Reset the minimum and maximum input line voltage values seen since the last reset or power on\&.
.SS"Newer ON UPS units"
Start testing the UPS panel\&.
Start a "deep" battery test\&. This test runs the UPS until the low battery point and then returns to the AC line\&.
Reset the minimum and maximum input line voltage values seen since the last reset or power on\&.
Enable UPS beeper/buzzer\&.
Disable UPS beeper/buzzer\&.
Mutes the UPS beeper/buzzer for the current alarm condition(s)\&.
See \fBupsrw\fR(8) to see what variables are writable for the UPS\&.
If your UPS supports writing battery\&.runtime\&.low, the new set value is to be entered in minutes (up to 99) but the reported value is reported in seconds (set value * 60)\&.
If your UPS supports input\&.transfer\&.low and input\&.transfer\&.high, those values are used to create an allowable output range\&. The UPS will do what it can to keep the output voltage value within the defined range (for example: tap change or switch to inverter)\&.