* If the query is supported by the device, we'll get a reply that is mostly of a fixed length, therefore, in most cases, each information starts and ends always at the same indexes
- We send the UPS a command
* If the command is supported by the device, the UPS will either take action without any reply or reply us with a device-specific answer signaling that the command has been accepted (e.g. +ACK+)
- If the query/command isn't supported by the device we'll get either the query/command echoed back or a device-specific reply signaling that it has been rejected (e.g. +NAK+)
To be supported by this driver the idiom spoken by the UPS must comply to these conditions.
Writing a subdriver
You have to fill the +subdriver_t+ structure:
typedef struct {
const char *name;
int (*claim)(void);
item_t *qx2nut;
void (*initups)(void);
void (*initinfo)(void);
void (*makevartable)(void);
const char *accepted;
const char *rejected;
#ifdef TESTING
testing_t *testing;
#endif /* TESTING */
} subdriver_t;
Name of this subdriver: name of the +protocol+ that will need to be set in +ups.conf+ to use this subdriver plus the internal version of it separated by a space (e.g. "++Megatec 0.01++").
This function allows the subdriver to "claim" a device: return +1+ if the device is supported by this subdriver, else +0+.
Main table of vars and instcmds: an array of +item_t+ mapping a UPS idiom to NUT.
*+initups+* (optional)::
Subdriver-specific +upsdrv_initups+.
This function will be called at the end of nutdrv_qx's own +upsdrv_initups+.
*+initinfo+* (optional)::
Subdriver-specific +upsdrv_initinfo+.
This function will be called at the end of nutdrv_qx's own +upsdrv_initinfo+.
*+makevartable+* (optional)::
Function to add subdriver-specific +ups.conf+ vars and flags.
Make sure not to collide with other subdrivers' vars and flags.
*+accepted+* (optional)::
String to match if the driver is expecting a reply from the UPS on instcmd/setvar in case of success.
This comparison is done after the answer we got back from the UPS has been processed to get the value we are searching, so you don't have to include the trailing carriage return (+\r+) and you can decide at which index of the answer the value should start or end setting the appropriate +from+ and +to+ in the +item_t+ (see <<_mapping_an_idiom_to_nut,Mapping an idiom to NUT>>).
*+rejected+* (optional)::
String to match if the driver is expecting a reply from the UPS in case of error.
Note that this comparison is done on the answer we got back from the UPS before it has been processed, so include also the trailing carriage return (+\r+) and whatever character is expected.
Testing table (an array of +testing_t+) that will hold the commands and the replies used for testing the subdriver.
typedef struct {
const char *cmd;
const char answer[SMALLBUF];
const int answer_len;
} testing_t;
Command to match.
Answer for that command.
NOTE: If +answer+ contains inner ++\0++s, in order to preserve them, +answer_len+ as well as an +item_t+'s +preprocess_answer()+ function must be set.
Answer length:
- if set to +-1+ -> auto calculate answer length (treat +answer+ as a null-terminated string),
- otherwise -> use the provided length (if reasonable) and preserve inner ++\0++s (treat +answer+ as a sequence of bytes till the +item_t+'s +preprocess_answer()+ function gets called).
For more informations, see <<_mapping_an_idiom_to_nut,Mapping an idiom to NUT>>.
If you understand the idiom spoken by your device, you can easily map it to NUT variables and instant commands, filling +qx2nut+ with an array of +item_t+ data structure:
NUT variable name, otherwise, if +QX_FLAG_NONUT+ is set, name to print to logs and if both +QX_FLAG_NONUT+ and +QX_FLAG_SETVAR+ are set, name of the var to retrieve from +ups.conf+.
NUT flags (+ST_FLAG_*+ values to set in +dstate_addinfo+).
An array of +info_rw_t+ to handle r/w variables:
- If +ST_FLAG_STRING+ is set in +info_flags+ it'll be used to set the length of the string (in +dstate_setaux+)
- If +QX_FLAG_ENUM+ is set in +qxflags+ it'll be used to set enumerated values (in +dstate_addenum+)
- If +QX_FLAG_RANGE+ is set in +qxflags+ it'll be used to set range boundaries (in +dstate_addrange+)
NOTE: If +QX_FLAG_SETVAR+ is set the value given by the user will be checked against these infos.
NOTE: If you expect a non-valid C string (e.g.: inner ++\0++s) or need to perform actions before the answer is used (and treated as a null-terminated string), you should set a +preprocess_answer()+ function.
The driver will run a so-called +QX_WALKMODE_INIT+ in +initinfo+ walking through all the items in +qx2nut+, adding instant commands and the like.
From then on it'll run a so-called +QX_WALKMODE_QUICK_UPDATE+ just to see if the UPS is still there and then it'll do a so-called +QX_WALKMODE_FULL_UPDATE+ to update all the vars.
If there's a problem with a var in +QX_WALKMODE_INIT+, the driver will automagically set +QX_FLAG_SKIP+ on it and then it'll skip that item in +QX_WALKMODE_QUICK_UPDATE+/+QX_WALKMODE_FULL_UPDATE+, provided that the item has not the flag +QX_FLAG_QUICK_POLL+ set, in that case the driver will set +datastale+.
Function to preprocess the answer we got from the UPS before we do anything else (e.g. for CRC, decoding, ...).
This function is given the currently processed item (+item+) with the answer we got from the UPS unmolested and already stored in +item+'s +answer+ and the length of that answer (+len+).
Return +-1+ in case of errors, else the length of the newly allocated +item+'s +answer+ (from now on, treated as a null-terminated string).
Function to preprocess the data from/to the UPS: you are given the currently processed item (+item+), a char array (+value+) and its +size_t+ (+valuelen+).
Return +-1+ in case of errors, else +0+.
- If +QX_FLAG_SETVAR+/+QX_FLAG_CMD+ is set then the item is processed before the command is sent to the UPS so that you can fill it with the value provided by the user.
NOTE: In this case +value+ must be filled with the command to be sent to the UPS.
- Otherwise the function will be used to process the value we got from the answer of the UPS before it'll get stored in a NUT variable.
NOTE: In this case +value+ must be filled with the processed value already compliant to NUT standards.
IMPORTANT: You must provide an +item_t+ with +QX_FLAG_SETVAR+ and its boundaries set for both +ups.delay.start+ and +ups.delay.shutdown+ to map the driver variables +ondelay+ and +offdelay+, as they will be used in the shutdown sequence.
TIP: In order to keep the data flow at minimum you should keep together the items in +qx2nut+ that need data from the same query (i.e. +command+): doing so the driver will send the query only once and then every +item_t+ processed after the one that got the answer, provided that it's filled with the same +command+ and that the answer wasn't +NULL+, will get that +answer+.
The following examples are from the +voltronic+ subdriver.
Simple vars
We know that when the UPS is queried for status with +QGS\r+, it replies with something like +(234.9 50.0 229.8 50.0 000.0 000 369.1 ---.- 026.5 ---.- 018.8 100000000001\r+ and we want to access the output voltage (the third token, in this case +229.8+).
We are expecting a number, so at first the core driver will check if it's made up entirely of digits/points/spaces, then it'll convert it into a double.
Because of that we need to provide a floating point specifier.
Since a +preprocess+ function is defined for this item, this could have been +NULL+, however, if we want - like here -, we can use it in our +preprocess+ function.
This function will be called *after* the +command+ has been sent to the UPS and we got back the +answer+ and stored the +value+ in order to process it to NUT standards: in this case we will convert the binary +value+ to a NUT status.
Settable vars
So your UPS reports its battery type when queried for +QBT\r+; we are expecting an answer like +(01\r+ and we know that the values can be mapped as follows: +00+ -> "Li", +01+ -> "Flooded" and +02+ -> "AGM".
The values stored here will be added to the NUT variable, setting its boundaries: in this case +Li+, +Flooded+ and +AGM+ will be added as enumerated values.
Since a +preprocess+ function is defined for this item, this could have been +NULL+, however, if we want - like here -, we can use it in our +preprocess+ function.
+QX_FLAG_ENUM+ -> this r/w variable is of the enumerated type and the enumerated values are listed in the +info_rw+ structure (i.e. +voltronic_e_batt_type+)
This function will be called *after* the +command+ has been sent to the UPS and we got back the +answer+ and stored the +value+ in order to process it to NUT standards: in this case we will check if the value is in the range and then publish the human readable form of it (i.e. +Li+, +Flooded+ or +AGM+).
We also know that we can change battery type with the +PBTnn\r+ command; we are expecting either +(ACK\r+ if the command succeeded or +(NAK\r+ if the command is rejected.
The value provided by the user will be automagically checked by the core nutdrv_qx driver against the enumerated values already set by the non setvar item (i.e. +Li+, +Flooded+ or +AGM+), so this could have been +NULL+, however if we want - like here - we can use it in our +preprocess+ function.
+QX_FLAG_ENUM+ -> this r/w variable is of the enumerated type and the enumerated values are listed in the +info_rw+ structure (i.e. +voltronic_e_batt_type+)
This function will be called *before* the +command+ is sent to the UPS so that we can fill +command+ with the value provided by the user: in this case the function will simply translate the human readable form of battery type (i.e. +Li+, +Flooded+ or +AGM+) to the UPS compliant type (i.e. +00+, +01+ and +02+) and then fill +value+ (the second argument passed to the +preprocess+ function).
Instant commands
We know that we have to send to the UPS +Tnn\r+ or +T.n\r+ in order to start a battery test lasting +nn+ minutes or +.n+ minutes: we are expecting either +(ACK\r+ on success or +(NAK\r+ if the command is rejected.
This function will be called *before* the +command+ is sent to the UPS so that we can fill +command+ with the value provided by the user: in this case the function will check if the value is in the accepted range and then fill +value+ (the second argument passed to the +preprocess+ function) with +command+ and the given value.
Informations absent in the device
In order to set the server-side var +ups.delay.start+, that will be then used by the driver, we have to provide the following +item_t+:
The values stored here will be added to the NUT variable, setting its boundaries: in this case +0+ and +599940+ will be set as the minimum and maximum value of the variable's range.
Those values will then be used by the driver to check the user provided value.
This function will be called, in setvar, before the driver stores the value in the NUT var: here it's used to truncate the user-provided value to the nearest settable interval.
If your UPS reports some informations that are not yet available as NUT variables and you need to process them, you can add them in +item_t+ data structure adding the +QX_FLAG_NONUT+ flag to its +qxflags+: the info will then be printed to the logs.
So we know that the UPS reports actual input/output phase angles when queried for +QPD\r+:
This could also be +0+ (it's not really used by the driver), but it's set to +ST_FLAG_RW+ for cohesion with other rw vars - also, if ever a NUT variable would become available for this item, it'll be easier to change this item and its +QX_FLAG_SETVAR+ counterpart to use it.
Enumerated list of available value (here: +000+, +120+, +240+ and +360+).
Since +QX_FLAG_NONUT+ is set the driver will print those values to the logs, plus you could use it in the +preprocess+ function to check the value we got back from the UPS (as done here).
+QX_FLAG_ENUM+ -> this r/w variable is of the enumerated type and the enumerated values are listed in the +info_rw+ structure (i.e. +voltronic_e_phase+).
If you need also to change some values in the UPS you can add a +ups.conf+ var/flag in the subdriver's own +makevartable+ and then process it adding to its +qxflags+ both +QX_FLAG_NONUT+ and +QX_FLAG_SETVAR+: this item will be processed only once in +QX_WALKMODE_INIT+.
The driver will check if the var/flag is defined in +ups.conf+: if so, it'll then call +setvar+ passing to this item the defined value, if any, and then it'll print the results in the logs.
We know we can set output phase angle sending +PPDnnn\r+ to the UPS:
+1+ -> the index at which the info (i.e. +value+) starts
+3+ -> the index at which the info (i.e. +value+) ends
Not used for +QX_FLAG_SETVAR+
+QX_FLAG_SETVAR+ -> this item is used to set the variable +info_type+ (i.e. +output_phase_angle+)
+QX_FLAG_ENUM+ -> this r/w variable is of the enumerated type and the enumerated values are listed in the +info_rw+ structure (i.e. +voltronic_e_phase+).
This function will be called *before* the +command+ is sent to the UPS so that we can check user-provided value and fill +command+ with it and then fill +value+ (the second argument passed to the +preprocess+ function).
Set r/w variable to a value after it has been checked against its +info_rw+ structure.
Return +STAT_SET_HANDLED+ on success, otherwise +STAT_SET_UNKNOWN+.
*+item_t *find_nut_info(const char *varname, const unsigned long flag, const unsigned long noflag)+*::
Find an item of +item_t+ type in +qx2nut+ data structure by its +info_type+, optionally filtered by its +qxflags+, and return it if found, otherwise return +NULL+.
- +flag+: flags that have to be set in the item, i.e. if one of the flags is absent in the item it won't be returned.
- +noflag+: flags that have to be absent in the item, i.e. if at least one of the flags is set in the item it won't be returned.
Send +command+ (a null-terminated byte string) or, if it is +NULL+, send the command stored in the +item+ to the UPS and process the reply, saving it in +item+'s +answer+.
Process the value we got back from the UPS (set status bits and set the value of other parameters), calling the +item+-specific +preprocess+ function, if any, otherwise executing the standard preprocessing (including trimming if +QX_FLAG_TRIM+ is set).
Return +-1+ on failure, +0+ for a status update and +1+ in all other cases.
*+int qx_status(void)+*::
Return the currently processed status so that it can be checked with one of the +status_bit_t+ passed to the +STATUS()+ macro (see +nutdrv_qx.h+).
*+void update_status(const char *nutvalue)+*::
If you need to edit the current status call this function with one of the NUT status (all but +OB+ are supported, simply set it as not +OL+); preceed them with an exclamation mark if you want to clear them from the status (e.g. +!OL+).
You must put the generated files into the +drivers/+ subdirectory, with the name of your subdriver preceded by +nutdrv_qx_+, and update +nutdrv_qx.c+ by adding the appropriate +#include+ line and by updating the definition of +subdriver_list+.
Please, make sure to add your driver in that list in a smart way: if your device supports also the basic commands used by the other subdrivers to claim a device, add something that is unique (i.e. not supported by the other subdrivers) to your device in your claim function and then add it on top of the slighty supported ones in that list.
You must also add the subdriver to +NUTDRV_QX_SUBDRIVERS+ in +drivers/Makefile.am+ and call "++autoreconf++" and/or "++./configure++" from the top level NUT directory.
You can then recompile +nutdrv_qx+, and start experimenting with the new subdriver.
For more informations, have a look at the currently available subdrivers: