This man page only documents the hardware\-specific features of the powercom driver\&. For information about the core driver, see \fBnutupsdrv\fR(8)\&.
This driver supports many similar kinds of serial UPS hardware (as well as a few USB UPS models with USB\-to\-serial adapters)\&. The most common ones are the Trust 425/625, Powercom, and Advice Partner/King PR750\&. Others using the same protocol may also work\&. For USB connections, you might need \fBusbhid-ups\fR(8)\&.
For more specific guidance on which driver is applicable for a USB connection, see the NUT Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)\&.
Specify the manufacturer name, which also can\(cqt be auto detected\&. This is a user defined string, so any name is acceptable\&. The default is
Specify the model name, which also can\(cqt be auto detected\&. This is a user defined string, so any name is acceptable\&. The default is
Like modelname above, but for the serial number\&. The default is
The exact type of the communication protocol within the powercom family, that will be used to communicate with the UPS\&. The type is named after the first modelname that was coded with that protocol\&. The acceptable names are
The minutes and seconds that the UPS should wait between receiving the shutdown command and actually shutting off\&. The other argument should be set to the character
only when the minutes value should be skipped and not sent to the UPS\&. The default is type\-dependent and is given below\&. The braces and commas are mandatory\&. Note that there should be no whitespace characters\&.
The method of serial communication flow control that is engaged by the UPS\&. The default is type\-dependent and is given below\&. Acceptable names are
(Only for types KP625AP, Trust, Egys\&.) 3 pairs to be used for validating the UPS by comparing bytes of the raw data with constant values\&. The index selects the byte from the UPS (see numOfBytesFromUPS) and the value is for matching to the byte\&. The default is type\-dependent and is given below\&. The braces and commas are mandatory, as the lack of white space characters\&.
(Only for types KP625AP, Trust, Egys\&.) A pair to convert the raw frequency data to a human\-readable frequency reading using the function 1/(A*x+B)\&. If the raw value x IS the frequency, then set A=1/(x^2) and B=0\&. The default is type\-dependent and is given below\&. Do note that the braces and commas are mandatory as well, as the lack of whitespace characters\&.
(Only for types KP625AP, Trust, Egys\&.) A quad to convert the raw load data to human readable load percentage reading using the function A*x+B\&. If the raw value x IS the Load Percent, then set A=1 and B=0\&. The default is type\-dependent and is given below\&. Do note that the braces and commas are mandatory, as the lack of white space characters\&.
(Only for KP625AP, Trust, Egys\&.) A 5 tuple to convert the raw battery and line data to a human\-readable battery and line percentage reading using the functions (Battery) A*x+B*y+C and (Line) D*x+E\&. If the raw value x IS the Battery Percent, then set A=1, B=0, C=0, D=1, E=0\&. The default is type\-dependent and is given below\&. Do note that the braces and commas are mandatory, as the lack of white space characters\&.
(Only for types KP625AP, Trust, Egys\&.) A quad that is used convert the raw voltage data to a human\-readable voltage reading using the function A*x+B\&. If the raw value x IS HALF the Voltage, then set A=2, B=0\&. The default is type\-dependent and is given below\&. Do note that the braces and commas are mandatory, as well as the lack of whitespace characters\&.
The rest of the default values for the extra arguments are type\-dependent\&. However, \fIBNT\-other\fR is a special type that can be used to override ALL values for ALL models\&.