworded * docs/nut-qa.txt: NUT QA document: CR->LF * docs/FAQ.txt: FAQ: minor updates Update the bestfortress entry, fix the mythicbeasts URL, and reword a few entries. 2014-02-13 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/upsimage.cgi.txt: upsimage.cgi(8): update GD homepage 2014-03-03 Émilien Kia <emilien.kia@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_qx.h: Detect if TRUE (and FALSE) are already defined and define bool_t accordingly. 2014-02-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * UPGRADING: Add a note on Hardware Abstraction Layer removal * INSTALL.nut, autogen.sh, configure.ac, docs/Makefile.am, docs/configure.txt, docs/developers.txt, docs/features.txt, docs/macros.txt, docs/new-drivers.txt, docs/nut-hal.txt, docs /packager-guide.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/dstate-hal.c, drivers/dstate-hal.h, drivers/main-hal.c, drivers/main-hal.h, m4/nut_check_libhal.m4, m4/nut_config_libhal.m4: Remove the remaining HAL files and references Remove the remaining build rules, source code and documentation related to the FreeDesktop Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) support. For the record, with this HAL implementation, NUT drivers were sending data over DBus (Closes: #99) 2014-02-24 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/blazer_usb.c, drivers/libusb.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/riello_usb.c, drivers/usbhid-ups.c: OpenBSD ports tree patches for EPROTO Closes networkupstools/nut#44 2014-02-26 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/README, scripts/hal/.gitignore, scripts/hal/Makefile.am, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Remove the generation of HAL support files Remove the code supporting the generation of HAL FDI file. This is the first commit of a set to address Github issue #99 * drivers/snmp-ups.c: Fix snmp-ups segmentation fault A basic sanity check was missing in the core code of snmp-ups, causing a driver crash under some specific circumstances, at driver initialisation time. Hence, this does not affect production systems * README, UPGRADING, docs/FAQ.txt, docs/config-notes.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/nut.in, scripts/Solaris/postinstall.in, scripts/Solaris/preremove.in, scripts/systemd/nut-driver.service.in, scripts/systemd/nutshutdown.in: Closes #96: Install upsdrvctl to $prefix/sbin Install upsdrvctl to $prefix/sbin rather than $driverexec. upsdrvctl has been historically standing beside the drivers. It now resides in the system binaries ($prefix/sbin) directory 2014-02-25 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-hid.c: Add improved support for Eaton 5P Add the necessary hooks to improve support for Eaton 5P range. This includes post-processing of the model name, along with handling rules for battery voltage (actual and nominal) 2014-02-19 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/Makefile.am, docs/chunked.xsl, docs/common.xsl, docs/xhtml.xsl: docs: prevent smartphones from being too smart (docbook) Add HTML <meta> tag to not auto-create telephone number links on mobile browsers also in docbook processed documents. Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/78 XSL files source: - https://github.com/asciidoc/asciidoc/blob/master /docbook-xsl/common.xsl - https://github.com/asciidoc/asciidoc/blob/master/docbook- xsl/xhtml.xsl - https://github.com/asciidoc/asciidoc/blob/master /docbook-xsl/chunked.xsl * docs/man/asciidoc.conf: docs: prevent smartphones from being too smart Add HTML <meta> tag to not auto-create telephone number links on mobile browsers. Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/78 2014-02-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/acknowledgements.txt: Update NUT team membership for Daniele Pezzini Daniele Pezzini is a now a NUT senior developer 2014-02-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/acknowledgements.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Formalizing the end of the relationship with Eaton The situation of the relationship with Eaton has evolved, and since 2011 Eaton does not support NUT anymore. This may still evolve in the future. But for now, please do not consider anymore that buying Eaton products will provide you with official support from Eaton, or a better level of device support in NUT. 2014-02-14 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * Makefile.am: devd: use staging directory for distcheck * drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/xppc-mib.c, drivers/xppc-mib.h: snmp-ups: add XPPC-MIB for Tripp Lite SU10KRT3/1X * scripts/subdriver/gen-snmp-subdriver.sh: gen-snmp-subdriver.sh: documentation updates 2014-02-10 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/subdriver/gen-snmp-subdriver.sh: gen-snmp-subdriver.sh: fix option typos * Use '-M' for MIB directories, to match snmpwalk and the help text. * Add space before '-c' in snmpwalk (not sure how this worked before) * scripts/Makefile.am: cosmetic: Indent scripts/Makefile.am EXTRA_DIST continuation lines * scripts/Makefile.am: Add gen-snmp-subdriver.sh to distribution tarball 2014-02-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/acknowledgements.txt: Update NUT team membership for Frédéric Bohe Frederic Bohe, NUT senior developer and Eaton contractor from 2009 to 2013, is now a retired member. Thanks for all the hard work on the Windows port, nut-scanner, Unix packaging, support, ... Also update the developers membership page, from Alioth to GitHub 2013-02-24 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * autogen.sh, configure.ac, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/devd/.gitignore, scripts/devd/Makefile.am, scripts/devd/README, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: FreeBSD: generate devd.conf files for USB UPSes This adds a --with-devd-dir=PATH option to ./configure, which defaults to /usr/local/etc/devd (or /etc/devd, whichever is found first). Unlike udev, there does not seem to be a way to re-trigger rules at runtime. This means you will likely need to unplug and replug your UPS after installing the new nut-usb.conf file. 2014-02-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * .gitignore, server/.gitignore: Minor completion to gitignore files Add a few more exotic targets, related to debug or official distribution 2014-02-11 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * .gitignore, clients/.gitignore, common/.gitignore, conf/.gitignore, data/.gitignore, data/html/.gitignore, docs/.gitignore, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/website/.gitignore, docs/website/scripts/.gitignore, drivers/.gitignore, include/.gitignore, lib/.gitignore, m4/.gitignore, scripts/.gitignore, scripts/HP-UX/.gitignore, scripts/Solaris/.gitignore, scripts/augeas/.gitignore, scripts/avahi/.gitignore, scripts/hal/.gitignore, scripts/hotplug/.gitignore, scripts/python/.gitignore, scripts/systemd/.gitignore, scripts/udev/.gitignore, scripts/ufw/.gitignore, server/.gitignore, tests/.gitignore, tools/.gitignore, tools/nut-scanner/.gitignore: Simplify gitignore files Remove redundancies and old/svn things. Limit the scope wherever it makes sense. Ignore all cscope files and test logs. Make ignoring generated files easier to maintain. 2014-02-11 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/libshut.c: libshut: partially revert PnP/RTS change Reported by Baruch Even. It is unclear how this will work after running nut-scanner, but it is more important to keep the drivers working. Reference: 65db105 / 2013-09-24T08:18:00Z!fredericbohe@eaton.com Closes: networkupstools/nut#91 2014-02-09 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt: nutdrv_qx: update manpage for the newly supported Voltronic Power P98 units * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mecer.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mecer.h: nutdrv_qx: improve support for '(ACK/(NAK' and Voltronic Power P98 UPSes In 'mecer' subdriver's claim function try to get protocol (QPI, for Voltronic Power devices) used by the UPS: - supported devices are Voltronic Power's P98 units - if the UPS doesn't support the QPI command, use its reply to identify whether it uses '(ACK\r'/'(NAK\r' replies This way we can catch '(ACK/(NAK' devices, while previously the 'mecer' subdriver was 'hidden' by the 'megatec' (echo back/'ACK/NAK') one. Plus Q1 units with 'ACK'/'NAK' replies or echoing back not supported and rejected commands are no longer wrongly 'claimed' by the 'mecer' subdriver. 2014-02-03 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/.gitignore, docs/Makefile.am, docs/documentation.txt: docs: build PDF also for cables.txt 2014-02-02 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * Makefile.am, configure.ac, docs/.gitignore, docs/Makefile.am, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/stable-hcl.txt, docs/user-manual.txt, docs/website/.gitignore, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/css/ie-overrides.css, docs/website/css/web-layout.css, docs/website/css/xhtml11-quirks.css, docs/website/css/xhtml11.css, docs/website/faviconut.ico, docs/website/faviconut.png, docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/old-news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt, docs/website/scripts/.gitignore, docs/website/scripts/filter_png.js, docs/website/scripts/jquery.js, docs/website/scripts/nut_jquery.js, docs/website/scripts/toc.js, docs/website/ups-protocols.txt, docs/website/web-layout.conf, docs/website/website.txt, tools/Makefile.am, tools/nut-hclinfo.py: website: move to a standalone website 2014-01-18 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/net-protocol.txt: docs: fix a couple of asciidoc errors in net-protocols.txt * server/netlist.c: net-protocol: fix closing line of LIST RANGE 2014-01-16 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_atcl_usb.c: nutdrv_atcl_usb: fix permissions-based crash, and enable vendor variable (1.1) 2014-01-13 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * .gitignore: Ignore cscope.out * docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/nutdrv_atcl_usb.txt, drivers/nutdrv_atcl_usb.c: nutdrv_atcl_usb: documentation and logging (v1.0) 2014-01-11 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/apc-mib.c: snmp-ups: APC SmartBoost and SmartTrim are OL SmartBoost and SmartTrim are voltage regulation functions that prevent the UPS from using the battery during brownouts and overvoltages, so the BOOST and TRIM states are also mapped to OL. Reference: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/6583 * data/driver.list.in: [HCL] MicroDowell B.Box LP 500: genericups type 7 Closes networkupstools/nut#83 From @lxp: UPS shutdown only works when on-battery and has a delay of about 1min until execution (something between 50sec to 1min 30sec on mine). References: http://www.ezdirect.it/pdf/lp500.pdf https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-730172-start-0.html 2014-01-11 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/blazer_ser.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c: blazer: fix man page references 2014-01-11 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutdrv_atcl_usb.txt, drivers/nutdrv_atcl_usb.c: nutdrv_atcl: match iManufacturer (vendor) string * docs/man/snmp-ups.txt: snmp-ups: update and edit documentation 2014-01-11 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: add Atlantis Land/Voltronic Power units supported by nutdrv_qx * drivers/nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_blazer- common.h: nutdrv_qx: fix nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.{c,h} header comments * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt, docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt: nutdrv_qx: update manuals for new 'voltronic-qs' subdriver 2013-12-05 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers /nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic-qs.h: nutdrv_qx: add Voltronic-QS subdriver (nutdrv_qx protocol =voltronic-qs) A subdriver using a protocol, specific to UPSes manufactured by Voltronic Power, based on the 'mustek' one (i.e. 'QS'). 2014-01-01 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/nutdrv_atcl_usb.c: nutdrv_atcl_usb: adjusted logging and retries (v0.02) * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nutdrv_atcl_usb.txt: nutdrv_atcl_usb: man page and HCL entries 2013-12-31 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/.gitignore, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/nutdrv_atcl_usb.c, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: nutdrv_atcl_usb: 'ATCL FOR UPS' new driver Reference: http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=%3c52B4C54E.1050106%40ariwainer.com.ar%3e * drivers/libusb.c, drivers/usb-common.h: Move USB_TIMEOUT to usb- common.h 2013-12-31 Laurent Bigonville <bigon@bigon.be> * .gitignore, INSTALL, INSTALL.nut, Makefile.am, docs/FAQ.txt, docs/Makefile.am, docs/configure.txt, docs/packager-guide.txt, docs /user-manual.txt: Rename INSTALL to INSTALL.nut Rename it to INSTALL.nut so autoreconf will not try to overwrite it. In Debian tools like dh_autoreconf calls autoreconf with -f which overwrite the INSTALL file. 2013-12-27 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/subdriver/gen-usbhid-subdriver.sh: usbhid-ups: fix call to is_usb_device_supported() The is_usb_device_supported() function now takes a USBDevice_t* instead of a pair of USB ID values. 2013-12-22 Florian Bruhin <nut@the-compiler.org> * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/powercom.txt, drivers/powercom.c: Add OptiUPS VS 575C support to PowerCom Reference: http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=%3c20131126085646.GM28832%40lupin%3e 2013-12-11 Denis Yantarev <denis.yantarev@gmail.com> * drivers/blazer_usb.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: Fixed incorrectly reported Ippon response length 2013-11-30 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers /nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mustek.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_q1.c: nutdrv_qx: fix 'megatec/old' and 'mustek' subdrivers' claim functions Address, for 'megatec/old' and 'mustek' subdrivers, the same problem fixed in commit 720975f4de910b270ba705a7f2981c2ee33ca2eb for Q1-based ones: - Make the claim function of 'megatec/old' and 'mustek' subdrivers not poll the UPS for 'vendor' informations as they are not really needed to set these protocols apart from the other ones (i.e. the 'status' poll is specific enough, at the time of writing). - Move common 'light' claim function to nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.{c,h}. - Update manual. - Versioning. 2013-11-24 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt: nutdrv_qx: improve developer manual Get rid of useless tables. Fix minor errors/typos. * drivers/nutdrv_qx.c: nutdrv_qx: versioning * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt, docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt: nutdrv_qx: update manuals for new Q1 subdriver and improve readability 2013-11-23 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_q1.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_q1.h: nutdrv_qx: add new 'fallback' Q1 subdriver Add new 'Q1' subdriver. This subdriver implements the same protocol as the one used by the 'megatec' subdriver minus the vendor (I) and ratings (F) queries. In the claim function: - it doesn't even try to get 'vendor' informations (I) - it checks only status (Q1), through 'input.voltage' variable Therefore it should be able to work even if the UPS doesn't support vendor/ratings *and* the user doesn't use the 'novendor'/'norating' flags, as long as: - the UPS replies a Q1-compliant answer (i.e. not necessary filled with all of the Q1-required data, but at least of the right length and with not available data filled with some replacement character) - the UPS reports a valid input.voltage (used in the claim function) - the UPS reports valid status bits (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th are the mandatory ones) This commit reintroduces a functionality of the blazer subdrivers that was lost because now, in order to tell whether a device is supported by a subdriver or not, if the user doesn't call the driver with the 'novendor' flag, both the status (Q1) and the vendor (I/FW?) queries are needed (that's to better discern the subdrivers). Reference: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2013-November/008692.html 2013-11-23 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * configure.ac, configure.in: Rename configure.in to configure.ac autoconf has been warning about this for a while - let's fix it before too many branches get created with the old name. * configure.in: configure.in: bump version to Some packaging systems don't like the -pre# system. 2013-11-21 Laurent Bigonville <bigon@bigon.be> * docs/man/ups.conf.txt, docs/man/upsdrvctl.txt, drivers/upsdrvctl.c: Provide retry options for upsdrvctl and driver(s) As recently seen in Debian (bugs #694717 and #677143), it may be required to have upsdrvctl retrying to start the driver in case of failure. More specifically, a mix of init system (V and systemd), udev and USB device(s) can result in the /dev entry not being available at driver startup, thus resulting in a general failure to start NUT. This commit provides at least a way to overcome this issue. A more suitable solution will require more work on NUT design. This patch if based on Arnaud Quette proposal 2013-11-20 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * Makefile.am: Maintainers targets: distribution signature / hashes Create some handy targets to ease and automate release publication 2013-11-19 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * configure.in: configure: update version to 2.7.1 * docs/website/news.txt: news: add 2.7.1 release * Makefile.am: ChangeLog: use full path to generator script * docs/website/projects.txt: website: update related project links 2013-11-18 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * NEWS: Minor reordering of the news 2013-11-18 Kirill Smelkov <kirr@mns.spb.ru> * MAINTAINERS, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/al175.txt, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nutupsdrv.txt, docs/new-drivers.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/al175.c: al175: updated driver, please restore it Back in 2005 I was young and idealistic, that's why you finally marked al175 as 'broken', but now I understand your points (some) and that in NUT you need good portability. So this time I've checked that al175 compiles with CC="gcc -std=c89 -pedantic", and CC="gcc -std=c99 -pedantic" Also, I've tried to clean-up the driver based on feedback from 2009, but unfortunately I no longer have hardware to test and will not have any in foreseable future, so the driver was reworked to meet the project code quality criteria, without testing on real hardware. Some bugs may have crept in. Changes since last posting in 2009: - patch rebased on top of current master (v2.6.5-400-g214c442); - added reference to COMLI communication protocol document; - status decode errors go to log, instead of setting non-conformant status like "?T", "?OOST", etc. For such errors new loglevel is allocated; - "High Battery" status is back; - converted tracing macros to direct use of upsdebugx and numbers 1,2,3,4 for loglevels as requested (but now lines got longer because of explicit __func__ usage); - lowered usage of other macros (e.g. REVERSE_BITS inlined); - alarm(3) is not used anymore - instead whole I/O transaction time budget is maintained manually; - man page converted to asciidoc and supported variables list is merged into it; - upsdebug_ascii moved to common.c and to separate patch. ~~~~ Changes since al175 was removed from NUT tree in 2008: - alloca was eliminated through the help of automatic variables - debugging/tracing were reworked to (almost always) use NUT builtins - al175 now uses 3 debug levels for (1=user-level info, 2=protocol debugging, 3=I/O tracing) - rechecked http://eu1.networkupstools.org/doc/2.2.0/developers.html and applied where apporpiate Also > This driver does not support upsdrv_shutdown(), which makes > it not very useful in a real world application. This alone > warrants 'experimental' status, but for the below mentioned > reasons (to name a few), it's flagged 'broken' instead. Yes, at present shutdown is not supported, and unfortunately now I don't have AL175 hardware at hand, so that I can't write it and verify the implementation. I've marked the driver as DRV_EXPERIMENTAL, although it was tested by us as part of our systems to work OK for more than three years in production environment on ships (and we don't need shutdown there -- in critical situations the system has to operate as long as possible, untill the battery is empty) Also, all of the previous issues listed below are now fixed in this al175 version: - ‘return’ with a value, in function returning void (2x) - anonymous variadic macros were introduced in C99 - C++ style comments are not allowed in ISO C90 - ISO C forbids braced-groups within expressions (5x) - ISO C90 forbids specifying subobject to initialize (16x) - ISO C99 requires rest arguments to be used (18x) Yes, "All the world is not an x86 Linux box," and I've tried to make all the world happy. Please apply. Thanks, Kirill. * common/common.c, docs/developers.txt, include/common.h: common: upsdebug_ascii() - to dump a message in ascii For debugging ASCII- based protocols with control characters (e.g. COMLI) it is handy to dump messages not in hex, but in ascii with human readable codes. Add utility function to do it. 2013-11-17 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/.gitignore, drivers/.gitignore: apcupsd-ups: ignore generated files * drivers/apcupsd-ups.c: apcupsd-ups: fix cut-n-paste error * drivers/apcupsd-ups.c: apcupsd-ups 0.04: use O_NONBLOCK instead of FIONBIO * NEWS, docs/man/index.txt: apcupsd-ups: add NEWS and man page link * UPGRADING: Mention upsrw output change. * docs/man/nut-recorder.txt: Reword nut-recorder man page * UPGRADING: UPGRADING: link to man pages for changed drivers * configure.in: Bump version to 2.7.1-pre2 * NEWS, UPGRADING: Update NEWS and UPGRADING for 2.7.1 Closes: networkupstools#37 * data/driver.list.in: HCL: StarPower PCF-800VA Reported by Don. Reference: http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id=%3cCAPO%2 bLDnApF3ALNfp%5fwaVpHqSuJ9sajKCKXPXLLsAWUWww7Of%3dw%40mail.gmail.co m%3e * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Atlantis Land A03-P551(V1.2) supported by blazer_usb Reported by Giovanni Panozzo. Reference: http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=%3c51B76B0C.1080109%40panozzo.it%3e Note that blazer_usb will eventually be replaced by nutdrv_qx. * clients/nutclient.h, clients/upsclient.c, conf/upsmon.conf.sample.in, configure.in, docs/FAQ.txt, docs/man/libnutclient.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_general.txt, docs/man/upsmon.conf.txt, docs/security.txt, drivers/powerman- pdu.c, server/netssl.c: Replace 'connexion' with 'connection' in English contexts Also reworded a few phrases surrounding the replacements. * docs/man/.gitignore: asciidoc: ignore all generated blazer*.html files * data/driver.list.in: HCL: update CyberPower entries, including CP900AVR Reported by Craig Duttweiler Reference: http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=%3c51295F86.4080601%40twistedsanity.net%3e * docs/stable-hcl.txt: GitHub issues can also be used to report HCL updates * docs/website/projects.txt: Update links to related projects * docs/download.txt: Update download page * Re-added link to Buildbot snapshot generator * Updated a few links 2013-11-13 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/.gitignore, drivers/.gitignore: Add nutdrv_qx to .gitignore files and remove voltronic from them 2013-11-12 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/Makefile.am: a2x: use --destination-dir This option seems to work now. Previously, Asciidoc source files were copied to the destination directory, but this did not account for included files. 2013-11-12 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt: nutdrv_qx: fix cross links in manpage Remove links to voltronic manuals. Fix links to blazer manuals. 2013-11-12 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * .gitignore: git: ignore test-driver, and sort ignores list test- driver is apparently part of automake, generated for libcpp unit tests. 2013-11-10 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/Makefile.am: Include blazer-common.txt in built tarball 2013-11-10 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * clients/upsrw.c: upsrw: publish also the maximum length of STRING rw variables 2013-11-09 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/website/scripts/nut_jquery.js: HCL: Improve readability of nut_jquery.js * docs/website/scripts/nut_jquery.js: HCL: make support-level filter show items with a 'higher or equal' level Reference: https://githu b.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/48#issuecomment-28134135 * data/driver.list.in: nutdrv_qx: readd HCL's items lost with the revert of the voltronic merge * data/driver.list.in: nutdrv_qx: remove superfluous indications from the HCL * data/driver.list.in, docs/Makefile.am, docs/blzr-subdrivers.txt, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/blzr.txt, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nutdrv_qx.txt, docs/man/nutupsdrv.txt, docs/new- drivers.txt, docs/nutdrv_qx-subdrivers.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/blzr.c, drivers/blzr.h, drivers/blzr_blazer-common.c, drivers/blzr_blazer-common.h, drivers/blzr_mecer.c, drivers/blzr_mecer.h, drivers/blzr_megatec-old.c, drivers /blzr_megatec-old.h, drivers/blzr_megatec.c, drivers/blzr_megatec.h, drivers/blzr_mustek.c, drivers/blzr_mustek.h, drivers/blzr_voltronic.c, drivers/blzr_voltronic.h, drivers/blzr_zinto.c, drivers/blzr_zinto.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_blazer-common.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_blazer- common.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mecer.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mecer.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec-old.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_megatec.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mustek.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_mustek.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_voltronic.h, drivers/nutdrv_qx_zinto.c, drivers/nutdrv_qx_zinto.h, tools/nut- usbinfo.pl: nutdrv_qx: rename 'blzr' driver to 'nutdrv_qx' Reference: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsdev/2013-November/006555.html * docs/stable-hcl.txt, docs/website/css/web-layout.css: Address Issue #48 (text-based browsers) Reference: https://github.com/networkups tools/nut/issues/48#issuecomment-28107101 2013-11-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/projects.txt: Cleanup NUT related projects 2013-10-25 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/blazer.c: blazer: Support UPSes that reply '(ACK' when an instant command succeeds * drivers/blazer.c: blazer: Fix a discrepancy in the handling of instant commands Check if the reply we got back from the UPS is 'ACK' also for the commands stored in the array. 2013-10-17 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/blazer-common.txt: blazer: Cosmetic changes * drivers/blazer_ser.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c: blazer: Fix blazer_{ser,usb} + TESTING Those things are useless when TESTING is defined * docs/man/blazer-common.txt: blazer: Fix user manuals {Serial,USB}-specific sections belong to 'Extra arguments' section * drivers/blazer_ser.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c: blazer: Versioning * drivers/blazer.c: blazer: Add more log infos in instcmd 2013-10-16 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/blazer-common.txt, docs/man/blazer.txt, docs/man/blazer_ser.txt, docs/man/blazer_usb.txt, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nutupsdrv.txt: blazer: Fix {usb,ser} manual Split the old blazer manual in two manuals named after their executables with a common source. * docs/man/blazer.txt: blazer: Fix user manual Fix minor errors Add ranges Fix test.battery.start (i.e. minutes instead of seconds) * drivers/blazer.c: blazer: Fix shutdown sequence Split stop pending shutdown and shutdown itself so that if we have problems stopping the shutdown (e.g. there's no shutdown pending and the UPS, because of that, echoes back the command) we can still shutdown the UPS. * drivers/blazer.c: blazer: Fix minor error in battery guesstimation We need both battery.voltage.low and battery.voltage.high to 'guesstimate' the battery charge * drivers/blazer.c: blazer: Fix test.battery.start T00 doesn't make any sense: the range should be 01-99 minutes * drivers/blazer.c: blazer: Fix shutdown.return 'SnR0000' is meant to put the UPS down and not return 'Sn' should be used instead when ondelay is 0 * drivers/blazer.c: blazer: Fix shutdown delay 'offdelay' as used by this driver is meant to be in the .2-.9 (12..54 seconds) and 01-10 (60..600 seconds) range. 2013-11-03 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/voltronic_ser.txt, docs/man/voltronic_usb.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/voltronic.c, drivers/voltronic.h, drivers/voltronic_ser.c, drivers/voltronic_usb.c, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Revert "Merge branch 'voltronic-driver'" This reverts commit de07fc7f5e7f68b91507b2bf3d4d3b92b774c3ed, reversing changes made to a074844f88ca352780dd881b5fa3c435832d165e. The voltronic funtionality will be a subdriver of the new blazer driver. 2013-11-04 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/blzr_voltronic.c: blzr: Fix log message * drivers/blzr_voltronic.c: blzr: Fix compile-time error Reference: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsdev/2013-November/006549.html 2013-10-25 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/blzr.c: blzr: Cosmetic changes * drivers/blzr_megatec-old.c, drivers/blzr_megatec.c, drivers/blzr_mustek.c, drivers/blzr_zinto.c: blzr: Remove duplicates in the testing struct 2013-11-04 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/blzr_blazer-common.c, drivers/blzr_blazer-common.h: blzr: Fix blzr_blazer-common.{c,h} header comments 2013-10-25 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/blzr-subdrivers.txt, docs/man/blzr.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/blzr.c, drivers/blzr_mecer.c, drivers/blzr_mecer.h: blzr: Add Mecer subdiver (blzr protocol=mecer) A subdriver covering an idiom similar to the one used by the megatec subdriver, but with these peculiarities: - if a command/query is rejected or invalid, the UPS will reply '(NAK\r' - if a command succeeds, the UPS will reply '(ACK\r' 2013-10-17 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/blzr-subdrivers.txt: blzr: Improve developer manual Add note on how to group items in blzr2nut array. * drivers/blzr_voltronic.c: blzr: Fix switch/case Forgot to break at the end of the case * docs/man/blzr.txt, drivers/blzr.c, drivers/blzr_voltronic.c: blzr: Cosmetic changes 2013-10-16 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in, docs/Makefile.am, docs/blzr-subdrivers.txt, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/blzr.txt, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nutupsdrv.txt, docs/new-drivers.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/blzr.c, drivers/blzr.h, drivers/blzr_blazer-common.c, drivers/blzr_blazer-common.h, drivers/blzr_megatec-old.c, drivers /blzr_megatec-old.h, drivers/blzr_megatec.c, drivers/blzr_megatec.h, drivers/blzr_mustek.c, drivers/blzr_mustek.h, drivers/blzr_voltronic.c, drivers/blzr_voltronic.h, drivers/blzr_zinto.c, drivers/blzr_zinto.h, drivers/dstate-hal.c, drivers/dstate-hal.h, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: blzr: New driver 'blzr' New driver for Q* UPSes. Based on blazer, usbhid-ups and voltronic driver. This might address Issue #25 2013-11-04 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * include/Makefile.am: nut_include.h: fail gracefully if git fails Fix proposed by Jim Klimov. 2013-11-03 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/stable-hcl.txt: HCL: typos * data/driver.list.in, docs/stable-hcl.txt: HCL: minor cleanup Remove a duplicate Tripp Lite entry, and add a missing "a". * docs/stable-hcl.txt: HCL documentation: reword * data/driver.list.in, docs/acknowledgements.txt: HCL: incorporate Tripp Lite test results Source: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/8173 * docs/Makefile.am, docs/website/Makefile.am: HCL: additional dependencies Apparently still not complete, though. * docs/website/scripts/nut_jquery.js: HCL JavaScript: make key case- insensitive Also special-case the spelling change for Tripp Lite. TODO: make the value matching case-insensitive as well. * docs/website/scripts/nut_jquery.js: HCL JavaScript: update the USB- matching code Slightly more accurate, but later on we should really track the connection type as a first-class attribute for each entry in the HCL. Matching the driver name is brittle. * docs/website/scripts/nut_jquery.js, tools/nut-hclinfo.py: HCL generation: don't combine driver names The Python and JavaScript code for generating the HCL was combining adjacent drivers even when the support level was different. This clutters up the driver list a bit, but presents a more accurate picture of support levels. 2013-10-28 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * docs/man/apcsmart.txt: apcsmart: minor man update A short note about availabilty of apcsmart-old. * docs/man/apcsmart.txt, drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: string/comment/text trivial changes 2013-10-27 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.c: [nut-scanner] Remove unused variable 2013-10-18 Vaclav Krpec <VaclavKrpec@Eaton.com> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan- device.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-display.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_nut.c: Nutscan fix and enhancement Closes #60 (GitHub Pull Request via fbohe) * docs/man/netxml-ups.txt, drivers/mge-xml.c, drivers/mge-xml.h, drivers/netxml-ups.c: netxml: added RW access, fixed FSD/shutdown duration bugs, etc. * Fixed bugs in resolution of FSD condition and computation of shutdown duration. * Added System.* UPS variables. * Enabled RW access to appropriate UPS variables. * Added UPS veriables value convertors. * Added support for XML protocol v3 {GET|SET}_OBJECT query implementing getvar and setvar routines. * netxml driver man page updated to include info about the driver-specific configuration parameters. Closes #59 (GitHub pull request: "Enhancement for netxml driver") Pull request by: Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * clients/upsc.c, clients/upscmd.c, clients/upslog.c, clients/upsrw.c: Fix AIX linkage of do_upsconf_args() Closes #58 (GitHub pull request "Fix AIX build") (cherry picked from commit 5fc7518f97d2738d791c3c77f2257d05e3a9da3b) 2013-10-26 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * configure.in: Define _REENTRANT for all Solaris and AIX platforms. This is essentially the final commit in pull request #39. 2013-10-24 Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * drivers/mge-hid.c: Fix wrong OFF status reported when on battery. UPS.BatterySystem.Charger.PresentStatus.Used is not related to UPS outputs being on or off but rather to the charger being on or off. 2013-10-16 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * scripts/python/Makefile.am, scripts/python/app/gui-1.3.glade, .../app/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/NUT-Monitor.mo, scripts/python/app/locale/it/it.po, scripts/python/app/nut- monitor.desktop: Add italian translation * scripts/python/app/locale/fr/fr.po: Add source of french translation * scripts/python/app/gui-1.3.glade.h, scripts/python/app/locale/NUT- Monitor.pot: Add translation sources 2013-10-16 Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * drivers/powerware-mib.c, drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h: Fix Low Battery detection with ConnectUPS cards The low battery OID itself cannot be read directly. Low battery alarms OID appears in an alarm array. 2013-10-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: [HCL] Add support for Eaton 5S Add Eaton 5S (USB ID 0x0463:0xffff) to the list of usbhid-ups supported models (reported by Matt Ivie) 2013-10-02 Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * data/driver.list.in: [HCL] update Eaton UPS 2013-09-30 Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * drivers/libshut.c: Increment driver revision 2013-09-28 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Fix handling of date and time format The date and time bytes are packed BCD, so it must be properly decoded. The check for the Julian or Month:Day format was wrong Info on format taken from http://old.networkupstools.org/protocols/eaton/XC P_Rev_C1_Public_021309.pdf * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for some more meters and one more command Add mapping for PW_SET_TIME_AND_DATE command. Add mapping for input.bypass.voltage, input.bypass.L1-N.voltage, input.bypass.L2-N.voltage, input.bypass.L3-N.voltage. Add mapping for input.bypass.frequency. Add mapping for ups.power.nominal if provided as meter, it was previously only set on init. Change mapping for ups.realpower for single phase. Tested on Eaton PW9130. * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Remove newline on debug output for outlets 2013-09-24 Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * drivers/libshut.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_eaton_serial.c: Change RTS init level for PnP devices Setting RTS line to 1 disturbs communication with some devices using serial plug and play feature. So we need to initialize it to 0. 2013-09-07 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add support for Forza FX-1500LCD Add Forza FX-1500LCD (USB ID 0x0665:0x5161) to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Gabor Tjong A Hung) * data/driver.list.in: Add Schneider APC AP9630 SNMP management card Add Schneider APC AP9630 SNMP management card to the list of snmp- ups supported models. Note that it requires the option "privProtocol=AES" to work (reported by Tim Rice) * drivers/.gitignore: Git ignore drivers/voltronic_{ser,usb} Add drivers/voltronic_{ser,usb} to the list of Git ignored files 2013-08-28 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * packaging/RedHat/.gitignore, packaging/debian/.gitignore, packaging/mandriva/.gitignore, packaging/opensuse/.gitignore: Remove .gitignore files from long-gone packaging directory. 2013-08-28 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/website/css/web-layout.css: Improve CSS readability * docs/stable-hcl.txt, docs/website/css/web-layout.css: Address Issue #48 Move legend out of filters' block. (HTML+CSS) 2013-08-10 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Add instcmd for system test capabilities based on what UPS support 2013-08-09 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Code restructure, declare variables at top of method After re-reading code style, compiled with -pedantic, and got some warnings, so moved variable declarations to the top of methods * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp_io.h, drivers/bcmxcp_ser.c, drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c: bcmxcp: Reformat code, remove tabs in the middle of lines. No code changes After re-reading the developer code style guide, use spaces and not tabs in the middle of lines to align text * drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Reformat code, remove tabs in the middle of lines. No code changes After re-reading the developer code style guide, use spaces and not tabs in the middle of lines to align text * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Refactor code, use if-else if rather than 4 if statements 2013-08-08 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Add parameter to nut_find_infoval to control debug output We do not want debug output if nut_find_infoval does not find a mapped value in all cases. For example, when a command byte is not mapped to a instcmd, we do not want debug output. * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Remove PW_UPDATE_POWER_SOURCE_STATUS_COMMAND, it seems very unlikely to be used * drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Cosmetic changes constant definitions. No code changes. * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Use command map to control which instcmd are supported Use the command map info retrieved from UPS to list all commands supported by the UPS at debug level 2. Use the info from command map to set up which instcmd the UPS supports. * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Use info_lkp_t structure for mapping topology info Make code simpler by using the info_lkp_t structure for mapping value from topology block to text presented to user as ups.description * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Cosmetic commentary fixes and remove some empty lines. No code changes * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Output unsupported alarms on debug level 3, not level 2 The supported alarms in alarm map is outputted at debug level 2. The unsupported alarms should be outputted at debug level 3, it is not that interesting. Also remove debug outputted empty line after table heading line for meter map and alarm map. * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Refactor code for setting which alarms are supported, to avoid code duplication Refactor the code which checks the alarm map for supported alarms, by making a new method which checks the alarm bit to see if the alarm is supported. * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Only include ups.serial and device.part if they have a value Only set info about ups.serial and device.part if the UPS actually report useful info for these. Remove the handling of space characters as meaning string termination for ups.serial, this is not done for part number, and according to bcmxcp spec are these both 16 byte ascii text messages. Move Nominal output frequence handling up, placing it just below Nominal output voltage 2013-08-04 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/voltronic_ser.txt, docs/man/voltronic_usb.txt: voltronic* documentation updates - Add to man page index - Reword a few sections - Fix typos - Comment out USB section in voltronic_ser.txt Long-term, we should probably figure out a better way to maintain two parallel driver pages like this. The blazer man page is the same for both, with .so links for the man pages, but then you have USB info in a serial driver page. For now, voltronic_usb.txt is just a copy of voltronic_ser.txt with a few _ser-to-_usb replacements. 2013-08-01 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/voltronic.c: Get rid of 'god.knows' variables 2013-07-26 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/powercom-hid.c: Forgotten subdriver version bump 2013-07-25 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/upsc.txt, docs/man/upscmd.txt, docs/man/upsrw.txt: Complete upsclient commands usage note Add a note for scripting usage, for upsc, upscmd and upsrw, to state the obvious: only consider the output from stdout for data requested. stderr may contain error messages, which can disrupt your script execution. Address the second task and closes Github issue #30 * clients/upsclient.c: Fix a minor regression in upsclient output NSS support has introduced a minor regression in upsclient output. Clients such as upsc, upscmd and upsrw were particularly affected. This patch restores a default behavior similar to prior versions. However, "-v" option remains to be implemented. Address the first task of Github issue #30 2013-07-24 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Add GitHub link to website sidebar 2013-07-24 Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * configure.in: Fix wrong errno reported by connect on Solaris Closes issue #43 * clients/upsclient.c: Fix connect in multi-threaded environnement on AIX Closes issue #42 2013-07-23 Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * clients/upsclient.c: Fix nut-scanner crash on nut server scan, upscli_sslinit calls upscli_readline which might calls upscli_disconnect in case of error. upscli_disconnect frees ups->host and set it to NULL, so it is illegal to use ups->host after a call to upscli_sslinit. 2013-07-23 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * clients/Makefile.am: Revert "Fix connect in multi-thread environnement on Solaris" This reverts the previous commit. It overwrites the CFLAGS which specifies one of the key include directories. 2013-07-23 Frédéric BOHE <fredericbohe@eaton.com> * clients/Makefile.am: Fix connect in multi-thread environnement on Solaris * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan- device.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_eaton_serial.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_nut.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: [nut- scanner] Make sure to return the first device of the list. 2013-07-22 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/download.txt: Download information: reference Git * configure.in: Bump NUT version to 2.7.1-pre1 2013-07-21 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * include/Makefile.am: nut_version.h: trim tag characters through first slash 2013-04-27 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * include/Makefile.am: nut_version.h: remove SVN plumbing This should eliminate the "Unversioned directory" message. The source of the version information is also listed in nut_version.h Closes Github issue #15 2013-07-16 Sven Putteneers <sven.putteneers@gmail.com> * scripts/python/app/NUT-Monitor: NUT-Monitor: parse battery.runtime as float Without this patch, I get a flood of "Invalid literal for int with base 10: '28500.00" errors. http://news.gmane.org/find- root.php?message_id=%3c51E54B99.9030908%40gmail.com%3e 2013-07-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt: Reference walNUT Gnome Shell extension 2013-07-09 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/riello_ser.c, drivers/riello_usb.c: riello: suppress some warnings about %lu versus %u 2013-07-09 Elio Parisi <E.Parisi@riello-ups.com> * drivers/riello.h, drivers/riello_ser.c, drivers/riello_usb.c: riello: whitespace fixes, and read nominal values only once Bumped driver versions to 0.02 2013-07-07 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add support for reading topology map and setting ups.description based on it * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Initialize variables in calculate_ups_load method * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Output more info hardware capabilities in debug mode Add some more debug output on driver init, to let us know what the hardware support. Outputs length of alarm history log, topology block length and maximum supported command length. * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for input.quality to meters * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Add Alf Høgemark as one of the authors for the driver * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Only calculate ups.load if the UPS does not report it directly If the UPS does not report a meter mapped to ups.load, we try to calculate the ups.load, but we do not calculate it if the UPS can report the ups.load directly * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Use defined constants in setvar, and handle BCMXCP_RETURN_ACCEPTED_PARAMETER_ADJUST Use the defined constants from header file, instead of magic numbers in setvar method. Add handling of BCMXCP_RETURN_ACCEPTED_PARAMETER_ADJUST. Report upsdrv_comm_good on successful execution of setvar to UPS. * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add handling of BCMXCP_RETURN_ACCEPTED_PARAMETER_ADJUST and others in ACK block Add support for handling more return statuses when exeucting commands, the most important being BCMXCP_RETURN_ACCEPTED_PARAMETER_ADJUST, which means the command was executed. The others added all handles cases where command was not executed, but you now get a more detailed entry in log as to why it was not executed. * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for output.L<phase>.power to meters Not tested on hardware, due to lack of hardware supporting it * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for battery.current.total to meters Not tested on hardware, due to lack of hardware supporting it 2013-07-06 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for input.realpower to meters input.realpower is not listed in http://www.networkupstools.org/docs/developer- guide.chunked/apas01.html, but other drivers use it. Not tested on hardware, due to lack of hardware supporting it * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for ambient.1.temperature to meters Not tested on hardware, due to lack of hardware supporting it * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for input.power to meters input.power is not listed in http://www.networkupstools.org/docs/developer- guide.chunked/apas01.html, but other drivers use it. Not tested on hardware, due to lack of hardware supporting it * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for output.powerfactor and input.powerfactor to meters input.powerfactor is not listed in http://www.networkupstools.org/docs/developer- guide.chunked/apas01.html, so a bit unsure if this should be added. Not tested on hardware, due to lack of hardware supporting it * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add mapping for output.L<phase>.power.percent to meters Not tested on hardware, due to lack of hardware supporting it * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: map ups.date and ups.time to meters. Not testes on hardware, due to lack of hardware supporting it * drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Comment which meter map constants are mapped to nut variables 2013-07-05 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Add constants for all bcmxmp meter map, and replace magic numbers with constants Take all the bcmxcp meter map defined in http://old.networkupstools.org/ protocols/eaton/XCP_Meter_Map_021309.pdf and put them into the bcmxcp.h file. Update the bcmxcp.c file, replacing magic numbers for meter map by using the corresponding defined constant. 2013-07-04 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Let decode_instcmd_exec also handle short read from UPS * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Add test.panel.start instcmd support * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Use one fuction to decode command execution status in all places To avoid duplicating the logic which checks the status of command execution at UPS, add a new function which contains the check, and use that function whenever we send a command to UPS and get status back from UPS. * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: Define byte for choosing which system test to run in header file * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Fix outlet number for outlet.x.shutdown.return if more than 2 outlets * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Let upsdrv_shutdown call instcmd for shutting down To avoid code duplication between upsdrv_shutdown and instcmd, let the upsdrv_shutdown method first try to issue a shutdown.return instcmd, and then proceed with shutdown.stayoff if the shutdown.return failed. This seems to be in line with what the usbhid driver does. * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: report upsdrv_comm_good at successful execution of instcmd * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Return more specific error codes from instcmd Use the available STAT_INSTCMD_FAILED and STAT_INSTCMD_INVALID as return value from the instcmd method when applicable, instead of always returning STAT_INSTCMD_UNKNOWN or -1. 2013-07-03 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: bcmxcp: use command map if supplied. If UPS supplies command map, use it to control what commands we register with dstate_addcmd. If UPS does not supply command map, we register default commands with dstate_addcmd * data/cmdvartab, drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: cosmetic: make changes by Prachi Gandhi more coherent with rest of driver * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: Fix method name outputted in debug message Reference: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/6458 Whitespace was addressed in previous commit (clepple) 2013-07-03 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: indentation fixes (no code changes) 2013-07-03 Alf Høgemark <alf@i100.no> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: add ups.load and battery.voltage.low Adapted slightly for bcmxcp branch (original patch was against master). Bump driver version to 0.28 as well. (clepple) Reference: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/6460 2013-06-18 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * drivers/voltronic.c: Add unknown/unused and commented capability entries Might be useful for future versions. * data/driver.list.in: Add devices to HCL * drivers/voltronic.c, drivers/voltronic_ser.c, drivers/voltronic_usb.c: Fix warning flag + versioning Some UPSes seem to reply with a \0 just before the end of the warning flag (obtained with QWS), as a consequence of that, the string in C is 1 char shorter than expected (the \r is not within the string). -> Fix voltronic_warning function. Increase driver versions. * drivers/voltronic.c, drivers/voltronic_ser.c, drivers/voltronic_usb.c: Fix shutdown.return + versioning Fix shutdown.return when ondelay = 0 -> split between offdelay < 60 and offdelay > 60. Increase driver versions. 2013-06-17 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * docs/man/voltronic_ser.txt, docs/man/voltronic_usb.txt: Correct typos @shutdown.{return,stayoff} * drivers/voltronic.c, drivers/voltronic_ser.c, drivers/voltronic_usb.c: Imrove shutdown sequence + versioning Split shutdown and stopping of pending shutdowns so that if there's no shutdown pending and the UPS doesn't accept a shutdown.stop in this situation (i.e. it replies '(NAK') the shutdown procedure doesn't get halted. Increase version number of drivers. * data/driver.list.in: Correct typos & add software reference in HCL * docs/man/voltronic_ser.txt, docs/man/voltronic_usb.txt: Improve docs layout * drivers/voltronic_usb.c: Add USBDevice_t structure * drivers/voltronic_usb.c: Add comment so that autogen rules have the right comment * drivers/voltronic_ser.c, drivers/voltronic_usb.c: Correct manpage references 2013-05-14 Bo Kersey <bo@vircio.com> * drivers/bestfcom.c: bestfcom: Use fc.idealbvolts for calculating percent charge 'I have a Best Ferrups 3.1KVA and I noticed that the percent battery voltage reported from upsc never gets above 69.9%. I believe there is a mistake in the driver. The battery percentage is calculated based on the High Battery Alarm Setpoint (59.6V) instead of the Ideal Voltage which is about 54V (4 batteries x 13.6V). I examined the source code and found that the variable fc.fullvolts is the result of querying parameter 67 from the UPS. This parameter is defined per Ferrups Tip 503 as: "The battery voltage at which the UPS sound a High Battery alarm" A better value to use in determining the percent battery voltage would be fc.idealbvolts which is calculated in the driver source... I propose the following patch to fix the battery.charge (% battery full) reading.' Ref: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/7891 2013-05-13 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * docs/nut-names.txt: Add device.uptime to nut-names.txt Also fix one typo. * docs/man/apcsmart.txt, drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: allow users to select non-canonical tty mode The main reason behind this addition is windows compatibility, see http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/7762 IGNCR has been readded earlier in commit 20c52bee77fa0b3ea3c7f8bec25afd103b7ff4a2 - this might be enough to handle windows behavior, but if it's not the case - using non canonical processing (same as is present in apcsmart-old) should solve any pressing issues. * drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c: apcsmart: add device.uptime to vartab 2013-04-26 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h: apcsmart: remove APC_DEPR flag APC_{MULTI, PRESENT} are both sufficient for handling 1:n and n:1 relations 2013-04-22 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: expand APC_MULTI to apc:nut 1:n cases 2013-04-15 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c: apcsmart: change approach to 2 digit compatibility entries As reported in http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/7762 - 2 digit values reported through 'b' are really >255V voltage values. So we match whole 00 - FF set as single (fake) compat entry. 2013-04-16 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: remove strchr() check from legacy_verify() As vartab doesn't contain characters from APC_UNR_CMDS. 2013-04-15 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: re-add CR to ignore sets Despite icanon mode, windows (supposedly) is uncapable of ignoring CR in fashion analogous to IGNCR flag. See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.user/7762 for rationale. * drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c: apcsmart: add regex format to ambient.0.temperature 'T' might (on older units) also mean "ups uptime", so we want to distinguish that case gracefully. The formats are: uptime: 000.0 temp: 00.00 2013-05-03 Andrew Avdeev <andrew.avdeev@gmail.com> * drivers/powercom-hid.c: PowerCOM BNT-1000AP HID instant commands Adds a few vendor-specific HID mappings for PowerCOM. Instant commands supported on UPS [pcm]: beeper.disable - Disable the UPS beeper beeper.enable - Enable the UPS beeper beeper.toggle - Toggle the UPS beeper load.off - Turn off the load immediately load.on - Turn on the load immediately shutdown.return - Turn off the load and return when power is back shutdown.stayoff - Turn off the load and remain off test.battery.start.quick - Start a quick battery test http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/6435 2013-04-25 Christian Wiese <christian.wiese@securepoint.de> * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c: nut- scanner: fix scan_usb to remove trailing spaces from output strings This patch uses rtrim() from libcommon to remove trailing spaces from serialnumber, device_name and vendor_name. see: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/26 2013-04-18 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/new-drivers.txt: Add a reference to the SNMP subdrivers chapter 2013-04-15 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h: apcsmart: move variable regex matching into vartab This also allows us to properly validate (in near future) cases when single apc variable can match multiple nut variables. Other changes: - adjust rexhlp() to follow 0 for false and non-0 for true, like in the rest of the functions - remove valid_cmd() as rexhlp() can be used directly with formats in the table; furthermore the warning (in case of failure) could be confusing when we add nut:apc n:1 case 2013-04-11 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/libusb.c: Set USB timeout to 5 seconds Set the low level USB timeout back to the standard 5 seconds. This was set to 4 seconds, for performance reasons, but is now causing issues with some devices (reported by Stefan "stevenbg", GitHub issue #23) 2013-04-10 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/.gitignore: Ignore voltronic_* generated documentation * drivers/voltronic_usb.c: voltronic_usb: switch to new is_usb_device_supported() syntax * tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Add voltronic_usb driver to USB info extractor tool 2013-04-10 Daniele Pezzini <hyouko@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/voltronic_ser.txt, docs/man/voltronic_usb.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/voltronic.c, drivers/voltronic.h, drivers/voltronic_ser.c, drivers/voltronic_usb.c: New drivers: voltronic_ser/voltronic_usb Reference: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/6418 2013-04-10 Elio Parisi <E.Parisi@riello-ups.com> * drivers/riello.c, drivers/riello.h, drivers/riello_ser.c, drivers/riello_usb.c: Riello drivers: fix memset() arguments, and use stdint.h Reference: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/6417 2013-04-04 Émilien Kia <emilien.kia@gmail.com> * configure.in, docs/new-clients.txt, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/README, scripts/java/.gitignore, scripts/java/Makefile.am, scripts/java/README, scripts/java/jNut/.gitignore, scripts/java/jNut/README, scripts/java/jNut/pom.xml, .../main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Client.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Command.java, .../main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Device.java, .../org/networkupstools/jnut/NutException.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Scanner.java, .../org/networkupstools/jnut/StringLineSocket.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Variable.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ClientTest.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ScannerTest.java, scripts/java/jNutList/README, scripts/java/jNutList/pom.xml, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnutlist/AppList.java, scripts/java/jNutWebAPI/README, scripts/java/jNutWebAPI/pom.xml, .../jnutwebapi/NutRestProvider.java, .../jnutwebapi/RestWSApplication.java, .../jnutwebapi/ScannerProvider.java, .../jNutWebAPI/src/main/webapp /WEB-INF/web.xml: Remove java related files (jNut) which will be moved to a separated repository. See issues: - https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/2 - https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/22 2013-03-26 Alex Lov <alex@alexlov.com> * drivers/ietf-mib.c: Fix OID for input.bypass.voltage in ietf-mib.c Ooops, forgot fix one * drivers/ietf-mib.c: Fix OIDs for bypass group in ietf-mib.c Reference http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1628#page-12 For bypass voltage, current and power 2013-03-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/FAQ.txt: Add a FAQ entry for supported but not working USB UPS 2013-03-10 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: upower: update generated rules file 2013-03-09 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/download.txt: Update VMware ESXi package link (from René Garcia) 2013-02-28 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * Makefile.am, tools/gitlog2changelog.py: Issue #4: Specify starting commit to gitlog2changelog.py 2013-02-27 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c: apcsmart: add old APC 600I compatibility entry Though without 'T' - until we handle situations when single nut variable is able to correspond to more than one apc var. Testet-by: Markus Pruehs <apc@markus.pruehs.com> 2013-02-26 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/gitlog2changelog.py: git-changelog: really fixes #4 (missing entries) The script was discarding any commits which happened to include the word 'commit'. * tools/gitlog2changelog.py: git-changelog: remove re.* calls for simple string matching 2013-02-25 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * Makefile.am, tools/Makefile.am: git-changelog: Fix list of distributed files * tools/gitlog2changelog.py: Fixes issue #4: ChangeLog now includes single-file commits. * Makefile.am, tools/gitlog2changelog.py: Issue #4: generate ChangeLog from git logs This seems to generate long ChangeLog entries in the format we had with svn2cl, but some commits appear to be missing. * tools/gitlog2changelog.py: Import gitlog2changelog.py (2008-12-27) https://github.com/cryos/avogadro/commit/8be9957e5b3b5675701ef2ed00 2aa9e718d4146e#scripts/gitlog2changelog.py 2013-02-25 Émilien Kia <emilien.kia@gmail.com> * clients/nutclient.cpp, clients/nutclient.h: Add comparison operator for nut::Device class. Make std::set<nut::Device> work and not dropping devices anymore. 2012-11-02 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * README, scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: apcupsd-ups: link to man page from README Patch by Arnaud: https://alioth.debian.org/tr acker/index.php?func=detail&aid=313846&group_id=30602&atid=411544 2012-10-30 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/apcupsd-ups.txt: apcupsd-ups: Update man page with variables and units 2012-09-28 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/apcupsd-ups.c, drivers/apcupsd-ups.h: apcupsd-ups: Additional variables * drivers/apcupsd-ups.c, drivers/apcupsd-ups.h: apcupsd-ups: Remove multiplier from ups.load 2012-09-27 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/apcupsd-ups.txt, drivers/apcupsd-ups.c: apcupsd-ups: miscellaneous cleanup 2012-09-27 Andreas Steinmetz * docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/apcupsd-ups.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/apcupsd-ups.c, drivers/apcupsd-ups.h: apcupsd client driver https://alioth.debian.org/tracker/?func=det ail&atid=411544&aid=313846&group_id=30602 2013-02-23 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: bcmxcp: remove unused variable 2013-02-16 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/website/news.txt: News: Git conversion * docs/developers.txt: Update developer documentation for Git repository 2013-02-21 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * .gitignore, scripts/HP-UX/.gitignore: Git ignored files completion 2013-02-21 Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info> * drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c: apcsmart: minor fixups to compat. tables * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: verify/setup fixups legacy_verify() - check against commands we always ignore oldapcsetup() - extra comments, minor flow change 2013-02-17 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/git-svn.authors, tools/svn2cl.authors: Remove obsolete authors files. 2013-02-16 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * .gitignore: Git ignored files completion 2013-02-06 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/Solaris/nut.in, scripts/Solaris/postinstall.in: [Solaris] Fix postinstall user/group, and service start * Fix postinstall user/group detection/creation. * Fix service start depending on the mode, and add poweroff command. 2013-02-04 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * include/proto.h: Move __cplusplus/extern "C" begin block before to fix a problem of ifdef when included in real C++ code. 2013-02-01 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * configure.in, scripts/HP-UX/makedepot.sh, scripts/HP-UX/nut.psf.in, scripts/HP-UX/postinstall.in: [HP-UX] : add postinstal script for installing services files. 2013-02-01 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/snmp-ups.txt: Update SNMP driver documentation Mentioning 'mib' is not needed anymore since NUT 2.6.2. Also mention 'v3' as an allowed value for 'snmp_version' (reported by Tim Rice) 2013-01-29 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h: apcsmart: implement #311678 (multiple values per variable) This is a bit more general than the original request. All variables that return multiple comma-separated values, are added as *.N.* where 1 <= N <= APC_PACK_MAX; the variables are stored with temporary name *.0.* in apcsmart_tabs.c, but only at least 1 and at most 4 are added per update run (superfluous - if any - are removed), with *.0.* placeholder being ignored. We assume that the particular variables cannot belong to the capability set at the same time (as reported by user) - otherwise we will need a bit more complex handling, including updates to all setvar functions. * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: update logging logic / apc_read() - logging This mostly adds few macros that implicitly use or pass caller's name (and in case of hard errors, line number). This allows removal of a few "failed" / "succeeded" lines (which in practice don't really happen), for example there is no need for: upslogx(LOG_ERR, "preread_data: apc_write failed"); as any hard error will be reported by apc_write() internally, providing the place and line number it was called at. Similarly, some upslogx / upsdebugx calls were wrapped in analogous macros to provide caller's name automatically. Debug levels (-D) were adjusted to require only one letter. - apc_read() It's been a bit more scrutinized: - filling up full caller's buffer is considered an error; shouldn't happen unless the ups is somehow damaged or some model is capable of returning more than 512 bytes in one read (current max I witnessed is around 270 bytes during capability read) - timeout reads (whether it's allowed or not) cannot really have any non-0 count, though sanity check could theoretically be useful in non-canonical mode; commented out code was added for reference * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: enhance prtchr() So it can handle 4 returns with static pointers. * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: allow timeout on read in smartmode() As this function is used to "nudge" ups, we should expect it to timeout. Also avoids extra log spam. 2013-01-29 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/Solaris/postinstall.in: Use variables to generate Solaris postinstall script. * scripts/Solaris/postinstall.in: Enhance the Solaris post install script. 2013-01-22 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/Makefile.am: Remove duplicate entries for Eaton serial scan * include/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: List missing header files to be distributed nutscan-serial.h and nut_platform.h were missing from the distribution * scripts/Solaris/.gitignore: Subversion ignored files completion Mark Solaris generated packaging files as Subversion ignored (no functional changes) * docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nut-scanner.txt, docs/man/nutscan_get_serial_ports_list.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_avahi.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_eaton_serial.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_ipmi.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_nut.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_snmp.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_usb.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_xml_http.txt, include/nut_platform.h, tools /nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut- scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.h, tools /nut-scanner/nutscan-display.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-serial.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-serial.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_eaton_serial.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c: Add nut- scanner support for Eaton serial units nut-scanner and libnutscan now provides respectively an option and functions to detect Eaton serial devices. The following protocols are supported: SHUT, XCP and Q1 (patch from Frederic Bohe, with parts from Arnaud Quette, both for Eaton) * configure.in: Fix for pthread on HP-UX pthread is compiled on a stub when -lpthread is not explicitly added. This commit is a duplicate of [[SVN:3801]], from Frederic Bohe (for Eaton) * drivers/bcmxcp_ser.c: Change baud-rates ordering for auto-detection * docs/new-drivers.txt, drivers/serial.c, drivers/serial.h: Add non- fatal versions of ser_open / ser_set_speed 2013-01-21 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/Solaris/nut.in, scripts/Solaris/postinstall.in: Allow start/stop of NUT from Solaris packages 2013-01-13 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * clients/cgilib.h, clients/status.h, clients/upsimagearg.h, clients/upslog.h, clients/upsmon.h, clients/upssched.h, clients/upsstats.h, include/common.h, include/extstate.h, include/proto.h, include/state.h, include/upsconf.h, server/conf.h, server/desc.h, server/netcmds.h, server/netget.h, server/netinstcmd.h, server/netlist.h, server/netmisc.h, server/netset.h, server/netssl.h, server/netuser.h, server/sstate.h, server/stype.h, server/upsd.h, server/upstype.h, server/user-data.h, server/user.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan- init.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.h: Protect header files for C++ inclusion. 2012-12-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Lyonn CTB-1200 Add Lyonn CTB-1200 (USB ID 0x0665:0x5161) to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Martin Sarsale) * docs/stable-hcl.txt: Clarify expected report for shutdown testing State explicitly that, for now, a statement that the user has actually tested the shutdown procedure successfully is enough (report from Martin Sarsale) 2012-12-19 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/HP-UX/makedepot.sh, scripts/HP-UX/nut.psf.in: Use installed binaries to create package 2012-12-18 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/delta_ups-mib.c: Fix a typo error and current multiplier factor * data/driver.list.in, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/delta_ups-mib.c, drivers/delta_ups-mib.h, drivers/snmp-ups.c: Support for DeltaUPS MIB and Socomec Netys RT 1/1 Add preliminary SNMP support for a new MIB: DeltaUPS MIB, with sysOID ".". The first known supported devices are Socomec Netys RT 1/1, equiped with Netvision SNMP card 2012-12-18 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add update_info() No need for almost identical update_info_normal() and update_info_all() * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: two fixups In poll_data(): we are not supposed to set variable after its (formally impossible) removal In upsdrv_shutdown(): wrong comparison 2012-12-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/powerp-txt.c, drivers/powerpanel.c: Add support for CyberPower OL3000RMXL2U Add CyberPower OL3000RMXL2U serial support to the powerpanel driver, text protocol version (Alioth patch #313910, from Timothy Pearson) 2012-12-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/Makefile.am, docs/new-drivers.txt, docs/snmp-subdrivers.txt, scripts/subdriver/gen-snmp-subdriver.sh: Helper script to create SNMP subdrivers stubs Created a new shell script (scripts/subdriver/gen-snmp-subdriver.sh) to automatically create a "stub" subdriver. This will make it a lot easier and quicker to create subdrivers for snmp-ups. A new documentation chapter has also been added ("How to make a new subdriver to support another SNMP device") * drivers/tripplite-hid.c: Add support for newer TrippLite Smart1500LCD Add newer TrippLite Smart1500LCD (USB ID 0x09ae:0x3016) to the list of usbhid-ups supported models (reported by Steve Salier) 2012-12-12 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/mge-hid.c: Fix crash with debug level greater or equal to 2 2012-12-10 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add prtchr() helper Add prtchr() helper and simplify reporting when we check whether some APC cmd/var character is or isn't printable. * drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c: apcsmart: apc_cmdtab[] fixup Earlier commit that adjusted regex checks, also changed cmd fields for all instant commands handled by custom functions. We cannot do that, as they are not detected as supported this way. 2012-12-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-utalk.c, drivers/mge-utalk.h: Change Martin Loyer's mail address As per Martin's request. * drivers/mge-utalk.c: Improve mge-utalk general behavior Make two adjustments to improve the general behavior: first, send the double "Z" prior to "Si" command. Second, inter-commands delay has been increased to comply with the specification 2012-12-08 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: serial related stuff a bit more strict Also: - apc_flush() now loops with >0 condition (otherwise errored apc_read() might cause inf loop) - ser_comm_good/fail() were kind of missing in write wrappers * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: sdlist/sdtype/advorder changes - verify 'advorder' with regex - remove unused defines - as the user is directed towards man page either way (and without it numbers are kind of meaningless), drop SDMAX * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: setup port after variable sanitization in upsdrv_initups() * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: cleanup dstate ok/stale calls * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: getbaseinfo() fixup In extremely unlikely case of failing write, report it up and act accordingly. * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h: apcsmart: adjust regex logic A bit simpler / tighter now. * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add var_string_setup() In theory deprecate_vars() should also consider APC_STRING variables. In practice - we don't have any variables that are both APC_MULTI and APC_STRING - but it's more correct this way, so let's do it. * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: cosmetics - code shuffling, comments, flow - rename query_ups() -> legacy_verify() - add few lines of help directing to man page * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: simplify query_ups() / proto_verification() Both functions rely now on common variable verificaion function. * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add var_verify() The function will be used in subsequent commit for common verification. * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: shuffle two functions query_ups() and oldapcsetup() * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: simplify query_ups() This commit changes query_ups() function and makes it rely on the same deprecate_vars() logic that protocol_verify() requires. We can shorten the code a bit now, and it allows us to do more simplifications in subsequent commits. * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add functions informing about [un]supported cmds/vars In unified fashion, instead of each protocol-verification related function doing it on its own. * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h: apcsmart: minor tidying up comments, trivial changes, code shuffling ... * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: remove unused field 'def' from cchar In apc_ser_diff() reporting differences between tcgetattr/tcsetattr, 'def' field was unused (along with related defines). 2012-12-06 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Fix nut-scanner compilation without pthread 2012-12-02 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/riello_usb.c: riello_usb.c: eliminate uninitialized variable 2012-11-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * conf/.gitignore: Subversion ignored files completion Mark upsmon.conf.sample as Subversion ignored, since it is now generated from a .in template file (no functional changes) * conf/Makefile.am, conf/upsmon.conf.sample, conf/upsmon.conf.sample.in, configure.in: Adapt upsmon.conf sample to use configured values The sample upsmon.conf provided now adapts RUN_AS_USER value, and NOTIFYCMD / POWERDOWNFLAG base path to the user configured values 2012-11-28 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/riello.c, drivers/riello_ser.c, drivers/riello_usb.c: Minor improvements to Riello drivers Fix ups.power.nominal name in Riello drivers, and its value for GPSER protocol(riello_ser). device.mfr was also changed in both drivers, and revisions were bumped to 0.02 (patch from Elio Parisi, Riello) * data/driver.list.in, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/openups-hid.c, drivers/openups-hid.h, drivers/usbhid-ups.c, scripts/upower/95 -upower-hid.rules: Official support for Minibox openUPS Intelligent UPS Add a new usbhid-ups subdriver to handle Minibox openUPS Intelligent UPS (USB ID 0x04d8:0xd004) (patch from Nicu Pavel, Mini-Box.Com) 2012-11-28 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * conf/upsmon.conf.sample, docs/man/upsmon.conf.txt: Update references to pager.txt 2012-11-27 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/genericups.txt: Add information about Eaton Management Card Contact 2012-11-25 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/riello.c, drivers/riello.h, drivers/riello_ser.c, drivers/riello_usb.c: Minor improvements to Riello drivers Fix functions and variables names to use English language. Also fix warnings reported by Mac OS X Buildbot and Charles Lepple (patch from Elio Parisi, Riello) 2012-11-21 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/acknowledgements.txt: Complete Acknowledgements with a Riello entry Riello deserves a dedicated entry in the Supporting UPS manufacturers, for having provided protocols information and drivers implementations * docs/man/.gitignore: Subversion ignored files completion Mark riello_ser and riello_usb HTML manpages as Subversion ignored (no functional changes) * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/riello_ser.txt, docs/man/riello_usb.txt, drivers/.gitignore, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/riello.c, drivers/riello.h, drivers/riello_ser.c, drivers/riello_usb.c, tools /nut-usbinfo.pl: Official support for Riello serial and USB devices Add two new drivers, riello_ser and riello_usb, to support the whole ranges of Riello devices: IDG, IPG, WPG, NPW, NDG, DVT, DVR, DVD, VST, VSD, SEP, SDH, SDL, SPW, SPT, MCT, MST, MCM, MCT, MHT, MPT and MPM. This completes the official Riello protocols publication, that happened in May 2012 (developed by Elio Parisi, from Riello) 2012-11-20 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * clients/upsclient.h, server/nut_ctype.h: Fix NSS include directives The current NSS include directives (nss/nss.h) were incorrect. These were failing on Redhat systems, and working on some others because of the default include path (reported by Michal Hlavinka, from Redhat) 2012-11-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Aviem Power RT 1000-3000VA Add Aviem Systems - Aviem Power RT 1000-3000VA to the list of blazer_ser supported models (reported by Michael Dobrovitsky) 2012-11-19 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.c: Fix a memory leak in scanner. 2012-11-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/.gitignore: Complete the list of Subversion ignored files Commit r3778 was missing generated HTML files (no functional changes) * docs/man/Makefile.am: Fix installation of libnutclient manual pages Commit r3777 fixed the test target, but libnutclient manual pages were not actually installed * docs/man/.gitignore, lib/.gitignore: Complete the list of Subversion ignored files The merge of NSS and libnutclient branches have left some new generated files (no functional changes) * docs/man/libnutclient_commands.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_devices.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_general.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_misc.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_tcp.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_variables.txt: Fix Buildbot failures on previous commit (man pages) The merge of the libnutclient branch caused a failure of the 'distcheck-light' test target. Manual pages documentation in this branch uses a mechanism to generate multiple manpages from one source file. This was however conflicting with a Makefile rule, that requires the generated file to have the same name as the source file. Applies the same principle by adding the content of the Header section to the NAME commands list. Also fix a typo error in the Header section of libnutclient_devices 2012-11-13 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * clients/Makefile.am, clients/nutclient.cpp, clients/nutclient.h, configure.in, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/libnutclient.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_commands.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_devices.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_general.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_misc.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_tcp.txt, docs/man/libnutclient_variables.txt, docs/new-clients.txt, lib/Makefile.am, lib/README, lib/libnutclient.pc.in: Merge libnutclient (libcpp) branch Pull Request #2: "High level C and C++ libnutclient" from https://github.com/clepple/nut/pull/2 . Hand-merged into SVN trunk from commit: 701cc571f4f8578e9c82b13c1e9eab509a41cd7f 2012-11-08 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/man/usbhid-ups.txt, drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Add a command line to usbhid-ups to activate the max_report tweak. * drivers/apc-hid.c, drivers/libhid.c: Fix tweak for APC Back-UPS since it seems to break Back-UPS 700 connectivity (reported by Denis Serov). Adding some more comments on UPS which need and which do not need the tweak. Refactored the detection code. 2012-11-07 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/subdriver/gen-usbhid-subdriver.sh: Fix USB HID subdriver generation tool This tool has not been updated since timestamps were added to driver debug traces. It was thus producing erroneous results (reported by Nicu Pavel) 2012-11-01 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/snmp-ups.c: Fix a crash on outlets management snmp-ups was crashing when the number of outlets was equal to zero 2012-10-31 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/blazer.txt: Fix blazer manual pages generation to generate blazer, blazer_ser and blazer_usb manual pages. The same manual page is now distributed and available under these 3 names (warning to packagers) * docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/asciidoc.conf: Fix manpage refmiscinfo attributes and multiple NAME refmiscinfo attributes were previously specified through asciidoc.conf. This approach prevented from specifying and generating multiple manual pages from a single source. Moreover, manversion (pointing NUT version) was mistyped, and thus omitted. Makefile rules now directly define refmiscinfo through attributes, and allow to solve the long standing blazer / blazer_ser / blazer_usb related issue, and the upcoming libnutclient one 2012-10-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/cps-hid.c, drivers/idowell-hid.c, scripts/subdriver/gen- usbhid-subdriver.sh: Replace missing occurrences in previous commit * docs/hid-subdrivers.txt, drivers/libhid.c, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/subdriver/gen-usbhid-subdriver.sh, scripts/subdriver/path- to-subdriver.sh: Rename usbhid subdriver generation script This script was previously named path-to-subdriver.sh, which was not enough meaningful. The renaming to gen-usbhid-subdriver.sh also makes sense with a potential gen-snmp-subdriver.sh * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Apollo 850VA Add Apollo 850VA (USB ID 0x0665:0x5161) to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Mike Raath) 2012-10-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in, scripts/systemd/nut-driver.service.in: Fix driver path in systemd driver unit The driver path, in nut- driver.service, was not expanded correctly (reported by Marc Rechté) 2012-10-15 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: add info about new APC models Info about new SMT, SMX and SURTD models which require additional card for "legacy" smart protocol. 2012-10-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in: Only fail if SSL was explicitly requested Configuration should not abort if neither OpenSSL nor Mozilla NSS has been found, and if SSL was not explicitly requested by the user. This fixes the Buildbot compilation failure on Aix (build #206) 2012-10-12 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/git-svn.authors, tools/svn2cl.authors: Update Emilien Kia's email address 2012-10-11 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/Makefile.am: Fix Solaris compilation failure 2012-10-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * README: Spell check fix (test) * .gitignore, configure.in, docs/.gitignore, docs/Makefile.am, docs /nut-qa.txt, docs/nut.dict: Spell checking framework implementation Implement a framework to spell check documentation source files, using Aspell. This includes an interactive build target (make spellcheck-interactive), and an automated one (make spellcheck), mainly for QA / Buildbot purpose. Note that a base NUT dictionnary is also available (docs/nut.dict), providing a glossary of terms related to power devices and management * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: Remove POD ("Plain Old Documentation") With the approval of the author (Charles Lepple), remove POD ("Plain Old Documentation"). This embedded documentation was redundant, and is probably out of date, with respect to the AsciiDoc version * drivers/powercom.c, drivers/powercom.h, drivers/upscode2.c: Remove unnecessary RCS $Id lines 2012-10-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h: Fix compilation error Define IPMI_PRIVILEGE_LEVEL_ADMIN value, in case FreeIPMI is not available 2012-10-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt, drivers/nut-ipmipsu.c, tools/nut-scanner /nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_ipmi.c: Support power supplies scan over the network nut-scanner can now scan for power supplies with IPMI over LAN. This is currently limited to IPMI 1.5 only 2012-10-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/acknowledgements.txt: Update acknowledgements 2012-09-28 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/.gitignore: Cleanup of svn:ignore list in drivers/ (no code change) 2012-09-27 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/git-svn.authors, tools/svn2cl.authors: Welcome, Václav! (SVN username mappings) 2012-09-21 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/nut-qa.txt: Update the link to the Ubuntu QRT script 2012-09-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c, m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4, tools/nut- scanner/scan_ipmi.c: Support for FreeIPMI 1.1.x and 1.2.x (#2) Prepare for supporting API changes in FreeIPMI 1.1.x and 1.2.x. This 2nd patch, which completes [[SVN:3675]], addresses FRU API changes, and removes code redundancy. This code has been tested with FreeIPMI 0.8.12 and the latest [[FreeIPMI SVN]] trunk r9505 (reported as 1.2.0.beta2 by pkgconfig) * docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Update Windows package publications for 2.6.5-3 2012-09-17 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Update Windows package publications for 2.6.5-2 2012-09-12 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c: Fix data reception loop The new data reception algorithm was trying to get more data than it should (patch from Rich Wrenn) 2012-09-10 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apc-hid.c, drivers/apc-hid.h, drivers/libhid.c: Add a tweak for APC Back UPS ES APC Back UPS ES have a buggy firmware which overflows on ReportID 0x0c, i.e. UPS.PowerSummary.RemainingCapacity. This results in battery.charge not being exposed and endless reconnections on systems with libusb reporting EOVERFLOW. And it results on a failure to init the driver for systems with libusb not reporting EOVERFLOW but EIO (i.e. on Windows). * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: [nut-scanner] Fix a crash when no start IP is provided. * drivers/apc-hid.c, drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c, drivers/belkin-hid.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c, drivers/cps-hid.c, drivers/idowell-hid.c, drivers/liebert-hid.c, drivers/mge-hid.c, drivers/powercom-hid.c, drivers/richcomm_usb.c, drivers/tripplite-hid.c, drivers/tripplite_usb.c, drivers/usb-common.c, drivers/usb- common.h: Extend USB device support check (from Arnaud Quette) Use USBDevice_t structure in is_usb_device_supported(), instead of direct VendorID and ProductID. This allows to pass it to the specific processing handler for broader check 2012-09-07 Leo Arias <elopio-guest@alioth.debian.org> * conf/nut.conf.sample: Update nut.conf.sample (grammar and documentation) https://alioth.debian.org/tracker/?func=detail&ati d=411544&aid=313762&group_id=30602 2012-08-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * NEWS, UPGRADING, configure.in, data/driver.list.in, docs/Makefile.am, docs/configure.txt, docs/documentation.txt, docs/download.txt, docs/images/eaton-logo.png, docs/images/hostedby.png, docs/images/simple.png, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/macosx-ups.txt, docs/man/mge-shut.txt, docs/man/nutscan.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_avahi.txt, docs/man/powercom.txt, docs/man/skel.txt, docs/nut-names.txt, docs/website/.gitignore, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/css /web-layout.css, docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/old-news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt, docs/website/web-layout.conf, drivers/.gitignore, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/macosx-ups.c, drivers/mge-hid.c, drivers/powercom-hid.c, drivers/skel.c, drivers /usbhid-ups.c, drivers/usbhid-ups.h, m4/nut_check_libltdl.m4: Merge from trunk [[SVN:3679]] to [[SVN:3718]] to ssl-nss-port 2012-08-09 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/.gitignore, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/old-news.txt: Integrate archived news * docs/nut-names.txt, drivers/mge-hid.c: Add shutdown ability switch to Eaton units Eaton HID units (using usbhid-ups or [new,old]mge- shut) were missing a data mapping to allow the change of the shutdown ability switch. The result was that the UPS was not powered off, even if all the protocol commands were sent (reported by Daniel O'Connor) * docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Update Windows package publications for 2.6.5-1 * docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/index.txt: Added macosx-ups manual page to the index Also add generated groff and HTML contents to the list of Subversion ignored files 2012-08-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * NEWS, UPGRADING, configure.in, docs/website/news.txt: Final update for 2.6.5 release * drivers/.gitignore: Subversion ignored files completion Mark oldmge-shut binary as Subversion ignored (no functional changes) * docs/configure.txt, m4/nut_check_libltdl.m4: Complete libltdl configuration options Add configure options to add specific cflags (--with-libltdl-includes) and libs (--with-libltdl-libs) for libltdl. This serves at least to point at non standard location, as on FreeBSD (reported by David Durieux) 2012-08-06 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/documentation.txt: Add a Wikipedia reference on Solar controller * docs/Makefile.am, docs/images/eaton-logo.png, docs/images/hostedby.png, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/css/web-layout.css, docs/website/web-layout.conf: Free NUT from Eaton website hosting NUT is no more hosted by Eaton. Arnaud Quette (NUT project leader) has taken over NUT hosting on his own, to give NUT back some independance. This effort is also part of a logic to stop crediting Eaton for contributions from others (especially Arnaud Quette, as an individual). The new hosting service is located, as for Arnaud's blog (http://arnaud.quette.fr) on Gandi servers, using PaaS. This will allow more flexibility and automation of the release process 2012-08-06 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * configure.in, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/macosx-ups.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/macosx-ups.c: macosx-ups: new OS X Power Sources meta-driver Mac OS X provides UPS status information in a format similar to what is shown for laptop batteries. This driver will convert that information into a format compatible with NUT. 2012-08-05 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/skel.c: Update comments in skel.c Fixed a typo, and added fatalx() as an alternative to fatal_with_errno() * docs/man/skel.txt: Update skeleton driver man page. 2012-08-03 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/nutscan.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_avahi.txt: nutscan documentation: editing 2012-07-31 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/images/simple.png: Remove extraneous text * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for UNITEK Alpha650ipF and Alpha650ipE Add UNITEK Alpha650ipF and Alpha650ipE (USB ID 0x0f03:0x0001) to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Pascal MIRALLES) * docs/website/projects.txt: Reference Buffalo NAS in Related projects Add a reference in the Related projects, on Buffalo TerraStation (Business-class) NAS range, which uses NUT for power protection 2012-07-30 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: First NUT virtualization package (VMware ESXI 5.0) Add the reference to the first NUT virtualization package. This one is currently an external effort to add VMware NUT client for ESXI 5.0. But this support will be part of NUT in the long run 2012-07-24 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/powercom.txt, drivers/powercom-hid.c: Synchronize Powercom USB documentation and code comments. Apparently, there are at least two different models with the USB VID:PID of 0d9f:0004. This update is based on the following report by Gordon Longland: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2012-July/007748.html 2012-07-23 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/powercom.txt: powercom: Mention this driver is serial only 2012-07-20 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/Makefile.am: Switch mge-shut to oldmge-shut and newmge-shut to mge-shut * docs/man/mge-shut.txt: Update mge-shut man page for notification argument. * drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Add a "notification" parameter to newmge-shut driver. It is only here for compatibility with mge-shut driver. It is ignored since we are always using SHUT_SYNC_OFF in libshut.c. 2012-07-20 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * README, docs/Makefile.am, docs/config-notes.txt, docs/contact- closure.txt, docs/macros.txt, docs/man/mge-shut.txt, docs/man/upscli_connect.txt, docs/man/upscli_disconnect.txt, docs/man/upscli_fd.txt, docs/man/upscli_get.txt, docs/man/upscli_list_next.txt, docs/man/upscli_list_start.txt, docs/man/upscli_readline.txt, docs/man/upscli_sendline.txt, docs/man/upscli_ssl.txt, docs/man/upscli_strerror.txt, docs/man/upscli_upserror.txt, docs/man/upsclient.txt, docs/scheduling.txt, docs/security.txt: Fix trunk merge (pass 2). Apply changes to doc to prepare merge to trunk. 2012-07-19 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * clients/upsclient.c, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h: Fix trunk merge. Refactor and clean to prepare merge to trunk. 2012-07-19 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/man/mge-shut.txt: Document ondelay parameter unit discrepency for SHUT drivers mge-shut uses a ten seconds unit for ondelay whereas newmge-shut uses seconds. * drivers/usbhid-ups.c, drivers/usbhid-ups.h: Add a lowbatt setting to newmge-shut in order to mimic mge-shut setting 2012-07-19 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * server/Makefile.am, server/conf.c, server/netcmds.h, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h, server/ssl.c, server/ssl.h, server/upsd.c: Replace server/ssl.[h|c] by server/netssl.[h|c] in order to prepare nss branch merging. 2012-07-18 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * .gitignore, INSTALL, MAINTAINERS, Makefile.am, NEWS, UPGRADING, autogen.sh, clients/Makefile.am, clients/upsc.c, clients/upsclient.c, clients/upsclient.h, clients/upsmon.c, clients/upsmon.h, clients/upsrw.c, clients/upssched.c, common/Makefile.am, common/common.c, common/parseconf.c, common/state.c, common/upsconf.c, compile, conf/nut.conf.sample, conf/upsd.conf.sample, configure.in, data/cmdvartab, data/driver.list.in, docs/.gitignore, docs/FAQ.txt, docs/Makefile.am, docs/acknowledgements.txt, docs/cables.txt, docs/cables/apc.txt, docs/config-notes.txt, docs/configure.txt, docs/design.txt, docs/developer-guide.txt, docs/developers.txt, docs/documentation.txt, docs/download.txt, docs/features.txt, docs/images/advanced.png, docs/images/bigbox.png, docs/images/bizarre.png, docs/images/nut-logo.png, docs/images/nut.svg, docs/images/simple.png, docs/macros.txt, docs /maintainer-guide.txt, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/apcsmart-old.txt, docs/man/apcsmart.txt, docs/man/bcmxcp.txt, docs/man/belkinunv.txt, docs/man/blazer.txt, docs/man/dummy-ups.txt, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/metasys.txt, docs/man/nut-ipmipsu.txt, docs/man/nut-recorder.txt, docs/man/nut- scanner.txt, docs/man/nut.conf.txt, docs/man/nutscan.txt, docs/man/nutscan_add_device_to_device.txt, docs/man/nutscan_add_option_to_device.txt, docs/man/nutscan_cidr_to_ip.txt, docs/man/nutscan_display_parsable.txt, docs/man/nutscan_display_ups_conf.txt, docs/man/nutscan_free_device.txt, docs/man/nutscan_init.txt, docs/man/nutscan_new_device.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_avahi.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_ipmi.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_nut.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_snmp.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_usb.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_xml_http.txt, docs/man/nutupsdrv.txt, docs/man/oneac.txt, docs/man/powercom.txt, docs/man/snmp-ups.txt, docs/man/ups.conf.txt, docs/man/upsc.txt, docs/man/upscli_list_start.txt, docs/man/upsd.users.txt, docs/man/upsmon.txt, docs/man/upsrw.txt, docs/net-protocol.txt, docs/new-clients.txt, docs/new-drivers.txt, docs/nut-names.txt, docs/security.txt, docs/sock-protocol.txt, docs/stable-hcl.txt, docs/support.txt, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/css/web- layout.css, docs/website/faviconut.ico, docs/website/faviconut.png, docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt, docs/website/ups- protocols.txt, docs/website/web-layout.conf, drivers/.gitignore, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/apc-hid.c, drivers/apc-mib.c, drivers /apcsmart-old.c, drivers/apcsmart-old.h, drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h, drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h, drivers/bcmxcp_ser.c, drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c, drivers/belkin-hid.c, drivers/belkinunv.c, drivers/bestfcom.c, drivers/bestfortress.c, drivers/bestpower-mib.c, drivers/bestups.c, drivers/blazer.c, drivers/blazer_ser.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c, drivers/compaq-mib.c, drivers/cps-hid.c, drivers/cyberpower-mib.c, drivers/cyberpower- mib.h, drivers/dstate.c, drivers/dstate.h, drivers/dummy-ups.c, drivers/dummy-ups.h, drivers/eaton-mib.c, drivers/eaton-mib.h, drivers/etapro.c, drivers/gamatronic.c, drivers/genericups.c, drivers/ietf-mib.c, drivers/isbmex.c, drivers/libhid.c, drivers/libshut.c, drivers/liebert-esp2.c, drivers/liebert-hid.c, drivers/main.c, drivers/masterguard.c, drivers/metasys.c, drivers /mge-hid.c, drivers/mge-mib.c, drivers/mge-shut.c, drivers/mge- utalk.c, drivers/microdowell.c, drivers/netvision-mib.c, drivers /netxml-ups.c, drivers/nut-ipmi.h, drivers/nut-ipmipsu.c, drivers /nut-libfreeipmi.c, drivers/oneac.c, drivers/oneac.h, drivers /powercom-hid.c, drivers/powercom.c, drivers/powercom.h, drivers /powerware-mib.c, drivers/raritan-pdu-mib.c, drivers/rhino.c, drivers/safenet.c, drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h, drivers/solis.c, drivers/tripplite-hid.c, drivers/tripplite_usb.c, drivers/tripplitesu.c, drivers/upscode2.c, drivers/upshandler.h, drivers/usb-common.c, drivers/usbhid-ups.c, include/.gitignore, include/Makefile.am, include/common.h, include/extstate.h, include/nut_stdint.h, include/parseconf.h, include/state.h, lib/.gitignore, lib/Makefile.am, lib/README, lib/libnutscan.pc.in, lib/libupsclient-config.in, lib/libupsclient.pc.in, m4/ax_create_stdint_h.m4, m4/nut_check_libavahi.m4, m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4, m4/nut_check_libltdl.m4, m4/nut_check_libwrap.m4, m4/nut_check_os.m4, m4/nut_report_feature.m4, scripts/HP-UX/.gitignore, scripts/HP- UX/makedepot.sh, scripts/HP-UX/nut.psf.in, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/README, scripts/augeas/Makefile.am, scripts/augeas/README, scripts/avahi/nut.service.in, scripts/java/Makefile.am, scripts/java/README, scripts/java/jNut/README, scripts/java/jNut/pom.xml, .../main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Client.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Command.java, .../main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Device.java, .../org/networkupstools/jnut/NutException.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Scanner.java, .../org/networkupstools/jnut/StringLineSocket.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Variable.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ClientTest.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ScannerTest.java, scripts/java/jNutList/README, scripts/java/jNutList/pom.xml, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnutlist/AppList.java, scripts/java/jNutWebAPI/README, scripts/java/jNutWebAPI/pom.xml, .../jnutwebapi/NutRestProvider.java, .../jnutwebapi/RestWSApplication.java, .../jnutwebapi/ScannerProvider.java, .../jNutWebAPI/src/main/webapp /WEB-INF/web.xml, scripts/logrotate/nutlogd, scripts/python/module/PyNUT.py, scripts/systemd/Makefile.am, scripts/systemd/README, scripts/systemd/nut-driver.service.in, scripts/systemd/nut-monitor.service.in, scripts/systemd/nut- server.service.in, scripts/systemd/nutshutdown.in, scripts/udev/.gitignore, scripts/udev/Makefile.am, scripts/udev/README, scripts/udev/nut-ipmipsu.rules.in, scripts/ufw/README, scripts/ufw/nut.ufw.profile.in, scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules, server/Makefile.am, server/ctype.h, server/netcmds.h, server/netget.c, server/netget.h, server/netinstcmd.c, server/netinstcmd.h, server/netlist.c, server/netlist.h, server/netmisc.c, server/netmisc.h, server/netset.c, server/netset.h, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h, server/netuser.c, server/netuser.h, server/nut_ctype.h, server/sstate.c, server/sstate.h, server/upsd.c, server/upsd.h, server/user.c, tests/Makefile.am, tests/cpputest.cpp, tests/example.cpp, tools/Makefile.am, tools/device-recorder.sh, tools/git-svn.authors, tools/nut-hclinfo.py, tools/nut-recorder.sh, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/README, tools/nut- scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut- scanner/nutscan-device.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.h, tools /nut-scanner/nutscan-display.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-init.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-init.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_xml_http.c, tools/nut-snmpinfo.py, tools/nut- usbinfo.pl, tools/svn2cl.authors: Merge from trunk [[SVN:2848]] to [[SVN:3679]] to ssl-nss-port. Note: a problem is occurring for server/ssl.[h|c]: they have been moved to server/netssl.[h|c] but consider them as removed. For the branch merging to trunk, consider paying attention to the case of these files (removing them by hand). 2012-07-17 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/apc-mib.c: APC SNMP MIB update and completion Add available high precision values, new variables (input.transfer.reason, battery.current.total and ups.test.date), and move ambient.{temperature,humidity}.{high,low} to ambient.1.*, since they relate to alarm threshold of external probe 1 (patch from Hong-Gunn Chew) * docs/nut-names.txt: Clarify the use of multiple ambient sensors Multiple sensors can be exposed using the indexed notation. 'ambient.*', without index or using '0', relates to the embedded sensor. For example: 'ambient.temperature' represent the embedded sensor temperature. Other sensors (external, communication card, ...) can use indexes from '1' to 'n'. For example: 'ambient.1.temperature' for the first external sensor temperature. * docs/nut-names.txt: NUT namespace completion Add two new variables 'ups.test.date' and 'battery.current.total'. Also add a note on the 'ambient' collection for supporting multiple sensors 2012-07-16 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/nut-ipmipsu.c, drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c, m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c: Support for FreeIPMI 1.1.x and 1.2.x Prepare for supporting API changes in FreeIPMI 1.1.x and 1.2.x. This is mostly related to SDR API simplifications. A 2nd iteration will probably address code redundancy, whenever possible 2012-07-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/eaton-mib.c, drivers/eaton-mib.h, drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h: Add support for Eaton ePDU Switched (Pulizzi) Implement support for older Eaton / Powerware ePDU Switched. These were once sold as Pulizzi, and have now been replaced by newer model (Eaton Marlin implementation and others) 2012-07-09 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * configure.in: Fix CppUnit detection. Fix inconsistent test for CppUnit install (using pkg-config) to really enable unit tests. 2012-07-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/nut-ipmipsu.txt: Fix an error on possible power supplies status 2012-07-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * clients/upssched.c: Fix upssched regression Coverity branch merge [[SVN:3555]] introduced a regression: any upssched.conf command that takes a second argument resulted in a defective frame sent to the parent process. Thus, the command was not executed (patch from Oliver Schonefeld) * Makefile.am, configure.in, tests/.gitignore, tests/Makefile.am, tests/cpputest.cpp, tests/example.cpp: Add basic infrastructure for unit tests Merge eki-unittests branch, with some adjustments, to add a basic initial infrastructure for unit tests, using CppUnit (v1.9.6+) (from Emilien Kia, from Eaton) 2012-07-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/systemd/nut-driver.service.in, scripts/systemd/nutshutdown.in: Fix upsdrvctl call path upsdrvctl is located in @driverexecdir@, not @SBINDIR@ (reported by Michal Hlavinka, from Redhat) 2012-06-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in: Adapt systemd installation directory #2 Complete previous commit by also adapting paths for service files 2012-06-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in: Adapt systemd installation directory Adapt systemd installation directory for the shutdown script, so that it does not try to install it in the actual system directory, but to the pointed build directory, including a sub directory prefix * docs/new-clients.txt: Fix broken link to upscli_*(3) HTML manual pages 2012-06-12 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in: Fix WITH_SSL and WITH_NSS AM_CONDITIONAL definitions nut_with_nss / nut_with_openssl must be set to "yes", otherwise AM_CONDITIONAL counterpart WITH_NSS / WITH_SSL is not defined * docs/new-drivers.txt: Forgotten mention upsdrv_info_t->name is also published as "driver.name" variable * docs/man/belkinunv.txt, drivers/belkinunv.c, drivers/main.c, drivers/masterguard.c, drivers/metasys.c, drivers/mge-utalk.c, drivers/microdowell.c, drivers/nut-ipmipsu.c, drivers/safenet.c, drivers/tripplitesu.c, drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Remove redundant driver.version.internal publication * configure.in, docs/configure.txt, docs/man/nut-scanner.txt: Add missing references to libltdl for nut-scanner nut-scanner requires libltdl (Libtool dlopen abstraction) since NUT 2.6.3. Documentations have been completed, and nut-scanner build status is now exposed in the build configuration summary * drivers/snmp-ups.c: Fix publication of driver.version.data Publish the MIB name and version in driver.version.data, rather than merged into driver.version.internal * drivers/netxml-ups.c: Fix publication of driver.version.data netxml-ups subdriver version is to be tracked in driver.version.data, not in driver.version.internal * docs/nut-names.txt: Add missing variable driver.version.data Add variable driver.version.data, to track version of the internal data mapping, for generic drivers (reported by Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca) * docs/nut-names.txt: Fix comment for driver.version.internal Drivers internal version are always tracked separately, and stored in driver.version.internal 2012-06-11 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: tcsetattr/tcgetattr addendum This small patch moves the comparison sequence into separate function. No functional changes. Also minor retab! run on defines. 2012-06-11 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for REDi Blazer Add REDi Blazer 400VA / 600VA / 800VA to the list of blazer_ser supported models (reported by Marius Gavrilescu) * docs/nut-names.txt: Fix a typo error on power.minimum description power.minimum is really the minimum seen apparent power in VA (reported by Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca) 2012-06-07 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/blazer_usb.c: HCL: Add support for Online Zinto A to blazer_usb Add Online Zinto A (USB ID 0x06da:0x0601) to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Carsten Burkhardt) 2012-06-07 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/oneac.h: Remove unused constants to fix LLVM compilation error. 2012-06-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt: WMNut updates Update WMNut release (0.64) and hosting URL 2012-06-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Update Windows package publications for 2.6.4-1 2012-05-31 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * NEWS, UPGRADING, configure.in, docs/website/news.txt: Final update for 2.6.4 release 2012-05-30 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Cyber Power Systems CP1000PFCLCD Add CyberPower Systems CP1000PFCLCD (USB ID 0x0764:0x0501) to the list of usbhid-ups supported models (reported by David Owen) * drivers/apc-mib.c: Track more APC SNMP sysOID values, as comments * drivers/upshandler.h: Fix code spacing (no functional change) * drivers/bcmxcp_ser.c, drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c: Add some debug traces on incoming / outgoing data * INSTALL: Add missing reference to nut.conf manual page * drivers/bestfortress.c: Improve Best Fortress LI675VA support Apply an old missed patch: all responses are preceded and terminated by "CR LF". But bestfortress driver discards anything after the first "CR LF". This patch trims everything up to the first LF. (patch from Jørgen Thomsen) * drivers/metasys.c: Remove extraneous spaces (no functional changes) 2012-05-30 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/Solaris/preinstall: Updated preinstall script for 'nut' group, user checking * Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/preinstall: Added checking for existing 'nut' group, user and updated package name 2012-05-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * common/parseconf.c: Fix CVE-2012-2944: upsd can be remotely crashed NUT server (upsd), from versions 2.4.0 to 2.6.3, are exposed to crashes when receiving random data from the network. This issue is related to the way NUT parses characters, especially from the network. Non printable characters were missed from strings operation (such as strlen), but still copied to the buffer, causing an overflow. Thus, fix NUT parser, to only allow the subset Ascii charset from Space to ~ (Reported by Sebastian Pohle, Alioth bug #313636, CVE-2012-2944) * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Lexis X-power Tigra 1kVA Add Lexis X-power Tigra 1kVA to the list of blazer_ser or bestups supported models (reported by Tmima Pliroforikis Perifereiakis Enotitas Pierias) * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Encourage the use of blazer_ser instead of bestups Mention blazer_ser as prefered compared to bestups. Recent changes to blazer_ser have made it possible to use it instead of bestups. In the end, bestups will be replaced by blazer_ser, as for other Megatec/Q1 drivers 2012-05-29 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * Makefile.am, configure.in, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools /nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-init.c, tools /nut-scanner/nutscan-init.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Changes in nut-scanner to remove Sparc 'usmAESPrivProtocol' error while creating package 2012-05-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/blazer.c, drivers/blazer_ser.c: Improve Best UPS support in blazer Best UPS units, which use a subset of the Megatec/Q1 protocol, supported by the blazer drivers, can now work with blazer_ser. This support is still limited, but already offers a decent set of features 2012-05-25 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * server/user.c: Add debug traces for instcmds and actions Whenever upsd adds an instant command or an action, from upsd.users, display a debug trace * docs/man/upsd.users.txt: Clarify multiple actions specification Add more details and an example, to illustrate multiple actions specification (reported by Emilien Kia, from Eaton) 2012-05-24 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Eaton Management Card Contact Add Eaton Management Card Contact (ref 66104) to the list of mge-shut or mge-utalk supported models * drivers/compaq-mib.c: HP SNMP completion Complete HP SNMP mapping table, with thresholds, nominal values and more commands 2012-05-23 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/projects.txt: Reference Thecus NAS in Related projects Add a reference in the Related projects, on Thecus NAS range, which uses NUT for power protection 2012-05-22 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: Complete previous commit for HP-UX HP-UX does not support VREPRINT, so make it conditional * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: Fix commit [[SVN:3603]] Commit [[SVN:3603]] (fix tcsetattr() / tcgetattr() issue) has introduced some incompatibility with older Unix systems, such as Solaris, Aix and HP-UX. The present commit should address it. * scripts/java/jNut/src/main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Variable.j ava: Adjust comment (no functional change) * configure.in, docs/net-protocol.txt, server/netcmds.h, server/netmisc.c, server/netmisc.h: Add versioning to the network protocol Due to the number of recent evolutions to the network protocol, along with other possible future changes, NUT network protocol is now versioned. The chapter "Network protocol information", of the developer guide, stores the revision history, while a new "NETVER" command serves this information through the protocol 2012-05-21 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Complete the supported PowerWalker ranges Add PowerWalker Online VFI LCD, Line-Interactive VI LCD and Line- Interactive VI models to the list of blazer_usb supported models * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Microline C-Lion Innova ranges Add Microline C-Lion Innova models to the list of blazer_usb supported models 2012-05-21 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * Makefile.am, scripts/HP-UX/Makefile, scripts/HP-UX/nut.psf.in, scripts/Makefile.am: generalized 'make package' call for Solaris, HPUX package; updated nut.psf.in for HPUX 2012-05-21 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for KOLFF ranges Add KOLFF BLACK NOVA models to the list of blazer_usb supported models * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support Ippon INNOVA RT range Add Ippon INNOVA RT models to the list of blazer_usb supported models * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Gtec ranges Add Gtec models to the list of blazer_ser or blazer_usb supported models * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Complete the supported EVER ranges Add EVER POWERLINE RT / 11 / 31 and DUO II Pro models to the list of blazer_ser or blazer_usb supported models * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for COVER ENERGY SA ranges Add COVER ENERGY SA models to the list of blazer_usb supported models * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for Borri ranges Add Borri models to the list of blazer_usb supported models * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for ARTronic ranges Add ARTronic models, both serial and USB, to the list of blazer_ser and blazer_usb supported models 2012-05-21 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/belkin-hid.c: Fix Liebert firmware (incorrect exponents) There are at least two Liebert firmware types which both report a VID:PID of 10af:0001. The newer ones tend not to have the Belkin broken Usage Pages (and therefore use standard HID PDC paths) but they have incorrect exponents for some fields. This patch fixes the values for the latter implementation 2012-05-21 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/netvision-mib.c: Add 3-phases support to Socomec Netvision MIB Improve Socomec Netvision MIB, by adding support for 3-phases UPS (patch from Manuel Bouyer) * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for PowerShield Defender 1200VA Add PowerShield Defender 1200VA (USB ID 0665:5161) to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Tom Clarkson) * drivers/blazer.c, drivers/blazer_ser.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c: beeper.status belongs to the "ups" data collection 2012-05-16 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: Final fix to the tcsetattr() / tcgetattr() issue The most likely cause of all spurious differences between what was set on the port with tcsetattr() and what tcgetattr() shows are likely to do with the c_local PENDIN flag, which is a status bit, not a control bit. It will change when there's unread pending input, which can be quite often on an APC UPS. The right way to compare struct termios values is to clear the status flags _after_ the tcsetattr() and of course after the tcgetattr() call and then compare the result with what was set. Also set NOKERNINFO, if available, as we don't want the UPS or noise on the line to accidentally trigger status output back to the UPS, and finally make sure IEXTEN is also cleared along with ISIG since it too can cause weird things to happen. This change also adds some debug code to show any differences in the structures in a logical manner in debug output (and squashes one tiny compiler warning) (patch from Greg A. Woods) * docs/config-notes.txt, docs/man/upsmon.txt: Whitespace fixes Remove some extraneous spaces, suggested by "git diff --check", and improve a bit formatting (patch #36 from Greg A. Woods) 2012-05-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h: Remove dead code Remove dead code, related to shutdown handling (no functional changes) (based on patch #29 from Greg A. Woods) 2012-05-15 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am: Updated scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am to remove prototype, checkinstall 2012-05-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/nut-names.txt: Fix formating issue * docs/nut-names.txt: Add missing battery.voltage data to the namespace Add missing battery.voltage.{low,high} to the standard NUT namespace * docs/nut-names.txt, drivers/upscode2.c: Rename peakcurrent to current.peak (as per RFC) Rename peakcurrent to current.peak, since it is more coherent and suitable * drivers/dummy-ups.c, drivers/dummy-ups.h: Update and cleanup Convert flags defitions to bitwise left shift, convert some comments about variables to actual values, and do a bit of cleanup (patch #27 from Greg A. Woods) 2012-05-15 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/Solaris/checkinstall, scripts/Solaris/precheck.py, scripts/Solaris/prototype: Deleted checkinstall, prototype files 2012-05-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/blazer.c: Add comment on shutdown.return ondelay value Add a comment reinforcing the need for ondelay=3 (partial patch #26 from Greg A. Woods) * docs/man/snmp-ups.txt: Complete APC SNMP compatibility information Mention more varieties of APC SNMP cards, and mention the POWERNET MIB (patch #25 from Greg A. Woods) 2012-05-15 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/pkginfo.in, scripts/Solaris/prepackage.py, scripts/Solaris/preproto.pl: Added perl script to create prototype file onsolaris platform, updated Makefile.am * m4/nut_check_os.m4: Added perl script to create prototype file onsolaris platform, updated Makefile.am 2012-05-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/netvision-mib.c: Fix status processing for "ECO mode" When running in "ECO mode", the driver should report an ups.status set to "OL", or it otherwise ends up with an empty string that confuses upsmon (patch from Ivan Kuznetsov) 2012-05-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/blazer.txt: Mention General Electric in blazer manual page Mention General Electric as a user of the Megatec/Q1 protocol (patch #24 from Greg A. Woods) * clients/upsmon.h: Use bitwise left shift for flags definitions Use (1 << N) to define a bit flag at bit N, which is more coherent with other similar implementations in NUT (patch #23 from Greg A. Woods) * clients/upsmon.c: Cosmetic changes Remove dead / redundant #defines, and enable interesting debug traces that were commented out (based on patch #22 from Greg A. Woods) * drivers/apcsmart.h: Use bitwise left shift for status flags definitions Use (1 << N) to define a bit flag at bit N, which is more coherent with other similar implementations in NUT (patch #21 from Greg A. Woods) * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: Don't be too strict about terminal settings Don't log an error when tcgetattr() reports different settings on the port (patch #20 from Greg A. Woods) * tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Better filtering on USB related files The current USB information extraction script is not optimal at filtering files that need to be inspected. While waiting for a proper rewrite, improve a bit more filenames filtering (patch #18 from Greg A. Woods) * drivers/blazer_ser.c: Quote the debug output for space visibility Quote the debug output so one can see how many spaces there are (patch #16 from Greg A. Woods) * docs/cables/apc.txt: Update APC cabling information Update information about APC cable model numbering and revisions (patch #16 from Greg A. Woods) * data/driver.list.in: HCL: GE Digital Energy updates Rename "GE" to "GE Digital Energy", which is more appropriate in this context. Also add GT Series 1000-3000 VA to the list of blazer_ser supported models (patch #15 from Greg A. Woods) * docs/developers.txt: Complete notes on spaces for alignements Add complementary note on the use of spaces for alignements (patch #14 from Greg A. Woods) * docs/design.txt: Use more suitable examples Use an example driver name matching the unified NUT drivers generic manual page name (patch #13 from Greg A. Woods) * drivers/mge-hid.c: Complete and update Eaton HID usages table 2012-05-11 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/Makefile.am: Fix typo in comment Fix a typo error in comment (reported by Fred Bohé, from Eaton) * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: Update upower script Update upower script with recent changes and updates (redundant with patch #6 from Greg A. Woods) * tools/Makefile.am: Explicit mention of Makefiles brokenness Document that, at least, this Makefile.am is broken by design (patch #5 from Greg A. Woods) * docs/man/apcsmart.txt: Fix documentation wording "there're" is not a valid contraction, especially not in a technical document (patch #4 from Greg A. Woods) * docs/man/apcsmart.txt: Always use upper case for the acronym "UPS" Be consistent in using all upper case for the acronym "UPS" (Ie Uninterruptible Power Supply) (patch #3 from Greg A. Woods) * docs/man/apcsmart.txt: Fix SmartUPS cabling nomenclature Correct the nomenclature of the SmartUPS cabling part numbers (patch #2 from Greg A. Woods) * configure.in: Fix a configure error message Asciidoc might actually be installed but documentation might still not be build- able (earlier messages should hint at exactly what was missing) (patch #1 from Greg A. Woods) * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for ATEK Defensor range Add ATEK Defensor range (Innova series) to the list of blazer_usb supported models * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Fix EVER brand name The correct name is "EVER", not "EVER UPS", as per a request from the manufacturer 2012-05-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/news.txt: Update for WMNut 0.63 publication * docs/website/ups-protocols.txt: Official Riello protocols publication 2012-05-08 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/prepackage.py: Added python script to create pkginfo.in and checkinstall scripts depending upon the solaris platform 2012-05-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/libshut.c, drivers/mge-shut.c: Forgotten driver version bump * clients/upsmon.c: Coverity fix on upsmon Remove an unneeded null check, that cause a Coverity error (reported by Michal Hlavinka from RedHat) * drivers/libshut.c, drivers/mge-shut.c: Coverity fix on Eaton SHUT Fix some tests that are always false, regardless of the values of operands (reported by Michal Hlavinka from RedHat) 2012-05-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Update Windows package publications * common/Makefile.am, include/Makefile.am: Better handling of nut_version.h nut_version.h should not be distributed, since it is automatically built. Moreover, hard dependency in common/ is not needed since BUILT_SOURCES reference ensure generation before any other target: http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/automake.html#Sources (Reported by Regid Ichira, Debian bug #613643) 2012-04-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/cps-hid.c: Add support for CyberPower Systems PR6000LCDRTXL5U Add CyberPower Systems PR6000LCDRTXL5U (USB ID 0x0764:0x0601) to the list of usbhid-ups supported models (reported by Dax Kelson) * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Complete HP supported devices list Add HP UPS Management Module to the list of snmp-ups supported models. Also complete serial compatibility for some models, using mge-shut 2012-04-25 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt: Clarify nut-scanner compilation and distribution Document explicitely how nut-scanner is compiled, and how its features are made available, according to its dependencies (both compile time and runtime) 2012-04-24 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-init.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-init.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Cleaner exit for nut-scanner 2012-04-23 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Be more verbose when failing to dynamically load a library 2012-04-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nut-recorder.txt, tools/nut-recorder.sh: Create nut- recorder manual page * drivers/tripplite-hid.c: HP USB UPS completion #3 Remove R/T3000 USB ID (0x03f0:0x1fe5) from the TrippLite HID mapping, since it is supported by the Eaton HID mapping. This completes commit * drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Correct Celsius temperatures that should be in Kelvin Check if raw value is in the Kelvin range, to detect buggy values that are already expressed in Celsius degrees, as found on some HP devices * docs/developer-guide.txt, tools/Makefile.am, tools/device- recorder.sh, tools/nut-recorder.sh: Rename device-recorder to nut- recorder * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Reorder Dell devices by connection type 2012-04-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/systemd/nut-driver.service.in, scripts/systemd/nut- monitor.service.in, scripts/systemd/nut-server.service.in, scripts/systemd/nutshutdown.in: Fix broken systemd integration in the build system Step 2: add the theoretical path templates to the systemd scripts. This however requires adjustments to the RPM package. Namely, upsd and upsmon will have to be installed in /sbin, instead of the current /usr/sbin * configure.in, scripts/systemd/Makefile.am: Fix broken systemd integration in the build system Step 1: remove Makefile rules that were both useless, and causing warning. Generate nut-*.service files from .in templates in configure, as it should be, which is currently void since there is no target to substitute. This has however required to export SBINDIR and PIDPATH through AC_SUBST, in configure * clients/upsrw.c, common/state.c, docs/man/upscli_list_start.txt, docs/man/upsrw.txt, docs/net-protocol.txt, docs/new-drivers.txt, docs/sock-protocol.txt, drivers/dstate.c, drivers/dstate.h, include/extstate.h, include/state.h, server/netget.c, server/netlist.c, server/netset.c, server/sstate.c, server/sstate.h: Support of ranges of values for writable variables It is now possible to specify one or more ranges of values for writable variables, using dstate_addrange() in drivers. upsd also supports the new type 'RANGE' for 'GET TYPE', along with the 'LIST RANGE' command. Finally, users can interact through upsrw, which displays the supported ranges, and enforces new value checking against the provided boundaries * drivers/mge-hid.c: HP USB UPS completion #2 Address HP USB/HID devices, that use the Eaton HID definitions. This includes the latest products range (USB IDs 0x1fe5, 0x1fe6, 0x1fe7 and 0x1fe8), and few more variables and commands * drivers/mge-hid.c: Fix Eaton / MGE outlet.2.switchable flags outlet.2.switchable should only be writable to enable ECO mode on Ellipse ECO, Protection Station and some 3S. Other models should only expose it as read only (reported by Prachi Gandhi from Eaton, Alioth bug #313587) 2012-04-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/logrotate/nutlogd: Provide log rotation configuration for NUT Provide a basic configuration file for managing rotation (logrotate) of NUT log files, generated by upslog 2012-04-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/nut-names.txt: Update the namespace Complete the namespace with missing variables and commands, that are either known or have had an RFC * docs/man/.gitignore: Subversion ignored files completion Mark nutscan_init.html as Subversion ignored (no functional changes) 2012-03-31 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Add support for AEG Power Solutions PROTECT HOME Add AEG Power Solutions PROTECT HOME (USB ID 0x0665:0x5161) to the list of blazer_ser and blazer_usb supported models (reported by Joachim Schiele) 2012-03-30 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c: Add debug traces for read / write commands * common/common.c, include/common.h: Improve support functions for trimming strings Enforce verifications in rtrim, and add an ltrim function 2012-03-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/blazer_usb.c: Add support Innova online UPS family Add Innova T (0x06da:0x0201), Innova RT (0x06da:0x0005) and Innova 3/1 T (0x06da:0x0004) to the list of of blazer_usb and blazer_ser supported models. Innova series are online UPS supporting Q1 for compatibility, and many more commands. Better support, either through blazer_* rewrite or through a new driver, is considered as a future possibility 2012-03-24 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in, docs/Makefile.am, docs/security.txt, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/ufw/.gitignore, scripts/ufw/README, scripts/ufw/nut.ufw.profile.in: Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) support Provide an Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) profile (nut.ufw.profile) to tightly integrate NUT, along with some documentation completion for the Security chapter of the user manual 2012-03-23 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * conf/nut.conf.sample, docs/man/nut.conf.txt: Fix nut.conf documentation and sample file Since nut.conf is intended to be sourced by shell scripts, spaces must not be added around the equal sign. Fix documentation and sample file to conform to this purpose, and add bold warning (reported by Tim Rice, Alioth bug #312452) * clients/upsmon.c, server/upsd.c: Detect duplicate instances of upsd / upsmon Fix a long standing issue, that is the lack of detection of duplicate upsd / upsmon instances when starting another one of these daemons. This previously resulted in inconsistencies, such as being unable to stop the daemon, due to its .pid file being removed by the newly started instance (last reported by Andrew Min Chang) 2012-03-21 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/libshut.c: Avoid stack corruption on invalid frame In the protocol, the frame size can be 8 bytes max. That is why the frame buffer is only 8 bytes long. If the frame is corrupted, the size read may be up to 15, which may corrupt the stack while writing into the frame buffer. This patch add a simple sanity check on the size to avoid a crash and enforce protocol limitation. * drivers/libshut.c: Fix SHUT variables read (from Arnaud Quette) * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h, drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c: Change timeout for PW9120 Current timeout (1 sec) is too short for PW9120: numerous frames are lost. Setting this to 2 seconds fix this. * drivers/libshut.c: Deactivate UPS notification Currently this driver is ignoring notification by automatically sending NACK when they are received. Nevertheless,this behavior creates communication errors with some UPS (M2200). So this patch completly disable the sending of notification from the UPS. Ideally we should correclty implement notifications managment for optimal performance, but with this patch, at least, communiaton works. * drivers/libshut.c: Fix shut notification mask 2012-03-09 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/config-notes.txt: Emphasize special characters * data/driver.list.in, drivers/tripplite-hid.c: HP USB UPS completion #1 Address HP USB/HID devices, that use the TrippLite HID definitions. This includes new ProductIDs, and few more variables and commands * drivers/oneac.h: Remove extraneous comment start 2012-03-08 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * common/parseconf.c, common/upsconf.c, docs/config-notes.txt: More flexible '=' character managment in conf files This allow to support the following forms : 'foo = bar', 'foo=bar', 'foo =bar' and 'foo= bar' 2012-03-06 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/oneac.txt, drivers/oneac.c, drivers/oneac.h: Improve general OneAC support (oneac 0.80) Improve support for all families of Oneac (EG, ON, OZ and OB), including support for more data and instant commands (patch from Bill Elliot) 2012-03-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/blazer.c, drivers/blazer_ser.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c: Guesstimate battery high and low voltages Add an automatic estimation for high and low voltages, to be able to determine battery charge. This should cover most cases, but a bold mention has been added at driver startup, to inform the user. Driver version (USB and serial) have been bumped to reflect this change * drivers/blazer.c: Set 'FSD' status flag upon need As per the recent decision to allow driver to set 'FSD' status flag, set 'FSD' upon "Shutdown imminent" detection 2012-03-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * autogen.sh, scripts/augeas/Makefile.am: Sanity check before python script execution Only generate Augeas ups.conf lens if we can import required Python modules (re,glob,codecs) * docs/man/blazer.txt: Fix typo error in runtimecal example values * docs/stable-hcl.txt: Improve formating * docs/new-drivers.txt: Formalize the use of the FSD status flag As an exception, drivers are now allowed to set the "FSD" (Forced ShutDown) status flag when an imminent shutdown has been detected 2012-02-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * clients/upsc.c, docs/man/upsc.txt: Client side implementation of "LIST CLIENT" Implement "LIST CLIENT" in upsc, using "-c <device name>" * docs/net-protocol.txt, server/netlist.c: Adjust server side implementation of "LIST CLIENT" Commands of the "LIST" family have to be coherent with the command name. Ie, "LIST CLIENT" should use the same "CLIENT" prefix, or it will otherwise break client side verification mechanism * server/netlist.c: Adjust "LIST CLIENTS" implementation Adjust "LIST CLIENTS" implementation to be more coherent with other network protocol commands * docs/net-protocol.txt: Document new "LIST CLIENTS" command * server/upsd.c, server/upsd.h: Remove upsd "info" command Adjust initial "LIST CLIENTS" commit, by removing the upsd "info" command, which is not suitable, and redundant with the "LIST CLIENT" command of the network protocol [Fixed compilation error] 2012-02-29 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/python/module/PyNUT.py: Add support for LIST CLIENTS, etc. to PyNUT. Patch by Rene Martín Rodríguez <rmrodri@ull.edu.es>. Merged with typo fixes in repository. Covers LIST CLIENTS, FSD, HELP and VER. Module version bumped to 1.2.2. Discussion: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/5871 * server/netlist.c, server/upsd.c, server/upsd.h: Add new "LIST CLIENTS" command to NUT protocol. Patch by Rene Martín Rodríguez <rmrodri@ull.edu.es>, with indentation changed to tabs. Discussion: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.monitoring.nut.devel/5870 * drivers/blazer.c: Update URL to Megatec protocol description. 2012-02-28 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/liebert-hid.c: UPower optimization Always spell manufacturer names the same way across the various USB drivers. This avoids duplication of manufacturer entries in scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules, during automatic generation 2012-02-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/cps-hid.c: Add support for CyberPower OR700LCDRM1U Add CyberPower OR700LCDRM1U (0x0764:0x0601) to the list of usbhid-ups supported models (reported by Brian McCann) 2012-02-22 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: drivers/apcsmart.c: setvar_string() and apc_write_long() bugfixes setvar_string() couldn't function properly, due to the use of wrong variable. Not associated with any bugreport (reported directly to email). * drivers/apcsmart.c: drivers/apcsmart.c: make tcsetattr()/tcgetattr() difference not fatal This is follow up from earlier bug report (#313395). Earlier commit should have fixed the issue, but the original submitter never commented on it. Just in case - instead of making it fatal, we only log the issue. 2012-02-20 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/snmp-ups.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Better handling of Net-SNMP AES PrivProtocol Handle smartly issues related to Net- SNMP support and declaration of AES PrivProtocol 2012-02-19 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h: Don't allocate storage for variables in snmp-ups.h The header files should declare variables as extern, and they should be allocated in only one .c file (not all of the files which include the .h file). While this is not an immediate problem when only one .c file includes the .h file, it still should be fixed in case that changes in the future. Patch by Daniel Macks: http://fink.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/fink/experimen tal/dmacks/finkinfo/nut.patch?revision=1.1&view=markup * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: Don't allocate storage for variables in bcmxcp.h The header files should declare variables as extern, and they should be allocated in only one .c file (not all of the files which include the .h file). This was causing multiple symbol definitions on Mac OS X. Patch by Daniel Macks: http://fink .cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/fink/experimental/dmacks/finkinfo/nut.p atch?revision=1.1&view=markup 2012-02-16 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/blazer_usb.c: Add support for Online Yunto YQ450 Add Online Yunto YQ450 (0x06da:0x0002) to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Thomas Maisl) 2012-02-16 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/git-svn.authors, tools/svn2cl.authors: Update SVN username mappings 2012-02-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add support for Tripp-Lite OMNISMART500 Add Tripp-Lite OMNISMART500 (productID 0001) to the list of tripplite_usb supported models (reported by Matt Schulte) 2012-02-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Support for Dell UPS Network Management Card Add Dell UPS Network Management Card to the list of snmp-ups and netxml-ups supported models. SNMP support currently relies on IETF (RFC-1628) MIB, and not on Dell UPS MIB 2012-02-09 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Remove useless lib_mutex and buggy dev_mutex 2012-02-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * Makefile.am: Update ChangeLog generation and fix text wrapping Adapt the ChangeLog file generation process to correctly wrap text, even with the new 'git style' format, used for Subversion commit messages 2012-02-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h: Improve XCP support for battery status Add support for battery test publication in ups.test.result, and RB (replace battery) in ups.status 2012-01-31 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/bestfortress.c: Add more debug traces Add more debug traces, again, to work on the checksum corruption issue 2012-01-23 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-mib.c: Clean and complete MGE MIB Complete MGE MIB for status, variables and commands, using IETF MIB OIDs when needed. Macro have also been replaced by actual numeric OID paths for better clarity. * drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h: snmp-ups shutdown support snmp-ups now provides support for UPS shutdown, based on usbhid-ups mechanisms (composite commands and fallback). Composite commands are also supported. This means, for example, that if 'shutdown.return' is not supported, a combination of 'load.off' + 'load.on' may be used. * drivers/ietf-mib.c: Fix invalid variable name Beeper status belongs to the 'ups' data collection * drivers/snmp-ups.c: Check validity of instant commands before addition Prior to adding new instant commands, referenced OIDs are now checked for existance. This avoid adding commands that are not supported * docs/man/upsmon.txt: Fix upsmon synopsis Add the missing '-K' (Test for the shutdown flag) to upsmon synopsis (reported by Regid Ichira) 2012-01-20 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Support for Riello Netman Plus 102 SNMP Card Add Riello Netman Plus 102 SNMP Card, and attached Sentinel SDL 6000-7 and Sentinel Dual SDH 1000-7 UPS, to the list of snmp-ups supported models (reported by Rainer Stumbaum) 2012-01-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/bestfortress.c: Add more debug traces, to work on the checksum corruption issue 2012-01-18 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/nut-names.txt, drivers/usbhid-ups.c: Adjust ups.start.auto value for shutdown commands When present, ups.start.auto value needs to be adjusted for shutdown.{return,stayoff} to behave as expected. This is limited to Eaton devices (reported by Rich Wrenn) 2012-01-11 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * UPGRADING: Cleanup garbage line Remove garbage line that was added by accident during the AsciiDoc branch merge or work * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-init.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c: Move libupsclient to weak runtime dependencies libupsclient, as other libraries used by nut-scanner, is now a weak runtime dependency, through the use of lt_dl*() functions. This means that libupsclient is not anymore required, but only suggested. This should also solve the distcheck-light compilation on Aix (on behalf of Frédéric Bohe, from Eaton) 2012-01-10 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> * drivers/dstate.c: do not forget to check send_to_one return value send_to_one free()s connection, we can't use it after failure. * drivers/bcmxcp.c: do not call getinfo twice, use returned value for parsing result was stored, but never used. Another dstate_getinfo call was used instead of stored value. Probably result of copy- paste. * tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: do not use unterminated string in strlen recvfrom returns raw data without null termination, this string can't be used in strlen. Use number of recieved bytes returned by recvfrom instead of strlen. * clients/upssched.c: do not send garbage on retry because write and read commands shared one buffer, on retry we did not send command again, but last read data * drivers/tripplite_usb.c: prevent buffer overflow in hexascdump haxascdump uses fixed size static buffer, but it had no checks to assure result can fit into that buffer. * tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c: ups variable was allocated, but not free()d * drivers/rhino.c, drivers/solis.c: use automatic time_t variable instead of allocated one time_t value is small enough to be automatic variable instead of allocated one. It eliminates risk we forget to free it again. * drivers/bcmxcp.c: do not forget to free pTmp even if len is zero, pTmp should be freed * drivers/mge-utalk.c: prevent null pointer dereference in strchr in some cases p can be null causing null pointer dereference of v (initialized to 0) in strchr command * drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c: Fix condition in re-try loop making error checking unreachable for loop with condition retry <= MAX_TRIES ends with retry = MAX_TRIES+1. This breaks following error check with retry == MAX_TRIES condition, because it's true only in case when last retry actualy succeeded. 2012-01-09 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/bestups.c: Add the missing driver variable "battvoltmult" (patch from Sadara Kael) 2012-01-06 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/snmp-ups.c: Reword the message when sysOID detection fails * drivers/compaq-mib.c: Add the sysOID value, and bump the MIB version to 1.1 (reported by Jack Challen) * docs/download.txt: Remove inline SHA-256 sum, and provide links to MD5 and SHA-256 sums 2012-01-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * server/netget.c: GET UPSDESC does not need device sanity checks (i.e. connected, with fresh data) to answer (reported by Emilien Kia, Alioth bug #313323) * data/driver.list.in: Add Dynamix 1000VA USB to the list of blazer_usb supported models (requires "langid_fix=0x0409" in ups.conf; reported by Glen Ogilvie) 2012-01-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt: Add the missing SHA-256 sum on the Download page / section (needs to be generated after the distribution package) * docs/website/news.txt: Update 2.6.3 release date 2012-01-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * NEWS, UPGRADING, configure.in, docs/website/news.txt: Final update for 2.6.3 release 2012-01-03 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/config-notes.txt: Add a note about file names with space characters in the documentation. 2012-01-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/dummy-ups.c: Add a comment for further processing 2012-01-03 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Fix nut scanner SNMP v3 help message. * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt: Fix nut scanner SNMP v3 documentation. 2011-12-30 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * configure.in, scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/checkinstall, scripts/Solaris/nut.in, scripts/Solaris/pkginfo.in, scripts/Solaris/postinstall.in, scripts/Solaris/postremove, scripts/Solaris/preinstall, scripts/Solaris/preremove.in, scripts/Solaris/prototype: Added Solaris Packaging scripts 2011-12-17 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/blazer_usb.c: Actually apply the langid_fix value, ... ...when calling usb_get_string (reported by Charles Lepple) * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/blazer.txt, drivers/blazer_usb.c: Try to fix language ID support for USB units from LDLC, Dynamix ... ...and no names in blazer_usb (reworked patch, from Brian R. Smith and Aurélien Grenotton) 2011-12-16 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/HP-UX/.gitignore: Add the generated HP-UX packaging script (.psf) to the list of ignored files * drivers/eaton-mib.c, drivers/snmp-ups.c: Fix newer Eaton ePDU OIDs declaration ordering, ... ...so that it better supports the various models (switched or advanced monitored) 2011-12-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * clients/upsclient.c, drivers/belkinunv.c, drivers/etapro.c, drivers/gamatronic.c, drivers/isbmex.c, drivers/libshut.c, drivers/metasys.c, drivers/mge-shut.c, drivers/microdowell.c, drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c, drivers/rhino.c, drivers/solis.c: Fix set but not used variables [-Wunused-but-set-variable] (including patch from Regid Ichira) 2011-12-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * compile: Update compile script, as per the latest version available in Automake (1.11) * docs/man/.gitignore: Add the generated nutscan_init.3 Groff manual page... ...to the list of ignored files * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c: Add IPMI power supplies discovery to nut-scanner * drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c, m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4: Separate IPMI requirements, between FRU lookup and monitoring. This way, we can at least compile nut-scanner with IPMI support and a limited (no monitoring) version of nut-ipmipsu, using older (pre 1.0.1) FreeIPMI versions 2011-12-12 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Unconditional compile of scan_* source code... ...since now they contains the relevant stub function. * tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Clean call to nutscan include files * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-init.c: Fix wrong variable name * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Fix wrong call to nutscan_scan_avahi * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Forgot to include nutscan-init.h in Makefile * docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/nutscan_init.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_avahi.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_ipmi.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_nut.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_snmp.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_usb.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_xml_http.txt: Update documentation * tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Make sure not to call any non-initialized function pointers. * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools /nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-init.c, tools /nut-scanner/nutscan-init.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Keep the same API whatever the library are at compile time... ...(so some scan functions may be stub only) Add an init function + variable to know the available scan method at run time. Update nut-scanner accordingly. 2011-12-09 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * Makefile.am, configure.in, libltdl/COPYING.LIB, libltdl/Makefile.am, libltdl/Makefile.in, libltdl/Makefile.inc, libltdl/README, libltdl/aclocal.m4, libltdl/argz.c, libltdl/argz_.h, libltdl/config-h.in, libltdl/config/compile, libltdl/config/config.guess, libltdl/config/config.sub, libltdl/config/depcomp, libltdl/config/edit-readme-alpha, libltdl/config/general.m4sh, libltdl/config/getopt.m4sh, libltdl/config/install-sh, libltdl/config/ltmain.m4sh, libltdl/config/ltmain.sh, libltdl/config/mdate-sh, libltdl/config/missing, libltdl/config/mkstamp, libltdl/config/texinfo.tex, libltdl/configure, libltdl/configure.ac, libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt__dirent.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt__glibc.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt__private.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt__strl.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt_dlloader.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt_error.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt_system.h, libltdl/libltdl/slist.h, libltdl/loaders/dld_link.c, libltdl/loaders/dlopen.c, libltdl/loaders/dyld.c, libltdl/loaders/load_add_on.c, libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c, libltdl/loaders/preopen.c, libltdl/loaders/shl_load.c, libltdl/lt__alloc.c, libltdl/lt__dirent.c, libltdl/lt__strl.c, libltdl/lt_dlloader.c, libltdl/lt_error.c, libltdl/ltdl.c, libltdl/ltdl.h, libltdl/m4/argz.m4, libltdl/m4/autobuild.m4, libltdl/m4/libtool.m4, libltdl/m4/ltdl.m4, libltdl/m4/ltoptions.m4, libltdl/m4/ltsugar.m4, libltdl/m4/ltversion.in, libltdl/m4/ltversion.m4, libltdl/m4/lt~obsolete.m4, libltdl/slist.c, libltdl/stamp-mk, m4/nut_check_libltdl.m4, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Delete the bundled version of libltdl, ... and add detection and integration for the system provided version. nut-scanner build now depends on the existence of libltdl on the system * autogen.sh: Revert commit [[SVN:3344]], ...since it causes problems with documentation build, due to INSTALL being overwritten 2011-12-09 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * autogen.sh: Force files to be overwritten (especially for libtool) 2011-12-07 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * Makefile.am, configure.in, libltdl/COPYING.LIB, libltdl/Makefile.am, libltdl/Makefile.in, libltdl/Makefile.inc, libltdl/README, libltdl/aclocal.m4, libltdl/argz.c, libltdl/argz_.h, libltdl/config-h.in, libltdl/config/compile, libltdl/config/config.guess, libltdl/config/config.sub, libltdl/config/depcomp, libltdl/config/edit-readme-alpha, libltdl/config/general.m4sh, libltdl/config/getopt.m4sh, libltdl/config/install-sh, libltdl/config/ltmain.m4sh, libltdl/config/ltmain.sh, libltdl/config/mdate-sh, libltdl/config/missing, libltdl/config/mkstamp, libltdl/config/texinfo.tex, libltdl/configure, libltdl/configure.ac, libltdl/libltdl/lt__alloc.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt__dirent.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt__glibc.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt__private.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt__strl.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt_dlloader.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt_error.h, libltdl/libltdl/lt_system.h, libltdl/libltdl/slist.h, libltdl/loaders/dld_link.c, libltdl/loaders/dlopen.c, libltdl/loaders/dyld.c, libltdl/loaders/load_add_on.c, libltdl/loaders/loadlibrary.c, libltdl/loaders/preopen.c, libltdl/loaders/shl_load.c, libltdl/lt__alloc.c, libltdl/lt__dirent.c, libltdl/lt__strl.c, libltdl/lt_dlloader.c, libltdl/lt_error.c, libltdl/ltdl.c, libltdl/ltdl.h, libltdl/m4/argz.m4, libltdl/m4/autobuild.m4, libltdl/m4/libtool.m4, libltdl/m4/ltdl.m4, libltdl/m4/ltoptions.m4, libltdl/m4/ltsugar.m4, libltdl/m4/ltversion.in, libltdl/m4/ltversion.m4, libltdl/m4/lt~obsolete.m4, libltdl/slist.c, libltdl/stamp-mk, tools /nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_xml_http.c: First set of modification to include libltdl 2011-12-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, docs/man/snmp-ups.txt, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/cyberpower-mib.c, drivers/cyberpower-mib.h, drivers/snmp- ups.c: Add Cyber Power Systems with SNMP RMCARD (100, 201, 202 and 301) ... ...to the list of snmp-ups supported models (patch from Eric Schultz) * drivers/snmp-ups.c: Remove the Eaton Marlin hook, for base outlet index ... ...since it has been fixed by a new firmware revision 2011-11-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/nut-snmpinfo.py: Fix indentation and use open() instead of file(), to better support Python 3 (Alioth bug #313446, patch from Bohdan Popovych) 2011-11-25 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/nut-ipmi.h: Fix wrong prototype declaration, that was causing a compilation warning (implicit declaration of function ‘nut_ipmi_get_sensors_status’) 2011-11-24 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/Solaris/pkginfo.in: BASEDIR must also be adapted from configure settings * scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am: Add missing dependencies, and distribution rules * scripts/Makefile.am: There is no need to list Solaris/pkginfo.in there, ... ...since 'Solaris' is listed in SUBDIRS, and 'pkginfo.in' is listed in configure.in * scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am: Remove makelocal.sh from check_SCRIPTS, ... ...since it is not meant to be run at "make check" time 2011-11-24 Prachi Gandhi <prachi-guest@alioth.debian.org> * Makefile.am, configure.in, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/makelocal.sh, scripts/Solaris/pkginfo.in, scripts/Solaris/prototype: Reverted changes made for Solaris packaging files in [[SVN:3326]] ... added files in NUT_packaging branch * Makefile.am, configure.in, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/makelocal.sh, scripts/Solaris/pkginfo.in, scripts/Solaris/prototype: Solaris NUT package files added * Makefile.am, configure.in, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/Makefile.am, scripts/Solaris/makelocal.sh, scripts/Solaris/pkginfo.in, scripts/Solaris/prototype: Solaris NUT package files added 2011-11-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/blazer_usb.c, drivers/usb-common.h: Revert commit [[SVN:2993]] and [[SVN:2994]]. This enables again inclusion of buggy USB Device and Vendor IDs, supported by blazer_usb, in udev rules file (Reported by Stanislav Brabec, from Suse) * tools/Makefile.am: Add missing comment 2011-11-12 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-mib.c: Add upsmgBatteryLowCondition OID to the status mapping (reported by Kiss Gabor (Bitman)) 2011-11-11 Praveen Kumar <praveenkumar-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/HP-UX/makedepot.sh: script file to create package (depot) for HP-UX 2011-11-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Complete search keywords * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Final fix for the displaying of the legend, to work on all browsers, ... ...while still being conforming to W3C validation 2011-11-07 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Fix displaying of the legend 2011-11-05 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/cables.txt, docs/man/apcsmart.txt: apcsmart.txt: minor documentation update Broken diagram link and 940-0024E cable mention (reported by Jonathan Laventhol). 2011-11-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * conf/upsd.conf.sample, server/upsd.c: Don't fail to start if at least one of the listening interface is available. This is needed on systems where either IPv4 or IPv6 is disabled, and no explicit LISTEN directive has been specified (Reported by Pavel Zubkou, Debian bug #598741) 2011-11-02 Praveen Kumar <praveenkumar-guest@alioth.debian.org> * configure.in, scripts/HP-UX/nut.psf.in: Adding packaging script for HPUX 2011-10-31 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Publish update jNut 0.2, along with the new jNutWebAPI (contributed by Emilien Kia, from Eaton) 2011-10-28 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * scripts/java/README, scripts/java/jNutWebAPI/README, scripts/java/jNutWebAPI/pom.xml, .../jnutwebapi/NutRestProvider.java, .../jnutwebapi/RestWSApplication.java, .../jnutwebapi/ScannerProvider.java, .../jNutWebAPI/src/main/webapp /WEB-INF/web.xml: Initial commit of jNutWebAPI. * scripts/java/jNut/.gitignore, scripts/java/jNut/src/main/java/org/n etworkupstools/jnut/Scanner.java: Fix a little bug with function namming (get instead of set). 2011-10-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/maintainer-guide.txt: Create a basic NUT maintainer guide, ... to start tracking and improving maintenance workflow * drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c: Handle disconnection issues and reconnection mechanism (bug reported by Rich Wrenn) 2011-10-25 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * .../test/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ClientTest.java: Add licence information. * scripts/java/jNut/README, scripts/java/jNut/pom.xml, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Scanner.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ScannerTest.java: Add nut- scanner. 2011-10-25 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Add sanity checks * tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c: Remove unused variable 2011-10-25 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: drivers/apcsmart.c: minor correction Assigning 0 directly was wrong (actually, a leftover from earlier version of the code that was removed) - ser_set_speed() prepares the port initially, we only adjust certain options. 2011-10-24 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Forgot to document "-q" option (thanks to Emilien Kia for reporting this) 2011-10-21 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Trivial layout consistency * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt: Update man page with -V and -a option * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Add an option to display available bus (usefull for wrapper). * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: return -1 on bad command line option 2011-10-19 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.c: Fix crash on 32bits systems * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Add a switch to display NUT version. 2011-10-19 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/FAQ.txt: Add FAQ entry for LISTEN directive 2011-10-18 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/eaton-mib.c: Fix outlets reported current, ... ...which were off by 100 in aphel_genesisII MIB, and bump MIB version to 0.46 (patch from Sven Nilsson) 2011-10-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/Makefile.am, docs/images/nut-logo.png, docs/images/nut.svg, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/css/web-layout.css, docs/website/faviconut.ico, docs/website/faviconut.png, docs/website/web-layout.conf: Add the new NUT logo (contributed by Luc Descotils, from Eaton) * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Fix another W3C validator error (there is no attribute "language" anymore for <script> in XHTML 1.1) * data/driver.list.in: Remove redundant entry, that probably causes a W3C validator error (end tag for "tr" which is not finished) * tools/Makefile.am: Only generate static and JSON HCL if we can import json, ... ...simplejson and lxml Python modules * docs/Makefile.am: Remove the user manual dependency on static HCL, which broke Buildbot * configure.in, docs/Makefile.am, docs/download.txt, docs/website/Makefile.am: Automate generation of the version release information, in the Download section. This is a rewritten version of [[SVN:3272]], this time using Asciidoc mechanism instead of Autoconf * Makefile.am, docs/Makefile.am, tools/Makefile.am, tools/nut- hclinfo.py: Add static HCL as a user manual dependency, along with the needed build rules 2011-10-14 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * include/Makefile.am: nut_version.h: grab Git revision, if any 2011-10-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/configure.txt: Add missing --with-avahi documentation * docs/Makefile.am, docs/developer-guide.txt, tools/nut- scanner/.gitignore, tools/nut-scanner/README, tools/nut-scanner /nut-scan.h: Add a 'NUT device discovery' chapter to the developer guide, ... ...to document libnutscan * configure.in: Enable Avahi automatic support, upon detection * docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nutscan.txt: Add an overview manpage for libnutscan * configure.in, docs/Makefile.am, docs/download.txt, docs/download.txt.in: Revert [[SVN:3272]], which breaks distribution check, ... ...while waiting for a suitable solution 2011-10-13 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt: nut-scanner.txt: spelling and style edits 2011-10-13 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt: Add examples to nut-scanner man page 2011-10-12 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/.gitignore: Mark download.txt as ignored, ... ...since it is now generated automatically (no functional changes) 2011-10-11 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in, docs/Makefile.am, docs/download.txt, docs/download.txt.in: Automate generation of the stable release information, in the Download section 2011-10-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c: Replace <time.h> inclusion by "timehead.h", as per NUT coding standard (Reported by Prachi Gandhi, from Eaton) 2011-10-10 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/man/nut-scanner.txt, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Add CIDR option manual 2011-10-10 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: Update upower script with Powercom entry * docs/website/projects.txt: Advertise more the official Windows port, with regard to WinNUT * Makefile.am: Force ChangeLog regeneration upon make dist, ... ...in case it has already been generated previously 2011-10-06 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/support.txt: Reduce recommended debug level from 5 to 2 in Support page. 2011-10-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/powercom-hid.c: Add Powercom BNT-xxxAP (productID 0004)... ...to the list of usbhid-ups supported models (reported by Virus, on Ubuntu Launchpad) 2011-09-30 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add Belkin F6S600auUSB to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Simon Dwyer) 2011-09-26 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * conf/upsd.conf.sample: Complete LISTEN information, with regard to IP v4 or v6 disabled kernel (reported by Pavel Zubkou, Debian bug #598741) * clients/Makefile.am: Fix forgotten update of libupsclient version information (bump from 1:0:0 to 2:0:1) * docs/man/bcmxcp.txt, docs/man/blazer.txt, docs/man/dummy-ups.txt: Fix spelling and typo errors (patch from Laurent Bigonville, Debian) * tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Fix remaining compilation errors on FreeBSD, ... ...due to missing <netinet/in.h> header inclusion 2011-09-26 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.c: Remove AI_NUMERICSERV... ...since it's useless and produces compile error on some systems. * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.h: Try to fix FreeBSD build 2011-09-23 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/config-notes.txt: Add a note on nut-scanner availability * docs/.gitignore: Mark some forgotten generated HTML files as ignored files (no functional changes) * docs/Makefile.am, docs/developer-guide.txt, docs/new-clients.txt, lib/README: Complete lib/README and convert it to Asciidoc, ... ...as 'Appendix B: NUT libraries complementary information' * configure.in, docs/macros.txt, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/website/Makefile.am, drivers/Makefile.am, m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4, m4/nut_check_libwrap.m4, m4/nut_report_feature.m4, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut- scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c: Rework the whole HAVE_<FEATURE> versus WITH_<FEATURE> logic, ... ...which is not suitable anymore since nut-scanner. Previously, we only defined an automake variable (AM_CONDITIONAL) that allowed to compile coherent set of features (a specific driver, for example). With nut-scanner, we also need a pre-processor macro (AC_DEFINE) to manage code activation inside of a feature. The NUT_REPORT_FEATURE macro has been modified to handle all this logic 2011-09-23 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Replace calls to inet_* functions by equivalent getaddrinfo and getnameinfo... ...for portability 2011-09-22 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Move a pthread variable to a #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD section. 2011-09-20 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * server/Makefile.am, server/ctype.h, server/netcmds.h, server/netget.c, server/netget.h, server/netinstcmd.c, server/netinstcmd.h, server/netlist.c, server/netlist.h, server/netmisc.c, server/netmisc.h, server/netset.c, server/netset.h, server/netuser.c, server/netuser.h, server/nut_ctype.h, server/ssl.c, server/ssl.h, server/upsd.c, server/upsd.h: Rename upsd internal client structure and header from ctype_t to nut_ctype_t. This avoids namespace conflict on AIX, and is more suitable in general 2011-09-18 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/nutupsdrv.txt: Add the missing '-q' option (closes Alitoth patch #301145) * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Distribute the needed headers for libnutscan * configure.in, lib/.gitignore, lib/Makefile.am, lib/libnutscan.pc.in: Add pkg-config support for libnutscan * common/Makefile.am: Remove extraneous space 2011-09-17 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/developer-guide.txt, docs/man/dummy-ups.txt: Complete device simulation and recording information * docs/man/index.txt: Add nut-scanner and libnutscan entries to the manual pages index * docs/man/.gitignore: Mark some more generated HTML files as ignored files (no functional changes) 2011-09-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt: Add the missing SHA-256 sum on the Download page / section (need to be generated after the distribution package) * drivers/nut-ipmipsu.c, drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c: Don't override PSU absence with the power failure flag * NEWS, UPGRADING, configure.in, docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Final update for 2.6.2 release * docs/configure.txt: Complete the minimum FreeIPMI version required * tools/nut-scanner/.gitignore: Mark remaining generated files as ignored files (no functional changes) 2011-09-15 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c: Conditional inclusion of pthread.h * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan- display.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: config.h is included in common.h, so only include common.h * include/parseconf.h: We need stdio.h because we use FILE type. 2011-09-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/.gitignore: Mark remaining generated manual pages as ignored files (no functional changes) * docs/man/nut-ipmipsu.txt, drivers/nut-ipmi.h, drivers/nut- ipmipsu.c, drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c, m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4: Complete nut-ipmipsu, by adding sensors discovery and monitoring 2011-09-14 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Remove use of strndup. This is not supported on Solaris. 2011-09-14 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Remove unbalanced #endif * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: nut-scanner: use "common.h", which includes "config.h" * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c: Include <string.h> for nut-scanner * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Silence redefined PACKAGE_ macro warnings This should be fixed properly upstream, but in the mean time, the SNMP-based tools can't use these macros properly (since they will have the values for Net-SNMP, not NUT). 2011-09-14 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.c: Get rid of s6_addr32 in IPv6 code since it is implementation specific. Replaced by s6_addr. (thanks to Charles Lepple) 2011-09-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/.gitignore: Mark apcsmart-old binary as ignored file (no functional changes) 2011-09-14 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * scripts/java/jNut/src/main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Client.jav a, scripts/java/jNut/src/main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Command .java, scripts/java/jNut/src/main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Dev ice.java, .../java/jNut/src/main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/NutE xception.java, .../jNut/src/main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Stri ngLineSocket.java, scripts/java/jNut/src/main/java/org/networkupsto ols/jnut/Variable.java: Fix mail address typo for javadoc. 2011-09-13 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Fix make distcheck-light 2011-09-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: Fix compilation warning on values comparison being always false * configure.in, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Complete commit [[SVN:3218]], to address getopt_long too * configure.in: Do a second check to ensure inclusion of getopt.h, in case optind is known * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp.h, drivers/bcmxcp_ser.c: Add support for outlet.n.delay.{start,shutdown}, ... ...and use outlet.n.delay.shutdown for outlet.n.shutdown.return instead of the default 3 seconds (patch from Rich Wrenn) 2011-09-13 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.c: Do not use long long variable anymore * tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c: Remove all calls to asprintf 2011-09-12 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/FAQ.txt, docs/config-notes.txt, docs/download.txt, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/apcsmart-old.txt, docs/man/apcsmart.txt, docs/stable-hcl.txt, docs/website/web- layout.conf, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/apcsmart-old.c, drivers /apcsmart-old.h, drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h, drivers/eaton- mib.c, drivers/eaton-mib.h, drivers/snmp-ups.c: Merge with trunk from [[SVN:3196]] * docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/nut-scanner.txt, docs/man/nutscan_add_device_to_device.txt, docs/man/nutscan_add_option_to_device.txt, docs/man/nutscan_cidr_to_ip.txt, docs/man/nutscan_display_parsable.txt, docs/man/nutscan_display_ups_conf.txt, docs/man/nutscan_free_device.txt, docs/man/nutscan_new_device.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_avahi.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_ipmi.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_nut.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_snmp.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_usb.txt, docs/man/nutscan_scan_xml_http.txt: Add man pages 2011-09-12 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/Makefile.am: apcsmart: minor Makefile.am change Add missing apcsmart_tabs.h * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: limit comm-lost spam In upsdrv_updateinfo(), additional comm-lost messages were logged, potentially causing unnecessary spam in logs. As ser_comm_fail() and ser_comm_good() functions do so themselves (including rate limiting), we changed the superfluous info to debug level and also switched to upsdebugx(). * drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: add '+' to APC_UNR_CMDS Only '-' is used, and only internally by the driver - no need to inform in logs about unrecognized command. * docs/man/apcsmart.txt: apcsmart: minor updates to apcsmart man page 2011-09-12 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/FAQ.txt: Reword rewording in FAQ 2011-09-09 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/FAQ.txt: Fix wording, that is not appropriate anymore * docs/config-notes.txt: Complete shutdown information on the "critical UPS" notion * docs/download.txt: Add missing comma for OpenWrt * docs/stable-hcl.txt: Complete information for reporting new device * drivers/eaton-mib.c, drivers/eaton-mib.h, drivers/snmp-ups.c: Add a missing Eaton MIB for PDU 2011-09-09 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-snmpinfo.py: Use the SysOID registered in drivers's sources... ...to detect the favorite MIB for SNMP devices. Fall back to old method if no matching SysOID is found. 2011-09-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt: Forgotten commit for the new updated Windows package * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Fix XHTML 1.1 compliance (reported by W3C validators) 2011-09-08 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c: Add a timeout to scan-avahi function 2011-09-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * .gitignore, configure.in, m4/nut_check_os.m4, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/README, scripts/systemd/.gitignore, scripts/systemd/Makefile.am, scripts/systemd/README, scripts/systemd/nut-driver.service.in, scripts/systemd/nut- monitor.service.in, scripts/systemd/nut-server.service.in, scripts/systemd/nutshutdown.in: Add initial support for systemd (patch from Michal Hlavinka) 2011-09-06 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * configure.in, docs/download.txt, docs/new-clients.txt, docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt, drivers/apc- mib.c, drivers/bestpower-mib.c, drivers/eaton-mib.c, drivers/ietf- mib.c, drivers/mge-hid.c, drivers/mge-mib.c, drivers/netvision- mib.c, drivers/powerware-mib.c, drivers/raritan-pdu-mib.c, drivers /snmp-ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/README, scripts/java/Makefile.am, scripts/java/README, scripts/java/jNut/README, scripts/java/jNut/pom.xml, .../main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Client.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Command.java, .../main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Device.java, .../org/networkupstools/jnut/NutException.java, .../org/networkupstools/jnut/StringLineSocket.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Variable.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ClientTest.java, scripts/java/jNutList/README, scripts/java/jNutList/pom.xml, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnutlist/AppList.java: Merge from trunk [[SVN:3177]] 2011-09-06 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/apc-mib.c, drivers/bestpower-mib.c, drivers/eaton-mib.c, drivers/ietf-mib.c, drivers/mge-mib.c, drivers/netvision-mib.c, drivers/powerware-mib.c, drivers/raritan-pdu-mib.c, drivers/snmp- ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h: Add a new initialization method, that uses sysObjectID (indirection to the main MIB of the device) to detect supported devices. This speeds up even more init stage and should render void the use of 'mib' option * drivers/snmp-ups.c: Force numeric OIDs resolution, ie do not resolve to textual names. This is mostly for the convenience of debug output 2011-09-05 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c: typo * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: More conditional compilation fixes * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c: use HAVE_FREEIPMI_FREEIPMI_H instead of non existing WITH_IPMI * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c: Prepare IPMI integration. Fix conditional compilation * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Fix no thread compilation * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Raise default timeout from 1s to 5s. Use parallel scanning. 2011-09-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * scripts/java/Makefile.am, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnuttest/AppTest.java: Remove test code, since it is bound to jNut and not jNutList (reported by Emilien Kia) * drivers/mge-hid.c: Add support for battery.runtime.low, and end of battery life (life cycle monitoring) ; along with measurements (outlet power factor, power, real power and current) for 5 PX * configure.in, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/java/.gitignore, scripts/java/Makefile.am: Complete jNut automake integration (distribution rules) 2011-09-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/man/.gitignore: Mark nut-ipmipsu.html as ignored file (no functional changes) 2011-09-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/new-clients.txt: Fix jNut Asciidoc integration * docs/download.txt, docs/new-clients.txt, docs/website/news.txt, scripts/README, scripts/java/README, scripts/java/jNut/README, scripts/java/jNutList/README: Integrate jNUT information in the developer guide, ... along with news and download section * docs/website/news.txt: Add the Beta NUT 2.6.1-1 package for Windows, and some news history (just intended for VCS history) * docs/website/projects.txt: Formatting fixes 2011-09-02 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * scripts/java/README, scripts/java/jNut/README, scripts/java/jNut/pom.xml, .../main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Client.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Command.java, .../main/java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Device.java, .../org/networkupstools/jnut/NutException.java, .../org/networkupstools/jnut/StringLineSocket.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/Variable.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnut/ClientTest.java, scripts/java/jNutList/README, scripts/java/jNutList/pom.xml, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnutlist/AppList.java, .../java/org/networkupstools/jnuttest/AppTest.java: Add jNut (NUT client in Java) to trunk. 2011-09-02 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Make sure SNMP strings are NULL terminated * configure.in: Forgot to resolve a conflict with previous merge * MAINTAINERS, NEWS, UPGRADING, clients/upssched.c, common/common.c, data/cmdvartab, data/driver.list.in, docs/FAQ.txt, docs/acknowledgements.txt, docs/configure.txt, docs/download.txt, docs/features.txt, docs/images/advanced.png, docs/images/bigbox.png, docs/images/bizarre.png, docs/images/simple.png, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/blazer.txt, docs/man/nut-ipmipsu.txt, docs/man/powercom.txt, docs/nut- names.txt, docs/stable-hcl.txt, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt, docs/website/web- layout.conf, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp_ser.c, drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c, drivers/bestfcom.c, drivers/blazer.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c, drivers/cps-hid.c, drivers/dstate.c, drivers/libhid.c, drivers/liebert-esp2.c, drivers/liebert-hid.c, drivers/main.c, drivers/mge-hid.c, drivers/mge-utalk.c, drivers/microdowell.c, drivers/nut-ipmi.h, drivers/nut-ipmipsu.c, drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c, drivers/powercom.c, drivers/powercom.h, drivers/rhino.c, drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/solis.c, drivers/usb- common.c, drivers/usb-common.h, include/Makefile.am, lib /libupsclient-config.in, lib/libupsclient.pc.in, m4/ax_create_stdint_h.m4, m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4, m4/nut_report_feature.m4, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/augeas/README, scripts/avahi/nut.service.in, scripts/udev/Makefile.am, scripts/udev/README, scripts/udev/nut- ipmipsu.rules.in, scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules, server/netinstcmd.c, server/netlist.c, server/upsd.c, tools/git- svn.authors, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl, tools/svn2cl.authors: Merge from rev [[SVN:2911]] 2011-09-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/main.c: Remove extraneous empty line 2011-08-31 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * drivers/usb-common.c: Fix pointer check on wrong variable (Patch from Thomas Jarosch) * drivers/mge-utalk.c: Fix use of uninitialized variable (Patch from Thomas Jarosch) * common/common.c: Fix file descriptor leak (Patch from Thomas Jarosch) 2011-08-31 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: More API cleaning * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.c, tools /nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_snmp.c: Consolidating API * configure.in, m4/nut_check_libavahi.m4, tools/nut- scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut- scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.c: Add avahi scanning * tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c: Make scan_nut reentrant 2011-08-30 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: revert back from custom serial functions to serial.c ones Following Arjen's suggestion, this patch reverts the apcsmart back to relying on serial.c functions for opening/closing and setting speed. For the reference: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsdev/2011-June/005491.html If it turns out that re-opening serial ports during normal driver activity is really necessary, it can be easily added to serial.c. * drivers/apcsmart.c: Fix alignment of preprocessor directives 2011-08-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-hid.c: Add region/country management, ... ...to improve features provided such as 'output.voltage.nominal' and 3S Eco control * data/driver.list.in, drivers/mge-hid.c: Add Eaton 3S to the list of usbhid-ups supported models 2011-08-29 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-display.c: Make sure device names are unique for "nut.conf style" display * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Add a "quiet" option 2011-08-25 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/nut-names.txt: Fix duplication 2011-08-24 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan- display.c: Add parsable output 2011-08-20 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * m4/nut_report_feature.m4: Avoid implementation-specific use of "echo" in autoconf http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/echo.html 2011-08-18 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Remove useless "" for desc 2011-08-16 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/.gitignore, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools /nut-scanner/device.c, tools/nut-scanner/device.h, tools/nut- scanner/display.c, tools/nut-scanner/ip.c, tools/nut-scanner/ip.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-device.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan- device.h, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-display.c, tools/nut-scanner /nutscan-ip.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-ip.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_nut.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: More consistent API naming 2011-08-05 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * configure.in: configure.in: minor changes to output * Capitalized "UPS" * --with-drivers= : Only *build* specific drivers 2011-07-30 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add Cyber Power Systems CP1000AVRLCD to the list of usbhid-ups supported models (reported by David C. Rankin) 2011-07-28 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Proper fix to [[SVN:3012]], which satisfies both udev and upower 2011-07-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Partially revert [[SVN:3012]]. It caused a udev regression, with several missing USB IDs (thanks to Pawel Sikora for uncovering it) * scripts/augeas/README: Add a complete Python Augeas example code 2011-07-26 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in, docs/man/nut-ipmipsu.txt, scripts/udev/.gitignore, scripts/udev/Makefile.am, scripts/udev/README, scripts/udev/nut- ipmipsu.rules.in: Add udev rules file and documentation for nut- ipmipsu * m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4: Improve detection of the needed functions * data/driver.list.in: Add Orvaldi 750 / 900SP to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Pawel Sikora) * drivers/nut-ipmipsu.c: Fix missing comment closure, add a TODO list and remove unused variables 2011-07-21 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * tools/git-svn.authors: Added authors file for git-svn synchronization 2011-07-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add POWEREX VI 1000 LED to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Sergey Talchuk) 2011-07-17 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add SVEN Power Pro+ series (USB ID ffff:0000)... ...to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Vlad) 2011-07-16 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in: Fix --with-[free]ipmi configure option... ...so that it actually behave correctly in automatic detection mode 2011-07-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in: Fix the typo that made its way into commit [[SVN:3136]], and broke configure * configure.in, docs/configure.txt, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/nut-ipmipsu.txt, drivers/.gitignore, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/nut-ipmi.h, drivers/nut-ipmipsu.c, drivers/nut-libfreeipmi.c, m4/nut_check_libfreeipmi.m4: First attempt to create a driver to monitor power supply units using IPMI. This preliminary version only reads FRU (Field Replace Unit) information, but not yet the sensor information (describing if the PSU is present and online), and includes base documentation (manpage and configure options). It currently supports GNU FreeIPMI, but uses an abstract IPMI implementation that will allow to use other IPMI toolkits 2011-07-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/configure.txt: Move several misplaced options to the right sections * tools/Makefile.am: Finally fix both distribution and compilation rules, ... ...completing commit [[SVN:3121]] * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Force building automatically generated files before any target * drivers/bestfcom.c: Remove unused variables (patch from Regid Ichira, Debian bug #633756) 2011-07-12 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * MAINTAINERS: Update the corporate mail address and some details 2011-07-08 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/ip.c, tools/nut-scanner/ip.h, tools/nut-scanner /nut-scanner.c: Add an helper function to decode CIDR notation. 2011-07-08 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/acknowledgements.txt: Fix typo in link on Acknowledgements page 2011-07-07 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Make sure the description string ends with a 0 2011-07-07 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/acknowledgements.txt: Move Arjen de Korte, NUT Senior lieutenant, to the Retired members section. Thanks for all his years of dedication to make NUT better 2011-07-06 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: help and CLI modified depending on what is available at compile time * tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c: Remove redundant quote in scan_nut * configure.in, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nut- scanner.c: Conditional compilation of neon related code (thanks to Arnaud Quette) * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Add switches to select the desired buses * tools/nut-scanner/display.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Display everything as: varname<space>=<space>"value" 2011-07-05 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Fix distribution and compilation rules, ... ...to suit general needs and nut- scanner specific requirements 2011-07-04 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c: Add timeout to scan_nut * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Remove unused variable * clients/upsclient.c, clients/upsclient.h: Add upscli_tryconnect function which is upscli_connect function... ...with the control of the connect timeout. 2011-07-01 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * MAINTAINERS: It's been fun, but I feel the time has come to say farewell. All the best... 2011-06-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/avahi/.gitignore, scripts/avahi/nut.service.in: Add Avahi support for NUT mDNS publication, using a static service file * tools/svn2cl.authors: Add missing committers, and reorder using the Project Member List: https://alioth.debian.org/project/memberlist.php?group_id=30602 2011-06-28 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add various models equipped with APC AP9618 management card, ... ...including APC Smart-UPS RT XL, to the list of snmp-ups supported models (reported by Angela Williams) 2011-06-28 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: remove SER_D6, as it's implied by SER_{CS,CC} flags... ...and has no use otherwise * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c: apcsmart: fix conditions in instcmd(); use regex for format validation * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: fix apc_write_rep() and apc_write_long() behaviour - ...we can't assume that the command will succeed and keep sending the rest of the sequence * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: comments, code shuffling * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: minor changes * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: *qco fix * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: follow dev guide more closely * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add parameter to smartmode() * docs/man/apcsmart.txt: apcsmart: manpage update * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: apc_read() adjustment * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: use slightly adjusted older smartmode() version * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: apc_flush() fix * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: remove some of the old commented out sections * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c: apcsmart: trivial changes * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add a few apc_flush() calls * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: sanitize sdtype (and other vars) in upsdrv_initups() * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: update oldapcsetup() * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: allow ^Z to timeout * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: update detection code, add command set regex * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: sdcmd_AT() fix * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add regex matching of variable result to verify, ... ...if it actually makes sense * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: add typical buffer length defines * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: change how SER_* flags are handled * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: trivial changes * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: rename wugrace -> awd * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: bugfixes * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h: apcsmart: updates to instand commands (inc. shutdown commands), ... ...enabled handling of ext paramater for subcommands * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: apc_ser_tear() fixup * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: small sdcmd_Z() fix * drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.c, drivers/apcsmart_tabs.h: apcsmart: cleanups, split into two files * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: next changes to instcmd stuff * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: simplify query_ups() * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: add apc_write_rep() and apc_write_long(), ... ...initial changes to instcmd stuff * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: allow tearing down/setting up serial connection... ...during normal activity; changes should fix #535583 as well * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: trivial changes * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: enable icanon * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: handle 1:n vars (nut:apc) variables, ... ...so we don't need tricks such as ups.firmware.old * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: reintroduce ignored set in protocol_verify() ... ...for not exposed cmds/vars (=> a bit more quiet logs) * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: introduce icanon upsread() and upsflush() (functions will be used after 'icanon' commit) * drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: add quick reference about alerts and to-be-removed defines. Introduce SER_* defines what will be used in new functions. * drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: add command '@' to compatibility tables. * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: apcsmart: trivial changes * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcsmart: fix convert_data() ... ...we can't assume that argument passed is global or static, so we can't just return it as is 2011-06-27 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/device.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools /nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.c, tools /nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Add NUT server scan. 2011-06-22 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Fix "make distcheck-light" * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Correct way to fix snmp device name (by Arjen de Korte) 2011-06-21 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Use NUT const * tools/nut-scanner/ip.c, tools/nut-scanner/ip.h: Forgot to commit the new files for iterator * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools /nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Factorize IP iterator * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am: Remove unneeded reference to *.h files * tools/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-snmp.h, tools/nut- snmpinfo.py: Add python script to generate nutscan-snmp.h at "make dist" time * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: End of snmp device name fix started in previous commit ... ...([[SVN:3048]] was commited too early on my mistake). * tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-snmp.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: [[Commit comment was empty.]] 2011-06-17 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/man/blazer.txt, drivers/blazer.c: Add preselection of communication protocol used 2011-06-16 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Add "desc" option to xml_http devices * drivers/snmp-ups.c: Fix SNMP v3 session initialisation * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Add SNMP v3 2011-06-15 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Add "community" switch for SNMP v1 * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Add IPv6 to SNMP scan * configure.in: Detecting pthread availability (by Arnaud Quette) 2011-06-14 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Add threads optimisation to SNMP * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Update command line help * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/nutscan-snmp.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.c: Add SNMP IPv4 discovery 2011-06-08 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Update the Firefox download button, since the previous one has disappeared * docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt: Add a news entry, and a reference in the Related projects, ... ...on Dell PowerVault NX3500, which uses NUT for power protection (approved by Dell) 2011-06-08 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Adding command line parameters managment 2011-06-07 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Clean up + check 80 column wide * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Timeout is passed in argument to scan_xml_http * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.c: Enable XML/HTTP scanning * tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c: Use the add_device_to_device function * tools/nut-scanner/device.c, tools/nut-scanner/device.h: Add a function to join two device 2011-06-06 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * tools/nut-scanner/device.c, tools/nut-scanner/device.h, tools/nut- scanner/display.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_xml_http.c: More flexible way to manage optional parameter of each devices... ...via a simple linked list * tools/nut-scanner/display.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scan.h, tools /nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.h, tools /nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_snmp.h, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_xml_http.h: Keep only one file for nut-scan library interface * tools/nut-scanner/display.h: typo 2011-06-04 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add PowerWalker VI 850 LCD to the list of blazer_usb supported models (reported by Wayne Thomas) 2011-06-03 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/device.c, tools /nut-scanner/device.h, tools/nut-scanner/display.c, tools/nut- scanner/display.h, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut- scanner/scan_avahi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_avahi.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_ipmi.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_ipmi.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_nut.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_nut.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_snmp.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_snmp.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_usb.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_usb.h, tools/nut- scanner/scan_xml_http.c, tools/nut-scanner/scan_xml_http.h: Preliminary nut-scanner architecture (on behalf of Fred Bohe, Eaton) 2011-06-01 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt: Add the missing SHA-256 sum on the Download page / section * NEWS, UPGRADING, configure.in, docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Final update for 2.6.1 release * docs/configure.txt: Update '--with-all' option documentation * configure.in: HAL deprecation (continued): HAL support is not enabled anymore when using '--with-all' configure option * drivers/mge-hid.c: Add support for 'battery.runtime.low' * data/cmdvartab: Add the missing entry for 'ups.efficiency' * data/driver.list.in: Add Vivaldi EA200 LED to the list of richcomm_usb supported models (reported by Sergey Talchuk) * drivers/mge-hid.c: Add 'ups.efficiency' data, supported by Eaton 5 PX 2011-05-31 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/nut-names.txt: Documentation the new 'ups.efficiency' NUT variable * data/driver.list.in: Add Eaton 5 PX... ...to the list of usbhid- ups, mge-shut and newmge-shut supported models * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: Update UPower script with Phoenixtec fix * tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Do not overwrite manufacturer names with empty values * drivers/liebert-hid.c: Fix USB VendorID 0x06da, which is Phoenixtec, not Liebert * docs/download.txt: Update Subversion access information, following Alioth update * docs/download.txt, docs/website/news.txt: Add the Windows Beta package information 2011-05-27 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: Update upower script with Powerware entry 2011-05-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Add build rules for libnut-scan library, and some more comments 2011-05-27 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/blazer.c: Don't log status read failures until MAXTRIES subsequent failures. Occasional communication errors are common for these devices and are not a concern. 2011-05-26 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/bcmxcp.c, drivers/bcmxcp_ser.c: Improve bcmxcp support for older PowerWare 9315 (patch from Chris Adams) 2011-05-25 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * server/netinstcmd.c: Fix the missing 'extra value' handling for instant commands 2011-05-24 Michal Soltys <msoltyspl-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: apcmsart.c: fix upsdrv_shutdown_advanced() - ...with 'continue' statement, sdcmd_*s ignoring 'n' weren't called. 2011-05-20 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/blazer_usb.c: Don't use the USB_DEVICE() declaration macro with non compliant identifiers, ... ...such as blazer_usb' krauler subdriver (missing from previous commit) 2011-05-20 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/blazer_usb.c, drivers/usb-common.h: Don't use the USB_DEVICE() declaration macro with non compliant identifiers, ... ...such as blazer_usb' krauler subdriver 2011-05-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * server/netlist.c: State explicitely when device description is not available, ... ...to avoid user confusion (reported by Noel David Torres Taño, Debian bug #595773 * docs/man/powercom.txt, drivers/powercom.c: Improve formating and wording of the powercom documentation, ... ...manual page and driver messages (patch from Keven L. Ates) 2011-05-13 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/powercom.c, drivers/powercom.h: Improve PowerCom BNT 1500A and BNT-other support, ... ...and bump driver version to 0.13 (patch from Keven L. Ates) 2011-04-30 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Complete Informer Compact supported VA ratings (reported by Dushan Tcholich) 2011-04-27 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/website/Makefile.am: Enable website quirks to address Internet Explorer 6, ... ...which were missing since 2.6.0 publication * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Complete meta keywords, and enable meta name and keywords on all pages * data/driver.list.in: Add Numeric 3000 SW to the list of blazer_ser supported models (reported by Petr Kubánek) 2011-04-26 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/blazer_usb.c: Add support for GE EP series [http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2011-April/006788.html] 2011-04-19 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c: Flush remaining comments for this proof-of-concept 2011-04-18 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/libhid.c: Smarter solution for [[SVN:2972]] (pointed by Arjen de Korte) * drivers/libhid.c: Trim extraneous end-of-line in buggy HID string tables, ... ...which results in upsc breaking the communication pipe (Ubuntu bug #753661) 2011-04-15 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/stable-hcl.txt: Detail existing guidelines for reporting new device entry * docs/features.txt: Refreshed graphic illustrations credits * docs/images/advanced.png, docs/images/bigbox.png, docs/images/bizarre.png, docs/images/simple.png: Refreshed graphic illustrations (provided by Eaton) 2011-04-01 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * data/driver.list.in: Add Inform Sinus SS 210 to list of supported devices [http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2011-March/006767.html] * drivers/cps-hid.c: Clamp reported battery charge to 100% (seems to report AbsoluteStateOfCharge instead of RemainingCapacity) [http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2011-March/006770.html] 2011-03-31 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/mge-hid.c: Add Eaton Powerware 9140 to the list of usbhid-ups supported models 2011-03-29 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/blazer.c, drivers/blazer_usb.c: Make the terminating '\r' in the Q1 reply optional 2011-03-29 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * lib/libupsclient-config.in, lib/libupsclient.pc.in: Fix remaining references to LIBSSL_LDFLAGS, ... ...instead of LIBSSL_LIBS, which cause unresolved symbol on libupsclient users (reported by Fabrice Coutadeur on Ubuntu) 2011-03-23 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * INSTALL: Reverting previous commit (should not be in the trunk) * INSTALL: Add information about installing Windows 2011-03-18 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * include/Makefile.am: The include/nut_stdint.h file is no longer a generated one (part two) * include/Makefile.am: The include/nut_stdint.h file is no longer a generated one * configure.in, include/.gitignore, include/nut_stdint.h, m4/ax_create_stdint_h.m4: Clean up fixed width integer types. All C99 capable systems have <inttypes.h>, which shall include <stdint.h>. * drivers/solis.c: Fix typo in previous commit * drivers/solis.c: Fix compilation warning (no functional change) * data/driver.list.in: Update driver list for SVEN Power Pro+ series (recent models ship with a different USB to serial implementation) * clients/upssched.c, configure.in, drivers/dstate.c, server/upsd.c: The third argument to accept is an int on HPUX... ...if _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED is not defined (reverting previous commit) * configure.in: Quick check to see if defining '-munix=95' on HPUX... ...fixes a problem with the accept() call 2011-03-15 Chetan Agarwal <chetanagarwal-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/rhino.c: Fix compilation error (no functional change) * drivers/rhino.c: Fix missing comment closure from previous commit (no functional change) * drivers/bcmxcp_usb.c, drivers/microdowell.c, drivers/rhino.c, drivers/solis.c: Fix remaining C++ style comments, to conform to the NUT coding rules (no functional change) on behalf of Prachi Gandhi (prachisgandhi@eaton.com) 2011-03-14 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * configure.in: Quick check to see if defining _REENTRANT on HPUX fixes a compilation warning 2011-03-14 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add IPAR Mini Energy ME 800 to the list of blazer_usb supported models 2011-03-06 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apcsmart.c: Fix another compilation warning. Some compilers (rightfully) claim that the value of 'n' may be used without initialization. Until this is resolved, skip over this if the value isn't set. * drivers/apcsmart.c: Fix compilation warning * drivers/apcsmart.h: Add additional Matrix models [http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsdev/2011-March/005319.html] * drivers/apcsmart.c: Flush the input buffer before sending a command [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: protocol_verify() only cares about explicitly specified commands... ...and variables [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c: Additional driver variables that can be set to influence shutdown behavior [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c: Update version and author info [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c: Deal with more different shutdown methods [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c: As 'b' can return different things than firmware version on some old models ... ...prefer 'V' over 'b' [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c: remove superfluous status_commit() [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: adjust ignored chars and handle over/~over [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c: cosmetics [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/apcsmart.h: remove APC_IGNORE [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.h: add compat hardware, add commands [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] * drivers/apcsmart.h: comsetics - adjust tabs [on behalf of Michal Soltys <soltys@ziu.info>] 2011-03-02 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/FAQ.txt: Update Mac power-on FAQ 2011-03-01 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in, tools/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/.gitignore, tools/nut-scanner/Makefile.am, tools/nut-scanner/nut-scanner.c, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: First stab to create the nut-scanner (proof of concept), ...with full USB support, and preliminary support for NUT and Eaton XML/HTTP scan * drivers/liebert-esp2.c: Improved Liebert ESP II support, ... ...including UPS shutdown (poweroff), 1 and 3-phase input and output variables, and most input / output / bypass / nominal variables, along with a fix for the USB to serial cable (patch from Farkas Levente and Spiros Ioannou) * data/driver.list.in: Add Eaton Powerware 9140, using the serial interface, ... ...to the list of bcmxcp supported models 2011-02-25 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/download.txt: Moved SHA-256 value into download page, and reformatted a bit. 2011-02-24 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in: Add several upscode2 supported devices that were reported on the list: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsdev/2011-February/005281.html http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2005-July/000031.html 2011-02-21 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * data/driver.list.in, drivers/mge-hid.c: Add Eaton Ellipse ECO (with Eco control support)... ...to the list of usbhid-ups supported models * drivers/eaton-mib.c: Add support for the first ambient sensor (up to 8 sensors can be supported) on Eaton ePDU managed * clients/upsrw.c: Add the missing 'help' handler ('-h') to the supported options 2011-02-20 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * docs/man/ups.conf.txt, drivers/dstate.c: Variables that have an override.<variable> in ups.conf are now really immutable. They can't be changed anymore (not even if they would have been R/W otherwise). Rationale is, that if a user wants to override a value, we should honor that request. Added documentation accordingly (and corrected previous commit). * docs/man/ups.conf.txt, drivers/dstate.c, drivers/main.c: Add 'ignorelb' flag to list of UPS fields in ups.conf... ...to override the LB condition reported by the UPS. This allows all drivers that report battery.charge (battery.runtime) to shutdown early by setting this flag and battery.charge.low (battery.runtime.low) in ups.conf. * data/driver.list.in: Removing subdriver setting (cypress is auto detected for this VID:PID combination, so there is no need to specify this in usb.conf) 2011-02-19 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: Add Mustek Yukai PowerMust 1000 USB Reported by Noel David Torres Taño: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2010-August/006163.html Other models may be supported as well. * http://www.mustek.com.tw/Yukai/html/prod_ups/PowerMust1000.html * http://www.mustek.com.tw/Yukai/html/UPS.html 2011-02-17 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/download.txt: Preliminary support for source release hash, using unsigned SHA256 sum 2011-02-15 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * common/parseconf.c: In PCONF_CTX_t, argsize is an array of type size_t values, ... ...so instead of using sizeof(int *) we really should use sizeof(size_t) for the size of individual elements 2011-02-15 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * data/driver.list.in: HCL: Re-add some devices to driver.list.in from [[SVN:2516]] These entries seem to have been dropped, potentially due to the rename from driver.list to driver.list.in, and the format change. 2011-02-11 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/libhid.c: Restore the nut-2.4.1 behavior for reading reports from devices 2011-02-09 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/dummy-ups.c: Prefer 'snprintf' and 'snprintfcat' over 'strncat' (the latter can overflow the destination buffer) 2011-02-09 Frederic Bohe <fbohe-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/dummy-ups.c: Fix a memory leak in dummy-ups driver 2011-02-08 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apc-hid.c: Add yet another way to shutdown the APC CS-500 [http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut- upsuser/2011-January/006550.html] 2011-02-02 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * drivers/mge-hid.c: Fix a wrong value mapping resolution, and bump driver's HID data version to 1.20 * docs/website/web-layout.conf: Unconditional inclusion of Google Analytics code * docs/man/dummy-ups.txt, docs/man/metasys.txt, drivers/apcsmart.c, drivers/dummy-ups.c, drivers/genericups.c, drivers/metasys.c, drivers/snmp-ups.c: Fix some spelling errors (base patch from Laurent Bigonville, from Debian) 2011-01-31 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * docs/documentation.txt, docs/download.txt: Update URL for Trac. 2011-01-28 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * docs/security.txt: Fix content to satisfy Docbook * configure.in: Add missing variables setting, to allow AC_SUBST() propagation 2011-01-27 Chetan Agarwal <chetanagarwal-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: Added implementation for 'test.system.start' instant command. * drivers/bcmxcp.h: Added constants for return code and UPS status. * data/cmdvartab: Added description for 'test.system.start' command. * docs/new-names.txt: Added test.system.start variable 2011-01-22 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/apc-hid.c: Add mappings to APC HID subdriver 2011-01-19 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * docs/asciidoc.conf, docs/dir_conflicts.prej, m4/nut_check_libnss.m4, m4/nut_check_libopenssl.m4, scripts/upower/95-upower-hid.rules: Finish trunk merging (see previous commit). * COPYING, INSTALL, Makefile.am, NEWS, README, UPGRADING, autogen.sh, clients/Makefile.am, configure.in, data/.gitignore, data/Makefile.am, data/driver.list.in, data/epdu-managed.dev, data/evolution500.dev, data/evolution500.seq, docs/.gitignore, docs/Makefile.am, docs/config-notes.txt, docs/configure.txt, docs /developer-guide.txt, docs/docinfo.xml, docs/documentation.txt, docs/download.txt, docs/history.txt, docs/images/old-cgi.png, docs/man/.gitignore, docs/nut-names.txt, docs/stable-hcl.txt, docs/support.txt, docs/user-manual.txt, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/stable-hcl.txt, docs/website/website.txt, drivers/.gitignore, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/idowell-hid.c, drivers/idowell-hid.h, drivers/usbhid-ups.c, m4/nut_check_libhal.m4, m4/nut_check_libneon.m4, m4/nut_check_libnetsnmp.m4, m4/nut_check_libpowerman.m4, m4/nut_check_libusb.m4, m4/nut_check_libwrap.m4, scripts/Makefile.am, scripts/README, scripts/augeas/Makefile.am, scripts/augeas/README, scripts/augeas/gen-nutupsconf-aug.py, scripts/augeas/nuthostsconf.aug.in, scripts/augeas/nutnutconf.aug.in, scripts/augeas/nutupsconf.aug.tpl, scripts/augeas/nutupsdconf.aug.in, scripts/augeas/nutupsdusers.aug.in, scripts/augeas/nutupsmonconf.aug.in, scripts/augeas/nutupsschedconf.aug.in, scripts/augeas/nutupssetconf.aug.in, scripts/augeas/tests/test_nut.aug, scripts/hal/.gitignore, scripts/hal/ups-nut-device.fdi.in, scripts/hotplug/.gitignore, scripts/hotplug/libhid.usermap, scripts/python/app/NUT-Monitor, scripts/python/module/PyNUT.py, scripts/python/module/test_nutclient.py, scripts/udev/.gitignore, scripts/udev/nut-usbups.rules.in, scripts/upower/95-upower- hid.rules, server/Makefile.am, server/conf.c, server/desc.c, tools/Makefile.am, tools/nut-hclinfo.py, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Merge from trunk ([[SVN:2777]] to HEAD). * clients/upsmon.c, conf/upsd.conf.sample, docs/man/upsd.conf.txt, docs/security.txt, server/conf.c, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h: Add flag to desactivate client certificate validation (in upsd). Define WITH_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION flag to enable it. 2011-01-18 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * clients/upsclient.c, clients/upsmon.c: Move warning message about CERTVERIFY in upscli... ...to be coherant with real behavior. * clients/upsclient.c: Force to disable SSLv2 handshake compatibility (if no, nss can not connect to openssl server). * clients/upsclient.c: Force disconnect if SSL is not available and CERTVERIFY is 1 (but no FORCESSL). * clients/upsclient.c, clients/upsmon.c: Fix CERTVERIFY behaviour for NSS. * conf/upsd.conf.sample: Forget a comment heading '#'. * clients/upsclient.c: Prevent segfault. 2011-01-17 Charles Lepple <clepple+nut@gmail.com> * scripts/Makefile.am: Include perl/Nut.pm in tarball. * COPYING, Makefile.am: Include LICENSE-GPL{2,3} in tarball. Made the text in COPYING agree with the filenames. 2011-01-14 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * server/netssl.c: Prevent infinite loop when password is not found. 2011-01-11 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * conf/upsmon.conf.sample, docs/man/upsmon.conf.txt: Correct the usage of CERTPATH for OpenSSL 2011-01-11 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/upscli_add_host_cert.txt, docs/man/upscli_cleanup.txt, docs/man/upscli_init.txt, docs/man/upsclient.txt: Add upscli API doc. * conf/upsd.conf.sample, docs/man/upsd.conf.txt, server/conf.c, server/netssl.c: Use CERTFILE directive for openssl and CERTPATH for nss. 2011-01-10 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * docs/security.txt: Add SSL doc about NSS usage. 2011-01-07 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * conf/upsd.conf.sample, conf/upsmon.conf.sample, docs/man/upsd.conf.txt, docs/man/upsmon.conf.txt: Document upsd.conf and upsmon.conf about security directives. * server/conf.c: Deprecate CERTFILE conf var to the benefit of CERTPATH: ...homogenize conf directive names. 2011-01-06 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * clients/upsclient.c, server/netssl.c: More human log. * clients/upsclient.c, clients/upsclient.h, clients/upsmon.c, server/conf.c, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h: Add certificate validation (both server and client sides). 2011-01-04 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * clients/upsclient.c, server/conf.c, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h, server/upsd.c: Allow to specify server certificate name (instead of hard coded ;)). Remove unused (client only) callback on server. * server/netssl.c: Add more 'lack of initialization' test. * clients/upsclient.c, server/conf.c, server/netssl.c, server/upsd.c: Prevent memory leaks and add notes about them. Add password to decrypt secret key in server. 2010-12-23 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * clients/upsclient.c, clients/upsclient.h, clients/upsmon.c, m4/nut_check_libnss.m4, server/ctype.h, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h, server/upsd.c: First implementation of NSS support. 2010-12-22 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * AUTHORS, clients/upsclient.c, conf/ups.conf.sample, configure.in, data/driver.list.in, docs/FAQ.txt, docs/acknowledgements.txt, docs/cables/sms.txt, docs/config-notes.txt, docs/configure.txt, docs/dir_conflicts.prej, docs/macros.txt, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/blazer.txt, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/nutupsdrv.txt, docs/man/ups.conf.txt, docs/new-drivers.txt, docs/website/scripts/nut_jquery.js, drivers/Makefile.am, drivers/dstate.c, drivers/dstate.h, drivers/megatec.c, drivers/megatec.h, drivers/megatec_usb.c, m4/nut_check_os.m4, server/upsd.c, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl: Merge trunk from branch creation 2010-12-21 Emilien Kia <kiae.dev@gmail.com> * INSTALL, Makefile.am, README, TODO, UPGRADING, clients/upsclient.c, clients/upsclient.h, clients/upscmd.c, clients/upsrw.c, conf/upsd.conf.sample, conf/upsd.users.sample, configure.in, data/Makefile.am, data/driver.list, data/driver.list.in, docs/.gitignore, docs/FAQ, docs/FAQ.txt, docs/Makefile.am, docs/README, docs/acknowledgements.txt, docs/acpi.txt, docs/asciidoc.txt, docs/big-servers.txt, docs/cables.txt, docs/chroot.txt, docs/commands.txt, docs/config-files.txt, docs /config-notes.txt, docs/configure.txt, docs/contact-closure.txt, docs/data-room.txt, docs/design.txt, docs/developer-guide.txt, docs/developers.txt, docs/documentation.txt, docs/download.txt, docs/features.txt, docs/hid-subdrivers.txt, docs/history.txt, docs/ideas.txt, docs/images/advanced.png, docs/images/asciidoc.png, docs/images/bigbox.png, docs/images/bizarre.png, docs/images/blue- arrow.png, docs/images/cables/73-0724.png, docs/images/cables/940-0024C.jpg, docs/images/cables/Lansafecable.jpg, docs/images/cables/SOLA-330.png, docs/images/cables/belkin-f6cx- rkm-xu-cable.jpg, docs/images/cables/mac-940-0024C.png, docs/images/cables/mge-66049.png, docs/images/cables/mge- db9-rj12.jpg, docs/images/cables/mge-db9-rj45.jpg, docs/images /eaton-logo.png, docs/images/note.png, docs/images/nut-banner.png, docs/images/nut_layering.png, docs/images/nut_layering.svg, docs/images/simple.png, docs/images/warning.png, docs/macros.txt, docs/man/Makefile.am, docs/man/apcsmart.txt, docs/man/asciidoc.conf, docs/man/bcmxcp.txt, docs/man/bcmxcp_usb.txt, docs/man/belkin.txt, docs/man/belkinunv.txt, docs/man/bestfcom.txt, docs/man/bestfortress.txt, docs/man/bestuferrups.txt, docs/man/bestups.txt, docs/man/blazer.txt, docs/man/clone.txt, docs/man/dummy-ups.txt, docs/man/etapro.txt, docs/man/everups.txt, docs/man/gamatronic.txt, docs/man/genericups.txt, docs/man/hosts.conf.txt, docs/man/index.txt, docs/man/isbmex.txt, docs/man/ivtscd.txt, docs/man/libupsclient-config.txt, docs/man /liebert-esp2.txt, docs/man/liebert.txt, docs/man/masterguard.txt, docs/man/megatec.txt, docs/man/megatec_usb.txt, docs/man/metasys.txt, docs/man/mge-shut.txt, docs/man/mge- utalk.txt, docs/man/microdowell.txt, docs/man/netxml-ups.txt, docs/man/nut.conf.txt, docs/man/nutupsdrv.txt, docs/man/oneac.txt, docs/man/optiups.txt, docs/man/powercom.txt, docs/man/powerman- pdu.txt, docs/man/powerpanel.txt, docs/man/rhino.txt, docs/man/richcomm_usb.txt, docs/man/safenet.txt, docs/man/skel.txt, docs/man/snmp-ups.txt, docs/man/solis.txt, docs/man/tripplite.txt, docs/man/tripplite_usb.txt, docs/man/tripplitesu.txt, docs/man/ups.conf.txt, docs/man/upsc.txt, docs/man/upscli_connect.txt, docs/man/upscli_disconnect.txt, docs/man/upscli_fd.txt, docs/man/upscli_get.txt, docs/man/upscli_list_next.txt, docs/man/upscli_list_start.txt, docs/man/upscli_readline.txt, docs/man/upscli_sendline.txt, docs/man/upscli_splitaddr.txt, docs/man/upscli_splitname.txt, docs/man/upscli_ssl.txt, docs/man/upscli_strerror.txt, docs/man/upscli_upserror.txt, docs/man/upsclient.txt, docs/man/upscmd.txt, docs/man/upscode2.txt, docs/man/upsd.conf.txt, docs/man/upsd.txt, docs/man/upsd.users.txt, docs/man/upsdrvctl.txt, docs/man/upsimage.cgi.txt, docs/man/upslog.txt, docs/man/upsmon.conf.txt, docs/man/upsmon.txt, docs/man/upsrw.txt, docs/man/upssched.conf.txt, docs/man/upssched.txt, docs/man/upsset.cgi.txt, docs/man/upsset.conf.txt, docs/man/upsstats.cgi.txt, docs/man/upsstats.html.txt, docs/man /usbhid-ups.txt, docs/man/victronups.txt, docs/megatec.txt, docs /net-protocol.txt, docs/new-clients.txt, docs/new-drivers.txt, docs /new-names.txt, docs/nut-names.txt, docs/nut-qa.txt, docs/osd- notify.txt, docs/outlets.txt, docs/packager-guide.txt, docs/pager.txt, docs/powersaving.txt, docs/protocol.txt, docs/scheduling.txt, docs/security.txt, docs/shutdown.txt, docs /sock-protocol.txt, docs/ssl.txt, docs/support.txt, docs/suspend- to-disk.txt, docs/upssched.txt, docs/user-manual.txt, docs/website/Makefile.am, docs/website/css/ie-overrides.css, docs/website/css/web-layout.css, docs/website/css/xhtml11-quirks.css, docs/website/css/xhtml11.css, docs/website/faviconut.ico, docs/website/faviconut.png, docs/website/news.txt, docs/website/projects.txt, docs/website/scripts/filter_png.js, docs/website/scripts/jquery.js, docs/website/scripts/nut_jquery.js, docs/website/scripts/toc.js, docs/website/stable-hcl.txt, docs/website/ups-protocols.txt, docs/website/web-layout.conf, docs/website/website.txt, drivers /apc-hid.c, drivers/belkin.c, drivers/belkin.h, drivers/ietf-mib.c, drivers/libhid.c, drivers/mge-utalk.c, drivers/powerp-bin.c, drivers/powerware-mib.c, drivers/skel.c, drivers/snmp-ups.c, drivers/snmp-ups.h, m4/ax_compare_version.m4, m4/nut_check_asciidoc.m4, m4/nut_check_libnss.m4, m4/nut_check_libopenssl.m4, m4/nut_check_libssl.m4, m4/nut_report_feature.m4, man/Makefile.am, man/apcsmart.8, man/bcmxcp.8, man/bcmxcp_usb.8, man/belkin.8, man/belkinunv.8, man/bestfcom.8, man/bestfortress.8, man/bestuferrups.8, man/bestups.8, man/blazer.8, man/clone.8, man/dummy-ups.8, man/etapro.8, man/everups.8, man/gamatronic.8, man/genericups.8, man/hosts.conf.5, man/isbmex.8, man/ivtscd.8, man/libupsclient- config.1, man/liebert-esp2.8, man/liebert.8, man/masterguard.8, man/megatec.8, man/megatec_usb.8, man/metasys.8, man/mge-shut.8, man/mge-utalk.8, man/microdowell.8, man/netxml-ups.8, man/nut.conf.5, man/nutupsdrv.8, man/oneac.8, man/optiups.8, man/powercom.8, man/powerman-pdu.8, man/powerpanel.8, man/rhino.8, man/richcomm_usb.8, man/safenet.8, man/skel.8, man/snmp-ups.8, man/solis.8, man/tripplite.8, man/tripplite_usb.8, man/tripplitesu.8, man/ups.conf.5, man/upsc.8, man/upscli_connect.3, man/upscli_disconnect.3, man/upscli_fd.3, man/upscli_get.3, man/upscli_list_next.3, man/upscli_list_start.3, man/upscli_readline.3, man/upscli_sendline.3, man/upscli_splitaddr.3, man/upscli_splitname.3, man/upscli_ssl.3, man/upscli_strerror.3, man/upscli_upserror.3, man/upsclient.3, man/upscmd.8, man/upscode2.8, man/upsd.8, man/upsd.conf.5, man/upsd.users.5, man/upsdrvctl.8, man/upsimage.cgi.8, man/upslog.8, man/upsmon.8, man/upsmon.conf.5, man/upsrw.8, man/upssched.8, man/upssched.conf.5, man/upsset.cgi.8, man/upsset.conf.5, man/upsstats.cgi.8, man/upsstats.html.5, man /usbhid-ups.8, man/victronups.8, scripts/upower/95-upower- hid.rules, server/Makefile.am, server/conf.c, server/ctype.h, server/netcmds.h, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h, server/ssl.c, server/ssl.h, server/upsd.c, tools/Makefile.am, tools/nut- hclinfo.py, tools/nut-usbinfo.pl, tools/svn2cl.authors: Merge from trunk ([[SVN:2761]]) 2010-11-30 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * configure.in, docs/configure.txt: Change the default SSL implementation to OpenSSL, ... ...if both OpenSSL and Mozilla NSS are present 2010-11-29 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * server/Makefile.am, server/conf.c, server/netcmds.h, server/netssl.c, server/netssl.h, server/ssl.c, server/ssl.h, server/upsd.c: Resolve namespace conflict with nss_compat_ossl 2010-11-28 Arjen de Korte <adkorte-guest@alioth.debian.org> * clients/upsclient.h, m4/nut_check_libnss.m4, server/ctype.h, server/ssl.c, server/ssl.h: Use the 'nss_compat_ossl' compatibility layer... ...to use the Mozilla NSS library instead of OpenSSL (we might want to include native support in the future, but this will at least allow a quick migration for testing purposes) 2010-11-26 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette@free.fr> * clients/upsclient.c, clients/upsclient.h, configure.in, docs/configure.txt, docs/macros.txt, m4/nut_check_libnss.m4, m4/nut_check_libopenssl.m4, m4/nut_check_libssl.m4, server/ctype.h, server/ssl.c, server/ssl.h: Implement and document detection and activation of SSL support, ... ...using either Mozilla NSS or OpenSSL 2010-10-21 Chetan Agarwal <chetanagarwal-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: No functional changes Removed redundant initialization for character buffer and replaced hardcoded value for sprintf with sizeof(buffer) 2010-10-20 Chetan Agarwal <chetanagarwal-guest@alioth.debian.org> * drivers/bcmxcp.c: - Add Device Part number reading from config block. - fix a few typo errors in comments, - Change driver version to 0.25. * drivers/bcmxcp.h: define and use BCMXCP_CONFIG_BLOCK_PART_NUMBER constant ... ...for reading the Device Part Number from Config Block * docs/new-names.txt: Add 'device.part' to list of supported variables * data/cmdvartab: Add description for new variable added - 'device.part'