upssched.conf \- Configuration for upssched timer program
This file controls the operations of \fBupssched\fR(8), the timer\-based helper program for \fBupsmon\fR(8)\&.
Required\&. This must be above any AT lines\&. This script is used to invoke commands when your timers are triggered\&. It receives a single argument which is the name of the timer that caused it to trigger\&.
Required\&. This sets the file name of the socket which will be used for interprocess communications\&. This should be in a directory where normal users can\(cqt create the file, due to the possibility of symlinking and other evil\&.
if you are running Solaris or similar, the permissions that upssched sets on this file \fBare not enough\fR to keep you safe\&. If your OS ignores the permissions on a FIFO, then you MUST put this in a protected directory!
by default, \fBupsmon\fR(8) will run upssched as whatever user you have defined with RUN_AS_USER in \fBupsmon.conf\fR(8)\&. Make sure that user can create files and write to files in the path you use for PIPEFN and LOCKFN\&.
My recommendation: create a special directory for upssched, make it owned by your upsmon user, then use it for both\&.
The stock version of the upssched\&.conf ships with PIPEFN disabled to make you visit this portion of the documentation and think about how your system works before potentially opening a security hole\&.
Required\&. upssched attempts to create this file in order to avoid a race condition when two events are dispatched from upsmon at nearly the same time\&. This file will only exist briefly\&. It must not be created by any other process\&.
You should put this in the same directory as PIPEFN\&.