.TH UPSD.CONF 5 "Mon Nov 30 2009" "" "Network UPS Tools (NUT)" .SH NAME upsd.conf \- Configuration for Network UPS Tools upsd .SH DESCRIPTION upsd uses this file to control access to the server and set some other miscellaneous configuration values. This file contains details on access controls, so keep it secure. Ideally, only the upsd process should be able to read it. .SH CONFIGURATION DIRECTIVES .IP "MAXAGE \fIseconds\fR" upsd usually allows a driver to stop responding for up to 15 seconds before declaring the data "stale". If your driver takes a very long time to process updates but is otherwise operational, you can use MAXAGE to make upsd wait longer. Most users should leave this at the default value. .IP "STATEPATH \fIpath\fR" Tell upsd to look for the driver state sockets in \fIpath\fR rather than the default that was compiled into the program. .IP "LISTEN \fIinterface\fR \fIport\fR" Bind a listening port to the interface specified by its Internet address. This may be useful on hosts with multiple interfaces. You should not rely exclusively on this for security, as it can be subverted on many systems. Listen on TCP port \fIport\fR instead of the default value which was compiled into the code. This overrides any value you may have set with 'configure \-\-with\-port'. If you don't change it with configure or this value, upsd will listen on port 3493 for this interface. Multiple LISTEN addresses may be specified. The default is to bind to if no LISTEN addresses are specified (and ::1 if IPv6 support is compiled in). .IP .nf LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN ::1 LISTEN 2001:0db8:1234:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344 .fi .LP This parameter will only be read at startup. You'll need to restart (rather than reload) upsd to apply any changes made here. .SH UPGRADING FROM OLDER VERSIONS The ACL/ACCEPT/REJECT mechanism that existed in versions before nut-2.4.0 has been removed. You'll want to use the LISTEN directive to limit the addresses the server listens at on multihomed systems. If this is not fine grained enough, use a firewall. .SH SEE ALSO \fBupsd\fR(8), \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8), \fBupsd.users\fR(5) .SS Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www.networkupstools.org/