These functions allow to manage variables of devices\&.
The \fBnutclient_get_device_variables()\fR function retrieve the list of variables names for a device\&. The returned strarr must be freed by \fIstrarr_free\fR\&.
The \fBnutclient_get_device_rw_variables\fR function retrieve the list of read\-write variables names for a device\&. The returned strarr must be freed by \fIstrarr_free\fR\&.
The \fBnutclient_has_device_variable\fR function test if the specified variable is supported by the device\&. Return 1 is supported and 0 if not\&.
The \fBnutclient_get_device_variable_description\fR function retrieve the variable description, if any\&. The resturned string must be freed\&.
The \fBnutclient_get_device_variable_values\fR returns variable values (generally only one)\&. The returned strarr must be freed by \fIstrarr_free\fR\&.
The \fBnutclient_set_device_variable_value\fR intend to set the value of the specified variable\&.
The \fBnutclient_set_device_variable_values\fR intend to set multiple values of the specified variable\&.